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Enigma, Maine, Bundle 4

Page 15

by Iris Abbott

  She cleared her throat and nervously wrung her fingers together. “Um, now that the Puppet Master AKA the evil bastard who murdered my parents is dead,” she closed her eyes and breathed deep. It was a great relief, more than she could describe, to know that an evil being bent on hurting others had been destroyed. “I feel liberated. I want to make some big changes, starting with vampire hunting.”

  She felt him stiffen behind her. “Those changes better include me,” he demanded. “Your future and mine are linked together and are one and the same as far as I’m concerned.”

  Tara turned around and threw her arms around his neck. “Me too. I want to make Enigma my home base. With you and Zoe living here, there’s nowhere else I want to be.”

  “Good, we can make our relationship official by moving in together, immediately.” He winked at her. “I want you by my side night after night.”

  She smiled at him. “Glad that’s settled because I love it here,” she confessed in a husky whisper. “I love Enigma, and I love you,” she happily opened her heart to him.

  He squeezed her so tight she gave an involuntary squeak. She felt his perpetual stubble rasp across her face as he rubbed his chin against the side of her neck. “I love you too.” He scraped his fangs across the sensitive flesh of her neck, and she shivered all over. “I want us to spend eternity together.”

  “Eternity sounds like a really long time, but with you, I know it’ll pass quicker than the blink of an eye. Whether we have a century, or a thousand years together, I’ll love every nanosecond of it.” She closed her eyes and let out a satisfied sigh. “I can feel your love for me, but it’s nice to hear you say it,” she admitted.

  She leaned into Raphael and kissed him. Her tongue traced his lips then darted inside, tentatively touching his fangs before sliding pass them to explore the rest of his mouth. Both of them were panting when she reluctantly pulled away. Tara still had something to say, and she needed to say it before the simmering passion they shared fogged her mind and made her forget.

  “I will definitely be saying I love you a lot more often if I can get that kind of response,” he teased.

  Tara sighed again, this one more restless. She looked into his ice-blue eyes until she felt the familiar flutter of her heart. It seemed to be a constant reaction whenever Raphael was nearby. “I hope you won’t be too disappointed that I’m retiring from the vampire hunting business.”

  He arched his brows. “Nope, not disappointed at all. In fact, I couldn’t be more thrilled. I was sweating it out trying to decide how I was going to broach the subject of you quitting. I don’t want you risking your life day after day.”

  “In all honesty, it was never an everyday kind of thing. Battles were few and far between before we started encountering the puppets.”

  “Doesn’t matter. Once is one time too many as far as I’m concerned. After finally finding my soulmate I don’t think I could live without you. It would be a bleak existence that wouldn’t be worth living,” Raphael solemnly confided.

  “Well, now that my parents’ murders have been avenged, the threat of the Puppet Master is gone, and I know that the council and guardians are out there protecting humans I can give up the legacy without any guilt.”

  “Thank the gods!” Raphael muttered. “I just knew your job was going to be our first fight.”

  She shrugged. “I’m not sure why you thought that. The danger of the chase and the blood and gore of the hunt were never my passion. Honestly, I hated it, and I won’t miss it at all. Neither will Zoe. She’s officially retiring as well.”

  “I kind of figured that when I saw her and Drew together at dinner. What about Kara?”

  She didn’t know what her twin was going to do, and it really bothered her. “Unlike Zoe who had an obligation to lead us on the hunt and me who didn’t want to let my sisters down, Tara actually loves flirting with danger. She lives for the hunt. I don’t think she’s going to give it up.”

  “Alexander’s not going to be too happy about that,” Raphael said with a smirk. “But I’m sure he’ll work out something with Lucian and the rest of the council so he can keep an eye on her.”

  “I hope so. The thought of Kara flitting from one dangerous adventure to another scares me.” Tara cuddled up to Raphael, soaking in his warmth and breathing in his scent. She buried her face against his neck to muffle her loud laughter, but it didn’t work. She laughed so hard her body shook from head to toe. He let her laugh without interruption.

  Finally, after she was able to get ahold of herself and stop the giggling fit, she wiped the tears from her eyes and caught her breath. “Sorry, but that is one clash of wills I’m going to be sad to miss. And for the record, my money’s on my twin. Never have I met a more stubborn person.”

  “I don’t know,” Raphael said. “Guardians, like felines, are tenacious and persistent creatures. Alexander is showing all the signs of a being who’s found his soul mate. He won’t let go easily.”

  “I hope so. Since meeting Drew, Zoe is the happiest I’ve ever seen her. You brighten my days, add passion to my nights, and make my life better all the way around. I’ve definitely never been happier.” She rubbed her face against his stubble-roughened chin, reminding herself that this wasn’t a dream but the wonderful reality of her life.

  “If I know Alexander, he’ll keep his eyes on your sister until it’s time to pounce. And no one is better at playing cat and mouse games than a guardian.”

  “I just want my twin to find what we have with someone who’s worthy of her. She deserves to feel the passion, joy, and happiness of true love.” Tara wanted everyone to experience the wonders of true love but thought no one deserved it more than her adventure-loving twin.

