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The complete “A Glimpse into Hell” series - 5 books, 195 chapters, 1700 pages, 600K words of pure gore

Page 47

by Garrett, Wade H.

  About a month later, an investigator came back to town and started asking questions about the incident with the Sullivan girl. It caught me off guard when he asked about Jason’s alibi and the Grim Reaper tattoo. This must have been when you told them about the tattoo. I told him Jason and his buddies had been with me that night playing cards. I informed him I had run a vagabond out of town around the same time the incident happened, and the man had a Grim Reaper tattoo on his arm. Before he had a chance to ask if he could talk to Jason, I told him Jason was on a hunting trip, but soon as he got back I would set up a time and place to meet.”

  Seth walked over to the bars. “I definitely like the next part.”

  Chuck looked up at Seth for a moment. “I didn’t know what to do. I knew the investigator was going to question Jason, and most likely check to see if he had a Grim Reaper tattoo. At this point I had limited options. I could have killed the investigator, making it look like an accident, but another one would have most likely taken his place. Jason could have left town, but he would be on the run for the rest of his life. So, the only choice I had….”

  Seth interrupted. “Sure wasn’t going to be the right thing.”

  He looked at Seth.

  “You can continue.”

  “The only choice I had was to get this boy named Barry to stand in for Jason. Barry lived at the boy’s home. They looked a lot alike and were about the same height. Only their ages differed. Jason was almost twenty-one, this kid was seventeen. But side by side they could pass as brothers. I knew the investigator most likely didn’t have any pictures of Jason, so the chance of this scheme working was high, and if not, I would have resorted to more drastic measures. Jason wasn’t hunting. He was at his girlfriend’s house. I drove over and picked him up, then went and found Barry at the park. Barry was hesitant at first, but I threatened him, leaving him no alternative. Of course, he didn’t know any details. All I instructed him to do was say he and his friends were with me playing cards at the time of the incident. Barry and I met with the investigator at my office. I had Barry wear a muscle shirt. The meeting went fairly quick. The investigator shook Barry’s hand, looked at his right arm, then stated he would get back with me if he had any further questions as he walked out the door.”

  “And you say I’m slick.”

  Chuck looked down.

  “You can look down after you tell me what you did next.”

  “I had another dilemma. I had to worry that Barry, and possibly Jason’s friends, would say something. A few days later, I had Jason and his two friends meet me in the woods. When they arrived, I had Barry tied up, lying on the ground. I explained to them if one of us talked, we would all go down. I knelt next to Barry and stuck a knife into his stomach. I stood back up and handed the knife to Jason. He walked over and drove the knife into Barry’s side. The other two boys walked up and took their turn. I tossed Jason a shovel and told him and his buddies to bury the body.”

  Seth stood up. “What happened to the body? I couldn’t find it.”

  Chuck was looking down. “I went back and moved it in case one of Jason’s friends decided to rat on us.”

  Seth laughed. “I thought Jason had lied about the location of the body. He got his ass beat because of your lack of trust.”

  Chuck looked as if he wanted to cry.

  Seth walked off and came back with a folder. He tossed it next to him.

  Chuck just sat on the floor.

  “Open it and take out the papers.”

  He opened the folder and took out a stack of documents. He looked confused as he flipped through the pages. “What are these?”

  “They’re legal documents.”

  “For what?”

  Seth tossed him a pen. “You’re going to sign your shit over.”

  Chuck got a little upset as he read through the papers. “You want me to sign my house over to Saint David’s Home for Boys?” He looked up at Seth.

  Seth nodded yes. “And your retirement over to your sister.”

  He looked back at the documents. “You’re fucking nuts. And what’s this overseas account? You think you’re entitled as well?”

  Seth smiled. “That’s where your savings is going. It’s for your ex-wife. All I’m entitled to is a pound of your ass, including screams and begging. You get the picture.”

  Chuck tossed the documents on the floor. “You’re crazy. I ain’t signing over shit.”

  “Okay.” Seth walked off. A moment later, he came back pushing a cart covered with tools and unusual items towards Jason.

