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The complete “A Glimpse into Hell” series - 5 books, 195 chapters, 1700 pages, 600K words of pure gore

Page 101

by Garrett, Wade H.

  Wyatt took off, then looked back, noticing the man was rolled up from head to toe in some type of dark fabric. The fabric was being secured in place with some type of cloth straps. “What did you wrap him in?”

  “A curtain.” Seth twirled his finger. “Turn around.”

  Wyatt pulled into a driveway, backed up, then took off the other direction. “How many fucking bodies are you going to stick back there?”

  “We’re going to be driving down an interstate and I don’t want nosy ass truck drivers getting into our business.”

  “What about the other dude? Are you taking him to Lubbock?”

  “Not sure yet.” Seth pointed to a Taco Bell. “Lookey there. You’re going to get your fake-ass Mexican food after all.”

  “You serious, I can stop?”

  “Just make sure you park away from the building.” Seth handed him a wig and fake mustache. “Put those on before you go in.”

  Wyatt put them on, then adjusted the mirror as he looked at his reflection. “I look like a dweeb.”

  “You’re fine.” Seth opened his laptop. “Good; Taco Fuck has Wi-Fi.”

  Wyatt got out. “You want anything?”

  “T Bone’s wallet, if he has one.”


  “The fucker in the back.”

  “I thought his name was Clayton?”

  “The other asshole.”

  “Oh, you never said his name.”

  “T Bone is his street name. I don’t know what his real one is. Just go through his pockets and see if there’s anything in them that identifies him. And be careful—he could have a needle on him. Also, see if they have cell phones.”

  Wyatt tossed a wallet to Seth. “That was on T Bone.” He set two cell phones in the seat. “They both had one.”

  Seth picked them up. “Freakin’ Obama phones.” He removed the batteries.

  “Why did you do that?”

  “So we can’t be tracked.”

  “That’s smart. Do you need anything else?”

  “That was it.”

  “I’m going in, want anything to eat?”

  “No thanks. I ate something at Clayton’s shack.”

  He did a double take. “What?”

  “They had some barbeque. Sorry I didn’t bring you some. I had too much shit to carry back.”

  “That’s freakin’ weird.” He walked away.

  Twenty minutes later Wyatt came back. “Sorry it took so long. There was a bunch of people.” Wyatt noticed Seth was playing a game on the laptop. “Did you find out anything?”

  He closed it, then stuck it in his bag. “Sure did. T Bone is wanted by the police for burglary.”

  “Why didn’t he run when he saw you?”

  “He doesn’t know who I am. He thinks I’m a private investigator.”

  “Well, isn’t this your lucky day.”


  “You know what I mean. So why are you just now finding out he’s a lowlife?”

  “I always had a suspicion, but I wasn’t interested in him at the time.”

  “So now what?”

  “Let’s head to Lubbock.”

  Wyatt started to pull out of the parking lot. “Which way?”


  A few miles down the road Seth noticed an overpass. “Take the next exit on your right and get on interstate 35.” He leaned his seat back. “When you get to Denton, head west on Highway 380. I’m going to take a nap.”

  Wyatt turned on the radio, then lit a cigarette.

  Mind Rapist

  Seth sat up and rubbed his face. He seemed agitated. “What a fucked-up dream.” He looked out the window. “Where are we?”

  Wyatt was having a hard time holding his eyes open. “About ninety miles west of Denton.” He looked at Seth. “About time you’re awake—I was about to fall asleep.”

  Seth climbed into the back seat, then threw T Bone out the window. Wyatt swerved as he was looking back. “What the fuck did you just do?”

  Seth climbed into the front seat. “Four’s a crowd.”

  Wyatt was staring into the rear-view mirror. “Oh my God! Someone is going to run him over.”

  Seth lit a cigarette. “The fucker rolled off into the ditch.”

  “How in the fuck would you know that? It’s dark.”

  “I heard his body hit a sign.”

  Wyatt looked disturbed. “Did you do that on purpose?”

  “No. It was his lucky day, I suppose.”

