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Enigma, Maine, Bundle 4

Page 12

by Iris Abbott


  “Who me?” Her hand fluttered to her chest. “Nope, I’m a vampire hunter getting ready to have dinner with a vampire and a pack of wolves, nope not nervous at all.”

  He flashed her a toothy grin. “You’ve got nothing to worry about. The Gannons are honorable. And while Mitch is the alpha, and Justin his second in command, they’re hardly the entire pack. You have nothing to fear in their midst, nor do you have anything to fear from me.”

  “That remains to be seen, though, I realize that I’m standing here because of you.”

  He gave her a courtly bow. “Glad to be of service, my lady.” He straightened, grasped her hand, and lifted it to his lips. He licked the inside of her wrist directly over her rapidly beating pulse before kissing the back of her hand.

  She sucked in a deep breath and leaned into him. He was seconds away from backing her against the cedar planks and having his way with her. The opening of the front door put an end to that fantasy.

  “Welcome.” Drew Gannon greeted them with a smirk that made Raphael grit his teeth.

  Zoe Myers peeked her head around Drew and cleared her throat.

  Tara hastily stepped out of his embrace. He felt a rush of cold air brush over him. Raphael immediately missed the closeness of her body next to his. “Impeccable timing, Gannon,” he snarled.

  The wolf shifter grinned. “Welcome, come on in,” he invited. “Other than Kara, the two of you are the first to arrive.”

  They entered the house and followed Drew through to the sitting room. He heard Tara gasp. He followed her line of sight. Most of the back of the house was made of glass and overlooked a pond. Silvery moonlight reflected off of the pool of water, casting a shimmering glow over the area. The view was breathtaking.

  Raphael wrapped an arm around Tara’s shoulders. “It’s beautiful, almost as stunning as you, but not even moonlight on water can compare to you.”

  She blushed to the roots of her hair. “You are a silver-tongued devil,” she whispered into his ear. “I think you could charm the pants off of any woman.”

  He raised his brows. “I’m not interested in just any woman, only one sexy as sin vampire hunter who heats my blood and makes me want to lose all control.”

  Tara stared at him with wide eyes. Her luscious mouth parted, but no words came out. He smiled to himself. He’d left her speechless, before he could take advantage and continue his campaign of seduction her sisters were there, linking arms with Tara and moving her away from him.

  “You look great!” Zoe gave Tara a big hug that lasted for several seconds.

  “More than great,” Kara enthused. “I’m glad you took my advice. That dress was made for you!”

  “It’s growing on me,” Tara said with a grin.

  “No one would know you were on the verge of death a handful of days ago.” A hand flew to Zoe’s mouth, quickly covering it. “Umm, I shouldn’t have said that. Tonight is for getting to know Drew, Raphael, and Alexander better, and only happy thoughts are allowed.”

  Raphael saw and felt Tara’s relief. “Thanks to the jail warden over there,” she waved a thumb his way, “I rested all afternoon, and I feel fine, almost normal.”

  Drew joined them and wrapped an arm around Zoe’s waist. “Raphael, I’m about to throw the steaks on the grill, if you want to step out onto the patio with me? Mitch and Justin are on their way over with Scarlet and Rose. My cousins will join us as soon as they arrive.”

  “Excellent. I was hoping to see Mitch and talk security while Tara and I were here,” he admitted.

  All three of the Myers sisters sighed. Zoe broke the silence first. “You’ll love Scarlett and Rose,” she told her sisters.

  He clasped Tara’s hand and gave it a comforting squeeze. “I’ll be right outside if you need me,” he felt compelled to say. He wasn’t really sure why because he knew she’d be perfectly fine with her sisters and the Gannons. The doorbell rang before he could say anything more.

  Zoe dragged her sisters away to answer the door, leaving him with Drew. The wolf shifter swung by the kitchen to grab the steaks. Raphael followed him out to the grill on the back patio.

  “It’s a perfect night to take out the ATVs. I’ve been talking it up to Zoe, but she hasn’t felt like going, not while Tara was still unconscious.”

