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Page 9

by Ben L. Hughes

  As Melissa turned and looked out the window again, the raven squawked at her several more times.

  “What’s all that fuss about?” Matt asked in a sleepy tone.

  “I think he is begging for a handout,” Melissa replied.

  “There are some peanuts in my suitcase,” Matt responded, still half asleep.

  “Of course there are,” Melissa chuckled as she got up to get them. Then she opened the window slightly and tossed the nuts out. The raven dove down and then squawked as if to say ‘thank you’ before flying off.

  “What would you like to do today?” Melissa asked as she got back into bed. Matt blinked a few times to clear his sleepy eyes before responding.

  “What about taking out the Wave runner later this morning, and then catching the cave tour later in the afternoon when it gets too hot to do much else?” Matt suggested.

  “That sounds perfect,” Melissa replied. “I reserved us a two-seater, so we can ride together or single if we like.”

  “Good,” Matt replied thinking that it would be more fun to share one than have to ride alone. He also liked the idea of having her close by in the deeper water because he was not a very strong swimmer.

  After lounging around for a little while longer, Melissa got up and went out to the jeep for a few minutes. When she returned Matt was getting dressed and she set a bag of mini-donuts down on the counter next to him.

  “You made me breakfast,” Matt joked.

  “Yep, fresh from the junk food isle,” she remarked as they both helped themselves.

  Once they were done with the gourmet breakfast, they walked over to the wave runner rental shop and Melissa picked out a bright metallic blue wave runner from the row of rentals. Then she motioned for Matt to climb on after the owner gave them a laundry list of do’s and don’ts and then had them sign a liability waver. Then the older gentleman handed Melissa the key and waved good-bye. Once the owner was gone, Melissa started up the wave runner and carefully navigated it out of the tiny makeshift marina.

  “Hold on tight,” she warned when they reached the open water. Then she cranked open the throttle and Matt had to hold on for his life. He was amazed at how fast she liked to go, and how fearless she was. The wave runner zipped across the water’s surface giving Matt butterflies whenever Melissa turned sharply or jumped across the wake.

  “Your turn,” Melissa insisted after she had crossed the inlet near the cabins several times.

  “Okay,” Matt said nervously as they exchanged places on the wave runner. He started out slow at first, and then gradually gave the watercraft more and more throttle as he became comfortable with it.

  “You’re a natural,” Melissa remarked as he started to go faster and faster each time he circled the cove.

  “It’s just like riding a motorcycle.” Matt replied as he thought back to the countless miles of trails he had covered on his dual-sport looking for old mines and geological sites around Humboldt County.

  After a few hours of trading off driving the wave runner, Melissa signaled it was time to head back.

  “We have to return it before 1:00pm to get the half day rate,” she said reluctantly.

  “Okay,” Matt replied. “My arms are starting to get tired anyway,” he added.

  “Mine too,” Melissa replied.

  After they parked the wave runner at the dock, the elderly man came down from the office to check it back in.

  “Did you kids have a good time?” he asked sounding somewhat sincere.

  “That was so much fun,” Matt replied. “Next time we come here we will have to do this again!”

  “That’s nice,” the old man said as he secured the wave runner to the pylon.

  “So, would my little geologist like to see the Shasta Caverns next?” Melissa said with a smile as they started heading back.

  “Yeah,” Matt replied eagerly.

  Once they got back to the cabin, they changed out of their wet clothing and then headed out. Matt drove while Melissa navigated using the map on her smart phone.

  The caverns were only twenty minutes from the cabins and they arrived in time to make the 2:15 tour. The tour started out with a pleasant boat ride across the lake to a remote beach below the caverns. Then they boarded a large bus that took them up a steep winding one-way road that clung to the side of the cliff like a mountain goat. Matt peered out the window and saw the lake shimmering in the afternoon sun hundreds of feet below.