  “That probably killed him.”


  “What if the cops find him?”

  “I’m sure they will, but we’ll be long gone.”

  Wyatt shook his head. “Damn, dude. You’re grouchy when you wake up. Why in the hell would you do such a thing?”

  “The fucker rubbed me the wrong way.”

  “You threw his ass out the window for that?”

  “No, I threw his ass out the window because he stole shit from hard working people.”

  “Why now and not earlier?”

  “He was in my dream and stealing my shit also.”

  Wyatt laughed. “You’re fucking nuts.”

  “Thanks.” Seth tossed his cigarette out the window. “Take Highway 114. It should be coming up in a few miles on your right. Stay on it all the way to Lubbock.” Seth rolled onto his side. “I’m going back to sleep.”

  Two hours later Wyatt tapped Seth on the shoulder. “We’re getting close to Lubbock.”

  Seth sat up and stretched. He looked at his watch. “We’ve made good time. When we get to Lubbock, continue on Highway 114. My place is about forty miles out.”

  “You going back to sleep?”

  “Naw, I’m good.”

  “Can you drive so I can take a nap?”

  “You can sleep when I’m in the barn with the asshole.”

  An hour later the sun was starting to rise. Seth pointed to a road. “Take this right.”

  Wyatt turned onto a gravel road. The terrain was flat and dusty. “This is nothing but wasteland.”

  Seth opened his laptop. “My place is wooded compared to this. It’s about twelve miles from here.”

  Fifteen minutes later Wyatt noticed the road turned to dirt. “Really, a dirt path.”

  “Yeah, stay on it. We’re almost there.” Fifteen minutes later Seth pointed. “Stop at the gate.”

  Wyatt could see a barn sitting in a group of trees off in a field. “Why are we stopping here?”

  “This is it.”

  “I thought you said it was wooded.”

  “It is compared to everything else.”

  “There are only a dozen or so trees.”

  “And how many did you see in the last thirty minutes?” Seth opened the gate, then closed and locked it when Wyatt drove through. Wyatt still had the trees on his mind when Seth got back in the truck. “I’m surprised you would have a place like this that’s right out in the open.”

  “Dude, trees don’t hide shit when you’re being watched. But the open terrain does let me keep an eye out.” Seth turned his laptop sideways. “I can see for a long way.”

  Wyatt noticed the screen was divided into camera shots. He could see all the way around the barn and in all directions. “That’s cool, but someone could be hiding on the inside.”

  “I would know if they were.” Seth selected another group of images. “There are eight more cameras on the inside. I also have a security system, and if it’s triggered I get an alert.”

  Wyatt looked at the screen and noticed the inside of the barn looked like a large workshop. It had a concrete floor, workbenches and machinery. He also noticed it was full of stuff. “You have a lot of crap in there.” When he got close to the barn he noticed the exterior of it looked old. “The outside doesn’t match the inside.”

  “I know. I did that to make it less appealing to thieves.” Seth pointed. “Drive around to the backside and pull under the lean-to.”

  Wyatt parked. “Can I come in

  “Sure.” Seth unlocked a door, then quickly walked to a keypad and entered a code. “Seven seconds.”

  Wyatt was looking around. “What?”

  “The entry delay is set to seven seconds so no one will have time to fuck with the security system.”

  “Oh.” Wyatt noticed the barn was full of items covered with tarps, old cars, rat rods, crates, machinery and an RV. He opened a door to an old car. “This thing is in good shape.”

  Seth handed him a piece of paper. “Here’s the code to the alarm.”

  “What is this for?”

  “In case you ever need a place to come to.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “It’s always good to have somewhere to go when you’re in a pinch.” Seth opened a cabinet. “All the keys to the vehicles are in here.” Seth picked up a printer off a shelf. “This will print registration stickers.” He pointed to another one. “That one will print inspection stickers.”

  Wyatt looked worried. “Why are you telling me this? Is there something you’re keeping from me?”

  “Not at all.” Seth walked to the RV. He opened the door. “You can hang out in here while I’m dealing with Clayton.”

