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The Superheroes' Wives Collection

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by Joynell Schultz






  Copyright © 2018 Joynell Schultz

  All rights reserved.

  Cover images:


  What’s in this Collection:

  The Supernatural Life of a Superhero Wife

  Dating? What a waste of time. In Naima’s supernatural world, a soulmate is only a simple magical spell away.

  Only Naima’s soulmate spell has its own agenda and transports her from the comfort of Charmed Mountain into an unknown world filled with superheroes and villains. Can she find her soulmate, or is she one of the witches destined to be alone?

  The Stellar Life of a Superhero Wife

  Devora and Derek’s marriage is like any other…only this husband gallivants around saving people as Silver Comet.

  Well, Devora saves people too, if only Derek would realize.

  Four Calling Byrds

  (Written as part of a 12 Days of Christmas Anthology)

  It’s Christmas in Shadow Town, but a new supervilllian has moved into the city, disrupting the Byrds’ Christmas Plans. Luckily, the local superhero, Icy Tundra has come to the rescue…but it appears he may have met his match with this attractive villain.

  Learn more about the entire Superhero Wives World by visiting here:

  Table of Contents

  Table of Contents

  The Supernatural Life of a Superhero Wife

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  The Stellar Life of a Superhero Wife

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Four Calling Byrds

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  The Secret Lives of Superhero Wives

  Other Novels by Joynell Schultz

  About the Author

  The Supernatural Life of a Superhero Wife

  Dating? What a waste of time. In Naima’s supernatural world, a soulmate is only a simple magical spell away.

  Only Naima’s soulmate spell has its own agenda and transports her from the comfort of Charmed Mountain into an unknown world filled with superheroes and villains. Can she find her soulmate, or is she one of the witches destined to be alone?

  Chapter 1

  “Bubble, bubble, toil, and trouble…” Naima bit her lip, thinking about those words. “Have you ever wondered why our spells start this way? I’m not trying to start trouble, and the cauldron’s not bubbling.”

  Her mother’s face reflected an eerie green glow from the cauldron. Deep creases ran across her forehead. “Tradition, I suppose. The words we say aren’t important. I believe we say them to keep busy while the magic reads our intentions.”

  “So, I could say something like this…” Naima reached up and gripped the jade amulet around her neck, drawing its magic. “Oh, pot of lukewarm water, take me to the man who’s my soulmate. Bind us as one, and let me finally begin the first page in my new life.”

  The potion’s neon glow intensified and ripples spread on the surface. A sweet, muted pine scent filled her nose.

  Naima’s mom smiled. “Yeah, that’d work too. I wasn’t as blunt when I found your father, but he’s my soulmate, nonetheless.” She moved beside Naima and circled her with an arm. “I’m going to miss you.”

  Naima leaned her head against her mother’s shoulder. “Come on, Mom. I’ll come home to visit, just like my sisters.”

  “You never know where you end up. Sometimes, the binding spell must take you far away—to a different universe, even. Sometimes the magic searches and searches and never finds anyone compatible, dropping you off in the last world it visited. One that won’t allow your magic to work.” She wiped her eyes. “A world where you can’t return home.”

  “What’s the chance of that? I thought the magic always tries to find someone nearby. Like the twins ended up right here on the other side of Charmed Mountain.”

  “All eight of your sisters ended up in this world, but you never know. Do you still want to go through with this?”

  “Of course! It’s the only chance I get. High noon on All Hallows’ Eve day.” Naima’s body tingled with anticipation as she pulled her mother into a full hug. “And I’ll miss you, too.”

  With a smile, her mom leaned down and kissed her cheek. “I’m so excited for you.”

  “I’m excited, too!” Naima pulled away and rubbed her hands together. “Let’s get going with this. My man’s waiting!”

  “The potion still needs one more ingredient: the love of a mother.” Her mom wiped a glistening tear. Holding her hand over the glowing pot, the drop ran down her finger. An intense flash of bright green light blinded Naima as soon as the tear hit the liquid in the cauldron.

  “Naima!” her mom screamed.

  Naima’s heart pounded. Something wasn’t right. “Mom! Mom—” But a large flash of light swallowed her words. Her head throbbed and a pressure on her chest made it hard to breathe.

  Mom’ll be okay. She’s done this with all my sisters already. But I’m the last…

  Pleasant dreams of her childhood on Charmed Mountain filled Naima’s head. Her and her siblings spent all their free time giving cats wings, casting spells so all the flowers on their property glowed at night, and shooting down empty potion bottles by levitating gemstones. Oh, did they have fun.

  Then they left her, one by one, and started their lives. They had families and all seemed so happy. Now, it was Naima’s turn. Her time to be married.

  ~ ~ ~

  At headquarters, Onyx Flame extinguished the fire that danced across his fingers as a police report blared from his scanner. Civilians reported bright lights streaking in the sky followed by a barn catching fire at the edge of town.

  It has to be The Royal Torch.

