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The complete “A Glimpse into Hell” series - 5 books, 195 chapters, 1700 pages, 600K words of pure gore

Page 79

by Garrett, Wade H.

  “I’ll tell you if you don’t hurt me.”

  I picked up the iron from the fire. “You’re going to either way.”

  “It’s a Kokopelli.”

  I looked back at Steve. “You gotta dancing flute player burned into your side.”

  Steve moaned as drool dripped from him face.

  I looked back at Randy. “Why is that your brand?”

  “It represents trading. The Aztecs used it.”

  “And the flute?”

  “It represents friendliness.”

  “Then why you using it? You’re a thieving prick.”

  “You got me pegged all wrong.”

  I took the poker and branded him in the armpit. He screamed out louder than Steve did. After I got through sewing half his mouth closed I sat back down next to the fire. “Okay you two. We’re going to play truth or fucking dare, vigilante style. The dare stuff will come later.” I looked at Randy as he was sobbing. “Who stole James’ rocks?”

  “I don’t know. Just please stop hurting me.”

  I started burning Kokopellis down his side, and when I got to the fourth one he moaned out, “Steve did it.”

  Steve jerked his head towards Randy and mumbled out the side of his mouth. “You lyin’ motherfucker! You did it. You got this whole shit-storm started.”

  I stood up and held the red-hot iron above Randy’s face. “If you don’t tell me the truth you’re going to have this little fucker permanently dancing on your face.”

  “I said I don’t know.”

  After I burned his face, I turned back to Steve. “I’m starting to doubt that he knows. Maybe you’re the one not telling the truth. If need be, I can give you some more scarification tattoos.”

  Steve glared at Randy. “Tell him, you bastard!”

  Randy was crying hysterically as he rubbed his face on the inside of his arms. “You did it, Steve. Stop blaming me.”

  I pulled the iron back out of the fire. “Hey, Randy, I’m going downtown with this one. I’m sure it will feel real good on those swollen parts.”

  “Please don’t. I’m already in enough pain. I can’t take any more.” He was closing his eyes as sweat, drool and tears dripped from his face. He was having a hard time holding his head up. He was even trying to hold his head between his arms, but the slippery body fluids were causing it to slip back. I could tell his neck was in a lot of pain from being bound in the awkward position. I walked over and stood next to his crotch with the iron. “Damn! Your shit is blue. But don’t worry, I’m fixing to make ‘em black.”

  He could feel the heat from the iron as I held it a few inches above the trap. “I took them. I took the rocks. Please don’t burn me.”

  “Was Steve involved?”


  “Why did you leave a dollar?”

  “Not sure.”

  I burned his crotch until he shit on the ground. A few seconds later he passed out. I turned to Steve. “Who vandalized James’ house?”


  “Who killed his dog?”

  “He did.”

  I set the iron in the fire, then laid on the ground with my arms behind my head. “We’ll find out when he wakes up.”

  “I... I…”

  “That’s right. You might as well spill the beans.”

  He was shaking with fear. “I was going to say, I think Randy did it.”

  I closed my eyes. “Sure, you were. Let me know when he awakens so we can get his side of the story.” A few minutes later Steve started fighting at his ropes. “Be quiet. You’re making too much noise.”

  He stopped moving. “Come on, man. You don’t want to be doing this. If you let me go I won’t say anything.”

  I started laughing. “Sure, you wouldn’t.”

  “I’m not lying.”

  About an hour later I sat up, noticing that Randy wasn’t breathing. I looked at Steve. “I think your buddy is dead.”

  He raised his head and looked over his arm at him for a moment, then looked under his arm at me. “That’s actually good.”

  “Aren’t you just a great friend.”

  “No, listen. It is a good thing. Now he won’t be a witness and you can let me go. And like I said, I won’t say anything.”

  I picked up the iron, then burned Randy in the back of the head. Steve jumped when Randy jerked his head forward while yelling out the side of his mouth. I laughed. “I knew the fucker was playing possum.”