  Chuck quickly grabbed the documents and began signing them where Seth had stuck yellow arrow tabs. When he finished, he tossed the papers out between the bars.

  Seth walked over and picked them up, holding them outward. “Is this how you received them?”

  He gritted his teeth as he took the documents and stuck them back in the folder. He shoved it between the bars. “Take the damn thing!”

  “What about the pen?”

  He held it up. “You have robbed me of absolutely everything.”

  “Fucking sucks, don’t it? Now you know how the rest of us feel.”

  “Yeah, you fuck. You got me back, didn’t you?”

  “Not yet. That’s coming up shortly.”

  Chuck looked angry.

  Seth walked over to the two men that were sewn together in the sixty-nine position. “Before I forget, these are the two little bastards that were with Jason that night.”

  Chuck looked up with disbelief, not knowing what to say.

  Seth walked over and sat on the table covered with torture devices. “Now where was I…? Oh yeah, I had hung up the phone and screamed when I heard the detective say Jason had a good alibi. The next hour or so I walked around gripping my fist and yelling out like a crazy man. I was drawing attention from everyone around until an old homeless woman grabbed my arm. “Hey there, sonny, it can’t be that bad. You’re still young and have your whole life ahead of you. Whatever the problem is, time can heal your wounds.” While the old woman walked away, I sat on the ground and leaned back against the wall of a building, and as I closed my eyes I thought to myself, I will get my revenge one day no matter how long it takes. I knew that if I had patience, bided my time, and controlled my anger, I would have my day of vengeance.

  Over the next few days I looked for work, and at night I slept in an alleyway where there were other homeless people. During that time, a few homeless people took me in and would give me pointers on how to survive on the streets. Some of them were good people that had fallen on bad times, but most were drug addicts, perverts, crooks, con artists, and lowlifes. I learned very quickly to watch my back on the street, and I became very streetwise quickly. After a short while I found work at a construction site. It didn’t matter that I looked like a homeless person because all I did was clean up at the site. It was a shitty job, but eventually I was able to rent a room at a run-down motel. As the years went by, and as I went from construction job to construction job, I learned more and more about the different trades. I finally got a job at a cabinet shop where I would learn the trade of woodworking. After a few years, I made enough money to buy this old house. During the day, I worked at the cabinet shop and at night I would dig this chamber under my house. I stayed busy working during these years so I could control my anger. My anger was the driving force that made me work hard. Eventually I opened my own wood shop so I could have more freedom. As the years went by, my eyes were opened more and more to the fact that the world is filled with worthless human beings. At any time of the day a person can turn on the news or open a newspaper and find that they are filled with violence. It seems that most people are not concerned about what happens to other people, and as long as their little world isn’t bothered they can care less. During the years that I built the chamber, it seemed to get bigger and bigger every time I read about a vicious crime against an innocent person; before I knew it, the chamber was huge.

  The day finally came when I had
finished. I already had an idea of how and what I was going to do from years of planning. Death would be too easy for guys like Jason and his buddies. I wanted to rob them of everything just like they did me. I wanted them to suffer their entire life as I would. My first lowlife that I reaped justice on was a paroled child molester. He had only served eight years for raping a twelve-year-old girl in the ass. I knew the girl’s sentence that the molester bestowed on her would be with her for the rest of her life, so why should he be set free in the world to do as he pleased and to move on with his life, and most likely raping someone else in the ass? Over the course of several weeks I staked out the molester so I could get familiar with his daily activities. I decided to make my move on a stormy night when he was at his favorite run-down strip club. The rain gave me a good advantage because it kept the drunks and perverts out of the parking lot and allowed me to pick the lock on his car without being seen. I hid in the backseat of his smelly piece of shit car until he came out an hour or so later. A couple of miles down the road I sat up and put a gun to his head. The molester begged and whined as I forced him to drive to the outskirts of town. When we came to a secluded area by a river, I took his wallet and made him get out of his car and lay face down on the ground. Before I knocked him in the head with a crowbar, I looked at his driver’s license to make sure that he was the right guy. After I knocked him unconscious, I dragged him over to where my car was hidden in some nearby brush and threw him into the trunk. I got rid of his car by pushing it off a cliff and into the river. Before I left, I did a sweep of the area to ensure I wasn’t leaving anything incriminating behind, and I used a rake to remove all the tire tracks and footprints. When I got back home I dragged him kicking and screaming into the chamber, and after I removed his clothes, I chained him to the floor. While the molester fought at his restraints, I measured his body to confirm he was close to the same build and height as Jason, which was one of the main reasons I had picked him.

