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Youngin' Blues: The Story of Reed and RaKeem

Page 16

by Mercy B

  “Look!” Reed warned KinZu.

  They’d packed the last of their items into Reed’s brand new Lexus, and was ready to blow the college grounds. They’d gotten approved for their new home, and couldn’t wait to began decorating. Everything was happening so fast for them, and neither had time to stop and dwell on their pain. They both pushed each other forward.

  “What?” KinZu asked.

  “There’s Jonathan.” Reed cut her eyes back towards her car, as if she hadn’t said a word.

  Jonathan was right up on them. Had she saw him a few seconds earlier, she would’ve been able to get her best friend out of there before he could approach them. Reed knew just how much KinZu hated Jonathan for his neglectfulness. She wanted nothing more than for him to rot in hell.

  “Fuck.” KinZu cursed.

  “KinZu, mind if I have a minute.”

  “Yes, I do motherfucking mind!” KinZu didn’t think he deserve her usual passiveness.

  “Whoah. What’s with the hostility?”

  “Nigga, be for real!” KinZu frowned.

  At some point, a shift had taken place. She was no longer up for the bullshit of Jonathan, or any other nigga for the matter. At that very moment, waiting for Jonathan’s response, KinZu made up in her mind that she’d never love again. It just wasn’t for her. The shit that she’d been through, it was just too much.

  For weeks, KinZu had blood clots after the abortion. They just kept coming, and never would stop. Apparently, the doctor that administered her abortion had thinned the lining of her uterus, causing damage. She had been told that she’d never conceive again. Those words had hurt her more than the physical and emotional damage that she’d suffered from the abortion itself.

  Jonathan hadn’t known much of nothing, other than the fact that her stomach was still flat –insinuating that she’d granted his wished and had the procedure done. KinZu bet that he was happy about it as well, not caring all that she’d suffered to do so.

  “I just wanted to apologize about everything that went down, Kin. I hope you can understand where I was coming from. I never meant to…”

  “Listen Jonathan, you can save that shit. I don’t need your funny ass apology. Had y stomach been sticking out far beyond my waistline at this point, we’d be having a much different conversation. Shit, you probably wouldn’t have even looked my way.” KinZu hissed. “Have a good fucking life Jonathan. I’m out!” KinZu turned and got into Reed’s car.

  She slammed the door and folded her arms across her chest. “What a fucking waste?” she asked Reed.

  “You good?”

  “I’m great. Fuck niggas, get money!” she sang along to the song that just so happened to be on the stereo. Leaning in, she pumped up the volume and bobbed her head. Clapping her hand and smiling, she rapped every word.

  Reed shook her head, smiling at her best friend. Jonathan had created a monster. KinZu was about to give them hell. Reed could already see it. It was a shamed that a nigga could turn you so cold.

  “Yeah. Fuel the jet. I need to be in New York like yesterday!” Keem spoke into his receiver.

  He was sporting a plain black tee, G-Star jeans, and a fresh pair of black Jordans. Keem was on his d-boy shit for the day. There wasn’t a thing on the schedule, but Dade had called in an emergency meeting. With that, he would be dedicating his next few hours to work. It wasn’t a biggie, just as long as the funds were present. With Dade, being a solid dude, the funds were definitely not an issue.

  Removing the cellular device from his ear, he ended the call. Leaning back in his chair, he kicked his feet up on his desk. The offensive silence that swept across his office caused him to cringe. By now, Reed would’ve been trekking her way into his personal space, completely ignoring his plea for privacy. It had been two months since he’d seen or spoken to his ex-girlfriend, and the pain sharpened each day.

  It had been said that time healed, but he hadn’t begun the process. Two months into their breakup, and he was still waiting by the phone for her call. The realization was absent. Keem was keeping the memories alive, and they were giving him something to hold on to.

  Thinking back on that fatal afternoon, he thought about how a part of both of them had died at once. For two months, Keem hadn’t been inside of his bedroom. He’d made the guestroom and his office his hiding places. Life didn’t go on for him. instead, it felt as if it had completely stopped.

