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The complete “A Glimpse into Hell” series - 5 books, 195 chapters, 1700 pages, 600K words of pure gore

Page 175

by Garrett, Wade H.

  She grimaced with trepidation. “What happened? Was I in an accident?”

  “Kind of.” Seth nodded towards Barry. “He’s an accident waiting to happen.”

  She looked at Barry for a moment, then Kenneth. She now remembered she’d been hanging on the wall. “Oh my God! Y’all did this to me!” She started crying. “Look what y’all have done to me!”

  Seth was still holding the cordless drill, pumping blood through her circulatory system. “I have shitty news and shittier news. Which do you want first?”

  “Am I going to die?”

  “Not sure. Unfortunately, your heart no longer functions, but I have connected a pump to you. That’s the shitty news. And since I’m such a nice guy, I injected you with adrenaline to keep you awake and morphine to reduce the pain.” He grabbed her right hand and held it against the drill. “Hold this.” He grabbed her other hand and held it next to the trigger. “Don’t let the drill stop or you’ll die. That’s the shittier news”

  She started freaking out as she held the drill. “No, no, no! I can’t do this!”

  “If you wanna live, you will.”

  “Please get me to a hospital!”

  “I have some other shit I need to do first. When I’m done, I’ll make a call for you.”

  Her eyes got big. “What? You can’t leave me like this!”

  “Just make sure to yell at me if the battery starts to go dead so I can replace it.”

  She started crying. “Oh my God! Please don’t do this! I beg you!”

  Seth went over to Jimmy. He noticed his breathing had recovered. “Good. This fucker has some life left in him too.” He looked at Kenneth. “He’s ready to go if you want to continue with him.”

  He looked at his watch, realizing it was 9 PM. “I’d rather head on to Austin and pick up some more lowlifes since it’s dark now.”

  Seth smiled. “You like the hunt, don’t you?”

  He looked at Maggie and Jimmy, then at Gus’ and Andrew’s corpses, then at all the body parts and disgusting fluids coating the floor. “It’s better than being stuck in this hellhole.”

  “You know you like it. You just don’t want to admit it.”

  “I don’t have an issue with making assholes pay, but we’re kind of treating them like cattle. Just roundin’ ‘em up for the slaughter. You’re not even interacting with them like you did in the past. I hope you’re not getting burned out.”

  “What do you have against cattle?”

  “I’m being serious. And did you not hear a fucking thing I said?”

  “Chill out. I heard you. And we don’t have time to listen to their false promises or proclamations of innocence. Or that they served their fucking time. There are too many scumbags to deal with on this trip to put up with that shit.”

  Barry was nodding. “You know I don’t have an issue with that.”

  Kenneth glared at him. “You haven’t done shit on this trip, except for getting in everyone’s way, so stop being a suck ass.”

  “I’ve done my share.”

  “I’m glad you think so.” He looked at Seth. “So, can I get the fuck out of here?”

  Seth handed him a folder. “Here’re twenty-four scumbags from the Austin area. It contains all the info you need on them: descriptions, pictures, hangouts and their addresses.”

  “How in the hell am I supposed to round up that many?”

  “I don’t expect you to. Just pick up as many as you can find. And only get the ones that are easy.”

  “Won’t that dude that set all this up get pissed if we don’t get all of them?”

  “Mr. Townsend knows there’s no way we can get all of them.”

  Wyatt walked up. “Can I go with Kenneth?”

  “That’s fine. It’ll be a lot easier, and safer, with two of you.”

  Barry’s eyes got big. “I wanna go too.”

  Seth knew that would cause a problem. “That’s not a good idea.”

  “Come on, man! I wanna go!”


  “Please give me another chance to prove myself.”

  “I need you here.”

  “That’s bullshit! You can handle this shit by yourself. You just….”

  Kenneth interrupted. “I don’t care if he comes.”

  Barry glared at Seth. “See, he trusts me.”

  Kenneth laughed. “I just like watching you get your ass kicked.”

  Barry was stoked. “Fucking A!” He ran to the door. “I call shotgun!” He took off outside.

