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Page 8

by K. Webster

  “Sweet, sweet girl.”

  I bite my lip and try to slow my breathing. It’s out of control. The hunger flashing in his eyes has me wanting to lie down on a table and offer myself to him so he can devour me any way he sees fit.

  My panties hit the floor and then he’s easing my good leg over his shoulder. His hot breath tickles as he speaks. “I’m going to do this with just my mouth.”

  I frown in confusion as his strong, powerful hands grip my sides. He pushes me up the door slightly and nods his head at my bad leg. I ease that thigh over his shoulder too. With his body and his hands, he holds me up.

  “How are you going to do this—”

  His hot tongue running along my slit chases the words right out of my throat. Intense pleasure cleaves its way through me, one delicious hack after another. My fingers grip at his hair and I take joy in messing up the perfection. Drew is ravenous and devours me. Teeth nip at my most sensitive parts. His rough, hot tongue soothes away the pain. He sucks. He bites. He teases. My body’s reaction is noticeable because now as he laps at me, it’s noisier and wetter. Licking up my juices. It’s driving me insane with desire. The sounds. The sensations. The madness. His tongue spears inside me and I choke on the bliss. Waves of pleasure shudder through me. I don’t know if I can take anymore. It’s too much.

  And then the fucker bites hard on my clit.

  I scream—a pained wail—but then he’s sucking it all away. I’m dizzied and weak against his beautiful assault with his mouth. I want more. I can’t take anymore. Too much. Not enough. With another garbled sound, I come hard and without apology. My thighs clench around him as my orgasm tremors through me.

  As soon as I come down from my high, he eases my legs off his shoulders and then he’s carrying me over to his desk. My hard work gets swept onto the floor with a clatter. People are going to know what we’re doing in here. That we’re together. That we’re fucking.

  “Drew,” Johnna’s voice is meek on the other side of the door.

  “Not now,” he bellows.


  “Not. Now.”

  He lays me on my back and positions my feet on the edge of the desk so I’m open and waiting for his cock. It takes him a second to free his monster cock from his slacks but the moment it’s in his hand, he’s pushing inside me without warning. Wide—God does he ever stretch me wide. I accept every long thick inch of his perfect cock.

  The feral glint in his blue eyes reminds me of an animal staking claim on his mate. It turns my insides to mush. I like being the object of his innermost desires and affections.

  “Mine,” is all he grunts as he thrusts into me.

  His thundering isn’t soft, it’s brutal. Often, he’s gentle with me but right now he’s lost his head to the moment. Pound after pound, he owns me with his cock until another orgasm is lazily teasing at me, just begging to be released into the wild. I don’t think I’ll come again but the way his head is tipped back and baring his Adam’s apple as he groans has my pussy clenching in response.

  Drew is hot.

  So hot, he scalds and boils and burns.

  Every time he touches me, I’m incinerated.

  All it takes is one brush of his thumb along my sensitive clit and I’m a goner. Ecstasy obliterates me from the inside out. I must be screaming because his palm slaps over my mouth. His eyes are lost—my handsome man has turned animal. He bucks into me until his eyes close. Heat surges inside of me, coating every part of me with his seed.

  The incessant banging on his door drags him from his moment of absolute loss of control. He blinks away his haze before flashing a panicked look my way. I sit up on my elbows so that our faces are close.

  “You’re Drew Hamilton. Afraid of nothing,” I murmur.

  Darkness dims his irises from navy to a blue black. “Nothing.”

  Our mouths meet for a quick kiss that tastes like me and insanity. Delicious.

  Someone pounds on the door again and we both tense.

  “Better answer the door, badass,” I taunt and lick away the remnants of him from my lips.

  He slides his cock out of my body and his cum runs out with it soaking the desk. I bite my lip and stare boldly at his dick that’s at half-mast and dripping with cum. If we weren’t about to get in very big trouble for what we just did, I’d suck it all off him.

  “Drew,” a deep voice barks. “Open this damn door before I kick it in.”

  “Fuck,” Drew mutters. “Why is your dad here?”