  The next day I tattooed the same Reaper tattoo that Jason had on his right arm on the molester’s right arm. I needed the tattoo to completely heal, so I threw him into a cell for several weeks. Jason’s medical records showed he had broken his left leg below his knee when he was a teenager and he had broken a rib on his right side when he was twenty-two. When the molester’s tattoo healed, I dragged him out of the cell and chained him back to the floor, and as he hysterically fought at his restraints, I took a propane flamethrower and started burning his torso. He was screaming so loud I had to put in earplugs as the flames engulfed his body. After I destroyed the front of his body, I flipped him over, then burned his backside. I finally shut off the torch when he was as crispy as a piece of burnt toast. He was burnt so bad that his skin had cracked open and some of the fluids inside of him had boiled out. I made sure I kept the hottest part of the flame away from the Grim Reaper tattoo so it wouldn’t be disintegrated, and even though his skin was slightly burnt in that area, the ink could still be seen. After he stopped smoking, I chained his arms and legs to anchors that were in the concrete, then covered certain parts of his body with sheet metal. I made sure I left his fingers, all birthmarks and any identifiable markings exposed. I left part of his left leg, a section of his chest and his neck exposed. Before I left the chamber for the night, I released some hungry dogs from their cages.

  The next morning the dogs had done exactly what I was hoping they would do. Every part of the thug’s body that I had left exposed, the dogs completely ravaged. The thug’s leg bone, where Jason had his bone broken, had been completely chewed through, and his ribs where Jason’s rib had been fractured had been eaten as well. The dogs had eaten most of the flesh from around the thug’s neck and pretty much the only thing remaining was his spine. All the identifiable marks including his fingerprints had been eaten as well. After I removed all the sheet metal, except a piece that was covering the Reaper tattoo, I pulled off the thug’s head. The body had been eaten only in certain areas, so I released another set of dogs so they could ravage the rest of his body. When they were done, I loaded the body into the hidden compartment in the trunk of my car. Before I left, I threw several gas cans and other supplies in the trunk on top of the hidden compartment lid, and I swapped the tires and rims with a different set. I would change the tires again after the trip, which would prevent me from leaving any tire marks that could be incriminating. I drove through the night and the next day until I came back to that horrid town.”

  Seth tossed a dart at Jason and struck him in his crotch. Chuck jumped up and grabbed the bars. “Please stop hurting my son! I’m doing what you ask. I’m listening to your dreadful story.”

  Seth laughed. “It’s just a habit.”

  He started crying.

  Seth got off a table and walked over to Jason and pulled the dart out. “I had been staking out you and your son for years. I would disguise myself and sit at the local diner and eavesdrop on conversations. People in that town like to gossip and talk about everyone. I found out a lot sitting there as I read the newspaper and ate meals. I found out that Jason was still a troublemaker and most of the people in town despised him. And for the record, they really didn’t care for you too much either. And what really pissed me off is you made your son a deputy—he should have been in prison instead of enforcing the law. One of the interesting things I had overheard in the diner was Jason liked to go out to the town hang out, which was called ‘Dead Man’s Bluff’, and cause trouble for teenagers that went up there to party or make out. I heard this key information from some teenagers in the diner one night when they were bitching about Jason. They were saying if Jason saw any lights on the bluff, he would drive up there in his patrol car and harass them. He would take any alcohol or drugs from them for his own use, and he would threaten to throw them in jail if they didn’t pay him a fine for trespassing.”

  Seth looked over at Chuck as he sat on the floor of his cell. “Maybe I was wrong about ol’ Reaper as well. He seemed to be a really good and decent person.” Seth laughed as he jabbed a dart in the top of Jason’s head. “Yeah, right.”

