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Dirty Duet (Found in Oblivion Book 3)

Page 23

by Cari Quinn

  “The doctor is coming here to find me.”

  West cracked his knuckles. “Guys?”

  Jules looked up from her hand. “Yeah?”

  “We’ll be in the chapel down the hall when the doc comes, huh?”

  She nodded. “Will do.”

  West patted his best friend’s shoulder. “Just for a minute.” He knew Michael would never freak out in front of people. That he’d need a little slice of privacy. He knew it as surely as he knew what a fuck up he was.

  Michael sighed and let him lead him out and down the side hallway. When he saw the sign, he gave West an eyebrow quirk.

  “It’s quiet.”

  Michael shrugged and pushed through the door. Instead of crosses and the typical religious themes, there was a wide stained glass panel with water and a tree in deep emeralds and soothing blues.

  Michael’s head bowed immediately. “I don’t know if I can do this, man.”

  “You can. I promise you.” West knew it was his job to soothe and to lie, but it wasn’t a lie. Everyone thought Michael was crazy to walk into a ready-made family and then add another baby so quickly. But in West’s heart of hearts, he knew it was the perfect place for his best friend. He’d created a family from love and just made it stronger.

  He’d manned up where West never had.

  West envied what he had in every way.

  “I’m sorry I was all psycho on you with the texts.”

  West shook his head. “I’m sorry I wasn’t here. I had some stuff. I wasn’t paying attention.”

  “You’re here now. And you kept it all together today with the people here. I’m pretty sure I was going to lose it in that waiting room.”

  “I know,” West said quietly.

  “Because you’re one of the best men I know.”

  “Unlikely, but I’m glad I could help.”

  Michael turned with knitted brows. “What do you mean unlikely? You’re the most solid guy I know.”

  “A solid fuck up, sure.” West stuffed his hands into his pockets.

  “No. You’re the only one I’m trusting to take over if something happens. I was going to ask you after all this, but now’s as good as any.”

  West frowned. “Ask what?”

  “I know we aren’t all that religious and shit.” Michael winced and looked around. “No cross to say sorry to in here, I guess.”

  West laughed. “Just you, me, and the tree of life.”

  “Well, it’s kinda more of a formality thing. Because when you have kids, you just know shit is bigger than you. I know you know that more than anything.”

  West curled his hands into fists in his pockets. “I’m well aware.”

  Michael crossed to him. “You did what was right for your kid. It may not have been the most ideal situation, but a lesser man would take the selfish route. You didn’t.”

  “What are you talking about? I did the most selfish thing in the world.”

  “No. Not at all, actually. I know this time of year sucks for you. I know the memories eat at you, but that little girl of yours has a healthy, happy life. I see the picture every year.”

  West looked at his feet. The flash of his Chloe beaming up at her step-father came into sharp focus. The only father that little girl knew because he’d been a worthless piece of shit that no one wanted in her life. And he’d agreed with him.

  “But that’s what makes you all the more qualified for the job I’m asking you to do. You know how to make the hard choices, and how to take care of people.” Michael laughed. “You do it for all of us. And that new girl of yours. I thought it was mistake to bring Lauren into the inner circle, but she makes you strong, man. She makes us all a little lighter and happier as well. Even my shithead of a brother.”

  West swallowed hard. His gut twisted and his burned.

  “So, I’d really like you to be our little girl’s godfather.”

  “What?” West said on a hoarse whisper.

  “Don’t look so shocked. I plan on living a damn long life, but if anything happens in this crazy world, I want to know my little girl is taken care of.”

  “You’ve got it all wrong.” West backed up a step.

  “No, I don’t. You’d cut off an arm for me, man. I know you’d do the same for my daughter. That’s the man I want as my backup.”

  “I’m not that guy.” West shook his head. No one had ever said anything like that about him in his life.

  Except Lauren.

  She’d said it. He didn’t believe it. His chest felt like it was cracking open.

