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The complete “A Glimpse into Hell” series - 5 books, 195 chapters, 1700 pages, 600K words of pure gore

Page 123

by Garrett, Wade H.

  Suddenly, the alarm shut off and the buzzing sound stopped, then sprinkler heads in the ceiling began to spray water. Huge clouds of vapor filled the room as the water cooled everything down. Herb stood up, staring in horror at the aftermath. He hadn’t been burned, but Kurt and Luis had long lines burned into them. It looked as if they had been beat with a hot fire poker.

  Shit Covered Screwdriver

  To Kurt and Luis, it seemed they had been burned for an eternity, but it had been less than a minute. Even in that short duration, they had sustained severe burns all over their bodies. Donny got it worse than the others since Herb had lain on him. He was in a lot of pain as he begged for help. Kurt crawled over to him. “What can I do?”

  “Help me sit up.”

  Kurt tried to lift him up, but he was stuck. “Uh… This isn’t good.”

  Donny had a worried look. “What’s not good?”

  “Your skin is stuck to the rebar.”

  “How bad is it?”

  “Not sure. We’ll have to get you up first.” He looked at Herb. “Help me roll him over.”

  They tried to lift him, but most of the flesh on his back started tearing apart like cooked meat. Donny noticed Kurt’s facial expression. “Oh my God! What’s wrong?”

  “I don’t think we’re going to be able to move you. You’ve been burned badly. Most of the skin on your back is stuck to the floor and it’s falling off.”

  Donny started crying.

  Kurt looked up at Herb as he was standing off to the side with a smirk on his face. “Look what you did to him, asshole.”

  “What did you call me, you little bitch?”

  “If anyone is a bitch, it’s you for using Donny to save your own ass.”

  “You better watch your mouth, boy!”

  “Screw you. Only a fucking coward would have done this to another person.”

  “I didn’t do shit. He was out and wouldn’t have been able to move anyway.”

  “Bullshit! I saw you holding him down.”

  Herb grabbed Kurt by the shoulders, but to his surprise, Kurt grabbed his penis and twisted the shit out of it as he yelled, “I’ll rip it off, you sorry motherfucker!”

  Herb stumbled backwards, staring in horror at his penis. The skin had been torn in several places where the screws in Kurt’s hand ripped into it. Blood was pouring out of the gashes. “You fucking ripped my dick!” He started approaching him. “You’re fucking dead, you piece of shit!”

  Kurt pointed a long shaft at him. “You come any closer I will stab your ass.”

  Herb stopped. “Fuck you! You’ll get yours, you little cocksucker!”

  “Keep fucking with me and I’ll kill you, asshole.”

  Luis had been quiet. He was in too much pain to be concerned if Kurt and Herb killed each other, but he noticed the display was counting down. “Enough with the name calling and fighting. The timer is counting down again.”

  Herb and Kurt looked at the display at the same time. It was counting down from fifty-one minutes. Luis pointed at the object in Kurt’s hand. “What is that?”

  He held it up. It was covered in shit. “It’s a screwdriver I think. It was lying on the floor.”

  “Is it a Philips head?”

  He wiped some shit off the end, revealing the type. “Yep. But someone slid the end through a washer and welded it in place about an inch or so from the tip.”

  Luis’ eyes got big. “That doesn’t matter. We can still use it to remove the screws. And we have plenty of time.”

  Herb looked confused. “I didn’t see that on the floor.” He thought for a moment, then became angry. “You little bastard, you had that this whole time.”

  “I’m naked. Where in the hell would I have hidden…” It dawned on him. “It came out of me when I shit. Someone put it in my ass. I didn’t know it was in me.”

  “I’m sure you didn’t after having all those dicks ramming you.”

  Luis pointed at Herb. “I’m tired of your mouth, you fucking bigot. You make another rude comment like that and I will kill you myself.”

  Herb laughed. “Sure, pal. Bring your ass over here.”

  Kurt thought about how the screwdriver had been placed in him. “I’ve just thought of something. Since the screwdriver was in my rectum, maybe one of us has the keys to the door.”

  Luis’ eyes got big. “That’s smart. I’m going to check.”

  Herb ran to a corner furthest from the others and squatted down. He noticed Kurt was watching. “Stop looking, pervert.”

