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Youngin' Blues: The Story of Reed and RaKeem

Page 6

by Mercy B

  “Are you going to stare at me all morning long?” Jonathan smiled, with his eyes still closed.

  “If you don’t mind.” KinZu joked. “How did yo know, anyway?”

  “I could feel you in my sleep.”


  “Yeah, and that shit doesn’t feel too good –being watched in your sleep.”

  “Hush up, boy!”

  “For real. What you got planned for the day?” Jonathan asked.

  “Nothing. It’s Saturday, so there isn’t much that I plan on doing. You?”

  “I plan on spending the day with my special lady.”

  KinZu sat up, completely. She knew that Jonathan could only mean one person, and that was her. of course he could’ve meant someone like his mother, but she was way down south. There was no way that he was referring to her.

  “Me?” KinZu questioned.

  “Of course you.” He smiled. Pulling her down on his chest, he kissed her forehead. “Who else would I be talking to?”

  Times such as the one that she was basking in were the ones that KinZu focused on the most. It was moments like the present that kept KinZu holding on to faith. She was certain that Jonathan could be a great person, even if it took him a couple of tries. She was banking on his growth, and praying that he corrected his ways before things got too far. As understanding as KinZu was, once she was done that was it.

  “I’m excited. What are we going to do?” KinZu asked, rubbing the engraved lines on Jonathan’s stomach. He was rocking a solid 8-pack.

  “I was thinking dinner. Maybe even a movie.” He added.

  Knowing that he’d fucked over her the previous night, Jonathan wanted to make it a priority to do a bit of ass kissing. It didn’t bother him a bit to butter KinZu up, because he had plans later that night. In order to get her squared away, it would require just a bit of his dick, attention and time. KinZu was a simple girl, she didn’t want for much.

  “Sounds like a plan.”

  “You getting dressed at my place or yours?” he asked. “I have a few errands to run, and then we can get the day started.”

  “You’re not going to stand me up are you?” KinZu asked.

  “Why would I do that, Kin?”

  “Just asking.” She smiled, happy about the plans that they’d made. “What time should I be dressed? I think that I am going to get ready at my place.” KinZu had no other choice. It took her forever to piece together the perfect ensemble. She needed to dig through Reed’s clothing to find something suitable.

  “I’ll be there around six.”

  “Okay. Six it is.” KinZu laid back down. Neither were ready to start their day just yet. Jonathan rubbed the crown o KinZu’s head, putting her back to sleep within minutes.

  The breaking of dawn had commenced. The smell of whispering winds captured RaKeem’s nose as he treaded through his front yard, in route to his car. He and Reed was to be boarded and landing in New York within the next hour. A very light sleeper, he was able to catch his alarm just before it could wake his sleeping beauty. Reed was sprawled out across his chest as they slept the night away in his king sized custom platform bed.

  Still in her pajamas, RaKeem lifted a sleeping Reed and carried her to the car. Now inside, she rested on his lap, still sleeping. During the weeks, she worked relentlessly. Keem nearly felt sorry for her on the weekends. It was the main reason that he allowed her to sleep so late. Hopefully, she’d continue to rest well into the morning. Their meeting with Dade was in an hour, but she was free to remain in her current state, knocked the hell out.

  Her presence wasn’t required, but it would be appreciated. Closing the door behind him, RaKeem instructed for his driver to pull off. Rosa was left behind at their house, and she was sure to take good care of it. Two days max, and they’d be back in time for Reed’s first class on Monday morning.

  Just as RaKeem had hopped, Reed remained in a deep slumber until the plane landed on the strip. She began to stir once she heard the whaling winds howling. There were two other jets preparing for take off. Lifting her body from the bed that she occupied, Reed opened her eyes to see RaKeem sitting directly across from her.

  She smiled, noticing that he’d been keeping a watchful eye on her as she slept. He was always doing that. “Morning.” Reed greeted.

  “Morning sleepy head.” He twirled the toothpick inside of his mouth, admiring Reed’s hard nipples through her silk pajama top.

