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Swept Away (The Swept Away Saga, Book One)

Page 35

by Kamery Solomon

  It was sad, to see the sliver of land fading away as we moved farther out to sea two days later. I’d enjoyed being a woman again, showered by kisses and affection from Tristan, so much so that Gran took to escorting me everywhere in order to keep an eye on us. I would miss her, as well as my ability to talk freely, while I was on board the Adelina.

  As far as silver linings went, Tristan was a huge one. Glancing down into the pit, I could see him talking with a few of the men, laughing over some story they were sharing. Just the sight of him made my heart soar and my skin long to be touched by him again. How far would we go next time? I’d never told him I wasn’t a virgin. Would that upset him? My forced silence left me with a lot of time to think things over. It was too soon for sex I felt, but boy did I want it at times. What did they use as birth control in this time period?

  Shaking my head, I put the thoughts from my mind. We hadn’t even done anything more than kiss and here I was, thinking just like another member of the crew. They’d returned from their shore leave happy and a little less lustful than normal, their desires having been thoroughly satisfied for the moment. That didn’t stop them from sharing bedroom stories, though, the bragging turning into everyone’s top form of entertainment in the couple hours since we’d set sail.

  Captain Rodrigues had coaxed another woman on board with him this time around, drunk as a skunk and sputtering every other word to anyone who would listen to him. The woman, who I was certain had taken more than a fair amount of money from him, didn’t seem to mind the fresh bruise around her eye, drinking from his bottle and acting just as obnoxiously. Some of the crew had muttered against this, but no one said anything to them directly, instead turning to Tristan, who ran the ship as efficiently as always.

  He glanced up at me then, his smile spreading as he caught my eye, but he quickly moved on, not wanting to attract any attention.

  “Sam,” Father Torres said, coming up beside me. “It’s almost time to start cooking. Are you ready?”

  Nodding, I pushed away from the side and followed him around the pit and down the stairs, past the gun deck, and into the galley.

  “I trust your leave was enjoyable?” He began pulling things out, setting them into groups as he normally did.

  Unable to tell him what had happened, I simply nodded again, recognizing the ingredients he was picking and knowing what we were making. I started helping him, measuring things out and mixing them together.

  “I stayed at the church for most of it, myself. I hope you didn’t mind?”

  I shook my head, smiling at him from underneath my hat. Why would I mind?

  “Good,” he chuckled. “I didn’t think until later that you might have needed assistance.” Lowering his voice and scooting closer, he looked around for eavesdroppers before continuing. “You were with Señor O’Rourke, no?”

  I confirmed the best I could, taking the spices he offered me.

  “Good, good. Señorita, would you tell him something for me? No one would be watching for you to speak with him, everyone thinking you’re mute. But, I did see something when I came back from the chapel, last night.”

  Furrowing my brow in question, I also glanced around, checking for anyone nearby.

  “It is Thomas Randall. He was calling the men to arms, saying it was time for a captain who wasn’t always slobbering drunk and handing his duties off to the quartermaster. He was urging them to consider a vote, with him as their candidate.”

  My insides went cold at his words and I frowned, concern filling me. So he was making good on his threat to try and take the captaincy. That was something Tristan needed to know sooner rather than later, but I wouldn’t be able to tell him until tonight.

  “The men I’m not so sure about,” Alfonso continued. “Some of them seemed to agree, but they didn’t appear to think he was the best choice for their vote. If you ask me, Señor O’Rourke is the best choice, on this ship or any other.”

  Showing my agreement, I sighed softly, wishing I could just talk with him and tell him about the conversation I’d overheard between Thomas and Tristan. I wasn’t altogether sure on how he would respond to it, so maybe it was better I couldn’t in the long run.

  “Señor O’Rourke told you he loves you.”

  My head snapped back to Father Torres, eyes wide and mouth hanging open.

  “You are shining like a star,” he laughed. “And he is beaming like the sun. Something happened while we were at port, that much is certain.”

  Shaking my head and rolling my eyes, I turned away, but not before smiling. He emitted a loving sigh, muttered something that sounded like a Spanish blessing, and then returned to his cooking, humming to himself.

  The evening passed quickly after that, the crew eating dinner and falling easily into the normal routine of the ship. As the night deepened, snores started to rise around me from the hammocks, and I gingerly slipped out of bed and worked my way up the stairs, going to Tristan’s room and knocking softly on the door. It sounded like the captain and his guest were having a good time already, so the need for quiet wasn’t all that urgent, but I remained so all the same.

  Light spilled through the crack as Tristan peered out, motioning for me to enter as he checked the deck for anyone watching. “Were ye seen?” he asked, closing the door and locking it tight.