  Randy glared at Steve. “You’re fucking sorry. I thought we were friends.”

  Steve snapped back. “This is all your fault, asshole.”

  Randy’s demeanor changed from being weak to aggressive. “Fuck you, Steve!” He looked at me as pieces of burnt skin hung from his face. “Fuck him. I might have taken the rocks, but he’s the one who vandalized the house and killed the dog.”

  I leaned forward as I sat on the ground. “Really. How do you know that?”

  “Because I was there.”

  I knew he was now in confession and tattletale mode. “So, you participated?”

  “I did with throwing paint all over the house.”

  “What about the dog?”

  “That just happened out of the blue. Fuckhead over there did it at the spur of the moment. I was there to steal some more stuff.”

  “Oh yeah, I almost forgot. Who took the four-wheeler?”

  Randy blurted out, “I did.”

  I turned to Steve who was being quiet as a mouse. “Is that the way it all went down?”

  He was looking up as he held his head between his arms. “I didn’t do it. He’s lying.”

  “I don’t think so—he’s ratting on himself also.” I picked up a piece of rebar that had one end lying in the fire. The tip was glowing red and lit up the dark as I walked behind Steve. I rolled him over to where his back was facing upwards, then shoved the rod in his ass, giving him a red-hot anal probing. The sizzling sound of the hot metal coming into contact with moist ass almost drowned out his screams. The pain had been so intense that he had torn out his stitching as he hollered out. I left the rod sticking out of his ass as I rolled him back over. He wasn’t moving. I checked his vitals; he was passed out. I was kind of worried that someone could have heard the commotion. He had let out a hell of a wail and it had echoed throughout the woods. I quickly sewed the other side of his mouth closed, leaving the ravaged side bleeding, then stomped out the fire. I looked at Randy. “Stay the fuck quiet. I’ll be back in a minute.” I went and sat a little way away and listened for sounds of voices, sticks and limbs being broken, water splashing; things that would indicate someone was nearby.”

  Wyatt got Seth’s attention. “Hold up. How much further are we going?”

  Seth stopped and turned around. “About a half mile, I guess.”

  “I’m getting tired. Can we take a break for a bit?”

  Seth pointed to some rocks. “Let’s sit over there.”

  Wyatt sat down next to Seth. “How was Randy able to walk this far with that contraption between his legs?”

  “Don’t remind me—it took freakin’ forever.”

  Wyatt looked around. “Why were you worried that someone heard Steve’s screams? We’re way out in the middle of fucking nowhere.”

  “You never know. There could have been someone in a boat in the reservoir, or some fuckhead like Randy fucking around in the woods.”

  “Do you think anyone heard the commotion?”

  “Not that I could tell—I didn’t hear any boat motors or anyone sneaking around in the woods. Around thirty minutes later I went back to the camp. Randy had a horrified expression as he stared straight up, still smelling burnt pucker hole that was lingering in the nighttime air. He wouldn’t even look at me as I stood next to him. “What’s wrong, pal?”

  “You’ve made your point. You have taught both of us a lesson.” A tear ran down his cheek. “I’m sorry for what I have done. Please let me go.”

  “That’s probably not going to happen.”r />
  He started crying hysterically. “Oh my God. I can’t believe this is happening. Please, please have mercy. I beg you.”

  His sniveling had awakened Steve. I was standing over him looking down into his eyes. “Welcome back, sunshine. Now you ready to tell me who killed James’ dog?”

  He was in a lot of pain and could barely talk. “Just go ahead and kill me.”

  “Sounds like a good idea.” I pulled out a piece of baling wire from my pocket. “But first I’m going to heat this up until it glows red, then shove it into your piss hole.”

  Steve went into don’t-give-a-shit mode. “Yeah, I killed the fucking dog, so fucking what. James is a piece of shit.” He glared at me. “And so are you.””

  Wyatt was confused. “What do you mean don’t-give-a-shit mode?”