  Raphael knew the pack loved to run in wolf form at night, but when they wanted to share the experience with their mates, they stayed in human form and raced through the night on all-terrain vehicles. Vampires like the guardians and wolf shifters had excellent night vision and fast reflexes. “I’m willing to give it a try as long as Tara’s on board.” He wouldn’t leave her behind even though he knew the Gannons, who owned a top-notch security firm, probably had the best security in Enigma.


  “Four-wheeling?” Tara asked in dismay. “I’ve never done anything like that, especially in the dark.”

  Her twin was not as reluctant. “I’m game!” Kara exclaimed.

  “Good!” Zoe gave Tara a comforting pat on the shoulder. “It’ll be fun. I promise. Drew’s been talking about taking out the ATV’s ever since I moved in with him, but the time was never right.”

  “And tonight is?” Tara wanted to know.

  “Yes, I think it is,” her sister answered.

  Tara gazed down at the sexy little black dress she wore. “Not feeling it, Zoe, especially dressed like this.”

  Her older sister waved a hand in the air. “We’re just about the same size, except the two of you are a couple of inches taller than me. I’ve got enough jeans and long-sleeved blouses to go around, so no excuse there,” Zoe said with a big smile.

  Tara was good at reading other people especially her sisters. She could tell that the four-wheeling meant a lot to Zoe. Besides, it would be an adventure. And her sisters were always telling her she needed to loosen up and live a little. The phrase had more meaning now after coming so close to death.

  She took a deep breath, pushed aside her misgivings, and gave both of her sisters a big smile. “I’ll do it.”

  “While the ladies are changing clothes, the men will get the ATV’s ready,” Drew announced. He stepped close to Zoe and claimed her mouth for a brief kiss. “Meet us at the garage in the back,” he said before turning to head out the back door.

  Tara could see the pink and red aura that surrounded Zoe and Drew. She was convinced the passion and love between them were real and the feelings were powerful. Seeing them together made her long for the same intense closeness with someone special of her own. Her gaze skittered to Raphael, and she caught him staring at her.

  She could see the bright red sparks that surrounded him and knew the attraction between them was not one-sided. Tara wasn’t sure what possessed her. It was completely out of character, but she felt downright giddy when Raphael was around. Especially when his ordinarily cool looking ice-blue eyes sparkled with the fire of passion.

  Their gazes met and held. Finally, it dawned on her that Zoe and Kara called her name. She felt the heat rise to her face. She looked away from Raphael and turned her attention to her sisters. “Um, sorry. What did you say?” she asked.

  Both sisters linked arms with Tara and dragged her down the hall to the master bedroom. “I said we are wasting precious riding time,” Zoe teased.

  Tara dragged her feet. “I’m having second thoughts. I don’t know a thing about ATVs and four-wheeling. I can’t even see very well at night,” though her vision was much improved since her near brush with death. She felt different but it was subtle, nothing she could pinpoint, but she was sure it had something to do with her miraculous recovery and the way Raphael healed her.

  “Doesn’t matter,” Zoe said. “The men all have excellent nighttime vision, and they’ll be doing the driving. All we have to do is hang on tight and have fun!”

  Kara rubbed her hands together. “But I get my own ATV, right?”

  “Sorry, but no. You’ll be sharing with Alexander.”

ra bit back a laugh when she saw the miffed look that crossed her twin’s face.

  “What! I thought I shook off that furry feline shadow following me around everywhere.” Kara sounded outraged, and Tara could no longer hold back her laughter.

  She laughed so hard she cried. She couldn’t help herself. It was obvious the guardian knew how to get under her sister’s skin.

  “What’s so funny?” Kara demanded. “I’m not the only one stuck with an unwanted watchdog, or have you forgot about fang boy.”

  Tara nonchalantly shrugged even though the desire to defend Raphael was immediate and strong. “So what if Raphael has fangs? I’m beginning to rethink the whole ‘all vampires are evil’ thing. He didn’t have to save my life, but he did. And beyond that, he’s had plenty of opportunities to hurt me, kill me, yet here I am, better than ever,” she insisted.