  When I open my door five minutes later, Judge Rowe stands with a murderous scowl on his face. The lights are turned off in the clinic. Johnna, the only one left aside from us, gives me a quick apologetic wave before bolting.

  “Judge,” I greet, my tone cool.

  He pushes past me to find Sophia digging through her box of supplies. She looks up at him and smiles. Innocent as fuck. Little liar.

  “Why were you screaming?” he demands, his chest heaving.

  She blinks at him. “My hip, Daddy.”

  A stab of jealousy hits me like a punch to the gut. Daddy. I send her a glare over his shoulder that says, You’re going to call me daddy later.

  A smile tugs at her lips. “It’s been hurting worse lately,” she admits, the defeat in her voice real. “The therapies are okay but nothing ever takes the pain away.”

  I swallow down the guilt knowing I stole her crutch. Her illegal pills.

  “So why was the door locked?” he bellows.

  Soph, apparently used to her dad, simply shrugs as if it’s no big deal. “Drew had to take a look at it and didn’t want anyone to see me like that. You know I have to pull my jeans down some, Dad. It’s embarrassing.”

  God, is she ever a little liar.

  “The swelling is worse,” I cut in. “Dr. White still hasn’t called with the results. Her skin is red and hot to the touch. I suspect more than simple inflammation going on.”

  Max Rowe’s stiff posture relaxes as if he’s convinced now that I wasn’t just buried deep inside his daughter’s teenage cunt. “What are we going to do about it?”

  “Nothing until we know more,” I admit, my voice on edge. It’s the most infuriating thing in the world—not being able to figure out the source of a problem when it hurts someone you care for.

  Max launches into a barrage of questions regarding his daughter’s therapies. I don’t get a chance to ask him why he’s even here. I’m assuming to check to see how she likes interning here. From the way her pussy milked my cock earlier, I’d say she likes it pretty fucking well.

  He keeps barking out questions but my gaze is on Soph. Her face has paled and she clutches onto the side of the desk with white knuckles. I push past him and make it to her just as she collapses.

  “Sophia,” I holler as I pull her limp body into my arms. Her skin is on fire.

  “What’s wrong with her?” Max demands, crouching beside me. His palm runs over her cheek and he growls. “She’s burning up.”

  “Call an ambulance,” I instruct, my voice hoarse. When he rises to make the call, I kiss her hot forehead. “Baby, what’s wrong? Open your eyes and tell me what the fuck is happening.”

  Her eyes flutter open and confusion dances in her dulled green eyes. They roll back into her head again, scaring the fuck out of me.

  “SOPHIA!” I yell, shaking her.

  Max kneels beside me again. “They’re on their way. What the hell is going on? Is she sick?”

  I frown as I study her red face. “I don’t know. I don’t fucking know.” Terror clutches at my throat. “She was addicted to oxy but I don’t think this is related.”

  Fire blazes in his eyes when I look at him.


  I don’t really want to tell him his daughter almost got gang raped when she made a drug deal, so I skip over that part.

  “I discovered she had pills that belonged to someone else. She was taking way too many.”

  Heartache flashes in his eyes. “You noticed that here

  I ignore that question.

  “Her leg also gave out. She hit her head but she was pale then too. Hot as could be. I didn’t know what was wrong. I’d thought it was withdrawals. But it’s something else. It’s getting worse.” I turn my attention to her. “Soph, wake up.”

  She lazily opens her eyes again. “Hey…”

  “Have you had any more symptoms?”

  “Uh…M-Monday I fainted on the football field,” she whispers, her eyes dazed. “Saturday, at your house, w-was the first time my leg gave out. It did it last night too before I went to bed.”

  Max is growling like a fucking bear but I don’t have time to get my ass kicked. Right now, I need to get my girl well. I rise with her in my arms and meet his nasty glare.

  “We’re together,” I bite out, unapologetically.

  “The fuck you are—”

  “We. Are. Together,” I snarl. “End of story.”

  Rage blazes in his green eyes which remind me so much of his daughter. “I’ll have your ass arrested, motherfucker.”

  I curl my lip at him and bare my teeth. “I fucking care about her. She’s mine to look after. Arrest me. See if I care. I’ll be back though because she’s mine.”

