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Crave: A BWWM Romance

Page 3

by Sadie Black

  “I’m not the only one who’s slow on the draw.”

  “Well, you know, ladies first.”

  “Oh, please.”

  “Fine then.” I grabbed the next shot from Sonia’s hand right as she was approaching the table and immediately downed it. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Moneka’s uncertainty. I might win this thing after all.

  Unwilling to go down without a fight, or a stretcher apparently, Moneka took her fifth shot. There was a brief moment where it looked like it might come back up. I sympathized. Mine was threatening to make an encore as well. Six shots, a scotch and a half, and four glasses of wine were plenty for one night.

  As Sonia approached with the next round, Moneka and I shared a look of alarm. Moneka then immediately started laughing. It was clear that neither of us wanted this to continue. Part of me wanted to push it a little further, thinking that I had Moneka on the ropes and it would only be a matter of time. Another, smarter part of me knew that Moneka wouldn’t back down and we’d both be unconscious before eleven.

  Moneka slammed her hand down and held another up to arrest Sonia’s movement.

  “I agree.” I said, understanding her intentions.

  “Good. Because, I have work to do tomorrow.”

  “Yeah, me too.”

  “I mean that’s the only reason. Otherwise…”

  “Of course.”

  There. We’d both managed to salvage both our stomachs and our pride.

  Moneka leaned conspiratorially forward, as if preparing to tell me a drunken secret. “Want to have some water?”

  “I thought you’d never ask.” I laughed.

  A relieved Sonia handed the vodka to my crew members and poured two pint glasses of water behind the bar. As she placed them in front of us, she said, “good decision kid,” and ruffled my hair.

  “You’ll make an excellent bartender Sonia.” I called after her as she went to pour herself another drink.

  “I already am,” she called back.

  Moneka and I nursed our waters for a while. It wasn’t long before the nausea brought on by the sudden influx of vodka had worn off and I was enjoying a pleasant drunkenness.

  Around 11:30, Kaila's date had ducked out, clearly perturbed that Kaila was not going with him. My crew members had also gone home for the night. Sonia poured us each another tumbler of scotch, stating that we could handle it again now, before retiring to the other end of the bar with Kaila. I didn’t have to look their way to know that they were whispering and glancing our way. Self proclaimed matchmakers are literally the most irritating people on the planet.

  “Well this is a nice silence.” Moneka caught my eye and smiled wanly.

  “Sorry. Is this awkward? I’m just a little drunk.”

  “A quiet drunk, huh? One in a long list of things that I don’t know about you.”

  “Well what do you want to know?”

  Moneka contemplated her open invitation. She scrunched up her face, making a show of trying to come up with the perfect question. I suddenly wanted to kiss that face.

  She finally came out with, “did you always want to be a contractor?”

  “It’s a little late for the heavy hitters isn’t it?”

  “Nah. It’s about that time.”

  “Ok. Yes and No. I always new I wanted to make things. That lends itself to a lot of things though. I like working with my hands.”

  “Oh.” Moneka reached her hand out and laid it on mine. I felt a buzz of electricity run up my arm, making the little hairs stand up in exciting ways.

  “Did you always want to be a chef?”

  “Since I was about eight. I like creating things too.”

  Her hand remained on mine. The fact of her touching me hung in the air like an unfinished sentence. I wanted to grab her, pull her close, and kiss her everywhere that I could reach. Ours eyes locked and the air left my lungs. It felt like there was only one choice. Kiss her. Kiss her or suffocate. Kiss her or die.

  We didn’t notice when Kaila and Sonia had slipped into the kitchen and out the back. We didn’t notice as the lights in the awnings of the restaurants up and down the boulevard started to peter out. We didn’t notice as the ice melted in our drinks and the glasses sweat large puddles across the Sonia's perfectly finished oak bar.