  “I think we’ve all had to rethink our stance on what constitutes evil,” Zoe agreed. “Drew certainly has me seeing things in a new light.”

  Kara planted her hands on her hips. “Well, that’s fine and dandy for the two of you. And while I am willing to admit that Drew and Raphael are more than tolerable, I’m nowhere near ready to say the same about Alexander.”

  Tara didn’t dare argue with her twin. She knew from the pinched lips and tilt of Kara’s head that Alexander was a touchy subject, and her sister was going to be stubborn about him. Instead, she made some sympathetic sounds her sister might interpret as agreement and quickly changed into the jeans and red sweater Zoe found for her to borrow.

  Fifteen minutes later, Tara was on the back of an ATV with her arms wrapped around Raphael, holding on tight as they sped down a narrow dirt track following behind Zoe and Drew, Mitch and Scarlet, Justin and Rose, and Alexander and Kara. At the beginning of the ride, she kept a sharp eye on her sister, making sure she didn’t jump off of the fast-moving vehicle just to spite Alexander.

  A few miles into the ride she forgot all about her twin. Her senses focused on Raphael and their surroundings. A crescent moon surrounded by a never-ending sea of twinkling stars offered a minimal amount of light, but she could still make out the trail crisscrossed with roots and covered in fallen leaves, mostly from oak and maple trees.

  They weren’t the only ones enjoying the crisp, clear air. They saw a few predators of the night during the trip. An owl swooped down in front of them, stalking prey. A beautiful red fox, most likely on the hunt as well, sprinted across the path only to stop and gaze at the machines invading his territory before seeking cover in the thick brush bordering the trail. A coyote, half-hidden by shrubs, sat on the edge of the path and watched them pass by.

  The last half of the ride, Tara’s focus was centered on Raphael. She tightened the arms already wrapped around his waist, leaned into his body, and pressed the side of her face against his broad back. Raphael’s unique smell filled her nostrils, and she breathed deep.

  Tara’s body responded to their physical closeness. Enough heat to block out the chill of the season flooded her body. Her heart hammered in her chest, and the frantic beat had nothing to do with the exhilarating moonlight ride. She wanted to caress his skin and tangle her fingers in the silky strands of his midnight black hair. Tara had a desperate need to touch Raphael and be touched by him.

  She no longer cared that he was a vampire, the longtime sworn enemy of her family. He was a male, she was a female, and she wanted him badly. Tara sucked in a lungful of air and slowly exhaled. She wished she could let go of her inhibitions just as quickly. She pressed closer to Raphael and gave herself a pep talk that lasted until they came to a stop in front of Drew’s five-car garage.


  Something shifted and changed between them during the ride on the ATV. He knew it even before Zoe tried to get Tara to stay with her at Gannon’s place and Tara refused. The physical attraction simmering between them since they met had finally come to a boil. After a lot of longing, tonight was the night he was finally going to have Tara.

  Luckily, the roads were not busy because he tested the limit of his sports car on the fast drive home. He was parked inside the garage and guiding her inside the old Victorian house in record time. He glanced at Tara and noted her parted lips, her relaxed posture, and shining eyes. She stood close to him as they walked, and her hand rested on his arm. She displayed plenty of signals, too many for him to misinterpret. She definitely wanted him also.

  He turned and backed Tara into the nearest wall. “I need.” His voice was so husky, he almost didn’t recognize it. He crowded her body with his, leaving her no place to go. He could feel the slight tremble of her body.

  She looked at him with wide eyes glazed with passion. “I need you too.”

  He searched out Tara’s mouth. His lips hungrily claimed hers. Raphael’s hand slid to the back of her neck. His fingers stroked her throat. He felt the frantic beat of her pulse, and it matched his own wild heart rate.

  He angled her head to deepen the kiss but was careful not to nip her lip with his fangs. His hands caressed down her neck, over her breasts, and down her sides to cup her bottom. He pushed her lower body against his hardened sex, and it swelled even more. He reluctantly moved away from her.

  “If we don’t make it to the bedroom as soon as possible, I’m going to take you right here against the wall.”