  “Hang out?”

  “Watch TV, sleep, take a shower, whatever.”

  “I am sleepy, but I want to see what you’re going to do to him.”

  Seth used a cart to bring Clayton into the barn. “I’m going to have to secure him before he awakens.”

  Wyatt noticed he appeared to be in his mid-thirties. He was stocky, bald headed and had a goatee without a mustache. “He looks like a punk.”

  Seth tied a rope around Clayton’s wrists, then lifted him up to where his feet were slightly above the floor. “We need to remove his clothes.” Seth held out a knife. “Want to do the honors?”

  Wyatt shook his head. “Hell no! And why in the fuck do you always strip them down.”

  “Because I’m gay.”

  “Be serious.”

  “For several reasons. It ensures that they have no weapons, tracking or recording devices. But mainly it makes them feel vulnerable, establishing who’s in control of their situation. Also, it saves time if I need to…”

  Wyatt interrupted. “I get it.”

  “I don’t think so.”

  “I do. You want to humiliate them.”

  “Yes and no. I’ll show you how it makes a difference later.” He cut off Clayton’s shirt. “Check out his tat.”

  Wyatt noticed a large set of wings that covered his entire back. “That must have been painful.”

  “Probably, but it would definitely make great wall art.”

  “Don’t do anything like that while I’m around.”

  Seth opened a plastic box and pulled out a syringe and a glass vial. “I’m going to wake his ass up.”

  “What is that?”

  “Adrenaline.” He drew up some of the liquid, then injected it in Clayton’s neck. “You might want to retreat to the RV for a while.”

  “I’m okay for now.”

  A few seconds later Clayton’s eyelids started moving. Wyatt backed away. “He’s waking up.”

  “Why you acting scared; he can’t get you.”

  “I know. I just want to hang out back here.”

  When Clayton opened his eyes, he looked around for a moment, then looked at his hands, noticing he was being restrained. “What the fuck is this?” He glared at Seth and Wyatt. “What the fuck is goin’ on? You fuckers are messin’ with tha wrong person.”

  Wyatt noticed Clayton was very muscular. He walked next to Seth and softly spoke. “Do you have a gun on you?”


  “He could get loose.”

  “He ain’t going to do shit.”

  “He could break the rope.”

  “I doubt that. It’s a dynamic climbing rope.” Seth lit a cigarette, then looked at Clayton. “My buddy here wants to know what your name is.”

  “Fuck you, white boy!” He glared at Wyatt. “Fuck you, too! I’ll rape your punk ass.”

  Wyatt noticed he had mean looking eyes. “He’s staring at me. Don’t provoke him.”

  Seth blew smoke at Clayton. “He said you better tell him now before he bitch slaps you.”

  “Fuck you, peckerwood!” He glared at Wyatt. “If you got something to say to me, you can fucking address me, you balless bitch!”

  Wyatt looked down.

  “When I get loose I’m going to make you beg for death.”

  Seth leaned his ear towards Wyatt’s mouth, smiled, then looked at Clayton. “He said you’re too much of a pussy to make threats like that.”

  Wyatt elbowed Seth’s arm. “Stop putting words in my mouth. He’s already pissed at me.”

  Clayton pulled himself up as if he was doing a chin up, then started biting the knots in the rope that was around his wrists to untie them.

  Wyatt looked frightened. “He’s going to get loose!”

  “No, he’s not. I tied the fuck out of them.”

  Clayton lowered himself down. “I’m going to kill you motherfuckers when I get loose.” He started violently jerking at his restraints.

  Wyatt wanted to run. “Hey, this is getting out of control.”

  Seth walked around to Clayton’s backside to prevent from being kicked, then cut off his pants and underwear. Clayton’s expression changed from angry to shocked. Seth stood next to Wyatt. “My buddy is waiting for your name.”


  “Your name is Uh?”

  “Why am I here?”

  Seth laughed as he looked at Wyatt. “I told you being nude has an effect.”

  Wyatt shook his head. “I don’t know what to say.”

