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The Edge of Harmony: The Guardian Maidens Book 2

Page 9

by Marilyn Foxworthy

  Suddenly, Dawn groaned and I saw the lips of her vagina tighten, and I assumed that she had just climaxed, or was at least approaching it.

  Alice said, quickly, somewhat urgently, “Good. And now he wants to massage you deeper. Dawn, sit down!”

  Suddenly Alice reached under the water and grabbed my hardened penis and held it in position as Dawn plunged herself into my lap, forcing herself as far onto my cock as she could. Alice grabbed my nipples with both hands and I instinctively did the same to Dawn and we squeezed in unison. Dawn threw her head back in a silent scream as she climaxed again, much harder this time, and I clutched Dawn around the waist and bounced her in my lap as I had an instantaneous orgasm at the same time.

  Alice pulled my head back against her breast and said, “That’s it my loves. That’s it. Pour out your love, him in her and her on him. Dawn, spread your legs and sit in his lap. Spread your legs wide and feel his manly cock filling your pussy. His pussy. Your cock, And Master, let me show you.”

  The woman, took hold of my hand with hers and guided my fingers between Dawn’s legs, saying, “Make a V shape with your fingers to match the V shape of her vagina. Rub along the sides here. A bit firmer. And now faster. Your woman is already in the throes of her love now. Rub faster, along the sides of her clitoris, the shaft of her pleasure. Keep going. And now squeeze the V tighter together. Short firm fast strokes. Keep going until she comes in orgasm again.”

  I did as Alice instructed me, and a moment later, Dawn lay back hard against me, forcing her mound into my hand and she grunted and thrashed in what must have been the biggest orgasm of her life so far.

  Alice said, “Master, don’t stop. She isn’t done with you. Keep going!”

  I redoubled my efforts, and was rewarded a minute later with another outburst from Dawn’s body. Alice put her hand on mine and made me keep going again, and I did. And after another minute, Dawn grunted and convulsed. Over and over, she climaxed, and I kept rubbing, and she would climax again. Time after time. Perhaps ten or so orgasms in all. And then Dawn started to lay more limply against me with each thrashing climax, and Alice whispered to me to slow down, ease up, and finally to stop and simply rest my hand on her.

  Dawn rolled over, sliding off of my penis finally, and pulled herself against my body and kissed me hard and deep. And then she lay on my chest and rested in my arms.

  Alice stood up and went to get towels, and I heard her say, “Well done young hero. I’ll teach you to conquer beasts that you didn’t know lived in your own house. With practice, you will slay them at a glance.”

  Then I heard another voice say, “Wow!”

  It was Harmony. I looked up and saw both Harmony and Val, standing across from me at the edge of the tub. Both were naked. Harmony was now shaved smooth. Both had looks of surprise and awe on their faces.

  Harmony spoke again saying, “I thought Lucille had taught me something about fucking, but wow!”

  Alice smiled and said, “There’s a lot to learn. Your aunt taught you what she could in the time she had with what was available to you. But now that you have a husband to practice with, there is a lot more to know. You’ll learn much more than what you just saw. That was just a relaxing a massage.”

  Val exclaimed, “Just a massage? Just a massage?”

  Alice continued to smile and said, “I confess, much of it I knew only in theory rather than practice, but she taught me the theory very well. Just a relaxing massage for the end of the day. A very thorough massage, I admit,” and she laughed. Then she said, “But, it’s late. And dinner must be ready. Stand up and let’s get you dry.”

  Dawn stood up and stepped out of the tub and I did the same. I was still in awe of Alice and what she had done for us, and I didn’t even think about the fact that I was standing naked in front of her. Alice went and started to dry Dawn with a towel, and Harmony and Val did the same to me. I just stood there, not able to think at all. When we were dry, Alice brought us each a light tunic that went down to our ankles and we pulled them over our heads. They were white, and the girls looked lovely in them.

  The girls quickly brushed their hair, and we started down to dinner.

  As we left the room, Val said, “Alice, do you want more than we agreed?”