  “Sorry, son. You are. All that and more.” Michael clamped his hand on West’s shoulder. “The only one I’d trust. Chloe agrees with me. Say yes, man.”

  West pinched the bridge of his nose. He was going to fucking bawl like a baby. There was no lie in the eyes of his best friend—of, the brother he’d known for years now. Just a sureness that gutted him as much as it strengthened him. “I’d be honored, brother.” He winced. “You have a brother. Don’t you want to—”

  “Fuck, no.” Michael’s nostrils flared. “I love him because we’re family. I know Mal would do right by my girl. I know he’d do right by Chloe and Axl. But he wouldn’t take care of them like you would. That’s what I trust.”

  This time West’s lip did quiver and he sucked back a breath. “I would. I promise I would.”

  “Mr. Shawcross?”

  Michael sniffed and turned toward the door. A nurse stood there in pink scrubs with little baby rattles all over it. “Chloe?”

  She smiled. “Ready to have a baby?”

  “Fuck yes.” Michael laughed. “I mean, yes ma’am.”

  The nurse laughed. “They’re ready for you.”

  Michael turned back to West. He hauled him into a hug. “Now that we got that bit of business taken care of I’m going to go stand next to my crazy, perfect, brave wife.” He rushed after the nurse. At the door, he stopped and turned back. “I know I’ve been wrapped up in my own shit, but don’t let Lauren go. She’s your match. Sometimes they come in a flurry of crazy, sometimes they drop into your lap in Vegas.”

  And with that he was gone.

  West dropped into the pew. His knees wouldn’t hold him up any longer. Everything Lauren had said to him. Everything he’d ignored. All of it seemed so stupid now. He really was nothing without her. He just had to hope all that love in her eyes was truth.

  He stood up and followed his friend out the door and down the hallway. It felt like days even if it was only another hour before Michael showed up at the doorway to the waiting room with a bundle of pink perfection in his arms.

  “Are you sure she was three weeks early? She looks plenty cooked,” Mal said gruffly. He crossed his arms, his face a little less stoic for once.

  Michael laughed. “She was more than ready to come out. Just like her mama she likes to do everything on her own timetable.”

  Molly and Elle stood and crossed the room Jules and her guys crowded in. “What’s her name?” Molly asked.

  “Hope Elizabeth Shawcross.”

  Molly stroked the baby’s downy red hair back with her thumb. “Beautiful name for a beautiful girl.”

  West felt the last of the apprehension dissolve in his chest. He was truly happy for his friend and the weight of being a godfather didn’t crush him, it made him feel freer than he had in a damn long time.

  He dug his phone out of his pocket and backed out of the room. With shaking fingers, he knew what he needed to do. He just hoped he wasn’t too late.

  The voice at the other end of the line was hesitant. “Hello?”


  “Yes. Who’s this?”

  He swallowed down the fear that had been choking him. “This is West. I need your help.”

  Chapter Twenty

  “Fill this out and submit it when you’re finished. You’ll need to do a new typing test too.”

  Lauren sighed and tugged on the end of her braid. Today had been a banner day already. She’d to
ld her folks once and for all that she appreciated them getting her back into the university, but she couldn’t go back. It wasn’t right.

  She was forging her own path, as crazy as it was. She was pretty sure she was going to write that book about the female orgasm. And probably one about loving a rockstar, and everything that came with it.

  How being with a guy like that changed a person. How love changed a person.

  Though she had to say, being back at the A-Ok temporary agency had to be her version of hell. She was surprised she didn’t smell smoke.

  Just the faint smell of burning plastic from someone’s lunch down the hall. Eh, close enough.

  “Seriously? I’ve done like twenty of them.”

  “Right, but they aren’t current. It’s been months since the last time you were unfortunately released from your duties.”

  “Look, I suck at typing. Whether I hit forty words or forty-two, all crap. Just give me some other kind of job. You don’t just have office jobs here. I read the poster. I can read.”

  The receptionist gave her a baleful look. “Ma’am, we have a procedure. Please submit your form when you’re finished and then we’ll have you do a new typing test.”