  “It won’t last long, though.” He flicked his cigarette butt at Clayton. “What is your name, and if you lie I’m going to burn your armpits until they’re charred.”

  Wyatt looked confused. “Why his armpits?”

  “I don’t want to fuck up his dick yet.”

  “Who said anything about his dick?”

  Clayton got defensive. “Hey, you ain’t touchin’ shit!”

  Seth pointed across the barn. “Roll the oxygen and acetylene cart over here.”

  Clayton tried to kick Wyatt as he walked by. “You fucking cracker-ass bitch!”

  Seth waved his finger at him. “Watch it, punk.”

  “Fuck you! You ain’t gonna do shit.”

  Wyatt stayed away from Clayton as he pushed the cart to Seth. “Did you see what he tried to do?”

  “Yeah, he’ll pay for that later.” Seth lit the torch. “Now this thing is a lot hotter than the propane ones I use.” He adjusted the flame. “Check that shit out.”

  Wyatt squinted as he looked at it. “That’s bright. Do I need a hood or shield?”


  “Then why do people wear them? I heard you can go blind if you look at the light too long.”

  “You’re thinking of welding.”

  “Oh.” He quickly waved his hand in front of the flame. “That’s hot.”

  “No shit, Sherlock.”

  “How hot is it?”

  “Around six thousand degrees.”

  “Damn! I bet that will hurt.”

  “It will completely incinerate the flesh.”

  Clayton didn’t know what to think as he watched Seth and Wyatt talk as if he wasn’t in the room. He pulled himself up and started swinging on the rope. “When I break this motherfucker, I’m going to rip your fucking heads off!”

  Seth nodded. “Check out Tarzan.”

  Clayton lowered himself down. His eyes were full of anger as his body swung back and forth. “Fuck you, you fucking racist!”

  Seth shut off the torch. “What?”

  “You heard me!”

  “Hold up, punk. You’re the one that’s been throwing around the racial slurs.”

  Wyatt looked confused. “Why did he call you that?”

  “He’s just trying to push our buttons.” />
  “I thought Tarzan was white?”

  “I thought so too.”

  Clayton started doing pull ups to be aggressive. “Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you! You racist motherfuckers!”

  Seth lit the torch and tried to burn Clayton’s feet as he was holding himself up, but he kept kicking the torch. Seth stepped back and looked at Wyatt. “Go get me a branding iron. They’re several of them hanging on the wall over there.” He pointed. “And hurry.”

  Wyatt took off in a slow run. When he came back he was breathing heavy. “Will this one work?”

  Seth shook his head. “You’re out of shape.”

  Wyatt handed him an iron. “It’s adrenaline.”

  Seth laughed. “He’s not going to like this one. He already thinks I’m a racist. Go get another.”


  “It came from the King Ranch.”


  Seth held up the bottom so Wyatt could see it. “Their brand is a K.


  “He will have KKK all over him.”

  “Oh.” He took off across the barn, then came back with several irons. “Pick one yourself.”

  Seth grabbed one that looked like the letter B. “This will work.”

  “What’s the B for?”

  “In his case; bitch.”

  Clayton was gritting his teeth. “What the fuck is wrong with you fuckers? You aks like I’m not here. You need to have sum fuckin’ respect.”

  Seth heated the iron until it was red hot, then approached Clayton. “Try to kick me again, asshole.”

  He didn’t heed the warning. Seth burned a line across his calf. Clayton shouted, “You motherfucker!” He kicked again, resulting in another burn. He pulled himself up higher to get away.

  Seth waved the iron. “Stick your foot down here.”

  “Get the fuck away from me!”

  “Tell me what your name is and I won’t burn you any more?”

  Wyatt looked worried. “Dude, I told you not to do anything when I’m around.”

  “Then go sit in the trailer.”

  “I want to hear what he has to say.”

  “He’s not going to cooperate without motivation.”

  “That’s fine. Just don’t get carried away.”

  “You know I wouldn’t do that.”

  “Yeah, like you didn’t with Todd.”

  “That was nothing.”

  “Not to me it wasn’t.”


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