  Following his eyes, Reed landed on her hard round nipples. She realized she was still in her pajamas and hissed. “RaKeem, why’d you bring me out of the house in my pjs.” She questioned.

  “Shit, what’s the harm in pjs on the PJ?” he joked. “Nobody saw you. We’ll be home in no time.”

  “Still, you could’ve made sure that I was decent.” Reed rolled her eyes.

  “You’re decent enough.”

  “Where are we?” Reed asked, unaware that RaKeem had scheduled a meeting with Dade. At any given moment, she was being whisked away to another city, or country for the matter. Keem was very spontaneous, with his dealings and in their relationship.

  “New York.” The base in his voice caused a tingling sensation down between Reed’s thighs.


  “Dade is on the schedule this morning. I need to holler at him.”

  “About Leslie? So soon?” Reed was confused.

  “No. He may not even be seeing Leslie. No one else for that matter. He claims that he’s trying to wrap things up on his end.”

  RaKeem had to admit that he was shocked to hear the words coming from Dade. He was ready to throw in the towel, and he wanted to do it the right way. He’d supplied the north with bundles of the best shit for years. His father was the man. Now, Dade was ready to get his hand knee deep into some legal money. First, he needed to wash up his illegal affairs and funds. Keem’s job was to turn his dirty money clean.

  “Wow. Really?” Reed’s eyes were as big as saucers as she listened on.

  “Yeah. Said he’s ready to walk. Everything is changing on the front end. Loyalty is nonexistent, and these cats are going to the end of the earths to make sure you’re starving.”

  “He’s not lying about that. Things are so jumbled out here, now.” Reed stood and stretched. “Are you ready to go?”

  “I’d made myself comfortable. You seemed to be sleeping good. I was prepared to call Dade and have him to meet me in the front cabin.”

  “You’re so sweet, love. However, I’m up.”

  “Aight. Let’s get up out of here, then.” Keem stood, nearly bashing his head into the roof of the plane.

  “Careful, RaKeem.” Reed preached.

  “I’ve got this. Come on.” He grabbed Reed and pushed her in front of him. “Make sure you brush your teeth when we get to where we’re going.” He cracked, causing Reed to burst out into laughter. She grabbed her purse and cell from the table as they neared the door. Digging into her handbag, she pulled out a piece of green gum and popped it into her mouth.

  “That’s not going to replace the paste.”

  “Be quiet. I never said it was. It’ll due for now. Get off of my case, Keem.” Reed reached behind her and popped him on the chest. “Bully. Always starting mess.” She chuckled.

  Hard wood flooring, two sets of stairs, four bedrooms, a home gym, and two separate living rooms occupied the condo that RaKeem and Reed called home when in New York. It was a bit steep, in pricing, but it was worth every dime.

  Ducked off into the more upscale area of Manhattan, they were close to the main attractions. Reed didn’t give a damn a bout much more than shopping, and she was near the stores. Keem, on the other hand just loved the city. Dade had advised him on getting a spot in the outskirts, but he’d already done that back home. If he was stashing in New York, the city was his only option.

  Reed unlocked the door, and pushed into the spacious living space. Twirling around, she made sure that everything was just as she’d left it. As expected, it was. The fresh scent
of Lemon hugged her nostrils, causing a smile to draw itself on to her face. Hurrying to the window, she pressed the digital pad on the side once and the blinds that were between two thick clear windows opened. Reed hit it once more, and they disappeared into the top. Looking down, she admired the hustle of the city. Everyone was walking, minding their very own business. New York was always exciting to Reed.

  Turning her attention back into the space that she now occupied, she made her way to the kitchen. Staring through the clear fridge, she decided that she’d grab herself a bottled water and a pack of cheese sticks.

  “Water and cheese sticks.” She demanded, pressing the blue button on the handle of the fridge. The robotic arms on the inside began to move, causing a ruckus. Seconds later, the glass door slid back and Reed was handed exactly what she’d requested.