  “For fuck’s sake, I don’t want to do a goddamn—”

  “What Miss Bryant means,” Ethan said smoothly, coming up beside her, “is that she’d be happy to take a typing test, though she’s certain that isn’t the best representation of her skills.”

  The receptionist brightened, taking in Ethan’s impeccably styled dark hair and long designer coat. “Oh, and who are you?”

  “Just a friend.” He gave Lauren a quick smile that let her know that he’d be getting receptionist chick’s number later.

  Good for him. Someone should be getting laid, even if it wasn’t her.

  In all fairness, it had only been a few days. Not a lifetime by any stretch. But after a girl went without for oh, a lifetime, she rapidly developed certain needs.

  Many needs.

  So yes, she’d done some scouring online for a vibrator. Just to take the edge off now and then. She wasn’t turning into a fiend or anything.

  Perhaps she was.

  Next she’d probably start looking for blow-up dolls. Whether it was one designed with flowing blond locks or with cropped close hair, she wasn’t choosy.

  The vibrant green eyes, however, were a deal breaker.

  “I’ll fill out your damn form,” she muttered, snatching the clipboard and taking the only empty seat next to the receptionist’s circular desk.

  “Not there,” Ethan said, immediately pulling her up by the elbow. “Miss, do you mind?” he asked an elderly woman seated near the window that looked out into the mall. “We need this seat.”

  “Ethan,” Lauren gasped, aghast. “What was wrong with that other seat?”

  “It needs to be here. Right here. Trust me.” Ethan opened up his wallet and pulled out a hundred, pressing it into the shocked grandmother’s hand. “Here you go. Sorry for the trouble. You’ve done your part for the course of true love today.”

  “What? What true love?” The woman shuffled away and Ethan pressed Lauren down into the seat, making her sigh. “Ethan, I thought we’d finally reached an understanding. We’re great as friends, and I want—no, I need—you in my life, but not like that. I understand you’re a little infatuated with me, but it’ll pass. Really, I’m not even that hot.”

  When she finally stopped talking, she realized Ethan was grinning down at her. “Confidence looks good on you, Bryant.”

  She blinked, confused. “I don’t think I understand what’s happening.”

  “No. That much is clear. But you will.”

  “You’re being really weird—” A thud at the window had her whipping her head around and she turned to look, letting out a gasp.

  She had to be seeing things.

  An apparition.

  An oasis in the desert, not unlike the image of water seeming to appear for those who were dying of thirst.

  The most beautiful, wonderful man she’d ever seen, pressing himself against the glass with a handful of wildflowers in one fist and a picture in the other.

  His daughter? Someone else? She didn’t know. Didn’t care.

  Letting out a screech, she shoved the clipboard off her lap and ran to the window, pressing her hand against his on the glass like a complete moron.

  Behind her, at least half the room started to say “aww” and clap.

  Clearly, she’d decided to star in her own Hallmark moment. And damn it felt good, even if she didn’t have the foggiest clue what was happening.

  “You know, there’s a door,” Ethan said drily. “As lovely as this display is, he can come in or you can go out.”

  “Good point.” They must’ve gotten the same idea at the same time, because she charged to the door at the same instant West tucked away the picture in his jeans pocket and sprinted for it on his side. She yanked it open and he stared at her for all of ten seconds before threading his hand through her professional braid and wrecking it all to hell. “I can’t see the pink,” he whispered, pulling it apart.

  “We’re in public. I have to wear clothes,” she whispered back a second before her mouth met his.

  He was already laughing. “Not that pink,” he said between kisses. “Although fuck. Now I can’t concentrate.”

  “Oh.” She flushed and touched the side of her head. “You mean my hair.”

  “I’m more focused on the other right now, but yeah. Your hair. I like it down. I’m used to seeing it all wild and crazy over your shoulders.” He touched it, rubbing it between his fingers. “God, I’ve missed feeling it. And the smell. Christ.” He leaned in and took a long breath. “I can’t even go grocery shopping anymore without getting a boner in the produce section. Damn pineapples.”