  After his confession, she didn’t utter a denial or move to push him away, so he swept her into his arms. She burrowed her face into the side of his neck and snuggled closer to him. He walked as fast as he could without actually running to the master bedroom.

  He pushed open the door and tried to sit Tara on the edge of the bed, but she clung to him. “Don’t let go,” she pleaded. Her voice vibrated with the same need that coursed through his body and heated his blood.

  “Not changing my mind or letting go,” he promised. He lowered Tara onto the bed. “My need for you is too great.” And it was the strongest yearning he’d ever had in all his centuries of existence.

  He clenched the hem of her sweater and pulled it over her head. As soon as her arms were free, she returned the favor, grabbing his T-shirt, and yanking it over his head. The creamy expanse of exposed skin, flushed rose, was beautiful, but he wanted to see the treasure currently hidden by the lacy black bra.

  He fingered the clasp and quickly bared her breasts and pebbled nipples so his eyes could feast on the beautiful sight. They were perfect, large enough to fill his hands, but not too big. He palmed them before lightly tugging on the nipples. A strangled moan encouraged him to continue his exploration.

  His gaze roamed up to her face, drinking in the sight of her. Her heavy-lidded eyes were dark with passion. Her mouth was slightly parted, and her lush lips were swollen from his kisses. Her wavy hair fanned out around her, and it looked exactly as he imagined it would spread out on his pillow. He was about to make the most beautiful woman in the world his forever.

  His sex ached, and he needed to get inside her sooner rather than later. The longer he waited to claim her the higher the odds of him embarrassing himself. His need for her was that great.

  He had enough sense not to rip off her jeans and plunge inside her, but barely. He had to make sure she was ready for him because it was going to be a rough coupling, at least the first time. His legendary self-control was almost gone.

  He kissed her neck, breathing in her scent as he did. He closed his eyes. “Please tell me you really want this, and you’re ready for me,” he begged in a hoarse voice.

  Raphael felt the sting to his scalp as she twined her fingers in his hair and pulled. “I’ve never been more ready for anything or anyone in my life,” she answered back in a passion-laced voice. “Please, don’t make me wait any longer.”

  He quickly stripped out of the rest of his clothes so that he could turn his attention where it belonged, on Tara. He unfastened the snap and zipper of her jeans with trembling hands. He slid the denim and black lace panties down her hips and then her legs so that she was laid out in front of him c
ompletely nude.

  The sight of her made his heart thunder away inside his chest and dried his mouth. She was magnificent. His gaze started at her delicate ankles and slid up slim, pale legs to the V of silky dark curls above her feminine core. He had to touch her.

  Raphael’s hands slowly roamed her body, caressing every curve, valley, and hill available to him. She was smooth and soft, intoxicating to his senses. His hands moved over her breasts, and he felt the hammering of her heart against his fingers.

  She reached out and grabbed him, pulling him down on top of her, and he willingly went. The feel of her soft flesh under his body made his sex impossibly harder than it already was. She twisted beneath him, urging him to move and ease the burning ache growing inside her.

  He found her mouth and kissed her until both of them were breathless. When he finally pulled away, they gasped for air. Her fingers fluttered down his back, across his ass, over his stomach, and to his chest. Her nails scraped across his nipples, and he shuddered.

  The single thread of self-control he managed to hold onto finally snapped. Passion was the overriding emotion that ruled his senses. It took over and demanded he take action. He used a hand to further part her thighs and moved his lower body between her legs. He guided the head of his swollen erection to the entrance of her waiting sex.

  He tensed the muscles in his body and thrust inside her tight, wet entrance. The silken flesh of her sex surrounded his erection, squeezing him tight. Pleasure zipped through his body.

  Her arms wrapped around his neck, and her pleading words urged him to move. He let go of his tightly held control and stroked in and out of her. Her welcoming body caressed his shaft and whipped his growing passion to hurricane strength force. Raphael continued to move inside her until the storm that raged within both of them reached a crescendo. He emptied himself inside Tara’s core, and both of them collapsed in a sated heap of tangled body parts.


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