  Satisfied, she headed to the master suite. She could use another hour or two of sleep, but she didn’t want to miss any of the meeting that was soon to take place. Walking into their bedroom, Reed headed for her closet. She needed to get out of her pajamas as soon as possible.

  Scanning her selection of jeans, she chose a pair of Gucci’s. For a shirt, she went with a simple white H&M long sleeve button down. As for the shoes, she went with a pair of designer red single sole pumps. They could bring the beauty out of the simplest choice of outfit. Nodding at her selection, Reed moved along to the bathroom. Keem was in the mirror being his normal light skinned self, while Reed prepared to handle her hygiene.

  She gathered her toothpaste and other goods and sat them all by the sink. Remembering that it was probably a good time to change her sanitary napkin, Reed rushed to the portion of the bathroom that was reserved for the business she needed to handle. Once inside, she pulled the small door back.

  Reed handled what was needed, and made her way back to the open area of the bathroom. Her water and cheese were both gone. Rolling her eyes, she realized that Keem must’ve thrown them away. He had a thing about bringing food into the bathroom. Reed didn’t understand what there was to complain about, because she hadn’t brought either near the toilet. They were simply on the sink.

  Shrugging, she turned on the water and got down to business. Nearly an hour later, she was emerging from the bedroom, looking as spicy as they came. Following the deep baritones, she landed in the living room. Both men turned their attention towards her as she claimed the seat just next to Keem.

  “Good morning,” Dade greeted Reed.

  His thick goatee was complimentary to his dark caramel complexion. Dade was the definition of a well-groomed, impressive, wholesome man. He was wise beyond his years, and the calmest that Reed had ever seen. Even in the heat of the moment, he remained poised. He was one of the few that was hard at hearing. Reed couldn’t stand him most of the time, but he was a realist. That was what she liked about him the most. A real standup guy, his demeanor was attractive.

  “Morning Dade.” Reed nodded. “Out early.” She noted.

  “Early bird gets... I’m sure you’ve heard the statement. I won’t bore you with it.”

  “I have. I have heard it.” Reed acknowledged. “Keem expressed your departure. Couldn’t say that I’m sad to see you go, because I’d be lying. In my opinion, your timing is perfect.”

  “Yeah. That’s commendable… You know, your blessing.” He chuckled, sarcastically.

  “Just making an observation.” Reed shrugged.

  “A damn good one.” He took a swig from his drink.

  Much like Keem, Dade was a very confident man. Full of himself, let Reed tell it. It was a wonder why they got along so well. The two arrogant men would bounce thoughts from one another, creating genius strategies and unwavering plans. For hours they’d discuss politics, gang wars, issues of the hood, and police brutality.

  “So how soon?”

  “As soon as possible.”

  “Have your clients been notified of this drastic change?”

  “That’s the thing. Still debating if it’s best to do so or not.”

  “Make it known.” Reed said with finality.

  “Why?” Dade countered.

  “Your hands will be washed. Any radical decisions that they make while no longer under your ruling won’t fall back on you. If you’re exiting, you don’t need anything tying you to that life –even if it’s only a simple thought from others that you’re still involved.” Reed explained. “Cut yourself out of the picture completely. Not halfway. Not a little more than half.”

  “I hadn’t even thought of that.” Dade rubbed his goatee.

  Reed could smell his expensive cologne from the other side of the room. Dade looked splendid in the all black two-piece ensemble. His high-topped Jordans were loosely tied, strings dangling from either side. He was so damn tasteful, but Reed didn’t look at him in any light other than the client he was.

  “That’s what you pay us for… to do the thinking. We’re starting this process, nowish?” Reed questioned. Removing herself from her seat, she walked over to the counter and pulled out the top drawer. Grabbing a pen and her legal pad, she made her way back to her seat.

  “Shit, I guess.” Dade shrugged. He didn’t give a damn if it was today or the next. He’d made his decision to depart, and there wasn’t anything anyone could do to change it.