  Sitting up, Keem reached into his second drawer and removed the cellphone that he’d used for secrecy. The battery had died long ago, but Keem hadn’t bothered to check. Twirling the phone around in his hand, he thought about how much grief it had brought him. He’d been better off without it. Now, there was completely no use for the damn device.

  Since the breakup, he’d refused to even acknowledge the fact that he’d still had it. Danity was well aware of the termination of their secret affair. She had no objections, saddened that Reed had discovered their truths in such a manner. She was slightly embarrassed for her involvement. As a woman, she didn’t wish heartbreak on anyone. Understandingly, she’d accepted Keem’s request to severe all ties. They’d talked face to face, one day Keem was hanging around campus, hoping to spot Reed.

  Keem picked up the small hammer that remained on his desk at all times. It was placed for decorative purposes, but it would serve of use at the time. Placing the cell on the desk, he lifted the hammer. WHAM! He came down on the sleek glass of the iPhone 6, shattering it upon impact.

  “Haha…” a sinister laugh emerged from Keem’s lips.

  Lifting the hammer again, he repeated the very same step. Over and over, he bashed the broken cell. When he was done, it was barely recognizable. Shrugging, he picked up his personal and business phone before standing. Getting one last good look at the damages that he had done, Keem turned to leave. Shutting off the lights, he headed outside to his awaiting car.

  Once inside, he gave his driver instructions, and then laid his head back on the soft leather. Drained, mentally and emotionally, he simply wanted his girl back. Shit just hadn’t been the same without Reed. He’d even lost interest in half of his clients. Business was definitely booming, but it had become a daunting task. Mainly because his right hand had been missing in action.

  RaKeem arrived in New York shortly after leaving his home. He walked into the condo and smiled. If his memory served him correctly, the place had needed some cleaning. He’d been through a few times, and hadn’t bothered to pick up his dirty laundry, clean the dishes, or refill the Glade plug-ins. However, the place was spotless. The scent of fresh lemons was in the air, causing Keem to sniff. He’d never been happier. This could only mean one thing.

  Dropping his briefcase, RaKeem ran towards the kitchen. He pulled the fridge open. Similar to his thoughts, the fridge was filled. There were fresh fruits, meat, and soda. RaKeem closed the fridge and checked the sink. It was clear of dishes. Turning towards the countertop, he saw that the crust had been cleaned from it. Everything was perfect, just like she liked it.

  “Reed!” Keem called out. She had to have been there. His senses heightened as he called out to her. “She’s here.” Keem claimed.

  Hopping from the kitchen, he went into their bedroom, but she wasn’t there. That didn’t stop Keem from searching more. Next, he went into the bathroom, but she still wasn’t there. He checked the laundry room, and saw that his clothes had been washed and dried. They were folded and ready to be put away. However, his Reed wasn’t there. He searched the entire condo, and realized that he’d missed her.

  Finally calling it a quits, he laid back on the couch and found her contact in his cell. It was a stretch, but he was going to try and reach her. Thinking that he’d be graced with her presence had brought him so much joy. There had to be something that he could do to place himself in the same space as her. RaKeem craved her presence, and everything that it had to offer. A fool, he felt like. He’d fucked over the one who loved him more than anyone could imagine.

  Just as Keem st
arted to type a message to send Reed, the doorbell chimed. Throwing his phone to the side, he got up to get the door. Dade was staring back at him once he opened it. Dressed in a black Starters jumpsuit, he’d taken it way back. Chuckling, Keem extended his hand and pulled Dade in for a brotherly hug.

  “You took that shit way back.” He laughed.

  “Been had this bitch since as long as I can remember. My mom pulled it out of the closet just a week ago and told me to come get it.” Dade ran his hand over his crisp fit.

  “Come on in, nigga.” RaKeem shook his head.

  “So what’s the emergency?” both men sat down in the seating area in the living room.

  “The transition isn’t going as smooth as I predicted. It seems as if niggas want me dead now that I’m trying to get out. Shit, when I was heavy, they weren’t fucking with me.”