  She tipped back her head and laughed. It felt so good to laugh again. To have him against her, her flowers crushed between them.

  Her flowers. Oh no.

  She let out a yelp and stepped back, softly stroking their purple and white petals. “For me?” she asked. “They’re so beautiful. West, I didn’t need flowers.”

  “Yes, you do. You absolutely need flowers. I need to take you on dates. And I need to do everything slow and right. I can’t screw this up, Lo, any more than I have already. You’re worth so much more.” He brushed his fingertips against her cheek as her eyes filled. “I’m worth it too. We deserve the fucking storybook romance, don’t you think?”

  She grinned and leaned up on her tiptoes to press her mouth to his. “As long as the storybook romance includes lots of fucking.”

  “Oh, no doubt. No doubt at all.” She took the flowers from him, holding them tight to her chest so he could cup her face in his hands. “Michael had his baby. I mean Chloe did. Hope. She’s beautiful. You have to come meet her.”

  “Oh God, is she okay? Are they both okay? Yes, yes, I want to go. I’m sorry I missed everything.”

  “Yes, they’re fine. They’re all fine. I’m sorry too, but much as I hated it, it was necessary for you to leave for me to get my head on straight. I’ve been so messed up for so long.” He hissed out a breath. “I didn’t even realize how much.”

  “You’ve dealt with a lot.”

  “So have you.” He stepped back and read the words on the window. “You can’t do this. You don’t want to live your life in a box. Me either. It might be weird to live on a bus. Hell, we might be weird, but we’re us.” He stared straight into her eyes and she saw so much more than she’d ever expected to see shining back at her.




  “I like us,” she murmured, not bothering to fight the dampness in her eyes. He deserved to see it. To know exactly how much this meant to her.

  “Me too. In fact, I love us.” He moved back to her again and framed her face in his hands. “I love you, Lo. So much. Come back to me. Be with me on our crazy tour bus of love and sex and insanity. Probab
ly forever, but I don’t want to scare you away if that sounds freaky and like way too much since you know, only a few weeks.”

  She laughed through her tears. “I love you too. And I’m not scared. We’ll figure it out. Nothing will be fixed overnight. I sure haven’t been. I’m still the same mess I ever was. But it’s different when someone loves you.”

  “And I do. So much.” His Adam’s apple bobbed as he stepped back to pull his leather cord over his head. Before she could speak, he dropped it over her head, carefully pulling out her hair. “You’re my true north now. The one who will always remind me when I’m about to go over the edge.”

  She couldn’t hold back a sob as she clutched the compass charm, still warm from his body. “You do the same for me. Every time.”

  He tugged on her hand. “We have to go. The bus is leaving for Vegas. Our big night. Say you’ll come.”

  “Oh God, I can’t. I want to, but Ethan—” She glanced back to see her best friend standing behind her with a grin.

  “Uh uh. Ethan’s not standing in the way of true love anymore. Time for me to find some of my own, or its nearest statistical equivalent.” He waved the little paper in his hand that had to be the receptionist’s phone number. “Go on. Have fun.”

  “Thank you. I’ll call.” She hurried to give him a quick hug then turned toward West and grinned. “I’m ready.”

  “Don’t you need to pack or—ah, hell, forget it. We’ll go shopping on the road.” He grabbed her hand and tugged her after him as she struggled to hold on to her beautiful flowers, making her laugh. “Everyone is so excited to see you. We made you your own bunk.”

  “Really? There was room?”

  “Well, Ryan’s been gone more than he’s been around, and it’s just…there’s a story.” He smiled back at her though his eyes were troubled. “Always a story, Lo. But I was thinking we need a dog, you and me. The start of our own family.”

  “Yeah?” God, her head was spinning.

  He pulled out the photo in his pocket and gave it to her. Bert. Oh God. “You found him? Really?”

  “He’s ours. Waiting for us at home.” He pulled her into his arms and gave her a tender kiss. “Well, our home. The bus.”


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