  Wyatt was right behind him yelling, “Fuck if you are! You’re sitting bitch!”

  Seth handed Kenneth a duffle bag. “This is full of disguises. If y’all get in a place that’s crowded or has cameras, make sure everyone wears something to conceal their identity.”

  “Will do.”

  “When I get done with Jimmy and Maggie, I’ll head that way.”


  “And if Spanky causes too much trouble, just cut his throat and throw him in a dumpster.”

  Kenneth laughed as he walked out the door.

  Gun Smoke

  Seth went over to Jimmy and checked his vitals. Missy walked over. “Is he going to make it?”

  “He’s doing fairly well considering the trauma to his body.” Seth noticed most of Jimmy’s intestines were still in his abdomen, meaning the blood flow hadn’t been severed.

  She could tell he was thinking about something. “I recognize that look. What are you planning on doing to him?”

  “I’m thinking about reversing his digestive system so he’ll shit out his mouth.”

  “Is that even possible?”

  “I don’t see why it won’t work. Choking to death on his shit would be the main issue.” He pointed to his tracheotomy. “But the trach will prevent that since he’s breathing out his neck.”

  Maggie started yelling at Seth. “Please call an ambulance! This isn’t right leaving me like this!”

  “Just lay there and be quiet.”

  “Please don’t do this!”

  Seth went over to her. “I told you to be quiet.”

  “You can’t do this to me!”

  Humberto was becoming desperate, knowing he needed to find a way to escape. He had witnessed some gruesome acts, and now that the others had left, he didn’t feel as threatened by Seth. “Hey, man! Can we make a deal?”

  Seth was sewing Maggie’s mouth shut. “Nope.”

  “Come on, man! Don’t be like that! I don’t even know you! You must have me mixed up with some other dude!”

  Seth put his finger across his own lips. “Shhh.”

  “Don’t shush me!”

  “You can either hang there quiet, or I can sew your mouth shut too.”

  He put his head down, not in submission, but to bide his time until he could make his move.

  When Seth was done with Maggie, she was aghast as she looked at herself in the mirror above. She looked like something from a horror film the way Seth had mutilated her body. Her mascara was smeared all over her face, and her mouth had been sewn closed with thick, black thread. She contemplated on stopping the drill so she could end her suffering.

  Seth was staring at her as he stood next to Jimmy. “If you stop that drill, I’ll just bring you back. And then I’ll stop going easy on you.”

  Tears started running down her cheeks as she thought about how she was trapped in this nightmare.

  Missy was still intrigued how Seth was going to reverse Jimmy’s digestive system. “How are you going to make his crap flow backwards?”

  “I’m not. The intestines produce wave like movements that direct the waste towards the rectum, so I don’t think that would even possible. I’m just going to swap the entrance and exit points.” Seth took a scalpel and cut his esophagus from the top of his stomach, then cut the jejunum loose from the duodenum, severing the small intestine below his stomach. “I have to leave his stomach and duodenum in place since they’re connected to his gallbladder, pancreas and circu
latory system.”

  “Can’t you just cut all that loose?”

  “Too many things can go wrong when you’re dealing with that many blood vessels. And if I accidently nicked his liver, he could bleed to death.”

  “Will his digestive system still work without his stomach?”

  “Not sure, but we’ll find out shortly.” Seth cut his rectum loose at his anus then pulled the end of it up to his severed esophagus. After he sewed them together, he pulled the end of his severed jejunum down to his anus and started sewing it in place. When he was done, he bound shrink-wrap around his torso to prevent his intestines from falling out. “I think that will do it. Now I’m going to hang him on the wall.” Seth mounted two pulleys five-feet apart on the wall next to Humberto, close to the ceiling. He dragged Jimmy over to the ropes, tying one to each of his ankles then hoisted him up.

  “Why did you hang him upside down?”

  “So I can feed him.” Seth stuck a funnel in Jimmy’s ass.

  “That’s fucking disgusting.”

