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Shadow Dancer

Page 15

by Macie Cage

  “Your Majesty, what did you expect to find here?” Sir Hayden asked as they trudged up the path towards the Shors Pass Manor.

  “I’m not entirely sure,” he replied. “By the way, did you remember to bring the sweets I asked for?”

  “Yes, Your Majesty.” Sir Hayden sighed.

  “Could you check, please? I’d rather not get there only to realize we forgot them.”

  He waited until the soldier stopped and turned to take off the pack he was carrying. While his back was turned, Evander stepped into a nearby shadow, sinking into it and popping up around the corner, out of sight of the man.

  Thankfully, his ability hadn’t left him when he switched bodies, however it did get weaker. He couldn’t control shadows as he used to. He was able to move through them, but unable to pull them and move them to his will. He shook his head as he heard Hayden’s exclamation and stepped into another shadow. He made it to the door of the manor a full ten minutes before the soldier.

  He didn’t bother knocking, turning the handle and pushing against the door, surprised when it slid open. Only to reveal an abandoned house.

  He stepped inside, listening to the silence as his footsteps sent up small puffs of dust. He’d hoped that Malik would still be there, that Riu had brought Caiden there. He watched the motes of dust swirl through the beams of light that pierced the gloom of the building. He set his foot on the stairs and made his way up to the Music Room.

  All of those memories, gone. He stared at the empty shelves then he spotted it: his inheritance. The music box sat on the desk. He picked it up, gingerly lifting the lid only to find it empty. The key wasn’t there. He stared at it for a moment, unable to deny the hurt that filled him. He understood it, after all. He’d gone through so many of Malik’s memories that he’d gotten a feel for the man’s way of thinking.

  He had failed. He’d survived, but he failed to protect his charge. Caiden had fallen. Perhaps the Prince had died after all. Either way, he would never know what memory had been gifted to him.

  “You-Your Majesty… what the hell?” Sir Hayden panted as he stumbled into the room. He must have run the entire way after losing him.

  “Apologies, Sir Hayden. It would seem it was a fruitless venture. Let us go home.” Evander closed the box and brushed past him. He could feel the man watching him as he descended the stairs.

  “Your Majesty…” He turned to look up at the knight. “I don’t know what you expected to find here.” Sir Hayden gestured loosely around the clearly abandoned house. “But I am sorry.”

  Had he really been so obvious? He stared at his footprints that had been left in the dust. He couldn’t tell if he was disappointed because of the memory, or because he had been hoping to find Caiden.

  “It was a pointless hope to begin with.” He chuckled. “But thank you.”

  He ran his fingers over the smooth wood, a sense of heart-wrenching yearning filling him for a moment before a knock broke him out of his thoughts.


  The door opened to reveal Sir Hayden, the King’s Battle Master in full now, since Sir Michael had been killed during the coup. He’d become somewhat of a confidant, staying near him and acting as a bodyguard since the Vladimir Clan was still rebuilding. The man closed the door behind him and saluted.

  “You may sit, Sir Hayden. What brings you to me?”

  “Your Majesty, if I may, it has been two years. You need to marry.”

  Evander sighed and leaned back in his chair. “As I’ve said before, Sir Hayden, I simply do not feel comfortable marrying until things within the kingdom become stable again.” He’d had several meetings with Eudora, just pleasantries. She was slowly starting to drop her guard, letting more of her personality show through.

  He had expressed interest in her, keeping the promise of their engagement alive, but continued to avoid the topic of marriage. After all, it wasn’t his place to make that decision for Caiden, not to mention a wedding was something that one should experience for themselves.

  “Things are as stable as they are going to get, Your Majesty. I am speaking for the Council as well when I express my concern for your status.”

  “I have already made my opinion clear on the matter. I will not marry until the kingdom is stable.”

  There was silence again.

  “Until the kingdom is stable? Or until Caiden comes back?”

  Evander’s gaze immediately went to the soldier. “Excuse me?”

  “Caiden would never rest until Evander was found. I know that for a fact. I don’t know what happened, I don’t know why, but I know you aren’t Caiden. Evander, on the other hand? I thought it was strange from the moment you woke up how similar you were to him. So, I’ll ask again, what are you waiting for?”

  Evander stared at him, but it quickly became apparent that the man wasn’t going to drop it. “I can’t make a decision like that for him. I won’t. I’m just trying to keep things together until he comes back.”

  “And if he doesn’t come back? I’m not trying to force you into anything, but the Council is still trying to take back the control that they’ve lost. If they see this as an opportunity...”

  Evander was about to reply when a servant burst into the room.

  “Uh, beg your pardon, Your Majesty, but there is a group of magic users in the throne room. They want to speak with you. They were quite forceful.”

