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The complete “A Glimpse into Hell” series - 5 books, 195 chapters, 1700 pages, 600K words of pure gore

Page 94

by Garrett, Wade H.

  He came back with an odd expression. “What are those?”

  “Torture devices.”


  “You heard me.”

  “They look fake.”

  “They’re not.”

  “You left a Halloween prop in one.”

  “No I didn’t.”

  “Yeah, it’s supposed to look like a corpse, but I’m not fooled. I think y’all are just trying to mess with me.”

  I went and pulled the corpse out of a steel cage, then dragged it over to him. “Does this look fake?”

  He stared at it for a moment. “I don’t know.”

  I walked over to Rodney and picked up some of his teeth off the floor, then handed them to Barry. “Those look fake?”

  He looked confused. “I don’t understand.”

  “It’s really simple. I’m who he said I am and you’re going to do what I say since you wanted to be me.”

  Horror overcame him. “Are you going to kill me?”

  “That’s up to you.”

  He was shaking with fear. “What are you planning on doing?”

  “Make you get dressed for starters.” I pointed to Carl. “Strip his ass down.”

  Carl remained quiet as Barry tried to undress him. “I can’t get his pants off—his legs are chained to the wall.”

  I cracked Carl on the head with a club, knocking him unconscious, then tossed Barry some keys. “Any more excuses?”

  “No, Sir.” He removed Carl’s pants, then started to put them on.”

  “Underwear too.”

  He looked nauseated. “Do I have to?”

  “Yes. Peel them fuckers off his ass and put ‘em on. And don’t call me sir. You can call me Mr. Miyagi or Sensei.”


  “It seems appropriate since I’m going to be your instructor.”

  “Instructor for what?”

  “You wanted to be me, so I’m going to teach you what I do to child molesters.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  I pointed to Carl. “Get those off.”

  He looked away as he pulled down Carl’s dingy underwear. “This is sick. Please don’t make me put these on.”

  “They’re just fucking underwear. If you’re going to be whiny about this, you’re definitely going to have an issue with what’s in store for ya.”

  He stood dumbfounded as he held them. “What do you mean?”

  “Get dressed. And I’m not telling you again.” I pulled out my sickle.

  He quickly got dressed, then got on his knees. “Please let me go. I beg you. I’m sorry for what I have done.”

  I put the blade to his neck. “If you lie I will cut your throat; tell the truth and you get to live.”

  He raised his hands to be submissive. “I will.”

  “How much you know about me?”

  “I’ve done my research.”

  “Then you should know what kind of predicament you are in.”

  “Yes, Sir… I mean… What was it?”

  “Mr. Miyagi—it has a nicer ring to it than Sensei.”

  “Yes, Miyagi, I do.”


  “Yes, Mr. Miyagi, I do.”

  I holstered my sickle. “Looks like we’re getting off on the right foot. Now tell me why you killed your wife?”

  “I… I…”

  “Let’s not waste a lot of time with this. Let’s get the confession part out of the way so you can start torturing these fuckheads.”

  He looked back at the men. “You want me to do what?”

  “Hey, focus, Daniel-san.”

  He looked confused. “I don’t understand.”

  “I’ll make it easy for you. Once you tell me what you did to your wife and why you thought it was a good idea to blame me, you’re then going to torture these assholes in the most barbaric and horrific way possible.”

  He just sat and stared at me.

  I motioned with my hands, indicating what. “I’m not dealing with a dummy, am I?”

  “No, Sir… I mean, Mr. Miyagi.”

  “Then tell me why you killed your wife?”

  “She had been cheating on me.”

  “Why didn’t you just leave her?”

  “It never made it to that. She died the night that I found out.”

  “You mean she was killed?”

  A tear ran down his face. “I feel bad for what I have done.”

  I shook my head. “Sure, you do.”

  “I really didn’t mean to do it. I had lost my temper and one thing led to another. She hit me, then I accidentally hit her too hard. She fell back and hit her head on the edge of the fireplace. She stopped breathing.”