  Seth injected him with adrenaline, and morphine to help with the pain. A few minutes later, Jimmy awakened. He tried to speak, but his trach tube was interfering with his normal voice process. Seth strapped an electrolarynx to his neck. “There you go, pal.”

  “What… What have you….” He sounded like a robot, at which he was suddenly overcome with confusion. “Why do I sound like this?”

  Seth rolled a large mirror in front of him. “Check it out.”

  Jimmy’s eyes widened as he stared at his reflection. He could see his organs through the shrink-wrap, and watched for a moment in stunned silence as they moved around and smeared blood on the inside surface of the plastic. “Oh my God! This can’t be happening! I must be dreaming!”

  Seth opened a large can of chicken noodle soup. “Nope. You’re awake.”

  Jimmy started freaking out. “Oh my God! You’ve destroyed my body! Why did you do this to me?”

  “You know why.”

  “I didn’t stab that boy! You have me mixed up with someone else! Please call an ambulance! I don’t want to die!”

  “I hope you like soup.” He poured the can into the funnel.

  Jimmy could feel his intestines tighten up. He looked in the mirror, detecting the funnel between his legs. “What the fuck are you doing to me?”

  Seth started dumping a can of chopped beef into the funnel. Missy noticed it was kind of chunky. “What is that?”

  “Canned meat.”

  “That’s nasty.”

  Seth opened a can displaying Oriental writing. “Check this shit out.”

  She turned and gagged, revolted by the presence of a multitude of bugs whirling around in the brown liquid. “What the hell is that?”

  “Silkworm pupae stew.”

  “Who in the fuck would eat that?”

  “Koreans. They love this shit.” He dumped the can into the funnel.

  “That’s freakin’ repulsive.”

  “I’m sure he will think so too when he’s shitting it out of his mouth.” Seth opened a Styrofoam container filled with night crawlers. “I was saving these in case I went fishing, but Jimmy needs the protein.” He dumped the worms and their bedding into the funnel then poured in a large bottle of Colon-Blow. “And that should get things moving along.”

  A few minutes later, Jimmy started making a face as if he was hurting. His intestines could be seen faintly shifting, smearing trails of blood on the shrink-wrap. “What’s wrong with my guts? They don’t feel right.”

  “It’s the Colon-Blow.”

  “What the hell is that?”

  “Sodium phosphate. A very powerful laxative.”

  “Why are you doing this to me? I told you I didn’t kill that boy!”

  Seth ignored him as he sat on a table next to Missy smoking a cigarette.

  “Please get me off this wall! I’m getting dizzy hanging upside down!”

  Seth continued to disregard him.

  “Come on, man! Please don’t do this!” Jimmy made a painful expression. “Something’s not right.” About that time, he farted out of his mouth, filling the air with a rancid odor.

  Missy shook her head. “I can’t watch this shit.” She walked to the other side of the RV.

  Jimmy became aware of an alkaline taste in his mouth. “There’s something nasty in my mouth!” He farted again. “Oh my God! That smells horrible!” Brown fluid started dripping from his mouth. “Something’s wrong! What the fuck have you done to me?”

  “I reversed your digestive system so you can shit out of your mouth.”

  He didn’t believe Seth. “I’m serious! What’s happening to me?”

  “I told you. You’re fixing to shit out of your mouth.”

  “I think I’m going to puke! Please get me down!” He started panicking as his throat tensed up. His robot-sounding voice echoed throughout the RV as he yelled. “I’m choking! Please help me! I don’t want to die!”

  “You’re not going to die—you can still breathe through your trach.”

  “Why does my throat feel like this?”

  “The shit is inducing your throat muscles to constrict since it’s moving in the wrong direction. Just try to relax.”

  He started crying. “Please make it stop! I beg you!”

  Seth laid a puppy pad under Jimmy’s head. “Try to aim for this. I don’t want any shit on my floor.”

  “Oh my God! I feel it in the back of my mouth! Please make it stop! Oh fuck!” Jimmy started making weird sounds through the electrolarynx as feces disgorged from his mouth. It was thick, like the consistency of peanut butter. He was throwing his head around in a panic as turds tumbled to the floor.