  Life was too short, and he was done with the streets. He figured it was time to settle, and raise himself a family. He’d had everything that he’d desired in life, except for love. The women came and went, and they were fun while they lasted, but just like the game the hoes had gotten old.

  “How much territory do you cover?”

  “Philly, Jersey, New York, DC, shit… The north.” He stopped to recollect. “Yeah. The north.”

  “Well, looks like we have our work cut out.” Reed sighed, turning towards Keem.

  “How about this… You list every city that you cover. We set it up a while back so that one guy would head each city. We need a meeting with everyone you chose as the leaders. They are the first to know what’s going on.” Keem stepped in. Sitting his beer on the table next to him, he leaned in closer to Dade. “We start there. How soon can you have the list to us?”

  “I can have my assistant get that to you by the nightfall.”

  “Good. I’ll need to go over it.” Reed made a mental note.

  “What else do you need?”

  “That’s pretty much it for now.”

  “Does your father understand this?”

  “Yeah. That nigga knows what’s up. Shit, he behind it.” Dade assured them. “That man is getting old. He and my moms are ready to have some little minions running around that compound. Speaking of which, Reed, I know you got some friends that could use a nigga that’s willing to trick off.” Dade laughed, causing Reed to roar in laughter as well. Keem just shook his head. “And a baby daddy. I’d make some pretty babies.” He added.

  “Dade, let’s just worry about one thing at a time.” Reed tapped her pen on the notepad. “Then, we can discuss other business.”

  “Whatever you say. I’m a patient ass nigga. I ain’t in no rush. First chance you get, though, put a nigga down.”

  “I’ll see what I can do.”

  Reed had already had someone in mind. She was a good girl, though. Dade would have to have cleaned his plate before she introduced the two. SaeKu was living in New York, so the two would match perfectly. First thing first, Dade needed to clear himself of ties to the streets. Just as soon as that happened, Reed would see to it that they met. Until then, she’d let them both be.

  “That’s all I needed to hear.” Dade sat back, taking another swig from his bottle.


  “Please!” KinZu begged.

  “No. I don’t feel like it, Kin.”

  “You ain’t doing nothing. Besides, I have something that I want to tell you.”

  “Like what?” Reed perked up. She was trying to fall asleep, but KinZu was insisting that she trailed to the laundry room with her.

  RaKeem made s
ure that Rosa did all of Reed’s laundry, so she was never in the laundry room. KinZu wasn’t as fortunate, so she had to do what she needed to. It was no big deal. KinZu enjoyed her quiet time while washing her clothes. She never really had much, so her runs were pretty quick.

  “Like, you’ll find out once we get downstairs.”

  “I swear you’re worrisome.” Reed huffed, flipping the covers from over her body. She slid her feet into her Chanel tennis shoes and threw a hoodie over her head. She was wearing a pair of sweats under the cover, so she didn’t bother changing them. “Come on!”

  “Don’t be having no attitude with me cause you’re bleeding.” KinZu laughed.

  “I’m not even bleeding anymore.” Reed had come off two days prior. “Speaking of which, we come on at the same time. I haven’t heard you mention a pad.”

  “Cause I’m stressed. Jonathan, that boy is going to drive me into an early grave.”

  “Only if you let him.” Reed grabbed one of KinZu’s laundry bags and threw it over her shoulder. She pulled the door open and lead the way downstairs.

  “I know. I know.” KinZu sighed. “I think things are getting much better.”

  “Since when, last week? Cause that’s when you were in bed crying your eyes out.” Reed’s eyes drew into slits. She couldn’t believe how naïve KinZu sounded.

  “Well, actually, yeah.” KinZu nodded. “Since last week.”

  “I should just hit your ass with this bag of clothes.” Reed laughed.

  “Here, start these.” KinZu handed Reed a handful of quarters.

  “I didn’t come to work, Kin.” Reed huffed. “I came to watch and listen.”

  “I know, but to your dismay you’re going to help move this along faster. If we both start a load at the same time, we will be able to dry them at the same time. This cuts our time in half.” KinZu reasoned.


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