  With her passed out body between us, we stare each other down. I know if I didn’t have his baby girl in my arms, this guy would be throwing punches.

  “Pedophile,” he rages.

  I roll my eyes. “Get over yourself. You and I both know Soph does what she wants. The poor girl was forced to grow the fuck up when her life was destroyed after that accident. Let her be fucking happy for once in her life. And with me,” I growl. “She’s happy. So goddamned happy.”

  The fire in his eyes flickers. He reaches up and slides the hair out of her eyes. “Oh, Soph, what have you done?”

  “She’s living,” I utter. “She’s finally living.”

  When our eyes meet again, his are sad and broken. “We have to fix her.”

  I clench my teeth and nod. “We fucking will.”

  “Calm the hell down, man,” Miles says, his hand slapping my shoulder. “You’re making me anxious watching you pace around here. You’re scaring my kid too.”

  I glance over at his infant daughter who watches me with wide eyes in the crook of his arm. With a sigh of frustration, I scrub my palm down my face. “Why is it taking so long?”

  “I don’t know but they’ll notify everyone once they know more.”

  We don’t have to wait much longer before an ER doctor comes out to speak to us.

  “Are you her father?” she asks, her brows furrowed together. No, but when she’s better I’m going to spank her ass for making me worry and then make her call me daddy.

  “I’m her father,” Max belts.

  “And I’m her doctor,” I lie. Close enough.

  He grunts but doesn’t fight me.

  “I’m Dr. Bogner. You can come see her. Just two of you for now. We’ll talk in the room,” she says and asks us to follow her. As we stride down the hallway, Max mutters something about déjà vu.

  Once in the room, she closes the door behind us. Soph sleeps soundly with tubes hooked up everywhere. She’s still pale and it scares the shit out of me.

  “I’m just going to come out with it,” she says in a grim tone. “We found a mass.”

  Max stumbles over his feet and clutches his chest. “W-What?”

  I stare at her in horror. “You made a mistake.”

  Her lips press together in a firm line. “The tumor is wedged between the head of her femur and the ischiofemoral ligament. The mass is pressed against her obturator membrane and is cutting off supply to the small arteries there. The result is severe inflammation in that area and her body is acting out in other ways trying to defend against it. Sweating. Fainting. Weakness.”

  “Cancer? My wife had cancer.” Max has turned as pale as the white wall and his hands are shaking.

  “She’s going to be fine,” I snap. She fucking better be.

  Dr. Bogner frowns. “We don’t know if it’s malignant or not but it does need to go. It’s large enough that it keeps pushing her hip bone out of socket. I’m sure it’s incredibly painful for her. Walking would be quite difficult.”

  “Cancer…” Max is still dazed by the word.

  “When?” I demand.

  “Well, when she comes to, we can discuss our options with her,” Dr. Bogner starts.

  “Do the surgery. Take the mass out. Now,” I bark out.

  She lets out an exasperated huff. “Not so fast. A secondary infection has begun. She’ll need to be on antibiotics for a week. Then we can do the surgery. I’d like to send her to a specialist to do that. We can do the surgery here but unless it’s life or death, it’s best to send her to someone who specializes in that type of surgery.”

  “Dr. White?” Max questions, his face still sheet white.

  Her lips purse together and her nose scrunches as though his name sours her to hear. “Dr. White isn’t my first choice, no. In fact, I think it would behoove you to find a better qualified doctor.” She darts her gaze over to Sophia. “This should have been picked up on sooner. Often, these tumors will strike after an injury. I feel like this should have been noticed. There’s no way she wasn’t in agonizing pain day in and day out. Am I right?”

  Both Max and I share the same guilty look.

  We should have helped her.

  For nine goddamned months, I blew her off. She was just a whiny brat. Not my problem. And Max, he doesn’t look any better. He could have taken her to more doctors. Pushed the issue. Demanded answers.

  We failed her.