  “They’re testing you.” Keem nodded. “It happens.”

  “They haven’t tested me in all of these fucking year. They picked the wrong time. I’ll lay one of them niggas on their back.” Dade huffed.

  “They feel as if your departure is a sign of weakness.”

  “Weakness? Nigga, I’m Dade… The motherfucking King of New York.” He roared. “Ain’t shit soft about me but my dick, and even that don’t last long.” He boasted.

  “Niggas are just silly up top.” RaKeem pointed to his head. “They don’t understand. The game is to get it while the going is good, and then getting the hell on. Nobody wants this shit forever. Well, not a logical ass nigga. It’s the motherfuckers that don’t know shit but the streets that don’t see a way out when there really is.”

  “Well, I ain’t about to just keep letting shit slide.”

  “And what are you insisting that I do?” Keem asked.

  “I just need to know that I’m covered whenever I do my thing.” Dade lifted up from the couch and placed his elbows on his knees.

  “Your thing, huh?” Keem nodded, rubbing his chin.

  “Yeah. If anything crosses my path, you got me? I can’t be getting jammed up, now. I’ve come much too far. I’m done with the streets, but niggas keep sending shots my way.”

  “I feel you. I’ve got you.”

  “Cool, now you got a fucking drink in this bitch?” Dade relaxed a little. “I need to take a load off.”

  “Nigga, you stressing?” Keem asked.

  “Shit, somewhat.”

  “Let me pour something up.” RaKeem lifted from his seat, and went into the kitchen.

  Pulling out a bottle of Hennessey from the cabinet, he sat it on the counter. Going into the fridge, he reached for the newly bought Coke. RaKeem poured them both a glass of Hen and Coke, and then he returned to the living room.

  He handed Dade his drink, and sat the bottle of Hennessey on the table, in case either of them needed more. Taking a swig, Keem allowed the burning sensation to settle. Tucking his lip in front of his teeth, he made a sour face.

  Not being one to drink, Keem had to familiarize himself with the taste each time he poured up. He was relieved that Dade had mentioned a drink, because he needed one. For once, he didn’t want to think about his most prominent issue at hand. Reed plagued his mind, day in and out. For once, he wanted to be free of this thoughts, because his fuck ups were forever fresh on his mind.

  Since everything went down, there wasn’t a day that passed and he didn’t think of the shit. He couldn’t get away from the incident. Everywhere he turned there were reminders. Mainly, the thoughts. So, for now, he wanted to ease them.

  By the second drink, Keem was feeling the effects. The liquor was serving it’s purpose as he chatted with Dade. Reed’s lingering on his brain had been pushed to the backburner. Focusing on his mistakes would only keep him in the funk that he’d been for the last two months.

  “Ayo, where’s Reed?” Dade asked, looking around as if he’d find her.

  He hadn’t seen much of her lately, and that was severely strange. Usually, he didn’t see one without the other –or not too much at least. Her absence was noticeable –eerie even. Dade had the right mind to ask a time or two, but he didn’t like dipping into other’s personal affairs. Besides, Keem wasn’t the type to dwell on his personal life. It was always strictly business. Even during their moment, they were discussing business. The drinks were just compliments of the facts.

  Sucking his teeth, RaKeem chuckled. Just when he’d thought that he’d gotten away from her for just a second, she’d returned. Thoughts of her beautiful face rested in his vision. He couldn’t rid himself of her. She was much to perfect, and their union was impossible to separate.

  “She left a nigga.” Keem shrugged.

  “And you just over there shrugging like it ain’t shit.” Dade was confused. “Nigga, do you know what y’all have?”

  Dade hadn’t seen a love so monumental since back in a movie in 2000. The main reason he was hounding Reed about hooking him up was because he’d seen her type before, and he knew that she only fucked with the best. Loyal bitches. Anybody she threw his way, he was catching. Women like her were few and far apart.

  “What I had. She ain’t fucking with a nigga like that no more. I did her dirty.”