  My hand lay on top of his. I could tell by the look of intensity on his face that he was getting the message. With a pinky, I traced the edge of his finger and back, just light enough to tickle and just firm enough to be unmistakable. If you had asked me yesterday if I thought I’d be touching digits with Cole Saunders in a darkened restaurant after midnight, I would have told you to take a hike. Sure, I thought he was cute. Ok, that's a lie. I thought he was the most perfect man I'd ever laid eyes on. But there’s thinking someone’s sexy and then there’s actually sleeping with them. Up until tonight, Cole was window dressing, meant to be admired from a distance. The moment he walked in wearing that suit, however, all bets were off. Tonight, I got to meet more than Saunders the contractor who always has to be right. Tonight I got to meet a charming, playful, hot…

  “I’ve got something I want to show you.” I jumped out of my seat. What was I thinking? If I slept with him now, he’d be a nightmare for the next week before opening.

  “Yeah?” Cole rose and began following me into the kitchen. I could tell by the way he said “yeah” that he thought I’d had something else in mind. So, he would be disappointed. So what?

  As we entered the kitchen, the fluorescent lighting reminded me of how much I’d had to drink. I reeled a bit from the glare and steadied myself on one of the stainless steel cooking surfaces. I snuck a glance at Cole to make sure he was suffering as much as I was. He was. Good.

  “Anyway,” I composed myself, “there’s something wrong with the freezer. It’s not cooling down to the right temperature.”

  “Oh. Um. Ok. Wait…is this really what you wanted to show me?” Cole looked incredulous. All of the sexiness had gone out of his stride and he was just staring at me.

  “Yeah. I mean it’s important. It has to get done before we stock it.”

  “Jesus, Moneka.”

  “Excuse me? Mr. Saunders?” He was visibly annoyed and it was pissing me off. Who did he think he was? I was paying for this. I should get what I ask for.

  “You know…”

  “No, Mr. Saunders, I don’t know. Please enlighten me.”

  “You know, you’re a real pain in the ass sometimes.” He had closed the distance between us to get a closer look at the freezer.

  “I’m? I’m a pain in the ass? What about you?” I leaned up against the counter to steady myself. My anger mixed with the lighting and the liquor to send the world out of whack.

  “Yes.” Cole turned to me, one arm resting against the counter top behind me. “You know…you know someone ought to just pull you over their knee and give you a good spanking.”

  I wanted to be appalled. I wanted to slap him. But a sharp “excuse me” was all I could manage. I couldn’t believe someone would say something like that to me. However, even harder to believe was the low flush I felt the moment he said it. A warmth was creeping up my body. I looked to my left where is hand rested against the counter top. I looked up at his face, looming over mine, his eyebrows knit together in frustration but his eyes burning with desire.

  “I’m sorry I’m just…”

  I didn’t let him finish that thought. Instead, I pounced forward, pressing my lips so hard into his that I thought I might bruise them against his teeth. Cole parted his lips, and his tongue collided with mine in a dance of passion. His hands roamed down until they reached my lower back and he pulled me against him. Our bodies fit together like pieces of a puzzle. Wherever he gave, I pushed forward and wherever I pulled back, he came up to meet me. We stood there for some time, ebbing and flowing, kissing as if that was all there was. Thankfully, he reminded me there was more.

  Cole moved his hands to my
hips and lifted me effortlessly onto one of my stainless steel counters. All the while, he never moved his lips from mine. It was a powerful motion and I felt a thrill go through me. With barely a thought, I parted my legs a bit, pulling him in between them and wrapping my ankles around his back. He immediately understood and was soon pulling me closer to the edge, against his body, our figures forming a new puzzle.

  Eventually, Cole’s lips left mine and he started working his way down my neck. When he got to the collarbone, his lips trailed along the edge of it, tenderly kissing every inch like he was honoring me. I kept trying to reciprocate, to lean in and press my lips against his skin, but he always pulled me back. At a certain point, all I could do was tilt my head back and sigh.

  Sigh I did. Especially when it became apparent that he was more than ready to go. Pressed so close together, there was no mistaking the bulge pressed against the thin fabric of my panties. If he’d been wearing jeans, more might have been left to the imagination. But his hard cock strained the seams of his Armani dress pants. With my legs wrapped around his waist in a hug, I could feel the warmth of his longing pressing up against my pussy. This was all moving fast. Too fast. I pulled away slightly.

