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Page 33

by Bob Blink

  Let me start by saying your claims have been verified. The copy of Pam Chou indeed has a strange node as you claimed, which two very experienced physicians have never seen the like of. As an aside, did you know that the clone's health was near perfect? Do any of you go to doctors? The Pam Chou I have known from childhood had a chronic problem with tooth decay, with the resulting mouth full of fillings. This Pam Chou had absolutely perfect teeth. Yet, the fingerprints match perfectly with those on file for her. There is no doubt it is her, or a copy, albeit one without the lingering problem of marginal teeth. These copies are created without the marks and scars a lifetime of growing up create. It is something we are now using as a preliminary filter when we are checking people.

  The unusual weapon you sent with me is made from an alloy that is unknown, but currently nothing more has been learned about it. My cousin runs a very capable technical manufacturing shop, and I have brought him into the fold to help with all this, after taking the appropriate measures you directed. No one is quite ready to pursue a path of destructive disassembly in an attempt to learn more about it. Technicians would very much like to see it in operation.

  More on each of this follows, but suffice it to say, I have to accept your claims that some form of alien invader must be here.

  It took a while to get started, because I needed to find a couple of doctors I could trust, and complete the verification of your claims. I contacted a former college friend who is a very capable neurologist who lives in Baltimore, and approached him privately. I told him I had something very secret to be worked on, and I needed him and another equally capable and discrete doctor like himself to work with me. They had to agree to the MRI, and each evaluated the other for any problems, without being told what they were looking for. Both gave the other a pass. After that I brought out the body, which caused quite a stir believe me, and had them run the test. Both were stunned by the node, and as I have said, both had never seen the like. They are running detailed tests and plan a careful biopsy of the tissues soon. Every person being brought into my growing group has to be passed by the doctors.

  I now have all members of the Joint Chiefs as part of the project. I felt we needed military support. This is likely to turn into a battle of some sort before we are done. I knew three of the members personally, and approached the Chairman first. He was uncertain at first given my strange request for the MRI before the test, but relented and is now my greatest ally. Had it not been for the many years we have known one another, I don't think he would have agreed. The matter of informing the President has come up. Legally, we are out on a limb, making decisions and keeping secrets that should be the prerogative of the Commander-in-Chief. Unfortunately, there is no way to test him, or to even approach him without alerting too many in the city to what is going on. This place is a sieve, and cannot be trusted to keep a secret. This secret must be kept until we are ready to deal with it.

  "So much for our snatch," Jessie said.

  "At least he is getting the right people," Glen noted.

  Steph resumed reading.

  We are attempting to build a force in three areas, medical, technical, and military. Key military units are being given tests for a phony overseas assignment, which include the MRI clearance. They will form the beginnings of our military presence. I should say that thus far we have found no one with the node that was present on the body you sent with me.

  A request had been made by the team I have assembled here in Washington. We would like a volunteer from your four clones. Actually, to be more specific, we would like to have Stephanie join us. We realize the risk to her, but here are the reasons for the request.

  It is desired that we have someone who can trigger the weapon. You have demonstrated that only someone with the node appears to be capable of doing so.

  We would like to gain access to one of the modified phones that are being used for control, and with Steph's unique position in the communications industry, she'd be best suited to working with us on this part of our investigations.

  Our medical people would like to investigate the node in a living clone. They want to determine what it does, and perhaps more important to some of you, see if it can be disabled, perhaps eventually removed.

  We'd like to set a trap for some of the other clones that you have seen, especially this Bud Johnson who was part of your original group. We believe we need one of you to lure them. Dangerous, yes, but we think we are strong enough to deal with this.

  Finally, we also want to try to locate some of the aliens. At this point we know nothing about them, their weaknesses and strengths, and how many there might be here.

  "They want to do some of the same things we have been thinking about," Janet said.

  "They want Steph to move into D.C.," Glen said defensively. "That makes her a target. I don't like it."

  "Their reasons are good though," Jessie said. "Maybe I could go instead, even though I lack Steph's technical background."

  "Steph?" Ed asked.

  "We need to ask some questions," she replied. "I can see where they need help. Us four might be key to understanding how this all works. If he really has a large military force, it might be safe enough."

  "Don't forget, we are still on the FBI wanted lists. Can the Senator get us off that list?" Glen asked. "We could end up getting shot by the good guys."

  Ed shook his head.

  "The Senator is operating secretly. He can't talk to the FBI. From what we know, that's one group we don't want to know anything is going on."

  "Okay, so we ask some questions, but if Steph doesn't want to go, I'm going to volunteer," Jessie said.

  "If Steph goes, I go with her," Glen said. "She can't go there alone."

  "What about Mark's project," Janet asked. "Do we tell the Senator about that. It might be something with really useful results."

  "Not yet," Mark said. "We don't know that it works, and we don't know how secure the Senator's group is. Actually, all we have is words, so far. There could be more to his long reply than we are thinking."