  Jason moaned as a thin trail of blood ran down his forehead.

  Chuck just looked down knowing that pleading with Seth would do no good, and as he sat on the floor while holding the bars, Seth walked over and kicked one of his hands. “Your son is a piece of shit and I did the world a favor.” Seth walked over and sat back on the table. “It was about 10 PM when I was on the last stretch of road, and before I entered the city limits, I changed the license plates on my car with another set that were untraceable. A mile or so outside of town I took a winding road that went around a side of a mountain to where Dead Man’s Bluff was located. The road going up the mountain had dangerous corners, and a few feet from the corners there were deadly cliffs that dropped for several hundred feet. When I finally reached a narrow dirt road, I drove down about a hundred feet, then pulled into a wooded area. Dead Man’s Bluff was probably about five hundred feet further down the dirt road. This way if anyone came to the bluff, I could drive away without being seen. After I parked my car, I snuck through the dark wooded area, and after several hundred feet I came to an open area. The area was Dead Man’s Bluff that sat on the edge of the mountain. It was almost pitch black, and as I knelt, I looked through a night vision scope that was mounted on a tranquilizer gun to see if anyone was there. The area was clear, so I ran over to a fence that protected people from the cliff. My heart pounded rapidly as I quickly hung two large flashlights five-feet apart on the fence with tie wraps. After I positioned the lights so they faced out over the cliff towards the town below, I turned them on so it would look like a car was sitting at the edge of the bluff. The town was several miles away, but headlights from a car could be seen at night from the town. While the decoy lit up the dark, I hid in the woods and waited to see if numbnuts would show up, and if anyone else came or if something went wrong, I could slip through the woods to my car. I could drive out of the wooded area and onto the main road without anyone knowing t
hat I was there, and I could do this I figured in less than a minute. If someone found the flashlights, they would most likely think some teenagers were playing a prank.

  After about three hours the batteries in the flashlights went dead, and it didn’t look like Jason was going to show up, so I loaded everything up and drove several towns away. That night I stayed in a motel room. The next evening, which was Friday, I drove back to Dead Man’s Bluff and set up the same way that I had done the night before. I knew Friday night would be better because teenagers would be running the streets and Jason would be out and about. I was patiently waiting with the tranquilizer gun when a car pulled in with its lights off and parked a little way from the bluff. I watched through the night vision scope as a guy got out and walked over to the flashlights, and after he cut them loose, he walked back to his car and showed them to a girl who was inside the car. I could barely hear them as they were talking and laughing about the funny joke that someone had played on the deputy. They seemed to be high school kids that were just out messing around. I was a little irritated because they had spoiled my plan, and as I was waiting for them to leave so I could leave as well, another car pulled up. I could tell the headlights looked like a patrol car.

  While I watched cautiously through the scope, a man got out and walked up to the car with the teenagers, then I heard the teenage boy say, “Oh great! It’s deputy dog Jason,” and then I heard another voice say, “Don’t get smart with me boy, you know you’re not supposed to be up here.” Over the next few minutes, I watched as the teenager and Jason had a conversation, then I saw the boy give Jason the lights—I guess he was explaining why he was on Dead Man’s Bluff. Jason tossed the lights in his patrol car, then searched the boy’s car. He took some beer that was in the trunk, then I heard him tell the boy to get lost as they got back in their cars. When the teenagers drove off, Jason drove over to the edge of the cliff. He turned his lights off and got out of his patrol car. I could see he was sitting on the hood and drinking a beer while watching the lights of the town below, so I quietly snuck up in the dark behind him to get a better shot. Around fifty feet away I knelt on one knee, then shot him in the back, knocking him off the hood and onto the ground. While I laid on the ground hiding in the dark, he got up and stumbled around with his pistol, and then a few seconds later he fell back to the ground. I waited about a minute longer to ensure he was completely out, then ran over to him and double-checked to make sure he wasn’t playing possum. Without hesitating, I dragged him into the backseat of his patrol car, then hauled ass to the wooded area where mine was parked.


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