  “Get over yourself, asshole. I wouldn’t be interested in an ape like you if you were the last gay man on earth.”

  Luis took a crap, then started rummaging through it. “I’m not finding anything.” He looked at Herb. “What about you?”

  Herb was gagging as he sifted through his feces. “Nothing.” He wiped his hand off on the wall. “This was a waste of fucking time. Now I have shit all over me.” He looked at Kurt. “Thanks, Einstein.”

  “Hey, it was worth a try.”

  Luis pointed towards Donny. “He might have it.”

  Herb shook his head. “No fucking way. I’m not playing with his shit.”

  Kurt laughed. “What a fucking pansy.” He went over to Donny and knelt. “You might have a key inside you that will save us.”

  He could barely speak. “I’ve been listening, and I’ve tried to go, but I can’t.”

  “You need to try harder.”

  “I can’t. I’m numb below the chest. I think some of the nerves in my back have been damaged.”

  “Fuck!” He looked at Luis. “What the hell are we going to do?”

  “You’re going to have to go in there yourself.”

  Kurt frowned. “Uh… I don’t know if I can.”

  Herb laughed. “Sure, you can. You’re the most experienced in colon exploration.”

  Kurt glared at him. “Screw you, jerk.”

  Luis intervened before an argument broke out. “If there’s a chance it will save us, then it’s a small price to pay.”

  Kurt agreed. “You’re right.” He looked at Herb. “And don’t you say a fucking word. I’m doing this for you too.”

  Herb motioned with his hand, making a single sweeping motion towards Donny’s rear. “Have at it, then.”

  Kurt closed his eyes as he shoved his hand into Donny’s rectum. He gagged as he felt around, then pulled out a wad of feces. He tossed it on the floor, then went back in, going deeper this time. He pulled out another wad, sifted through it, then tossed it on the floor. The third time he buried his arm all the way to his elbow. He felt around. “There’s nothing in here.”

  Herb laughed. “Maybe you should shove your head in there. You’d really like that.”

  When Kurt pulled out his hand, he slung feces all over Herb. “Fuck you!”

  Herb wiped shit off his face with the back of his hand. “I’m going to rip out your fucking heart!”

  Kurt pointed the screwdriver at him. “Come try it, and I’ll stick your ass.”

  Donny raised his hand, motioning for them to be quiet. “We have to stop the timer. I won’t survive another round. Start removing the screws.”

  “He’s right.” Luis motioned to Kurt. “Get these fucking screws out of me.”

  He knelt beside him. “You sure?”

  “We don’t have a choice if we don’t want to be burned again.”

  Kurt was having a difficult time holding the screwdriver. The screws in his knuckles not only were causing pain, but also caused a loss of gripping strength. He started removing a screw in Kurt’s left ankle. It was hard to turn. “This fucker is tight.”

  Luis tried to fight the pain, but it was too much. “Okay okay! That’s enough.”

  “I only turned it a few times.” He looked at all the screws. There were about twenty of them scattered throughout his joints. “You’re just gonna have to suck it up.”

  “I can’t do it. It hurts too bad.”

  Kurt tried to remove one fro
m his hand. “Oh, fuck! It hurts worse than I thought.” He looked at Herb. “You wanna try?”

  He quickly responded. “Sure. Give me the screwdriver and I’ll get ‘em out for you.”

  “I meant, do you want to try to remove yours.”

  “Uh…” He looked down at his penis. “I don’t think I can do it.”

  “What about your ball sack? I can easily tear the stitches and remove the screws.”

  “No one is touching my dick or balls.” He looked at Donny for a moment. “Let’s do him first.” He motioned with his fingers. “Give me the screwdriver.”

  Kurt was hesitant, worrying that Herb would use it on him. “I don’t think so.”

  “Just give it to me. I’m not going to do anything.”

  “I don’t trust you. I’ll do it myself.”

  Donny started to panic as Kurt knelt beside his head. “No, no, no. Don’t do it.”

  Kurt looked at Luis. “What the fuck are we going to do?” He looked at the display. There were forty-two minutes left. “We’re running out of time and none of us want to remove our screws.”

  Luis thought for a moment. “We’re going to have to knock each other out. That way we won’t feel the pain.”

  “Like how?”

  “I don’t know.” He looked at the wall. “Maybe by slamming our heads on a hard surface. Or choking each other out.”