  “Look,” he said to Melissa pointing down the sheer cliff. Melissa peered over his shoulder at the emerald green water and smiled when she saw several wave runners zipping across its surface playfully.

  The bus stopped at a large parking area at the cavern entrance and Melissa followed Matt off the bus.

  “That was quite a ride,” she commented.

  “Now I know why the gift shop sells T-shirts imprinted with the saying, ‘I Survived the Bus Ride to the Shasta Caverns’.” Matt remarked as they walked over to the cave entrance. Once inside, Melissa stayed unusually close to Matt, as they ascended a narrow passageway leading up towards a large cavern.

  “Are you all right?” he asked, noticing the subtle change in her behavior.

  “I’m fine. It’s a bit chilly in here, that’s all,” she replied. Matt wrapped his arm around her and held her close. When they entered the large underground room, Matt noticed that she seemed more at ease once they spread out from the tour group to look at the striking formations.

  “Are you claustrophobic?” Matt asked in a soft tone, trying not to offend her.

  “A little bit,” she replied with a tentative smile.

  “You recommended a cave tour even though you are claustrophobic?” he remarked.

  “I knew this was something you really wanted to do.”

  Matt kissed her cheek and then held her hand. “If you want to go back at any time just say the word.”

  “No, I should face my fears and the formations are truly amazing,” she added while looking around at the glistening white stalactites and stalagmites.

  “This is so cool,” Matt exclaimed as he leaned over the rope to get a closer look at one of the travertine columns.

  “Calm down, you’re on the verge of geological overload,” Melissa joked.

  Matt smiled and then rushed over to look at a formation called ‘Peanut Brittle’ and the one next to it labeled ‘Soda Straws’.

  “Those are some creative names,” Melissa commented when she noticed every formation bore the name of what it resembled.

  “I know... geologists tend to be linear thinkers,” Matt remarked.

  “You’re imaginative,” Melissa contended.

  “That’s because I don’t want you to think I’m boring,” Matt asserted as he became momentarily distracted by an interesting formation up ahead.

  Melissa trailed after him, pleased that he seemed to be enjoying the tour so much.

  When they started back towards the surface, Matt moved to the front of the line figuring Melissa would prefer to be among the first ones out.

  “Thanks so much for bringing me here,” Matt said in a appreciative tone as they exited the cavern.

  “My pleasure... what kind of girlfriend would I be if I planned a trip to Lake Shasta and didn’t take you to see its world famous caverns?” she replied.

  “You know me all too well,” Matt replied as he reached down to grab a small piece of gray limestone from the parking lot to keep as a memento.

  “That was really neat.” Melissa said as they boarded the bus.

  “So the cave tour didn’t scare you too much?”

  “Not after we got off that cramped staircase,” she replied.

  “Well, thanks again for planning the whole trip, I can’t remember having a better vacation,” he remarked in an appreciative tone.

  “You’re welcome,” Melissa said with a warm smile.

  When they reached the gift shop on the other side of the lake, Matt headed over towards the restrooms.

I need to make a pit stop,” he remarked.

  “So do I,” Melissa said as she cut in front of him and smirked. Matt shook his head and when she went inside, he rushed over to the jewelry counter and asked to see a cute little antique gold ring that had caught his eye on the way in.

  “That’s our nicest piece,” the woman behind the counter said as she handed it to him. Matt slowly turned the band over several times. He really liked how the delicate floral scrollwork wrapped around the edges and lead up to a striking deep blue sapphire on the top.

  “I’ll take it,” Matt said as he looked back to make sure Melissa wasn’t behind him. Then he quickly paid for it, and carefully set it inside his pocket. A moment later he saw Melissa outside the restroom looking around for him. He waved, and acted like nothing was going on as he nonchalantly moved away from the jewelry counter.

  “Look at all the junk,” she said while holding up a cheaply made replica of a stalagmite. Matt laughed as she set the trinket down.