  “I think your wish for your sister will come true sooner rather than later. For now, I want to work on making my wish come true.” He nuzzled the side of her neck. She felt the scrape of his teeth against her sensitive flesh. She shivered in anticipation and gave herself over to the erotic thrill of his bite, the intensity of their lovemaking, and her vampire’s embrace.


  Enigma, Maine Series

  Book 13

  Iris Abbott

  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal.


  Copyright © 2017 by Iris Abbott

  First E-book publication: October 2017

  Cover design by Iris Abbott

  Photos obtained from

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission. All characters in this book are fictitious and exist only in the imagination of the author. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.


  Darkness, her old friend, enveloped Kara Myers, giving her anonymity. Or so she thought. But one could never be sure who or what watched from the shadows.

  She skirted the edge of the empty lot, walking over cracked pavement. She deftly sidestepped weeds, broken glass, rocks, and dirt. Downtown, with its numerous bars, was well lit and busy. This part of the city, however, seemed almost forgotten so late at night.

  She picked up her pace, careful not to lose her footing on the uneven ground. A faint scraping sound, so slight she almost missed it, caused her to pause. Kara opened her senses, assessing the danger. The smell of stale cigarettes, rotting garbage, and dust assailed her nostrils. Something, probably a rodent, skittered across the pavement.

  The night whispered tales of secret horrors that were best left undiscovered. It held the taint of terror. The hairs on the back of her neck stood on end, and she shivered.

  Seconds later, a short-lived, blood-curdling scream pierced her ears before it abruptly ended. She craned her neck and tried to figure out where the sound originated. Her sight landed on the nearest alley. She grip
ped the hilt of her favorite knife with a sweaty palm and trembling hand and moved toward the back street.

  Her blood sizzled, her body tingled, and her heart pounded. The coppery smell of blood teased her nostrils as soon as she entered the dark and narrow space. Dirt, grime, and litter covered the area. Rotting garbage filled an overflowing dumpster, and still, the awful stench wasn’t enough to cover the unmistakable scent of freshly spilled blood.

  A sudden gust of wind howled through the walled space, rattling the open lid of the trash bin and blowing loose paper down the narrow confines of the passageway. As if sensing the impending danger, a stray dog scurried past Kara and into the street. Rodents scampered into crevices and holes, seeking shelter. Somehow she knew the mass exodus had nothing to do with her.

  Closing out the sounds and smells of the alley, Kara used her excellent night vision to penetrate the shadows. She spied a hooded and robed culprit. He kneeled over a prone body, and he appeared to be washing his hands in the blood of his victim.

  Kara’s stomach lurched at the sickening sight. Ice cold fingers of dread shivered down her spine. She took a deep breath, locked down her emotions, and tightened the grip on her weapon.

  She forced herself to slowly swivel her head and take in the bloody scene. A wicked looking knife covered in the crimson fluid of life was discarded off to the side. Kara didn’t know of any vampire or shifter that needed a blade to kill. She narrowed her eyes, pinched her lips together, and felt her temper soar. This was a sicko of the mortal variety.

  While he probably deserved death, judgment of humans was not her job. It was a matter for local law enforcement to handle. She took a couple of steps back, intending to call 9-1-1 and report the murder.

  The heel of her boot struck a broken pipe. The resulting clatter sounded as loud as an exploding bomb. “Not good,” she muttered under her breath. Her heart stalled, and she froze.

  The murderer spun around and stared at her with cold, flinty eyes. Kara shivered all the way down to her soul. The cold fist of fear clenched her heart, and the organ felt like it beat triple time. The oily, oppressive feel of pure evil surrounded her and coated her skin.

  She stiffened her already ramrod straight spine, spread her feet, and narrowed her eyes on the killer. She’d faced zombie-like creatures, demented vampires, and knew that things that went bump in the night really did exist. An evil murderer might give her the creeps, but he didn’t leave her paralyzed with fear. He might not be the opponent she expected, but when cornered she would stand her ground and fight.

  The man threw off the hood, revealing his blood-smeared lips and face. He raised a boney, bloodstained hand and beckoned her. “Come, sacrifice yourself to help slacken my thirst,” he spoke in a sing-song voice.

  The rhythmic tone might have been mesmerizing to some but not Kara. Despite her bravado, her stomach churned. She took an instinctive step backward on trembling legs even though she’d faced down much worse and walked away to tell the tale.

  The man threw back his head and let out a fiendish laugh. “A little shy? No matter.” He began chanting in a language she didn’t understand.

  Kara shivered. The man had yet to pick up his weapon or make a move toward her. Still, her senses tingled, warning her to retreat. She spun around to do exactly that, but it was too late.

  Black-robed figures shuffled out of the shadows, surrounding her from all sides. Several flashes of metal warned her they were armed. Kara bit back a surprised gasp. She’d been so focused on the killer in front of her she hadn’t sensed the presence of the others. She hoped it didn’t prove to be a fatal mistake.

  Her gaze darted to the weapons her attackers held. She needed to know what she was up against. All five of the hooded figures carried identical daggers with curved blades. One of the men sprang forward, striking out at her.