  "You don't trust him?" Janet asked.

  "Do you really trust any politician?" Mark asked.

  Chapter 40

  They discussed details with the Senator via the Internet site over the next day and a half. It appeared he was every bit as glad to see they were in good health as they had been to finally receive his note. Several spirited discussions among the group were held between the various exchanges with the Senator, but finally a plan to go forward was reached.

  "It makes no sense for you to go also," Ed argued for perhaps the tenth time.

  "It does to me," Jessie said, making it clear she wasn't going to be dissuaded. "They might need most of us if this idea to set up a trap is going to work. Whoever is behind this almost certainly will have been keeping count on how many of us there are left. They might buy that one of us was somehow killed in all the confrontations, but not most of us. If the Senator's people try to set up a trap with only Steph, or even Steph and Glen, I don't think it'll fly."

  "Seems a bad idea to me," Janet said, agreeing with Ed that they should keep most of their people out of the city.

  "What can we do sitting out here in the woods? We went through the various plans, and essentially rejected all of them as non-viable. The Senator wants to do many of the same things we were considering. If I go in, there's a chance to help make those things happen. I'm going. It's my decision."

  Mark didn't try to argue with her. He knew Jessie well enough by now to know that when she made up her mind, that was it. He wasn't happy that she was going, but wondered if she might be right. He would be staying behind, hoping that the software that Fred claimed was now online would produce some results independent of what the Senator's team was doing. Ed and Janet would be his backup support, should he need to meet with Fred or take any actions based on Fred's findings.

  Burrows and Mitch would continue to hope that Sully would come through. Once Steph and her group were passed off to the Se
nator's team, they planned to make another attempt with the missing FBI agent. However that turned out, Burrows had already indicated his long-term plan was to join Jessie and the others in town. His options were greater than the others, since he lacked the limiting nodes on his brain.

  "The time for discussing this is past," Steph said, bringing her small carrying case with the few items she had to bring into town with her. Glen was with her, also carrying a small satchel of personal items. Steph had given the small S&W back to Mark, deciding she wasn't going to need it where she was going. Glen was keeping his Kimber revolver, feeling he might just end up needing it before this was all resolved. "We've got to go or we'll be late."

  They planned to get to the transfer point well ahead of the agreed to time. The Senator's team had chosen the spot, roughly a two and a half hour drive. A closer spot would have been possible, but then the Senator's people didn't know where the group had gone to ground. The Senator indicated he wouldn't be coming, which made sense given his visibility and heavy schedule, but it made Mark and Ed nervous. They'd put Janet and Mitch into the trees as snipers, just in case. They were the team's best shooters, and both had fulfilled that position before.

  They could have crowded into two vehicles, but they decided on three. All of them were going to the transfer point, even though it would only be the three who traveled back into town under escort. Going in with the Special Forces that the Senator had brought into his team would be safer than trying to slip in on their own. Three cars gave them more flexibility if problems developed. It wasn't that they expected trouble, but their training had hammered in the need to consider all possibilities, and they'd been sought by multiple factions for some time now, so they were more sensitive than normal.

  There was nothing special about the spot once they arrived. Mark checked the GPS coordinates to be certain they were at the right location, then pointed into the clearing where there was room for multiple cars. Maybe that was what had been the deciding factor. More than a dozen vehicles could easily fit into the spot that was hidden from the country road they'd come here on, but at the moment the area was devoid of any other people. It remained to be seen whether some were off in the trees like they planned on being. The snow had long melted in this area, and the ground was dry. The sky was clear, promising a nice day, at least weatherwise.

  After a quick comms check, Mitch headed off to the right, and Janet to the left. After a few moments their movements were lost as they headed into the woods to find a spot that couldn't be detected.

  "I'm nervous," Steph said suddenly. "I hope the Senator knows what he's doing."

  "You can still back out," Mark said, although it would definitely complicate the situation and their relationship with the Senator. As he'd pointed out, this was something they'd put into motion, and it wasn't likely to be successful without their participation. Sure, that meant risk, but they'd known that all along.

  Steph shook her head.

  "I'll be alright once we get moving. It's the waiting around and anticipation that always sets me off."

  "You won't have to wait long," Ed said, inclining his head down the road in the opposite direction from which they'd come. Five big government-style SUVs were headed their way.

  "Boy, I hope they didn't travel like that through DC," Burrows said. "They are not exactly inconspicuous."

  "Actually, they probably would be," Jessie countered. "Caravans of those things are commonplace in D.C."

  They all stepped back toward their vehicles as the first of the heavy vehicles turned into the clearing. Moments later all five had come to a stop, churning up only a moderate amount of dust in the hard packed ground. Mark could see that Ed was standing back, and while he wasn't pointing his weapon anywhere, it was obvious he was ready to find cover and engage any threat should it develop. Then the passenger door of the lead vehicle swung open, and the passenger stepped out.