  Seth stood up and stretched. “It’s what I was trying to explain a couple of days ago about how the human mind is a strange thing. When a person is pushed to their limits physically and or emotionally, and when they realize that they’re going to die, they will react in a surprising way. Steve knew he was fucked, so he went from being a sniveling bitch to not giving a shit.”

  “What did you do to him?”

  “Heated the wire until it was glowing red, then shoved in into his piss tube.”

  “Oh shit. That must have been painful?”

  Seth nodded for him to follow him. “Let’s get going. And yes, it was painful. When I shoved the wire in his urethra, or dick tube as I like to call it, it instantly turned black from the tip of his dick to the base. The red-hot steel also made a sizzling sound like bacon on the skillet. It was so painful that it caused Randy to start crying again.”

  “That’s funny, but how was Steve reacting to it?”

  “Like a freakin’ savage at first. He was jerking hysterically at his restraints as he foamed at the mouth. The veins in his neck were sticking out as he fought the urge to scream—he was done submitting and he wasn’t going to let me see him beg any more. When the pain changed to numbness, he glared at me while smiling. “You will get yours, you fucking scumbag.” He started laughing. “Your day is coming.”

  “I smiled back. “Not by you. And besides, with your weak ass judicial system I’m sure not going to receive the anal probing or cock rodding that you just got.”

  Slobber was dripping from his face as he hung covered in sweat. “You’re going to fucking die.” He started laughing in a psychotic way, then started singing the phrase, “You’re gonna die, you’re gonna die, you sick and twisted fucker, you’re gonna die.””

  Wyatt had an odd expression. “Why in the fuck was he acting like that?”

  “Oh, that must sound odd to you, but I’m used to that kind of shit. These fuckers sometimes go into a state of craziness when their brain goes haywire from all the excitement. It didn’t last long though. As soon as he came off his adrenaline rush, he was back to sniffling and crying. Since they were partners in crime, I decided to do something special for them. First, I went and found a large log that fit the size I needed. It was around three feet tall and had a diameter of about two feet. I set it upright directly under Randy’s head, then strapped his head to it with baling wire. He was happy at first because it relieved the tension in his neck, but that changed when I started hoisting a large rock into the air right above his face. He couldn’t move his head, but was able to cut his eyes just enough to see me. “Hey, what are you doing? I told you what you wanted to know. Hey, can you hear me?”

  After I tied off the rope I walked over to him. “You need something, bud?”

  He looked at me, then the rock that was hanging about ten feet above his face. “Why is that rock up there?”

  “I’ll explain it later when Steve is prepped for the upcoming festivities.”

  “Please tell me now. You at least owe me that much for telling the truth.”

  I took a deep breath. “Okay. It’s part of the truth or dare that we started playing, particularly the dare part. The rock is up there so when the other end of the rope is released it will crush your head. That’s why I picked such a large rock.”

  “Oh my God! Please don’t do this to me. I’ll do whatever you ask.”

  “I’m not going to do anything to you. That will be left up to Steve. When I leave, he will be holding the other end of the rope, which will be wrapped around a tree a couple of times to reduce the tension.”

  He had a disturbed look. “I… I…”

  “I know, I know. You’re worried that Steve will let the rock fall because he’s mad at your lying ass. But don’t worry. You will also be holding a rope that holds Steve’s life in your hands, so if he kills you, you kill him, and vice versa.”

  “Please don’t…”

  I put my finger across my mouth. “Shh. Be patient. I have to go get Steve prepped.” I walked over to Steve. “Did you hear what I had told your buddy, or do I have to repeat the shit?”

  He wouldn’t look at me.

  “Good.” I pulled out a custom-made, gut-hook knife. “Check this thing out. You can thank your buddy for this. I found it at his place.” I held it above his face so he could see it. “It’s freakin’ badass. It almost seems that he made it just for me.” I turned the knife to where he could see its side profile. “You notice how the hook part is exceptionally long? That’s going to come in handy for what I have in store for you.”

  Steve remained quiet, so I looked at Randy. “You’re pretty skilled at making knives. Shame you have to die, though—I could have given you a lot of business.”