  Onyx Flame’s leather supersuit squeaked as he sprang from his seat. While pushing the button to open the roof hatch, his heart pounded. He wanted nothing more than to have The Royal Torch secured behind bars. Once he secured his black mask over his eyes, he flew out of his building and headed toward the burning barn at the foot of the mountains.

  Miles away, he spotted the plumes of gray smoke. His chest tightened, hoping he’d capture The Royal Torch this time. Three times, this villain had escaped him, leaving innocent civilians burned to a crisp.

  Even with the ability to call wind and fire, Onyx Flame was ineffective against fire itself. What superhero couldn’t control what he or she created? The Royal Torch had to know Onyx Flame’s weakness. Why else would he settle here, in Energy City, to hatch whatever evil plan he was scheming?

  Onyx Flame had spent the past month trying to hone his wind power to fight The Royal Torch, but during small simulations, all his attempts to extinguish fires only made them spread. Someday, if his powers kept growing like they had been, he’d be strong enough to focus and direct a strong gust of wind on the source of the fire—he hoped. He’d at least be able to create a wind wall to prevent the fires from spreading.

  Unfortunately, he needed those abilities now. The best he could do was wear a fire-smothering cape. It wasn’t enough to win a fight against The Royal Torch, and it got in the way more than anything, but it detached at the shoulders and could put out a small fire…just in case his own powers got a little out of hand.

  Not every superhero was perfect, right?

  Normally, superpowers developed in the early teen years, but Onyx Flame had been twenty
-one. While all his friends celebrated their birthdays by hitting up the bars and cracking jokes, he was trying not to burn down his apartment. He retreated from everyone, not wanting to hurt them accidentally. Now, four years later, he still didn’t have full control, but found a use for himself protecting Energy City. Being a superhero was a lot of responsibility. He missed his old, carefree life. He missed having friends…and fun.

  Stop thinking about it. You have a job to do. Someday, you’ll have it all again...but first, you need to capture The Royal Torch, then get a grip on your powers.

  As he neared the burning barn, he saw vehicles pulling into the fire station a mile or two away from the fire. By the time the volunteer fire fighters would suit up and pull the trucks out of the station, the barn would be beyond saving. Onyx Flame called on the wind and sped up, desperate to arrive at the fire before The Royal Torch got away…for the fourth time.

  Who’d that villain hurt this time?

  Chapter 2

  Naima woke with a warm and fuzzy feeling, thinking about who her future husband could be. Twenty-two years was a long time to wait to meet someone you knew existed. Her mother’s words rang in her head, ‘Sometimes the magic searches and searches and never finds anyone compatible.’

  Despite this, her warm fuzzy sensation grew stronger until she realized it wasn’t warm and fuzzy, but painfully hot, like she’d fallen into a cauldron of boiling potion. Her skin was on fire.

  Open your eyes, Naima. Open them!

  She blinked. They were already open, but she could barely see. Surrounding her, thick smoke rose between the floorboards, obscuring the minimal light in the building she was in. The smell of burning wood reminded her of home, even though she felt far away from her family. Looking around, her heart seemed to stop. She was all alone and there were no signs of her soulmate. She coughed and rubbed her stinging eyes.


  She reached for her magic amulet around her neck, but grasped only air. Rolling over, she squinted through the smoke and swiped the warm, wooden floor with her hands. She needed that amulet.

  No, Naima, you need to leave it and get out of here.

  Where was here, anyway? She was inside a large building with piles of bundled straw…in bales. Was this a broom factory of some type?

  Despite the smoke and warm floor, she didn’t see an actual fire. It must be below her. Through a giant door on the side, outside light billowed in, causing the smoke to seem more threatening.

  That way.

  Another cough.

  As she crawled toward the opening, she brushed her fingers against the floor, searching for her amulet. It was a chip from the family stone—completely irreplaceable. Every generation, these chips became smaller and smaller. Soon, they’d be the size of sand and there wouldn’t be any more magic stones to give their children.

  A shadow appeared in the doorway, a silhouette of a man floating above the ground…without a broomstick.

  What kind of warlock could do that?

  Attached to his broad shoulders, a cape flowed in the wind behind him.

  “Who are you?” His strong voice gave Naima a pleasant shiver. “What are your plans here in Energy City? Where’s The Royal Torch?”

  “Who I am? My plans?” Her lungs burned, and she coughed. Could this be her husband? “The Royal Torch? Come on, that’s a lot of questions to ask.” Another cough. “How about we get out of here, and then we can get to know each other a little better?” She shuffled to her feet.

  “Not until you tell me what you’re after. Setting fire to this building. I hear the light show was impressive. I didn’t expect The Royal Torch to have a partner…but perhaps he needs help.”

  Setting fire? Light show? “You think I did this?” She thought back to the glowing cauldron and the look on her mother’s face. Maybe she had done this?

  “You’re the only one here. What are you after?”

  “A husband!” she announced. “My husband. Enough of this.” Naima reached for her enchanted necklace. Drats. She had forgotten it was gone. Sweat rolled down her temples. I need to get out of here.

  In the corner of her vision, a silver shimmer caught her eye. Her amulet. She snapped her head up to the flying warlock man…did he notice?