  "Oh shit!" Jessie cursed.

  "Jack," Mark murmured under his breath. The Senator had said he would send someone they would recognize in his place, but he hadn't considered the bodyguard. This could be awkward given the way they had last parted company. Mark let his elbow check for the Kimber, and noted the others had tensed a bit as well. Three armed combatants stepped out of the other vehicles, each carrying full gear, including the very familiar M4, these which appeared to have the integral suppressor.

  Jack smiled grimly at their reaction. At least Mark thought it was a smile. He'd never seen the man smile before.

  "Relax," Jack said as he walked toward them. He was wearing a sidearm, but wasn't carrying one of the assault rifles. Once he drew close he spoke again.

  "I understand what you did and why," he said. "I still don't like it. It made me look bad, but I can see where you had little choice. The Senator has had me scanned, and has explained what this is all about. We're on the same side."

  "Why so many?" Ed asked, still poised in case things went south.

  "Just being careful," Jack explained. "There's no reason we can think of your alien friends would be onto us, but they've surprised you before, and we wanted enough firepower to ensure the safety of those of you coming along."

  "If they know about you already, your mission is already forfeit," Jessie said.

  Jack nodded. "Probably so."

  "Where will you be taking our friends?" Mark asked.

  "The Pentagon," Jack replied. "The place has very secure underground facilities, where we hope any monitoring of those who are coming to D.C. won't be possible. If distance protects you, and apparently has, then enough shielding should as well. There are also labs and medical facilities there to do everything we should need, including testing that strange weapon."

  Ed nodded his approval. The Pentagon would be a hard nut to crack, even for aliens who might have clones in the place. The team could have an isolated area where only those specifically cleared could even get close.

  "We shouldn't linger," Jessie noted.

  Jack nodded.

  "One per car, just for added protection in case we do encounter trouble."

  "We'll contact you via the website later tonight," Steph said, as she glanced at her friends. "It'll be fine."

  Mark watched as they climbed back into the armored vehicles, and drove away. He hoped Stephanie was right.

  Chapter 41

  Jessie wouldn't have believed there were so many scans and other tests that could be run against a normally healthy person. She cursed as she changed out of the stupid hospital gown back into her clothes, hoping for the hundredth time that this was the end of the tests that Dr. Art Thompson would want to run. He and the two other doctors, both brain experts of different specialties, a Dr. Roberts and a Dr. Butler, seemed to be enjoying the many tests and the results they were yielding. Jessie was certain they had plans to write a whole series of papers based on what they were learning. She stepped out of the dressing room to find Steph waiting.

  Glen is doing the test now," Steph said by way of explanation. "I thought I'd wait for him."

  Jessie smiled. It was no secret that Steph and Glen were an item. They were even sharing a room here in the bowels of the Pentagon where they'd been taken the day before.

  "Still glad we came?" Jessie asked sitting down beside her.

  Stephanie returned a wry grin.

  "It hasn't been what I expected, and I can't say that I like being locked up so far from the sunshine, but at least the Senator was telling the truth, and has a team that's trying to figure all this out. Dr. Roberts says they might figure a way to disable these things on our brains so that we can move around like normal people."

  "They don't even know if the damn things enable these creatures, or whatever they are, to track us," Jessie replied with a snort. "I think the good doctor is being overly optimistic."

  "Maybe, " Steph agreed, "but we can always hope."

  Jessie looked around at the cream colored walls. They could be in almost any facility, had she not known where they were. The gov
ernment, in this case the military part of it, conducts a great many projects of varying degrees of secrecy. The lower levels of the Pentagon was an area where some of these projects were pursued. She had learned that there were whole sections that were isolated from one another, and no one in one of them had any idea what might be going on in another. Getting into one of the closed sections required a whole host of passwords and tests, such things as retina scans, and once inside, almost as much effort to get back out again. No one probed into the authenticity of any other group. In their case, any questions were quickly silenced by the simple fact their project had been authorized by General Chet Hunter, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs himself. That was enough to discourage anyone from probing very far. Not that they would. Need-to-know was very much ingrained into these military types. No one here connected their unnamed project to the Senator. That would represent a major security leak. Nor had the Senator made an appearance. It would be all but impossible for a man in his position to come here without some significant reason. Perhaps if something in his intelligence work required his presence at the facility, it might be possible to covertly route him to their area briefly for a meeting.

  Some of the men that had brought them here, elite special forces types it seemed, were also bunking within their sealed area, just in case someone learned about them and wanted to take any action against them. Major Garcia has been in charge of those that had met them at the transfer point, but his boss, a Colonel Jones, had explained how things would work here. They'd be kept out of sight of others for at least a week, as various tests were run, the weapon investigated, and they planned how to move forward in an attempt to chase down the aliens and more of the clones. The Senator wanted to capture as many of the clones alive as possible, and see how they compared to Jessie and her friends, and whether any meaningful intelligence could be wrung from them. That was yet to come.


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