  Alice smiled and said, “I think that I’m not opposed to it. The agreement we that have is more than I had ever hoped for, and much more than I would have ever hoped to deserve, but there are customs, and like I said, I’m not opposed to more if the opportunity is there. I won’t dream of things that might not happen.”

  I said, “Alice, I don’t know what more we can do for you, but you can have anything you want.”

  Val smiled and said, “Ronin, we may hold you to that. We’ll see. But the children complicate things. But we might work something out.”

  Alice said, “I leave it up to you. There are arrangements that I would be open to, even with the children. But I am happy and leave it all up to you.”

  Dinner was delicious. Brenda was a wonderful cook. After dinner, as Brenda did the dishes, Alice went up to our bedrooms and got them ready for us. When everything was done, the women said goodnight and left for their own house. The four of us went up to bed and Harmony brought short night dresses for the three of them and we climbed into Lucille’s bed. I had wondered if there would be an expectation of more lovemaking before we went to sleep, but we were tired and nothing happened except for a very peaceful and needed sleep in a bed with clean linens after a wonderful bath together.

  Just before I fell asleep, I wondered what complications there would be with Alice and Brenda’s children? I thought that it was all settled, but Val had concerns somehow about the children. The women had said that they were fine. No matter what the problem could be, I was sure that we could help with it. I slept peacefully.

  Chapter 10 - Sunshine and Roses

  I heard a voice say, “Wake up you three! It’s time to get up!” and the room was flooded with light as the curtains were thrown open.

  I mumbled, sleepily, “What? Why? What time is it?”

  I recognized the voice waking us up as Alice, the new housekeeper.

  She said, “It’s daylight. Just because you need to rest and restore doesn’t mean that can you sleep all morning. Come on. There’s work to do, and I can’t do it if you’re napping. We have breakfasts to eat, and beds to make, and rooms to arrange, and places to go , and people to see.”

  Then, see grabbed the sheets and covers that we slept under and yanked them away from the bed, leaving me naked, and the girls dressed only in short gowns that barely covered their rears ends when they were standing up, and didn’t cover anything when they were lying down like this.

  I yelled, “Alice! Stop that!”

  She grinned and laughed and said, “Or what? I’ll tell you what. Get up this instant and get down stairs or you’re going to miss breakfast. And trust me, the way that Brenda has been cooking down in the kitchen, you don’t want to miss it. Out of bed.”

  Val and Dawn smiled and giggled at Alice and climbed off the bed, and then they grabbed my arms and pulled me up. I was a bit self-conscious, being undressed in front of the housekeeper again, but I took a breath and decided, well if she didn’t mind, neither would I. Yeah, if she was going to be this way, then I’d go along with it and from now on, I’d be undressed in my own house if I wanted to. She wasn’t shy about it, and there was no sense in me being shy either. Of course, I knew that I didn’t really seem to have any say in it, and was really only saying this to make myself feel better about what was obviously going to happen, whether I was shy about it or not.

  I stretched conspicuously, and yawned, and started to leave the room.

  Alice laughed and said, “Oh, not dressing for breakfast? I don’t think so. We need some rules around here. Rule one, you dress for breakfast. Rule two, you dress when visitors or children are in the house. Rule three, you can be naked any other time, and Brenda and I don’t count as visitors. Rule four, Brenda and I
might have to be naked now and then for various reasons, and as long as it’s work related, that’s fine, and Ronin, you don’t have to hide your eyes or turn your back, unless there’s a good reason for it.”

  I said suddenly, “Where’s Harmony?”

  Alice said, “Gone. Now, Rule Five, you get up when it gets light out, even on holidays. Rule six, wherever possible, we have a family meeting every morning or evening and make a plan for everyone for the day. Rule seven, the man of the house is the ruler of the house. Any questions?”

  I said, “Where did she go?”

  Alice said, “Out.”

  I said playfully, “What does that mean? That I’m the ruler of the house? It seems like I don’t have much say in the rules at all.”