  Evander rose to his feet, sharing a look with Sir Hayden, wondering if it was Riu or Karen. Or perhaps it was some of the Vladimir Clan who’d escaped now trying to return. There had been several cases already.

  Evander smothered the hope that rose in his chest. It was likely a small group of the Vladimir Clan returning to their positions. Still, he couldn’t help it. He made his way to the throne room at a quick pace. He paused outside the doors, straightening his clothes and waiting for Hayden to catch up.

  The soldier opened the doors and stood aside while the herald announced his presence to the gathered people. Evander kept his eyes forward, refusing to look and let that small hope be crushed so soon. He settled into the throne, relaxed in the overly large chair, reclining as he looked over the assembled magic users. His eyes widened at the sight of Riu’s smirking face.

  Five people were gathered in front of him. Karen, Riu, and three others that must have joined them. Yet no Caiden. He supposed he would have been notified if ‘Evander’ returned. He was still wanted alive.

  He swallowed, struggling to maintain a calm demeanor. “Guards, you are all dismissed.”

  There was muttering as they stood there, confused. “Your Majesty?”

  “Leave. Sir Hayden will stay with me. I have something I wish to discuss with these people.”

  “As you wish, Sire.” The reply was slow and clearly they were unwilling to leave him in the presence of so many ability users who may or may not be hostile, but Evander couldn’t think of a better way to get rid of them.

  The doors closed and he stood, about to demand where Caiden was.

  “The rumors were true. I do look good on that throne.” The light, off-handed comment drew his attention to a shadowed corner of the room. At first, he didn’t see the speaker until the darkness abruptly dispersed, the shadows seeming to flee the man as he stepped forward.

  The entire room seemed to get brighter, the shade being pushed rather than pulled, and Evander belatedly realized that his ability was being used to move the shadow’s away. It barely processed as he watched a grin spread across his own face.

  “What? No witty reply? C’mon, Eva, I’m a bit disappointed.” Caiden grinned.

  “Told you I’d bring him back,” Riu’s voice smugly inserted itself while he stood in shock. He couldn’t form the words and finally Caiden’s expression softened.

  The Prince strode up to him, looking up at him with a slight smile. “Eva, you look like you’re going to cry. Are you that upset to see me?”

  “I hate you, so much.” Finally, his voice broke through as he gave in an
d hugged the man.


  “Your Majesty, the King of Terravinter will be arriving shortly. Preparations have concluded.”


  “Your daughter is requesting that you meet with her before he arrives, to approve of her dress.”


  “Your Kingdom is burning.”


  Evander finally stopped and glared at the King sitting at his desk, idly playing with the shadow cast by the inkwell. His hair held a few streaks of gray now, premature after a few years of dealing with pirate raids. He couldn’t help sighing as he waited for Caiden to realize that he’d stopped talking. Forty years of age and still acting like a child.

  “Hey, Eva.”

  “Yes, Your Majesty?”

  “There’s still an hour or so before my father-in-law arrives, correct?”

  “Yes…?” He didn’t hide the suspicion in his voice.

  “Could you tell the guards to notify me when he gets here?”

  Evander frowned. “Of course, Your Majesty.” He slowly walked to the door, poking his head outside to relay the King’s orders. He thought that maybe the room got darker for a moment and sighed as he turned back to Caiden, only to find the King gone.

  He couldn’t stop the grin that stole across his features, a chuckle echoing in the now-empty study. Some things never changed.

  The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb.


  Well, it took long enough, but here we are. Thank you to all of my poor, hapless friends and family who were pestered endlessly into reading. And re-reading. Multiple times.

  A million and one thank yous to Ashley Elliott, for the guidance and for trail blazing in the realm of marketing and self-publishing. Leia Curry, for dealing with me and my ranting all the time. Also to Alison, who was unafraid to rip the entire work apart and help me put it back together again.

  To all of my lovely victims— I mean, test readers, I couldn’t have done it without you guys.

  For those who gave me the feedback I needed to keep this on track and for those who expressed enough interest that I felt compelled to complete it.

  Abby S. Bridget C. Dannon D. Keelin Rob K.

  Alan S. Caitlyn G. Hannah G. Matt S. Ryan M.

  Alison L. Cassidy T. Janelle B. Michael B. Roxy R.

  Austin S. Chris K. Johnny B. Nick K. Sharon A.

  Brady S. Cody W. Juliana S. Rebbecca C. Val B.

  About the Author

  Macie Cage is a book hoarder with an unsustainable caffeine addiction. Her hobbies include crocheting, video games, and obsessively playing pen and paper RPGs. Hobbies definitely do not include attempting to talk about herself in the third person. She resides in the suburbs of Pittsburgh with too many ideas and not nearly enough time.

  SHADOW DANCER is her first work to survive long enough to be published.

  Visit the author’s website at

  Twitter: @MacieCage

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