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Whiskey and Orange Slices

Page 2

by Michelle Edwards

  “Good morning staff. Let’s jump right in since we don’t have much time today. As you notice, there is new face sitting here. This is Bethany Holden. She’ll be my new communications coordinator. She’ll be with me at all events. Give her a day or so to get her feet wet. Alright, let’s talk business,” He said as he took a seat and everyone started pulling out papers and talking over each other.

  My head began to spin and I wondered what the hell I had gotten myself into.


  That evening I flipped the lights off in my office as I shuffled my feet into the hall. I’ve worked demanding jobs before, but this one definitely took the lead.

  A light from down the hall caught my eye as I was walking toward the elevator. I stopped and turned, noticing the senator’s light was the one that was shining into the hall.

  I groaned and walked down to his office, peeking in.

  “Senator. It’s late, shouldn’t you be going home?”

  He looked up from the laptop in front of him.

  “I will. I usually hang out here until everyone is gone. I like the quiet office some nights.”

  I nodded, “Alright, well I’ll leave you to it.”

  “Bethany. You did great today. I know it might be overwhelming at first, but I have faith in you.”

  I sighed and leaned against the door frame.

  “That’s what worries me. You have all of this faith in me and you don’t know me at all. You know nothing about my work ethic, my life, or even why I moved to LA. What if I’m running from a murder?”

  “Are you?”

  I scrunch my face, “No! Of course not! But you didn’t know that. Look, the point is, can you keep in mind that I might fail at this?”

  He laughed, “Of course, but I don’t think you will. I’m sorry. I'm just a good judge of character.”

  He looked down to his ringing phone, “I’ve got to take this. See you in the morning?”

  I nodded and turned back, walking down the hallway. I heard him answer the phone and I couldn’t help but stop for a second.

  “What’s going on?” He groaned. “Okay. Well can you call Alexis and Ethan and have them meet me there? Thanks, see you soon.”

  I put my feet into gear and damn near ran to the elevator pressing the button several times.

  The senator came out of his office and stood next to me.

  “This thing is always slow,” he muttered.

  “I’m noticing. Everything okay?” I asked, turning my head and looking at him. He was standing so still.

  “Yes, just a community I’m apart of needs my assistance.”

  “Oh, okay.”

  We stepped into the elevator and a strange feeling washed over me. He was lying, I could tell. I’ve lived with a liar for years.

  Chapter Four


  I left Bethany standing on the side of the sidewalk as I rushed off in the other direction. Alexis was texting me non-stop since I got out of the elevator. I turned the corner and walked into the basement of the building.

  “Matthew!” Ethan called as I walked up to the blacked out SUV.

  I jumped into the front seat and we sped off, passing Bethany who was walking down the sidewalk.

  “What’s going on?” I sighed, sitting back into the seat.

  “Somehow someone got into the town. We don’t know any specifics on who,” Ethan replied. I could hear Alexis typing away on her phone.

  “Anyone hurt?” I questioned.

  “Not that I’m aware of. Senator, I don’t think it’s smart for you to be there until we know exactly what or if this is a threat,” Ethan said.

  “These are my people. I have to go there.”

  Everyone was silent except for the random beeps that came from the phones.

  We pulled into the car garage and parked the SUV.

  When we got into the small town of Hideaway I sent the guys to search for the point of entry.

  “How’s the new employee?” Alexis questioned as we headed into the main building of our small town.

  “Overwhelmed I’m sure. But she says she will be back tomorrow.”

  “I heard that you cancelled some great candidates that we picked out.” She sighed.

  I turned to face her, “Yes I did. She just had this thing about her. Like I can’t explain it.”

  Alexis nodded, “A pull? You felt drawn to her for no reason.”

  I nodded.

  “I know the feeling. It’s how I felt toward Ethan. He says it’s exactly how he felt toward me too. You may be destined to be with her.”

  I shook my head. “No. She’s just an employee.”

  Ethan laughed as he entered the building. “Keep telling yourself that.”

  I sucked in a deep breath and narrowed my eyes on Ethan. His eyes were a deep shade of red.

  “Did you find anything?” I questioned.

  “No. So whoever got in was let in.”

  I cursed under my breath and rubbed my temples. Not again. I couldn’t have someone on our side betray us all over again.

  “Okay. We need to call a meeting. I’m not going to have innocent people die again.”

  “Matthew…” Alexis breathed.

  I shook my head. I was not going to go there. I was angry. Angry at myself and angry at people who considered themselves part of our community but were clearly trying to decieve it.

  “Well everything looks okay here. Alexis, will you make sure that the protection spells are still secure before you all leave?”

  “Absolutely, and I’ll see you in the morning.”

  I nodded and motioned for Josh to come with me.

  “Goodnight” I said to them as we walked back to the garage.


  I walked into the office the next morning ready for the day. Ethan and Josh were already planning to start looking into members today so I felt confident that we would find who we were looking for.