  She gracefully twisted to the side. The cold steel of the blade kissed her skin. The cut stung, but not enough to slow her down. She spread her feet to maintain her balance and struck hard and fast. The razor-sharp blade of her favorite knife plunged into the side of her attacker.

  He let out a grunt and fell to the ground. A wet stain spread across the material of the black robe. She took some satisfaction in being the first one to score a substantial hit, but there wasn’t time to dwell on the small victory. As if they were sharks scenting blood in the ocean, the other four robed figures trudged closer. Eerily enough, they didn’t stop their chanting.

  She brandished the knife in front of her, turning a quick circle to cover all sides. At the last second, before the hooded figures closed in on her and presumably tried to overpower her, a loud hissing noise, reminiscent of a pissed off cat, sounded throughout the alley. Everyone froze except for Kara. She knew what the sound meant. Her one-man cavalry had arrived.

  She wanted to be irritated that Alexander still followed her almost a year after she left Enigma, but not this time. The tension locking her muscles in a tight coil instantly released, and a giggle escaped before she could stop it. The hooded figures might have thought she, a lone woman, was an easy target, but they were in for the shock of their lives. Besides her skills as a vampire hunter, she came with a stalkerish guardian who was practically impossible to kill and definitely knew how to kick ass.

  Right on cue, he gracefully dropped out of the sky with feline precision. Alexander, a shapeshifter born of the magic of the gods of ancient Egypt, was a mix of human and animal. He embodied all the best qualities of man and cat. And Kara had never been so happy to see him.

  The robed attackers momentarily paused in their chanting and took a step back. Kara still couldn’t make out their features thanks to the heavy hoods. She imagined their mouths and eyes were wide open in a display of shock. Alexander had that effect on most living beings who had never seen the likes of him before.

  He winked at her. “Looks like you could use my help.”

  The blood-soaked killer interrupted the tension-filled reunion before she could give him a snappy comeback. “Attack!” he screamed at the evil minions who still surrounded Kara and Alexander.

  This wasn’t their first battle together, and Kara and Alexander fell into the fight with a naturalness that didn’t surprise her. They came together, their backs touching, weapons extended, ready to defend each other to the death. Since Alexander was practically immortal, that didn’t bode well for their freaky, chanting assailants.

  Alexander didn’t have a weapon, but fast as a whirlwind he rained down a flurry of kicks and blows on the men who surrounded them. His graceful agility and flexibility, though deadly, was a beauty to behold. However, there was no time to watch him in action.

  Kara did her best to cover his back, not allowing anyone but her to get close to his blindside. One robed figure, unsteady from Alexander’s attack, lunged toward her. She sliced outward with her blade, cutting through flesh. A scarlet arc of blood pumped out of his body. The bulky man staggered backward and fell to the ground, down for the count.

  The killer, who she presumed to be the leader, still hadn’t joined the fray. And the odds at three to two were undoubtedly in their favor. Not that there was ever any doubt about them winning the battle whether it be three to two or five to two. She felt invincible with Alexander fighting by her side. It was his most redeeming quality.

  Perceiving her as the weakest link, two of the assailants struck out at her. She dodged the shiny blades, swept out her leg, and managed to knock one of the assailants to the ground. She rolled, following him down, and permanently incapacitated him with a fatal stab to the heart. She was used to hunting vampires, and it was her kill strike of choice.

  The gruesome snaps of bone one right after the other told her Alexander had taken out the last of the attackers. The killer still needed to be dealt with. She sprang to her feet, spared a quick glance for Alexander, then turned her attention to the back of the alley.

  The crumpled form of the dead woman was alone. Kara’s fist tightened around the hilt of her knife. She s
crubbed her free hand over her face and groaned. “The killer got away!”

  Alexander shrugged in that slow, lazy, cat-like way of his. “Doesn’t matter. I’ve got his scent and can hunt him when I’m done here.”

  He stalked toward her, quickly closing the distance between them. He wrapped an arm around her waist, slamming her into the hardness of his body. He palmed the back of her head and guided her mouth toward his. She relaxed against him and opened herself to his plundering mouth. He teased her lips, nipping and sucking before he thrust his tongue inside, and claimed her.

  The stench of the alley, the horror of murder, and the anxiety of the attack faded into nothingness. Everything fled her mind but the feel and taste of the guardian who’d been haunting her dreams and even a few of her waking hours for months. His mouth slid away and trailed hot kisses across her cheek and down her neck.

  She was drawn to him despite not wanting to be. Alexander was hard to resist. Especially when her pulse raced, her body trembled, and she had a need to touch him every time he was near.

  His mouth nuzzled her neck, and his tongue flicked the sensitive skin. A pleasurable sigh escaped from between her parted lips. His teeth scraped against her skin. Her body shivered, and she drew him closer.

  The sudden sting of a painful bite made her gasp and struggle to get out of his embrace. He tightened his hold, refusing to let go. One of the arms currently draped around his neck slid away. She briefly contemplated reaching for her knife, but the pain faded as quickly as it began. He lapped at the sore spot until Kara found the strength to escape his hold.


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