  Alice said, “It means that all of us do what you want all the time as long as what you want is what’s best for everyone. And we know that you will always want what’s best for all of us because you love us. If you think about it, the rules you just made up are all for the good of the whole house, and we are your adoring subjects and thank you for them.”

  I smiled and said, “And what if I say that we go down to breakfast in the nude?”

  Alice said, “Is that something that you are likely to say?”

  I said, “Well, no.”

  She said, “Then it’s a good rule, isn’t it? Perfectly in line with your own wishes.”

  I said, “Well, what about if I say that you and Brenda can’t ever be naked here at the house?”

  She looked me in the face and said, “If that’s what you really want. If you think that we are hideous and shouldn’t be seen by you, because we aren’t attractive. If you say that you find us repulsive and that we need to keep hidden from view.”

  I said, “Alice, no, I didn’t mean that.”

  She said, “So you do find me attractive.”

  Val and Dawn laughed and I said, “Well, yes.”

  She said, “And last night in the bath?”

  I said, “That was wonderful.”

  She said, “Then, it sounds like Rule number four is the way you want it. A nice peak as we go about out work, purely out of necessity, won’t be a bad thing, now will it?”

  I said, “Well, no. But last night you weren’t naked when we took a bath.”

  She said, “It wasn’t necessary. You want to see my tits right now, don’t you?”

  I said, “Um, well, but, um, now I don’t know how to answer that.”

  Alice smiled and said, “Well, even though you do want to, we can’t right now. It isn’t strictly necessary for work right now, is it? Of course not. But, quit scheming to get my blouse off, and get ready for breakfast. You scamp. I swear! Standing there naked as the day you were born, but so much more handsome. Are you trying to tempt me to see you as more than my hero and employer? You think that if you show me yours that I’ll show you mine?”

  Alice grinned and handed me a pair of light pants and a loose shirt, and then helped the girls into nice summer dresses.

  Alice was somehow as flirtatious as Lucille, but in a different and more comfortable and more natural way. And she made me blush constantly. Jean and Lucy both teased me, but Alice teased me in a way that made it all seem more possible that…well, I don’t know what, but in a way that I wouldn’t admit that I liked very much. I was starting to love her. She was my housekeeper, but she was fun and very comforting, and she made me feel loved in a different way than the girls did. They were my wives. Alice was a woman who was not afraid to be herself and to tease me into being myself. They were all like that in different ways. But at this moment, I knew that Alice and I would be very good friends. I could see myself confiding in her and letting her truly comfort me. And for a fleeting moment I was tempted to imagine us making love.

  Val said, “Thank you Alice. I like how you think, and I trust you completely. The house is yours and Brenda’s and we are more blessed than we should be to have you here. Thank you so much. Our hero needs you and so do we.”

  Dawn smiled and said, “Yes, this is wonderful. Thank you. And thank you for telling us about Ronin’s rules for the house. He hadn’t shared those with us yet, but I love them. If he comes up with more, let us know. And thank you for everything that you did for us in the bath last night. It was amazing.”

  Alice grinned and said, “It was my pleasure, Kitten. Anytime. Now, downstairs this instant!” and she shooed us out of the room and down to the dining area.

  Once again, Brenda’s meal was more wonderful than I was used to. It was based on what food was available, so mostly meat and eggs, but it was delicious. Both women were really easy to be around and we all felt very comfortable and relaxed together. After the breakfast, Val announced that we would start the morning meeting.

  Val said, “OK, Alice has pointed out that we need a short discussion each morning, and maybe at night, too, just to go over what we are planning for the day. Alice, why don’t you go first?’

  Alice said, “Well, first, this is a new house. Lucille and Harmony, and her sister, lived here, but now it’s a new family and has new needs.”

  I said, “Where is Harmony?”

  Harmony was actually sitting right beside me and said, “What do you mean? I’m right here beside you. Practically sitting on your lap.”

  I looked at her in surprise and said “Oh. Um, you were gone before.”

  She said, “And I’m here now.”

  Alice said, “Anyway, I think you need a bit of a refresh on the house, with Lady Harmony and everyone else’s permission.”