  “And that’s the exact reason you need to be on her rope, not letting up until all is well. See, you young cats don’t know what to do. I’d never let off of a woman like Reed. You can search, but you’ll never be able to find anyone like that in your lifetime. Being that that is the case, boy you losing it. I would put my fucking life on hold if that meant getting my bitch back. No disrespect.” Dade assured Keem. “You want to know the real reason I’m leaving the game?”

  “I never cared to ask?” RaKeem admitted. “I was getting paid to help you, and that was all that mattered.

  “I feel you, but check this out. Man, I don’t give two shits about this money shit no more, Keem. I’ve had it all, and I’m as miserable as they come. For only so long could I mask my need with money, cars, clothes, and hoes! But shit, as the years passed, that gaping hole grew more and more. No matter how much money, how many cars, and what type of bitch I tried to fill it with, nothing worked. I could patch it for a day or two, but that shit would be bust right up the next week or two.” Dade sighed. “Out of all this shit I’ve acquired over time, I lacked what I needed the most. Love. Everybody needs that shit. I’m not talking about that watered down shit, but that shit that I see in you and Reed. I’m not even talking about that forced shit from the family. They ain’t got no other choice but to love you.” Dade chuckled. “But when a person comes into your life and loves you even though they didn’t have to, that shit is dope. I want that shit, nigga. You had it. Don’t let her get away, Keem. I’m going to get out of here. Go get that girl back. Shit, you trying to ruin my chances at a wife. How she going to hook me up if I never see her?” Dade joked, making light of the situation. However, his words were sincere, and he hoped that they stuck with Keem. “Youngin’ Blues, that’s what y’all got.”

  “The Youngin’ Blues,” Keem nodded, agreeing.


  The mixture of liquor, heartache, lonesomeness, and disgust lead Keem to a much familiar place. The talk that he’d had with Dade had caused him to realize how much of a coward he was. While Reed went on with her life, he’d allowed her. True love didn’t die easily, and Keem now understood. He’d been voicing the fact that he wanted his woman back, but hadn’t taken the necessary actions.

  Truthfully, since the first week, he’d allowed her space –too afraid of the rejection that he’d been faced with. Keem thought that giving Reed time would be in their best interest, but it was proving to be wrong. Time was only allowing them to be free, and get over. That was the last thing that Keem wanted, Reed to chose her freedom over them.

  Stirring awake as the driver patted him on the side of his face, Keem covered his eyes as the sun beamed down on him. It hurt to even open his eyes. After Dade had departed, Keem turned the rest of the Hennessey bottle up towards the air. He’d ditched the cup and dru
nk directly from the bottle. As the brown liquid took control of him, he was forced to face his current misfortunes. His precious Reed was gone, and he needed to get her back.

  “We’re here, boss.” The driver informed Keem of their arrival.

  Not sure how he’d made it from his condo to Philly, RaKeem thanked God for safe travels. He’d surely been with him. Funky drunk, full of the brown, RaKeem fought to hold his balance as he stood –stretching his long legs outside of the car.

  “Thank you,” Keem slurred.

  “You going to be aight?” his driver asked.

  “I…” Keem couldn’t think of what he was trying to say exactly, so he said the first thing that came to mind. “I lost the best thing that ever happened to me.”

  “She’ll be back.” His driver patted him on the back, already knowing the place he was coming from. “Do you need me to wait up?”

  “Na. These my people. I’m good over here. They’ll take good care of me. I love them. I let them down, though. I fucked up. Meek… Meeeeeeeek. He told me to love her or leave her the fuck alone.” Keem spoke. “And what you think I did?” Before the driver could answer, he finished up, “I kept doing that shit I was doing. That girl pussy ain’t got nothing on Reed, anyway.” Keem spilled the beans. “So I was just going backwards.”

  “You need help inside?” The driver asked, not wanting to indulge.

  “Na, nigga. I can handle myself.” RaKeem hissed at his buff driver. He could probably break his fucking face with one blow, but Keem didn’t give a damn. He needed someone to talk to, and his driver didn’t seem interested. That infuriated him. “Fuck on home!” Keem waved, walking towards RahMeek and Bella’s home.


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