  Lunging to the side, she held her breath until the hot metal chain fell between her fingers. She wrapped her hand around the gem and pulled on the power of the jade.

  Take me to my husband.

  The necklace sparked, but nothing else happened. She pulled again, stronger, preparing to call the magic, but the room flooded with light. A blow hit her chest, knocking her across the floor and against a bale of straw. What was that? Her amulet had never failed her before. Was she in a world where her magic didn’t work? Was she one of the witches that didn’t get a soulmate? When she opened her eyes, the shadow of a man was gone.

  Again, she could barely see while she crawled toward the large opening with the amulet’s chain wrapped tightly in her fingers. The straw on this level had caught fire, and the heat intensified. She took a deep breath, then stood. Hidden in smoke, she rushed toward an opening to the outside…only to bump squarely into something solid. It was soft, warm, and smelled of leather and pine.

  She let out her breath and dropped to her hands and knees, to crawl again, but soon ran squarely into a man’s black boots. It had to be that warlock.

  Towering over her, his hands gripped her arms and pulled her up. Her eyes fell chest level, in line with a bright orange flame emblem attached to the snug outfit. Her hands cramped as she tightened her grip on the amulet. Maybe if she said the words out loud, it’d work this time. “Take me to my husband.”

  She didn’t move.

  “Your husband?” the man asked, his thin lips opening to reveal perfect teeth that almost seemed to glow in the dark. “The Royal Torch’s your husband?” His grip loosened.

  Ignoring him, she tried again, this time using those ridiculous magic words she’d been taught. “Jade, jade, ‘o magic jade, take me to my soulmate.”

  Still nothing. The dang thing wasn’t working. She had to be in a world without her magic. She’d never see her family again.

  Squeezing the amulet until her hands cramped, she focused on the gem with every part of her consciousness. “Jade, jade ‘o magic jade, take me away from here.”

  The smoky scene in front of her dissolved and mountains, trees, and a dirt trail replaced it. Plumes of both black and white smoke grew up from the horizon. Was that the burning building? What in the name of abracadabra was wrong with her magic? Had her arrival caused that entire fire?

  ~ ~ ~

  Onyx Flame attempted to direct the wind to extinguish the fire, but stopped immediately when it roared from the extra oxygen.

  You’d need a hurricane-force wind to blow out a fire…along with some water.

  Tightening his hands into fists, he took off out of the barn, finding a small stream along the tree line. With as much force as he could, he blew the wind at the water, lifting it out of the stream and creating a cushion of air beneath it. Sweat trickled down his face. Why did he choose a leather costume when working with fire?

  He guided the water to the barn just as the firetrucks arrived.

  His water extinguished the hay fire with a huge sizzle, but whatever was burning in the lower level still burned when the firemen began to spray their water.

  From up in the sky where it was cooler, he watched them put out the fire, but his thoughts were elsewhere. Who was that unusual green-haired woman? She had the strangest accent—not Irish, but something similar. And the costume she wore…was it for Halloween today, or was she some type of supervillain masquerading as a witch? Was The Royal Torch really her husband?

  How could a villain find someone to love him when Onyx Flame couldn’t even find a friend?

  He shook that thought away. This woman disappeared right in front of him. She had to be a supervillain with some type of powers he ha
dn’t encountered before.

  But she didn’t look like one. She was soft, delicate, and the smile on her face when she said she was looking for a husband had made his own heart jump…and had unintentionally caused him to set the hay on fire. The black smoke and the flicker of one unnatural black flame confirmed he had caused the second fire in the barn. Years ago, he had chosen the name Onyx Flame as a reminder of the destruction his power could cause.

  He couldn’t get the woman’s image out of his mind. Something inside him wanted to save her and protect her, but that was absurd. She had to be the villain, despite her innocent appearance.

  Remember, looks can be deceiving.

  She had to be around somewhere. Once satisfied that the firefighters had things under control, he took off, searching for the green-haired supervillain wearing a witch costume. How hard would it be to spot someone wearing black and white striped tights, a little purple dress, and a tiny black hat nestled on top of a waterfall of green hair?

  Onyx Flame laughed. It was Halloween. It might be harder than he’d expect. But this woman looked like she belonged in that outfit. If witches were real, he might believe she was one.

  Chapter 3

  Naima paced on the dirt path on the side of the mountain. What was going on with her magic? In the burning building, some of it seemed too weak, some too strong, and at times, it didn’t seem to work at all. This world was so different from her own. Metal contraptions rose into the sky. A buzzing overhead. What was that? A flying machine? Even the sky was a different shade of blue.

  And a warlock that could fly without a broom. This was not right. Not right at all.

  Maybe her magic was working, and when nothing happened when she asked for her husband, it was because she wasn’t meant to have a soulmate.

  No. She wouldn’t believe that. Her magic must not like this world. She swallowed down the thought of never being able to return home to see her family. She gripped her pendant with one hand and waved the other against the ground. “Jade, jade, ‘o magic jade, what’s my husband’s name?”


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