  “You ever heard the expression men are not supposed to hit women?”

  “It was an accident.”

  “You ever heard the expression men are not supposed to hit women?”

  “I know, I know. I have to live with it.”

  “You’re definitely going to do that in ways that you never dreamed.” I walked over and sat on the edge of a table that was covered with the tools and medical supplies. “I assume you got scared and the only thing you could come up with to cover your ass was to blame me.” I picked up a pair of scissors. “Why me? Why didn’t you just make it look like an intruder did it?”

  “I had been doing a lot of research on you and knew I had a better chance of getting away with it.”

  I tossed him the scissors. “Go ahead and start removing all their clothes while we have our discussion.”


  “Ask why again and you’re going to be naked. If fact, anything you refuse to do is going to happen to you. Is that clear?”

  “Yes.” He started cutting off Carl’s shirt.

  “Why were you doing research on me?”

  “I was writing a book about modern day serial killers.”

  “First off, I’m not a fucking serial killer. Second, why didn’t the police put two and two together and…” I waved my finger at him when it dawned on me. “You fucking got rid of all your research. That was a smart move on your part.” I stared at him for a moment. “And you apparently didn’t use your Internet for the research—they would have found that as well. Am I correct?”

  He wouldn’t look at me. “That’s your speculation.”

  “I don’t think it’s a speculation. CSI would have found that, discrediting your bullshit story.”

  He shook his head to say no as he faced away from me.

  “Yeah, you would be getting butt pounded right now instead of undressing Don’s sexy body if you used your own Internet service. You must have used a Wi-Fi connection at some business with an untraceable laptop. Does that sound about right? And don’t lie to me—I have ways of finding things out.”

  He was still looking away as he started cutting off Rodney’s clothes. “Something like that.”

  “Something my ass. Sounds like you had this whole thing planned from the beginning.”

  The truth was written all over his face when he turned and looked at me. “That’s not true.”

  “Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive.”

  Spin-the-Wheel of Torture Game

  Barry threw Rodney’s underwear on the floor. “They’re all undressed.”

  I tossed him a box of catheters. “They’re going to need blood later, so put those in.”

  He looked at the box for a moment. “Put them in where?”

  “Don’t play dumb. I know what you do for a living.”

  His eyes opened wide. “You do?”

  “Yeah, you’re a fireman, and I also know you’re an EMT, so I shouldn’t have to hold your hand. Now get those in.”

  “You have any alcohol pads?”

  “An infection is going to be the least of their worries.”

  He stood staring at the box. “I can’t do this.”

  I shot him with a tranquilizer dart. When he awoke, he had an I.V. line running between his neck and a b
ag hanging on a portable I.V. stand. He stood up while holding his hand on his neck. “Oh my God! It’s hurting. What’s in my neck?”

  “A fourteen-gauge cannula.”

  “Fourteen gauge?” He knew that was a very large cannula, commonly used in resuscitation settings. “Why have you done this?” He started gagging. “Get it out! Please get it out! I can’t move my neck.”

  I was twirling a cannula. “I have another one. Do you want it in the other side of your neck?”

  He looked as if he was going to throw up. “Why are you doing this?”

  I could tell he was needle phobic. “Ask why again and I’ll stick a needle in your eye.”

  He looked at the I.V. bag. “What are you putting in me?”

  “Just saline… For now.”

  “I will do whatever you ask if you take it out.”

  “You’re going to do whatever I ask anyway. Now get your ass over there and get the catheters in their necks.” I tossed him some bags of blood. “When you’re done, hang those on the nails that are in the wall above them.”

  “I… I don’t… Please don’t make me do this.”

  I stood up. “Do it now. And start with Carl since he’s still unconscious.”

  He did okay with Carl, but when he got to Don he felt nauseated. “I can’t. He’s looking at me.”

  “Then jab the needle in his eye.”

  Don jerked his head to the side, facing away from Barry when he overheard my comment. Barry started gagging as he inserted the needle into his neck. “I think I’m going to throw up.”