  “Would you like to get something to eat?” he suggested trying to discourage her from noticing the jewelry counter.

  “Yeah, I’m a little hungry,” she remarked while patting her stomach.

  “I saw a hamburger stand on the other side of the parking lot,” Matt suggested.

  “That sounds really good,” she replied.

  After Matt ordered their hamburgers, they sat quietly enjoying the view of the lake while the last boatload of tourists headed out.

  “Where has the day gone?” Melissa commented.

  “I don’t know, but I have enjoyed every second of it,” Matt replied as he gazed into her eyes, wondering how he could have gotten so lucky. She was so perfect in so many ways, it made him feel a bit undeserving.

  “What are you thinking about?” Melissa asked as she gazed back at him.

  Matt felt the urge to make something up, but knew she would see right through any deception. “I was thinking how wonderful you are… and wondering if you don’t deserve so much more than I can offer.”

  “Matt!” she scolded. “You’re a wonderful guy, and I don’t like it when you put yourself down. Would you like me to list all of your qualities?”

  “No! Please don’t do that,” Matt replied sincerely, hoping she would not embarrass him.

  “Okay, but attempts to decry your abilities will be countered with accolades,” Melissa declared.

  “I guess we should head back to the cabin,” Matt suggested, not wanting to upset her further. Melissa nodded in agreement and they left after finishing their meal.

  When they got back to the cabin, the sun was starting to set over the lake, so they cuddled up on the bed and watched it. The sky slowly turned from a bright red to a rich purple, and then slowly faded to gray.

  “This has been such a wonderful trip,” Matt said in a soft voice.

  “I’m glad you’re enjoying it. I just wanted us to have a fun time together, and show you how much I care about you,” Melissa replied.

  Matt reached into his pocket and felt the gold ring for encouragement as he looked deeply into her sweet blue eyes. Melissa noticed his lips were quivering slightly and he seemed to be holding back something urgent.

  “Is everything okay?” she asked.

  “Yeah,” Matt replied as he reached for her hand. “Melissa, will you marry me?”

  “Yes, of course I will. I love you so much,” she replied. Matt gently slid the ring onto her finger and kissed her hand. Melissa glanced down at it through watery eyes and said, “It’s so beautiful, thank you.” Then she leaned forward and hugged him tightly. Matt could feel a few stray tears falling against his back as they embraced, and he had never felt such joy and happiness.

  Chapter 10

  The next morning Matt noticed Melissa had already gotten up and was sitting outside on the large rock near the water’s edge. After putting on his clothes, he walked out and joined her down by the lake.

  “Is the pretty stone in the center a Sapphire?” she asked.

  “Yeah, I knew that sapphire was your birthstone and since it symbolizes love, passion, and tenderness, I thought you might like it over a diamond ring,” Matt said in a hopeful tone.

  “I absolutely love it!” she exclaimed.

  “I was so nervous that you weren’t ready for me to propose to you,” Matt remarked.

  “Well, after a week of being your girlfriend, I was starting to wonder if it was ever going to happen,” Melissa joked. “But seriously, I’ve known you since I was a little girl, so it’s not like I’m rushing into this blind.”

  “That’s what I was thinking,” Matt added as he looked out over the lake, admiring its beauty.

  “I guess I should go take my shower,” Melissa said after a few minutes.

  “Okay, I’ll start packing up what I can,” Matt replied as he followed her back to the cabin.”

  After she was finished with her shower, he went in to take his. The water started to get cold soon after he started, so he quickly rinsed the soap off his body and turned the shower off.

  “You used all the hot water,” he remarked. In the background he could hear Melissa giggling, and then he noticed his towel was missing.

  “Melissa… have you seen my towel?

  “Nope,” she replied in a playful tone.

  “Melissa, bring it back,” he demanded.

  “Come out and look for it,” she replied.

  Matt pulled back the shower curtain just enough to look out and see if his clothes were still on the vanity or not.