  “What’s wrong?” He asked. Concern battled with desperation on his face.

  “Nothing. I just don't know if we should be doing this... I mean, I'm not this kind of girl.”

  “No? I think you're body is telling a different story,” he pressed his cock against my wet thong and a moan escaped my lips. “If you want it, what does it matter how fast we’re moving?” To his credit, despite his words, Cole pulled back and searched my face for an answer. He really did seem to want me to be comfortable. I could tell it was taxing though. There was an animal impulse buried behind his eyes that spoke volumes.

  “Are we sure?”

  “I’m sure.”

  “You are?”

  “Yes.” Cole traced a hand up my thigh as if trying to communicate how sure he was. The gesture sent chills through me. Pleasant ones. Chills that told me to forget about all this stress and worry and just give in to what I clearly wanted.

  I hooked my ankles, bringing him in close again. With one hand I circled the back of his neck and pulled him in to kiss me. He responded at first before pulling back and trying to ask if I was sure. I barely let him speak as I pressed forward. He was right. What did it matter how fast this was moving? All that mattered was this moment, what I wanted to happen, and the fact that I had the power to make it happen.

  Cole was getting into it. His hands moved slickly up my sides. He stopped short of my breasts and gently cupped them from below, moving his thumbs into place over my nipples. I could tell from the hesitancy in his fingertips that he was trying to tease me but could barely contain his enthusiasm for the act.

  I pulled his face away from mine and smiled at him, a mischievous smile meant to distract him from my hand, which was creeping up the inside of his thigh to his crotch. I rested my fingers on the unmistakable bulge and lightly stroked him, feeling the muscle flex with pleasure beneath my touch. It seemed to grow to fit the size of my need while he groaned and buried his face in my neck. I kept going, my hands getting a little greedier with him, wanting to make him burst through the fabric.

  Cole’s once delicate hands on my breasts became ravenous. He rubbed and pulled at my nipples. As if by magic, a wet warmth grew inside me with every stroke. I kept one hand on his crotch while I tried to pull him close. I wanted to kiss him again; I wanted to drag this out as long as I possibly could. I didn’t want it to end.

  Cole wasn’t having it. He seemed to be done waiting as he quickly worked his hands behind me and started liberating my body from my dress. He unhooked the clasp expertly, the zipper almost falling of its own accord. With one swift motion, he pulled it off at the front, so the dress hung down to my waist. He paused for a moment, marveling at my body. As if in some kind of spectacular thank you, he pulled me close and kissed me again, his hand fumbling at my bra while my hands worked at his zipper.

  His zipper was no match for my desperate fingers, as soon as I tugged it down, my hand was reaching inside his pants. My skin made contact with the heat of his cock. My hands couldn’t get enough of him; they stroked and stroked, trying to bring it out, needing it inside of me. In the meantime, he had thrown my bra clear across the kitchen. It landed haphazardly near the knives. He grazed my breasts with his strong hands, I gasped imperceptibly every time they brushed against my nipples.

  “You like that huh?”

  “Always have.” I gasped again. “What about you?” I pressed his member for emphasis.

  “Hold on there.” He grabbed my hand and pulled it away. “You might like to be in charge on the job, but here,” he pinned my hands behind my back, “right now I'm calling the shots.”


  He bent his head down and started flickering his tongue over my dark nipples. With one hand, he easily held my arms motionless behind me, while his other hand teasingly trailed down over my curves. I squirmed beneath him. I felt like a wind up toy, being held in stasis. Unable to release all of the tension that was meant to make me go.

  “What’s the matter?” He was enjoying tormenting me, I could see it his glimmering eyes. “Did you want something from me?”

  All I could do to moan in response.

  “Really?” He said. My nipple rubbed against his lip as he spoke. “What do you want?”

  “I want you.” I wiggled beneath him. I could tell that my antsiness was only encouraging him.

  “Want me to what?”