  “Tomorrow she can go home,” Dr. Bogner says softly. “We’re going to get this girl healed up. The mass is large but it’s bulbous and doesn’t seem too difficult to remove. As long as it hasn’t woven itself around those obturator arteries, it should be a quick nip and tug. If it proves to be benign, she’ll heal up rather quickly. If it is cancer, we’ll go from there. Either way, she’s young and strong. We’re going to fix her.”

  I wish I could believe her.

  Fuck how I wish I could.


  The word clouds the air around me like a cloying fog. Sickening. Depressing. Wrong. Reminding me that it took my mother eleven years ago. Dr. Bogner didn’t sugar-coat anything either. She educated me the best she could. They took blood and urine to test for cancer. Now it’s a waiting game. My appointment with Dr. Wilkinson on Monday will shed more light as to what we’re looking at.

  “Did you take your meds?” Drew asks as he saunters into his bedroom wearing nothing but a pair of jeans hanging low on his hips. His chest is mouthwateringly beautiful. All hard curves of tanned muscle. And that “V”…

  “Uh, yeah. I took them.” I frown as he plucks the button on his jeans and unzips them. He’s not wearing underwear and the thick root of his cock is visible where his jeans are open. Heat floods through me. If he wasn’t playing doctor, I’d beg him to fuck me.

  But for the three days that we’ve been at his house, he’s waited on me hand and foot. Certainly hasn’t made love to me. I think he’s afraid he’ll break me. Luckily for him, I’m already broken.

  “Did you need help with your homework?” he asks, his hands on his hips. My eyes fall to the fact his jeans have slid down his hips some.

  “Yes, Dad,” I taunt.

  Speaking of Dad, I still don’t know what Drew said to my father to get him to agree to let me stay with him this week. Drew took off from work because I was told by the doctor that I’m not to be in school until after this surgery. Dad had to go to the school and get my coursework from my teachers.

  Drew’s eyes darken as he roams his gaze over my body. I’m wearing one of his big T-shirts but I didn’t put on anything underneath. Lazily, I drag the hem of the shirt up my thighs to reveal my pussy. A sharp exhalation of air escapes him.

  “Sophia,” he warns.

  “What Daddy?” I can’t help but taunt him. He may as
well be my dad for the way he’s been acting since we left the hospital. “Are you going to spank me if I talk back? If I touch myself?” I bite my lip as I let my fingertips flutter over my sex.

  He growls. “Enough.”

  “Or what? You’ll punish me? Will you take that belt”—I point at the one around his waist—“and spank my bottom? Hmmmm, Daddy?”

  “Fucking stop,” he snaps.

  My gaze falls to his cock that’s now straining in his jeans. If I could get him close enough to touch, I’d pull it out and plead with my lips and tongue for him to stop treating me like a glass doll.

  “We can’t have sex, so stop looking at my cock like you want to swallow it whole.” His jaw clenches in anger but his greedy eyes are between my thighs.

  I pull my hand away and wiggle my wet fingers at him. “I do want to swallow it whole. Do you think I could? I’ve never sucked cock before. Is that what you want? To fuck my face, Daddy?”

  His snarl is furious as he pounces. My heart rate skips a beat. He manages to shove his jeans down his thighs and he strokes his veiny cock slowly right near my face.

  “Stop calling me that,” he hisses.

  I reach up and touch the bead of pre-cum on his tip. “What, Daddy?”

  “Goddammit, Soph, you’re really pushing my fucking buttons.” I can tell he’s doing everything in his power not to mount my face and fuck it. Pushing his buttons is the most fun I’ve had in days.

  “Yes, sir. Whatever you say, Dad—”

  He cuts off my words when he grips my jaw and jerks my mouth open. And not so gently, he begins feeding his cock into my mouth. The salty taste makes me hungry for him. When I look up at him as he gingerly starts sliding in and out of my mouth, his blue-black eyes are lost to madness. He grips my messy hair with one hand and caresses my cheek with the other. It encourages me and I start using my tongue. I try to relax my throat some too because he really seems to want to put his dick there. The moment I do, he pushes hard into me. My first reflex is to gag but I breathe through my nose to keep from doing it. As if he can tell I’m struggling, he eases it back out of my throat.


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