  He cut his eyes towards me. “Please don’t do this. I beg you. Please just let us go.”

  I looked at Steve. “Should I let you two go?”

  He still wouldn’t look at me.

  I turned towards Randy. “He said he would rather die since his dick is all fucked up. And you too for causing it.”

  “No, he didn’t.” He started crying. “I don’t want to die.”

  “James’ dog didn’t either.”

  “I told you that I didn’t do that.”

  “I know, that’s why you have a rock above your face.”

  “Come on, man, they were just rocks.”

  “You’re right.” I lowered the rock back to the ground.

  Randy was relieved. “Thanks for showing mercy.”

  “Thank you for reminding me there was more than one.” I tied several more rocks to the rope, then hoisted them into the air.

  His eyes were huge as he stared up at them. “Wait. That’s not what I meant. Please don’t do this.”

  I walked over to Steve. “You ready for your dare?”

  He glared at me. “Does it matter what I say?”

  “Sure it does.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  I pulled out my phone and hit the record button. “Say that to the camera.”

  He looked at the phone. “I’m sorry.”

  “Sorry for what?”

  “I’m sorry for killing the dog.”

  “Whose dog?”

  “James’ dog.”

  “What else?”

  He just looked at me.

  “What about being a prick?”

  “I’m sorry for being a prick.”

  I put the phone back in my pocket. “Thanks. James will really appreciate that.” I knelt beside him with the gut-hook knife.

  His eyes got real big. “Wait! I thought that you weren’t going to hurt me any more.”

  “I didn’t say that.”

  He was panicking. “You said it mattered.”

  “It does. That’s why I will tie a knot in the end of your ropes.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “Just be patient—you’ll find out later.” I shoved the end of the knife into his stomach right below his sternum. He screamed out as I twisted it around, adjusting it so the hook part was secured inside of him. I tied a rope to the handle, then pulled it over to the same tree that was supporting his legs. He was facing upwards and I needed him to be flippe
d the other way. To his horror, I drove hay hooks into each of his sides. He was begging me to stop as I rolled a large rock under him. I ignored his pleas as I tied a rope between each of the hooks and rock. He was now being held in the face down position. The sun was almost up, so I quickly worked on the rest of the setup. When I was finished, I had ropes running everywhere. To most people, it would look like a cluster fuck, but to me it was art.

  Light was starting to creep through the trees. “Hey, fellas, the sun is coming up and it’s time for me to go. But first, I need to explain how this contraption works. I forced Randy to take the end of a rope that had a knot tied in it, and then had Steve take the end of another rope. I stood between them so they could hear me. “Now listen closely, fuckers, your lives depend on it. Randy, the rope you’re holding runs over to a trip mechanism that is holding a heavy rock in the air. The knife in Steve’s stomach is tied to that rock through a pulley system. If you release the rope the rock will fall, which will pull the knife, resulting in Steve’s stomach being cut wide open. That will also cause his guts to be spilled onto the ground.” I looked around the woods for a moment. “I’m sure there are a lot of hungry animals just waiting for such a feast. I’ve also shown a little leniency by tying knots in the end of the ropes so y’all can hold on to them better. Randy, you can thank Steve for that. His sincere apology to James went a long way.”

  Randy seemed a little angry. “You fucking serious? You consider this shit leniency?”

  I was caught off guard by his comment. “Oh. I guess I will untie your knot, you ungrateful bastard.”

  I started to take the rope from him. “No, no! I’m grateful. I really am.”

  I pulled out my phone and started filming him. “Then fuckin’ say it.”

  “Hey, I’m very sorry…” He looked confused. “What’s your name?”

  “Not me, you fucking idiot. It’s for James.”

  “Oh yeah. I’m very sorry, James, for stealing your stuff and throwing paint on your house.”

  I put the phone back in my pocket, then turned to Steve. “Hey, Steve.”

  He didn’t respond as he looked down at the ground.

  “Hey, fuckstick, I know you can hear me.”


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