  “Good morning, Senator,” Alexis said to me as I walked into my office.

  “Good morning. What’s on the schedule for today?” I asked, sitting down at my desk with my cup of coffee.

  “Event across town with a women’s group, then you have a meeting with the governor after lunch. And tonight you have a private meeting.”

  I nodded. “Is that what I’m calling it now? A private meeting?” I shook my head as my hand slipped to the back of my neck.

  “Well I’m not sure ‘Vampire Meeting’ would be appropriate.”

  I nodded. “Alright. Can you run down the hall and tell Bethany I want to talk to her? I want to run a few things by her and get her ready for the day. Oh and I’ll also need you to help her as much as you can. She’s going to need extra help here and there.”

  Alexis nodded. “Senator, I’ve got this.”

  I took in a mouthful of lukewarm coffee as Alexis walked out of the room. Sometimes I wondered how she became so good at being what she was as quickly as she did.

  I stared at the door thinking about the past couple of years. There have been some serious ups and downs in our community and I was trying hard to keep everything running normal and smoothly.

  “Senator, you wanted to see me?” Bethany questioned as she stood in the doorway with her notebook in her arms.

  “Yes, I wanted to go over the schedule for today and get your opinion on a few things.”

  She nodded and slipped into a chair in front of me. “Shoot.”

  I went through my schedule and came to the last part. The private meeting.

  “Does that sound too secretive?”

  “Well on one hand, yes it does. Sounds like you are trying to hide something from your state. But on the other hand, you could just have a doctor’s appointment or a meeting with a friend that isn’t work related, but has to be on your schedule so you don’t get overbooked.”

  I nodded, “Okay, that works for me.”

  “Why did you ask?”

  “I just don’t want people to think I’m hiding anything. I ne
ed to be transparent.”

  “Well if that’s all, I’m going to grab my stuff so we can head out.”

  I looked down at my watch and noticed I had about five minutes to finish my half cup of coffee and get down into the parking garage.

  “Crap. Okay, meet you at the elevator in three minutes.”

  She nodded and walked out of the office as I stood up and took a large mouthful of coffee.

  I tossed my important paperwork and my speech into my bag, took another large mouthful of coffee and walked out of my office.

  Every time I walked down the hallway, I couldn’t help but smile at my staff. They worked harder than I could ask for.

  Alexis and Bethany stood by the elevator laughing. My body tensed. Alexis was my assistant that helped keep my worlds separated. Bethany was my new communications coordinator that I wanted to tell of my other world, but I knew I couldn’t.

  Chapter Five


  *Three months later*

  I walk into work more confident than I was during the first month. I feel much more comfortable in what my role was.

  I couldn’t deny the attraction to the senator. Everytime he smiled, I smiled. He was my boss and I knew he was off limits, but I wanted to be with him. Some nights we would be at work late and just banter about politics. I was learning more and more each day, and I could tell he really enjoyed our conversations.

  The senator’s calendar for the day was on my desk when I walked in. Alexis had been giving me a copy every morning.

  I glanced through the paper and stopped on the long private event for the entire weekend.

  I set my bags down and walked right down to the senator's office.

  “Alexis, can I have a minute alone with the senator please?” I sighed.

  “Of course.” She walked out and shut the doors behind her.

  “Is everything okay?”

  “What is this private event? Do I need to attend?”

  “No, that’s something for me.”

  “Okay. Next question. What is this private event?”

  “It’s just a thing I’m doing. You said yourself that I can have private meetings on my schedule.”

  I nodded, grinding my teeth.

  “I said private meetings that could be doctor’s appointments or dinner with a friend. Not entire weekends of secrets. What do you think the people will say if they find out you went away for an entire weekend and no one on your staff knew where you were?”

  He held up a finger, “Not no one. Alexis will know.”

  I felt like someone had hit me in the stomach. Alexis seemed to know an awful lot that most others didn’t know.

  “Okay, well then tell me so I can get ahead of any issues that may arise.”

  He sucked in a breath. “I can’t.”

  That punch came back and hit me again. “Alright. Well, we have to leave in ten minutes,” I whispered as I spun around and left his office.

  My face burned hot and I wanted to scream. I know I was still new here, but over the past few months I felt like our relationship was very trusting.

  I stood in my office staring at my phone. Without thinking much, I picked up the phone and dialed my father’s number.

  “Bethany! Where have you been?” He cried on the other line.

  I reached over and shut the door.

  “I, uh, I’m in California.”

  “What are you doing there?”

  I sighed and leaned against the edge of my desk.

  “I couldn’t stay. Mom doesn’t even know me and every time I was around her, she just seemed to get more depressed. Plus, it was really hard talking to her and her not knowing she even has a daughter.”

  “She’s doing so much better. She looks at your photos all the time,” he whispered.

  “I’m glad she’s doing better.”

  “Come home then.”

  “I can’t. I got a job. Actually I got the job the night I moved here by pure accident. But it’s a really good job dad. I can’t just up and leave. Not at this exact moment.”