  “Melissa, give me back my stuff,” he insisted.

  “Okay,” she replied, tossing a small washcloth over the curtain rod.

  “That’s real funny... it won’t even cover my special no-no place,” he replied.

  Matt held the washcloth over his private parts as best as he could before stepping out of the shower.

  “Can I have my towel now?” he asked.

  “Come and get it,” she replied, waving it like a matador just out of his reach. Matt lunged for the towel and then chased after her. As she jumped across the bed, Matt followed after her, but he stumbled and before he could get up, she was smacking his backside with the towel.

  “Oh!” You’re going to pay for that!” he swore.

  “Maybe, but it was worth it,” she giggled while keeping her distance from him.

  Realizing he could not catch her, he pretended he was done trying to, then when she looked away for a second, he grabbed the towel and pulled her in.

  “Let me go!” she shrieked, as he tickled her sides unmercifully. Then when he felt she had been punished enough, he let her go.

  “You might be faster, but I’m still stronger,” Matt exclaimed.

  “I know,” Melissa admitted as she reached over and felt his bicep. Then she removed the towel from his lap and straddled him.

  “What are you doing,” Matt asked in a suspicious tone.

  “To the victor go the spoils,” she exclaimed.

  After she was done, they finished packing up their things and headed out to the jeep. Melissa took one last look at the cabin and then they drove to the office and turned in the key on their way out. There was an element of sadness in the air as they left the resort. Melissa looked back at the lake several times until it was obscured by the trees.

  “When do you want to have the wedding?” Matt asked in an effort to break the solemn mood.

  “In the spring or early summer… I want the weather to be nice,” Melissa replied looking less forlorn.

  “Where should we have it?” he asked next.

  Melissa pondered the question for a while and then she thought of the one place that she had fallen in love with years ago.

  “What about Yosemite Valley?” she suggested.

  “That’s a great idea... with picturesque mountains and waterfalls, it would be an awesome place for a wedding,” Matt remarked.

  Melissa knew Matt had been there several times on Geology field trips and he often referred to it as Cali
fornia’s most beautiful destination. She also felt personally connected to Yosemite because she had gone there backpacking with her family many times. It seemed like the ideal place to get married, and as they drove back home, she kept planning out different aspects of the wedding in her head.

  Chapter 11

  When Melissa and Matt pulled into the campus parking lot they saw a police car with it lights flashing down by the green belt park. Matt drove past them and parked in a vacant spot across from the dorms. As they walked past the cop cars they could see a homeless looking man being handcuffed by one of the park benches near the spot where he and Melissa liked to hang out. Then as they started to cut across the park, the homeless man looked over at Matt and yelled, “You have to stop the secret military project before it’s too late!” Matt stared at the man, mortified by what he had said to him. One of the cops glanced up at Matt for an instant, and then told him to ‘move along’. Then the cops lifted the man off the park bench and started walking him towards their patrol car.

  “Did you hear what that man said to you?” Melissa asked when the cops were out of sight.

  “Yes,” Matt replied, seeming jolted by the incident.

  “Do you know that person?” she questioned, hoping that he did.

  “No, I’ve never seen him before,” Matt replied as he stared over at the park bench. Then a terrible feeling started to well up inside him as he realized it was the same park bench that he and Melissa had been sitting on several days ago. “Oh crap!” he said in a disconcerting tone.

  “What is it?” Melissa asked.

  “That damn stone is the key to the dreams!” he suddenly realized.

  “What are you talking about?” Melissa questioned.

  “That man must have fallen asleep on the bench where I discarded the stone the other night. That’s how he knows about the secret project,” Matt exclaimed. Melissa’s expression suddenly changed as she came to the same conclusion. Then she followed Matt over to the bench, looking over his shoulder apprehensively as he searched under the bench for the rock.

  “Is that it?” she asked as Matt picked out a small round stone from the other similar looking rocks.


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