  “Stop being a puss.”

  “This is fucking sick.”

  “I wouldn’t have thought this would have bothered you being an EMT.”

  “It’s different when you’re helping people.”

  “You are helping peop…” Seth thought for a moment. “I know what you mean. They’re not people, they’re scumbags.”

  “That’s not what I meant.”

  Don was getting aggravated as Barry worked the needle around. “Dude, you’re fucking hurting me! Get the damn thing in.”

  “I almost got it… Done.” Barry stepped back. “Sorry about that. He made me do it.”

  I snapped my fingers. “Hey, don’t get all chummy with the scumbags.”

  He shook his head as he walked up to Rodney. “Just look away and I will get it done quickly.”

  Rodney shouted, “You’re not fucking touching me!”

  I pointed at him. “Keep opening your mouth and see what it gets you.”

  Every time Barry tried to insert the needle, Rodney would throw his head around. Barry finally got frustrated and looked at me. “He’s moving around too much.”

  “Hold his fucking head.”

  He tried to force Rodney’s head sideways but he was too strong. Rodney finally latched onto Barry’s wrist with his mouth. Barry jerked his arm away. “He fucking bit me! I’m bleeding.”

  “Good thing I knocked out some of his teeth. And it’s his blood, so stop fucking around and get it done—we have other things to do.”

  “I can’t. He won’t be still.”

  “Then use a vein in his dick.”

  Rodney and Barry looked at me at the same time. Barry shook his head. “I’m not touching his penis.”

  “Then I will put one in yours.” I picked up a cannula. “I’ll stick this fucker in your frenulum, ensuring it goes down your piss tube, then feed it with an acid drip.”

  Rodney started moving his hips around as Barry tugged at his penis. “Get the fuck away from me, you motherfucker!”

  Barry got frustrated. “Be still. I don’t have a choice.”

  It was like watching two monkeys fucking a football; Rodney was hysterically jerking around as Barry poked holes in his dick. I sat back on the table. “If he doesn’t cooperate jab the needle in his left eye a few times—that usually works for me.”

  “You could help.”

  “I don’t think so. I’m just going to chill out and watch you.”

  Barry shook his head. “This isn’t right.” He shoved his shoulder into Rodney’s stomach to restrain him, then inserted the catheter. His hands were covered with blood as he glared at me. “That was fucking sick!”

  “Better him than you.”

  “It’s still sick.” He looked at his hands. “I need to clean this off.”

  “Get used to it. You’re going to get more on you anyway. And speaking of blood, go ahead and hang the bags.”

  He hung Carl’s bag, then connected the line to his catheter. “Why… I mean, what are you going to make me do to them?”

  “When you get done I will show you.” I noticed he was connecting the wrong bag to Don. “Hold up. You’re connecting him to the wrong blood type.”

  “You gave me the bags.”

  “Yeah, but I wrote their blood type on their forehead, and it’s also marked on the bags.”

  “Oh, I was wondering what that was on their heads.”

  “Duh, you’re an EMT. You should have known that.”

  He shook his head. “I’m under stress.”

  Rodney was pissed as Barry stood next to him. “You get the fuck away from me, bitch!”

  Barry hung the bag, then started to connect the tube to the catheter in his penis. “Sorry, this might hurt a little.”

  Rodney gritted his teeth as Barry moved around his sore penis. “That fucking hurts! Stop moving it around so much.”

  “Sorry, dude. I have no choice.”

  Rodney noticed I had walked to the other side of the table and wasn’t paying attention. He whispered. “You need to take him out.”

  Barry looked towards me, then up at Rodney. “I don’t know if I can, but I’ll try if I get the chance.”

  I was standing next to the wheel that was mounted on the wall. “Hey, when you two get done conspiring, I need to borrow Barry for a second.”

  Barry looked like he had been caught with his hand in the cookie jar. “We’re not conspiring.”

  “Okay. Then when you’re done fucking around with his dick, come over here.”

  Barry quickly stood, then stepped back. “Yeah, I got it connected.”