  “That might work, but…” He nodded towards Herb. “…what about him? There’s no trust. He’s only out for himself and will probably fuck us over.”

  Herb became angry. “Keep pushing my buttons and you’ll see fucked over.”

  Kurt shook his head. “You just made my point.” When he looked back at Luis, Herb charged him, knocking him to the floor. After a short struggle, Herb managed to get the screwdriver. He started pounding Kurt in the face as he sat on him in the full guard position. Kurt was grabbing Herb’s arms, ripping gashes in them from the screws in is hands.

  Luis was trying to get to his feet as he yelled for him to stop. When Kurt was dazed, Herb started jamming the screwdriver into his shoulders and elbows to immobilize arm movement. He stood up, then did the same thing to his hip joints and knees.

  Kurt was crying as he laid on the floor like a limp noodle. “Please don’t hurt me anymore. I’m sorry for what I did to your penis.”

  Herb pointed the screwdriver at him. “Shut the fuck up before I stab you in the throat.”

  Luis was sitting with a horrified expression. “Go easy, dude.”

  He pointed it at him. “And you can shut the fuck up too. When I get done with him, you’re next.” He knelt by Kurt’s feet, then started removing the screws. Kurt was screaming at the top of his lungs. He couldn’t fight back and had to just take the pain due to the trauma in his joints. Herb was showing no mercy as he quickly removed them. When he was done with Kurt’s feet, he started on his hands.

  Kurt had blown his voice box from screaming so intensely. He could barely speak. “Please stop. I’m begging you. You’re killing me.”

  Herb cracked him in the forehead with the bottom of the screwdriver’s handle. “Shut the fuck up.”

  His body was trembling and he was hollering muffled screams as Herb removed the screws from his hands. When he was done, he started on his head. When he removed the last one, he ran over to the window and started sticking them into the clear pipe. He was filled with excitement as each screw pushed the others further down the pipe. When he was done, he felt nauseated. The twenty-two screws he had taken out of Kurt were short. Around one-inch in length. They hadn’t even made it a quarter of the distance to the button. He looked up at the display. He had thirty-one minutes left, but he wasn’t worried—he’d stand on Donny or Kurt when the time ran out.

  He ran over to Luis and knelt. He started to remove the screws, but noticed a small, bloody hole in his right knee. It looked like a screw had been there. “What happened to this screw?”

  Luis shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Bullshit. There was one here. Give it to me.”

  “I got that puncture hole when I was rolling around on the floor.”

  Herb removed a screw from Luis, then screwed it into the hole. It went right in, indicating the bone had treads cut into it. “You lying motherfucker! If you don’t give it to me I’m going to stab you in the heart.” He stuck the tip of the screwdriver to his chest.

  Luis had a don’t-give-a-shit expression. “You’re gonna leave me here to die anyway. It’s better than burning to death.”

  Herb jerked him away from the wall, then searched the floor where he had been sitting. “Where in the fuck is it?” He rolled him around, checking to see if he had hidden it on his body. He became infuriated when he didn’t find it. “You better not have stuck it in your ass.”

  Luis was in a lot of pain, but he was not going to submit. “Fuck you! You’re going to hell with the rest of us, asshole.”

  Herb glanced at the display. He had twenty-four minutes left. “I’ll find it later, you little bastard.” He quickly started removing the screws from Luis. They were in his hips, elbows, knees and ankles. They were also around three inches long. Luis was screaming and begging for him to stop. He was even trying to fight back, but Herb easily overpowered him as he showed no mercy. Luis was almost unconscious when the last one was removed. Herb quickly went to the window and started pushing them into the pipe. His eyes opened wide as he put in the last one, noticing he was about three feet from the button. He glanced at the display. It was at nine minutes.

  Without hesitating, he went over to Donny and shoved a knee into his chest. “Open your fucking mouth.”

  “Please don’t.”

  “You’re the one who said we have to stop the timer. Don’t chicken out now.”

  “Get the fuck away from me!”

  “We don’t have time to fuck around.” He grabbed his head and pulled it backwards.

  Donny grabbed his arm. “I said get the fuck away from me!”

  “Stop fighting!” Herb thrust the screwdriver several times into each of his shoulders to immobilize his arms.