  “Stop jerking around, asshole! You’re getting shit everywhere!” Seth quickly slid a tub under him.

  Suddenly, the solids changed to liquid due to the Colon-Blow, producing a mixture of brown fluid and the undigested noodles, meat and pupae that sprayed out of his mouth like a firehose.

  Missy started gagging from across the room when she noticed worms were hanging out of Jimmy’s mouth and nostrils. “What the fuck? This is the vilest shit I’ve ever seen!”

  Seth laughed. “It’s sick as fuck.”

  Jimmy’s face and the top of his head were covered in the filth, and he was holding his eyes tightly closed as brown liquid continued to run out his mouth. Seth picked up the tub and started slowly pouring the disgusting mixture into the funnel. Missy was shaking her head. “What the hell are you doing?”

  “I don’t believe in wasting food.”

  “I can handle just about anything, but this is some grotesque shit.”

  “And I’m sure it’s going to be even more tasty the second time.”

  She covered her mouth, trying to not throw up. “Okay! Let’s stop talking about it.”

  When the tub was empty, he put it back under Jimmy before heading over to Maggie. “I’m surprised you’re still alive, considering I replaced your heart with a few parts from the hardware store.”

  Tears were running down her cheeks as she mumbled through her stitches. “Please help me!”

  Missy walked up. “What else are you going to do to her?”

  “Nothing. Her body won’t take any more abuse. She’s barely clinging to life as it is.”

  “We need to do something so she’ll go out with a bang.”

  Seth smiled. “You just gave me a cool idea. I’m going to….”

  Missy interrupted him. “Hold up! Don’t tell me!”


  “It’ll be fun to see if I can figure it out.”

  “Okay.” He went and rounded up some parts and set them on a workbench.

  Missy noticed he was taking apart a drone. “Why are you taking your toy apart?”

  “I need the parts. And it’s not a toy.” He removed one of the propeller motors, the battery pack, servo controller and camera.

  “Are you making her one of those propeller hats that retards wear?”

p; “Nope.” He laid a .38 Special, double-action revolver on a piece of wood, drew an elliptical shape inside the trigger guard on the wood and cut it out with a saw.

  “What are you making?”

  “A cam. When it turns, it will force the trigger back.” He drilled a hole in the center of the cam, mounted it on the motor’s shaft, then attached the assembly to the trigger guard. He temporarily connected the servo controller and battery to the motor. “Let’s see if this works.” Seth moved the joystick on a remote control. The cam rotated, provoking the revolver to dry fire. “Fuckin’ A!”

  “Since you’re wiring the gun up to fire remotely, are you going to shoot her from a distance?”

  “That would be boring.” They walked over to Maggie. Seth had Missy take over the drill as he forced Maggie to grip the revolver. He wrapped duct tape around her fist so she wouldn’t be able to drop it.

  “Are you going to make her shoot herself?”

  “That wouldn’t be any fun.” He held her arm out and drilled screws into her elbow and shoulder to keep them in the stretched-out position.

  Missy was confused. “You have her positioned where she’s pointing the gun away from herself. Is she going to shoot someone else?”

  “Nope.” He screwed the drone’s camera to Maggie’s forehead, taped the battery pack and servo controller to her neck, then started wiring everything together.

  “I know what you’re doing! If she’s going out with a bang, you’re going to have her shoot something that explodes.”

  “That’s not it either. Plus, the gun is loaded with blanks.” He slid Maggie off the table and into a wheelchair.

  “Dammit! That doesn’t make sense.”

  Seth picked up the remote and moved the joystick. The revolver dry fired every time the cam rotated. He also checked to make sure he could see the live feed on his android. “She’s ready.”

  Missy was frustrated that she hadn’t figured out what Seth’s plan was. “This doesn’t make any sense. Why would she have a gun that fires blanks?”

  He tied Maggie to the wheelchair to prevent her from falling out. “Do you want me to tell you?”

  “Hell no!”

  Seth looked at his watch. “It’s almost 1 AM. Let’s get rollin’.” He went up front and started the RV.


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