  “Good. You ready to get medieval up in here? I know I’m pumped.”

  He felt like throwing up as he looked at the perverts. “I don’t think I can do anything else to them.”

  “Sure, you can. Just treat them like your wife.”

  He glared at me. “That’s uncalled for.”

  “There’s gonna be a lot of things you’re going to consider uncalled for before this night is over.”

  “Why would you want to harm them? What did they do to you?”

  I walked over and laid my hand on Carl’s shoulder. He was now awake. “You want to tell Barry why you’re in here?”

  He looked down.

  “I didn’t think so. It is humiliating.” I looked at Barry. “He didn’t do anything to me, but this nasty fucker did molest his five-year-old daughter. Our lovely judicial system let him out of prison after serving only five years, then he got busted a few years after that for molesting his girlfriend’s child. Unfortunately for him, he served only four years for that, so here he is, volunteering his services to ensure you get the proper training.”

  Carl shook his head as he looked down. “I served my time.”

  “Make sure you send that in a post card to someone who gives a shit.” I stood in front of Don. “Now this piece of shit likes the little boys. Same thing with him; just boys instead of girls. He’s just another repeat sex offender.” I patted Don’s head as he was looking down. “You have anything to say?”

  “I served my time.”

  “Of course, you did.” I looked at Barry. “That’s all these fuckers ever say. It’s almost seems that they think the phrase, served my time, magically erases what they have done.” When I walked up to Rodney I acted like I was going to punch him in the face.

  He flinched. “Fuck you!”

  I thumped him on his sore
dick. “You’re going to be gettin’ yours later.”

  He gritted his teeth as blood oozed from his mouth. “You’re a sorry mother fucker!”

  “Better than a child fucker.”

  “Screw you!”

  “I’m going to ignore that comment so you can tell Barry what you did.”

  “I ain’t doin’ shit.”

  I looked at Barry. “This sorry bastard kidnapped a seven-year-old girl from a playground and raped her repeatedly for several days. How many years do you think he served?”

  Barry crossed his arms. “Who knows?”

  “Do you not have a problem with assholes that harm children?”

  “Of course, I have a problem with that.”

  “Then start acting like you give a shit or you’ll be hanging on this wall next to them.”

  “I would guess twenty years.”

  “That still wouldn’t be long enough in my book, but only twelve.” I threw another air punch at Rodney. “I can’t wait until you’re screaming and begging for death.”

  “Fuck you! Your ass is going to pay for this.”

  I shook my head. “There’s always one in every group.” I glared at him. “You wanna tell Barry what else is on your record?”

  “Fuck you!” He spit at me.

  I raised my hand, palm out, towards Barry. “Tag me.”

  Barry looked confused. “What?”

  “This is your deal, but I want in.” I wiggled my hand. “Tag me.”

  He raised his hand even though he was confused. I quickly gave him a high five, then turned and started beating the shit out of Rodney’s face. He was yelling out profanities as he threw his head around to protect his face. Barry picked up his I.V. stand and started to run. I paused as I looked back at him and shouted, “I will gut your ass right now if you move!”

  He set the stand back on its wheels. “Dude, I don’t want any part of this.”

  “Dude?” I glared at him.

  “Sorry, I mean Mr. Miyagi.”

  I pulled a pair of pliers out of my pocket, then grabbed Rodney’s face. “Stick out your tongue.”

  He was holding his mouth tightly closed while mumbling no.

  I shoved the tip of the pliers between his lips, smashing them against his tender gums where his teeth had been knocked out. When he screamed, I reached in and grabbed his tongue with the pliers, then pulled back as hard as I could. When his tongue came out several inches, I shoved a long piercing rod through his bottom lip, through his tongue, then through his top lip. I bent the ends of the rod so it wouldn’t fall out, then kicked him in his swollen dick. His eyes were rolling around and he was foaming at the mouth as I handed the pliers to Barry. “Put those in your pocket.” I handed him some piercing rods. “If these other assholes get out of line give them the same treatment.”


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