  Donny was refusing to cooperate. He was holding his mouth tightly closed. Herb shoved the screwdriver between his front teeth. “Open up, jackass.”

  He started jerking his head around, making it more difficult.

  Herb became frustrated. He jabbed the screwdriver into the left side of his jaw, into the mandibular notch, then pried downwards, tearing the temporomandibular ligament. Donny’s mouth was hanging sideways as he screamed. Herb jabbed the screwdriver into the other side of his face and tore the ligament on that side. At this point his mouth was hanging wide open and he couldn’t do anything to prevent Herb from removing the screws in his teeth. Over the next five minutes, Donny screamed at the top of his lungs as Herb removed the screws. When he was done, he started removing the one in his left temple. As soon as it came out, blood and intraocular fluid came squirting out of the hole as his eye deflated. The same thing happened on the other side when he removed the screw.

  Herb noticed the display was at four minutes. He ran over to the window and quickly shoved in the screws. His heart seemed to stop when he noticed they were about nine inches from the button. He had been hoping there would have been enough without having to remove his. Even if he found the one Luis hid, which was a three-inch screw, he still would be five-inches short. The one in his penis was three inches, indicating there must be two, one-inch screws in his testicles. Horror overcame him when he realized he was going to have to tear his sack open to get to them.

  Suddenly, the alarm went off. He looked at the display and noticed it was at zero. He jumped on Donny as the floor started heating up. Luis, Kurt and Donny were screaming as their flesh started smoking. Herb squatted down and held onto Donny for dear life as he violently flopped around.

  Luis had managed to stand up and was tippy toeing between the rebar as he leaned his back against the wall. Kurt was lying help
lessly. He couldn’t get up due to the trauma in his joints caused by Herb. The floor became so hot, that Kurt’s and Donny’s bodies caught fire. The smoke became so thick that it was burning Herb’s eyes and throat. Even though Donny was on the verge of death and in a horrific amount of pain, he managed to grab Herb’s penis. With all his strength, he started twisting it. About the time, Herb grabbed his arm, Kurt came stumbling across the floor after mustering up the last bit of life left in him. He tackled Herb, knocking him off Donny. As he held him down on the red-hot rebar he shouted, “Die, you motherfucker!”

  Herb was screaming at the top of his lungs as he tried to throw Kurt off. A thick cloud of smoke was bellowing out around him as the smell of burnt flesh filled the air.

  Luis’ succumbed to the pain of his feet being burned and ended up falling. As he rolled across the floor, his flesh was disintegrating. Herb’s adrenaline rush allowed him to overpower Kurt. He threw him to the side, then tried to crawl on top of him, but Kurt managed to kick him away. Herb was in so much pain from being burned, he couldn’t get back to Donny or Kurt as he rolled around on the floor screaming.

  Finger Dick

  A few seconds later, the alarm shut off and water came spraying from the ceiling. As the floor cooled down, Herb sat up, staring in horror at his burns. They were bad, but it could have been a lot worse. He knew the short duration of him being on top of Donny had saved his life. He might have severe burns, but he was going to live. He looked at the others. They weren’t moving and appeared to be dead. The display was counting down again from one hour. He knew he had time to find the other screw and remove his own screws before time ran out.

  When he stood up, horror overcame him—his penis was missing. He looked around the floor in a state of panic. It wasn’t anywhere to be found. Then he remembered Donny had grabbed it. He ran over to him, finding it lying next to him. It had been burned so severely it was nothing more than a charred piece of flesh. He fell to his knees and screamed. He sat there for a few minutes, deciding what to do. The thought of not having a penis made him want to die. All kinds of thoughts were running through his mind. He became emotional and started sobbing. Then he became angry, thinking how he wanted to get back at the person that had done this to him. That was the motivation he needed to keep going. He was sickened as he pulled the screw from his charred penis. When he stuck it into the pipe, he was about five inches away from pushing the button. A feeling of salvation overcame him when he remembered the screwdriver. He could use it to push in the screws. And that meant he didn’t have to tear his sack apart, or find the other screw Luis had hid. He was excited as he picked it up from the floor. When he went to stick it in the pipe, the washer that had been welded on the shaft prevented it from going in. His heart felt like it had stopped, realizing it had been done on purpose to prevent exactly what he was trying to do.


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