  “Maybe we can come visit you then?”

  I shook my head even though he couldn’t see. “Not right now, Dad. I think Mom needs more time before she is around me.”

  “Alright. Will you call me often though? I have missed talking to you.”

  “Yes I will. And I’m sorry I only sent you a couple of texts telling you I was okay and not to worry. I just wasn’t sure when the right moment would be to tell you.”

  “And this moment seemed like it?” He laughed.

  “Well yeah, sorta.”

  A knock on my door and the senator’s voice came from the other side.

  “Dad, I have to go. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

  “Love you, Kid.”

  “Love you too.” I pressed end and slipped the phone into my bag as I opened the door only to find the Senator standing right there.

  “Sorry, did I interrupt something important?”

  “Nope. Ready?” I asked as I adjusted the strap of my bag on my shoulder.

  “Let’s go.” He motioned for me to go first and I could feel him right behind me as I got to the elevator.


  The day's events went by quickly and I did my best to keep my distance from the senator. I didn’t want to push into his private life, but at the same time, I wasn’t big on secrets. If our entire working relationship was going to be a bunch of secrets then I was going to have to reevaluate this job.

  When I got home I grabbed a glass of wine and my laptop and pulled up a spot on the couch.

  The search engine filled the screen on my laptop.

  Senator Matthew Crawford

  I typed into the search bar.

  “One way or another I will find out what you are hiding, Sir.” I muttered taking a sip of wine and scrolling through the results. I had a lot of pages to get through. Good thing I had another bottle of wine waiting for me.

  I woke up and looked around the room. My empty wine glass sat on the coffee table in front of me and my laptop was sitting next to me. Yawning, I shut the laptop, double checked the front door and went to bed.

  Everything that I read made him sound like a stand up guy. Someone who supported the military, and volunteered for many different communities and charities. He even donated a significant amount of money to a local university. Nothing about anything I’ve read screamed liar, but he was clearly hiding something.

  The next morning I took the bus down to Stanford University. If the senator donated money often then someone should be able to give me some insight on him.

  Being on a college campus felt strange. I never truly went to college so this was a life I never got the chance to experience.

  I spent all morning going from department to department asking about the senator. No one had any information for me other than how great the senator was and how generous he was to donate so much money.

  I did find out that the University is owned by a specific family, the Buckley’s.


  “Ms. Holden, how was your weekend?” the senator asked as he walked into my office Monday morning.

  I swallowed and nodded.

  He took a seat in front of me. “I know.”

  I nodded. “I figured you would.”

  “If there is something you want to know you can just ask me.”

  “Okay, then please tell me what all these private meetings are. I can’t be your communications coordinator if I don’t have some of the facts.”

  He sighed, “It’s not something I can tell you. It’s very personal.”

  “Alright, well is it something that can hurt your career?”

  “Yes,” he replied without hesitation.

  I nodded.

  “Look if I could tell you, I would.”

  “Okay. Well then I better get to work keeping whatever it is private.”

  “Thank you.”

  Chapter Six


  I sat in my ow
n office. After the conversation with Bethany this morning, I was worried. Worried that she wouldn’t understand and worried that one day she would find the truth and get killed over it.

  Alexis came flying into my office almost slamming the door behind her. “She’s snooping!” she hissed.

  I held up my hand to her, “I know.”

  “No, I don’t think you know everything.” She sighed. “Senator, she’s snooping into the Buckley’s now. Someone told her that the family owns the university. You remember the last time someone looked into the Buckley’s don’t you?”

  I smiled, “Yeah, this witch came into our lives and was turned into one of us.”

  She shrugged, “Well yeah, but I turned out good.”

  I rose from my chair, “And how do you know she won’t be good for us?”

  “We don’t, but are you ready to take that chance? You just met her. She just came from heaven’s knows where.”

  “Let’s just see what happens. There isn’t much she can learn about the Buckley’s anyways. That family has owned the university for centuries. Nothing wrong with that.”

  “She likes you. And you like her. It’s obvious. If there is a connection brewing you really should face that.”

  I watched her leave the room as I sat back in my chair. She was right, I did have feelings for Bethany. How could I not? Everything about her drew her to me. The way she treated people, how she dressed, how she acted around me.

  My eyes began to pulse and I knew I needed to control my hunger so I popped a few orange slices into my mouth. The orange taste melted in my mouth.

  When I looked up from my daze, I saw Bethany rushing past my office. Cursing under my breath, I stood up and got ready for the staff meeting.


  Just like that, another couple of weeks have flown by. Bethany was still looking into the Buckley’s when I wasn’t overloading her with stuff to do. Ethan was trying his hardest to keep things as quiet as possible so she wasn’t tipped off anymore. I had no idea who this woman was or why she was so hellbent on finding out the truth, but part of me was turned on by it. By the fact that she wanted to know about my life so much that she would go to these lengths.


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