  Harmony said, “Fine by me. But, Lucy’s room and the big bath stays how they are.”

  Alice said, “Of course. I wouldn’t change a thing in there. But, it’s your room now. All of you. The bed is big enough for at least four. It’s the other rooms that I’m thinking of.”

  Harmony said, “Do what you think is best. My old room isn’t needed anymore.”

  Alice said, “I suggest that at least two of the rooms get new beds. There will be times for sleeping together, and times for more privacy.”

  Val said, “Alice, do whatever you want to for us. And money is no object.”

  I said, “But since this is for our comfort, and not for the good of the village, we will insist that we pay for everything. The village is very generous, but the agreement was that things that are for ourselves, not the common good, we pay for.”

  Alice said, “That is just what I will insist on then. I can make a list and get prices, and show you for your approval.”

  I said, “Girls, is that necessary? Don’t we really all want Alice and Brenda to do whatever they want to for us and even to surprise us, and not delay about anything? Unless one of you girls wants to be more involved.”

  Dawn said, “I don’t. I want to be surprised. Like last night.”

  Harmony said, “Me too. Just do what you want.”

  Val smiled and said, “Alice, if you are willing to do this for us, I will give you whatever money you need. Or just put it on Ronin’s accounts with the merchants. You saw the treasure that came from the rats. And the kobolds gave us far more. Spend whatever you think will be good for us.”

  Alice said, “If that is what you want, then Brenda and I will take care of all of it. We need new beds, new rugs, a bit of new furniture, though not much. There is a lot of cleaning to do.”

  Val said, “If you need any help, or need us to speak to a merchant, or anything at all, tell us.”

  Brenda said sincerely, “Lady Val, and the rest of you, the only thing that we need help with is the question of our true status that must be settled eventually. Not today, but someday. Alice and I are both very grateful, and if it can be settled for us, either way, it will make decisions easier. Whatever the decision, it will be our pleasure to serve you and to care for you.”

  Val said, “Yes, it will be easier to know what will be what when we settle your status. Let’s do it now. Harmony, what do you say?”

  Harmony said, “Of course.”

bsp; Dawn said, “You mean as Widow-Wives? Well, yes. If we think about it, it makes perfect sense. How could we not?”

  Val said, “I would say the same thing. How can we not? But the decision is Ronin’s.”

  All five women looked expectantly at me and I said, “Um, I don’t know what we are agreeing to. I don’t know what there is to settle. But whatever it is, I’ll go along with what you think is best. I love the way everything is, and if you say that we need to do something to make it even better, then do it.”

  Alice and Brenda looked very concerned and turned to Val for help, as if they didn’t understand me. Or, more like I had given an answer that didn’t address the question that I’d been asked at all.

  Val frowned at me, but then smiled and said, “Ladies, he doesn’t understand. He’s from a very different culture in some ways. Ronin, do you know what a Widow-Wife is?”

  I said, “I know that Alice and Brenda are widows. That they were both wives of what must have been a fine man who was killed by the kobolds. I am so sorry to remind you of it. I have never heard it said like that before though. Perhaps I don’t know what you mean. But if you think it’s a good idea, whatever it is, I’m sure that I’ll love it.”

  Dawn said, “Oh, you’ll love it alright.”

  Harmony laughed and said, “Oh, you’ll be loving it all night long.”

  Val said, “Girls, I think that we’ll let our father, Gerald, teach Ronin about this. We’ll talk about it again after that.”

  I said, “No, it’s fine. I’m sure you know what you’re doing. And all of you want it, so, it’s fine with me. Is it about their wages? Or about moving in with us full time, or something? Or do the children need something from me? Because they don’t have a father now?”

  I had absolutely no idea about what we were talking about.

  Val laughed as she said, “Close enough for now. It relates to all of those things. Alice and Brenda, don’t be um, concerned about it for now. Ronin is a wonderful man, and we’ll make sure that he knows all about our customs, and then we’ll talk about settling this question again. I think that we shouldn’t do it right now though.”


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