  Why was he torturing me? Who did he think he was? My nipples stood like hard candies on my breasts. I was very aware of the fact that I was the most under dressed person in the room, by a long shot. I wanted Cole to take off his suit. No scratch that. I wanted to tear it off of him. I wanted to watch each button on his dress shirt pop and feel his heartbeat underneath.

  “I... I want you to fuck me,” I finally murmured as if I was sharing my deepest secret. I didn’t know if this was what he was expecting, but the light in his eyes told me that it had done the trick.

  He pulled me close again, releasing my hands. He dragged me off the counter and let my dress fall to the floor. At the same time I worked his belt out of its loops and watched his expensive pants do the same. I then got to work on his shirt buttons while he tore off his jacket and threw it aside. They didn’t pop they way I imagined they would, but that was OK. I could see his figure being revealed, outlined beneath his under shirt. It was exactly how I pictured it on many an afternoon while daydreaming in the restaurant and thinking about what would and could never happen. Only it was happening. Right now.

  Cole stopped me before I was finished with a hand on my shoulder. The light pressure he placed there told me exactly what he wanted. I was happy to comply. I’d been thinking about that cock since the moment I felt it's heat teasing me. Letting him guide me to my knees, I grabbed my dress and used it as protection against the cold floor. His hand moved to the back of my neck as he stepped closer and eased his cock into my mouth.

  It wasn’t easy to take. I've been told my whole life that I have a big mouth, but Cole Saunders was proving them all wrong. I did my best though. Sucking as I dove down on the shaft and licking around the tip every time I emerged. I used one hand to help me work his thick cock and the other to support myself. Cole kept his hand on the back of my neck, but he didn’t push. He just encouraged me to find a rhythm that worked.

  His heavy member was pulsing and tensing against my tongue as I enthusiastically took him deeper into my mouth. His cock almost seemed like its own living thing, breathing seduction. I felt like it was devouring me and not the other way around. Cole started moaning audibly. His hand on my neck indicated a quicker pace.

  “Yes.” He said. “Yeah.”

  I moaned in response.

  “That’s it. God, yes. You like sucking my cock, don't you?”

  I pulled away briefly and gasped
a bit. “Was this the kind of punishment you were looking for? With all that talk about ‘taking me over your knee’?”

  Cole laughed. “No. That comes next.”


  Cole lifted me up and twirled me around in a single swift motion. I was pinned between him and the cold stainless steel counter, feeling his firm hands on my waist. Tearing my panties down over my plump ass, he bent me over with one firm hand on my back. I barely had a chance to kick the panties away before he was inside me. I was so wet that he had no problem sinking into me up to the hilt. I cried out anyway though, aching with the fullness of it.

  He held himself there. “You’re wet”.

  “Oh yeah.”

  “You want this?”


  “You see, I’m not sure you do.”


  “Please what?” He thrust his cock inside me and my pussy clenched around him greedily.

  “Please fuck me.”

  “Please what?”

  “Please…please punish me?”

  Cole pulled himself all the way out and plunged back in. He did this several more times, making my pussy ache with longing, before settling in to a rhythm. When he had chosen a rhythm, it was a furious one. I steadied myself against the counter as best I could, each thrust nearly knocking me down. I was the perfect height for him to fuck me against this particular counter. It was almost as if we’d chosen the height knowing that this would happen one night. Again, I was reminded of puzzle pieces.

  Cole fucked me harder than I'd ever been fucked before. And I wanted more. No man had ever made me this wet before, no man had ever had me clinging to the edge of a counter crying out to God. I could hear him grunting. Little “oh yeahs” and “oh my gods” escaping his lips as he fucked me as hard as he could. I could barely hear the sounds I was making, pleasure exploding in my ears.

  “I’m going to cum,” I heard him groan behind me.

  I too was beginning to feel that rise. I can always tell because there’s a moment of numbness right before it starts to climb, like a low dip in the water before a wave forms. In this case, however, it wasn’t a wave; it was a tsunami and it was rising fast. I closed my eyes and let it flood over me, drowning me. I spasmed around Cole’s cock. Those spams radiated into my legs and tummy. Cole's body tensed as my muscles tightened around his member and he was soon sighing and moaning as he filled me with his seed.


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