  “No.” I smiled, pulling my hat off and moving to the other side of the space, happy to be able to just look at him for more than five seconds at a time.

  “Good.” He grinned back at me, crossing the room and pulling me into his arms, pressing his lips against mine.

  Each time he touched me felt like the first, somehow. My heart would race, my skin flush and rise into gooseflesh, my breath speed up, and I would feel like I was floating away in his embrace, lost to the outside world.

  Grabbing me up, he swung around and sat on the bed, resting me on his lap and running his fingers through my hair like he often did. “Ye’re so beautiful,” he mumbled, never stopping the kiss. “And sweet.” Catching my bottom lip between his teeth, he nibbled gently, his hands leaving my hair and sliding down my sides to my belt. Gingerly, Tristan untucked my shirt and ran his fingers over my stomach underneath.

  Shivering, I sighed in satisfaction, tilting my head back and grabbing onto his shoulders. “I need to tell you something,” I whispered.

  “It can wait,” he muttered, nuzzling my neck. His fingers continued to play with the skin under my shirt, creeping up until they reached the edge of the wrap around my breasts. He traced the fabric there, kissing my collarbone, his breath causing wonderful sensations across my body.

  Pushing my fingers up into his hair, I kissed the top of his head, languishing in the complete relaxation and trust I felt with him.

  “It might be able to,” I agreed, tugging softly at his hair. “It’s about ship gossip.”

  “Then it can definitely wait,” he laughed, brushing over one breast and then the other, feeling for the spot where the cloth was tied. “I’ve been waiting for this moment ever since Gran decided to be an escort.”

  My quiet laughter stopped short as he found the tie and pulled it loose, sliding the fabric down around my waist in one motion, his hands instantly returning to their prize. My back arched into his touch of its own will, my body pressing against him as he continued to kiss across my shoulder, massaging me gently. He groaned at the contact, wrapping one arm around me to keep us close, his face dipping down lower, rubbing over my shirt.

  Suddenly, he rolled over, laying me across the bed and covering me with his body, his fingers sliding up my skin, pushing my shirt out of the way. “Is this all right?” he mumbled against my stomach, kissing me along my bottom rib.

  “Yes,” I halfway moaned, pushing against him again.

  His hands covered my chest once more and he kissed upwards, layering the caresses between my breasts and up my neck, stopping to nibble on my ear as he settled once more.

  “Have ye ever done
this before,” he whispered, tightening his hold on me.

  Hesitating, not wanting him to stop, I bit my lip, trying to decide how to tell him. “I have,” I finally said. “More than once, but only with one other person.”

  “Hmmm.” He didn’t seem fazed by my confession, covering my mouth with his own, tasting the inside with his tongue, pressing himself against me, showing me how much he wanted me.

  “It doesn’t bother you?” I asked, worried, holding him tight.

  “Why would it? I’ve done it more than once, and with more than one person. Yer not judging me, so I’m in no place to do so to ye.” Dipping his head low again, he moved his hand, gathering what was underneath into his mouth, sucking gently.

  “Sails!” came the cry from outside.

  Groaning, he reluctantly slid off me, pulling me to my feet. “What are they doing? It’s the middle of the night. We can’t attack a ship in the dark.”

  “No, but I’m guessing we can catch it, right?” I sighed, redoing the wrap around my chest and tucking my shirt back in.

  “I suppose so. Hide below deck when it’s time to fight, aye?”

  “I will,” I promised,

  “Come here,” he growled, grabbing me around the waist again and planting a kiss on my lips. “Another time, eh? I’ll be going mad with want just from tonight.”

  Blushing, I laughed, looking down at the floor.

  “I love ye, Samantha,” Tristan mumbled softly, picking up my hat and placing it on my head. “Be safe, for me.”

  “You too.”

  He started opening the door and the news about Thomas Randall flashed back into my mind.

  “Wait!” I whispered, coming up behind him and closing the door. “Father Torres overheard Thomas trying to rally the crew to vote for a new captain. He said he didn’t think very many of them liked the idea, but he wanted you to know.”

  “That bilge-sucking rat,” he muttered, clenching his hands. “He thinks he can get his way by being captain? I’d like to see him try.”

  “Be careful around him,” I cautioned. “I have a bad feeling about all of this. Something isn’t right.”

  “Yer right about that, lassie,” Tristan huffed, opening and closing his fists over and over again. “He’s up to no good. I’ll keep an eye on him. Now, best for ye to start appearing on deck with the other men.”

  Nodding, I waited for him to open the door, slipping out while no one was looking. There were several men about, all trying to catch a glimpse of the ship in the dark. If that were any indication, it looked like I would be getting no sleep tonight.


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