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Stocking Stuffer: The Gift

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by Lia Connor

  Stocking Stuffer: The Gift

  Lia Connor

  All rights reserved.

  Copyright ©2006 Lia Connor

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  ISBN (10) 1-59596-526-2

  ISBN (13) 978-1-59596-526-4

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  Changeling Press LLC

  PO Box 1046

  Martinsburg, WV 25402-1046

  Editor: Vikky Bertling

  Cover Artists: Reneé George and Bryan Keller

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  The Gift

  God, he was glad he didn’t have to wear tights this year.

  All the same, the furry leggings they did force him to wear itched. What were they made of, pure wool? Rob refused to reach down and scratch one particularly tormented calf. He’d get reamed out by the big boss, watching over all of them in his rented Santa suit. For a guy who was supposed to be fat and jolly, Mr. Beeman had one hell of a temper when it came to his temporary employees.

  Rob found himself pretty glad that this was just a one-night gig. He made enough during the year as a museum guide to keep himself in pizza and beer, but when opportunity presented itself, he was usually the first to step up and get in line. Hence, when the call had gone out again at the temp agency for serving Elves at a corporate Christmas Eve banquet, he’d signed up for the gig despite his wardrobe misgivings.

  He resisted the urge to scratch -- again -- and reminded himself once more that at least they weren’t tights. He’d felt like Robin fucking Hood last year, and his name didn’t help. The leggings were pretty form-fitting though, enough to make him glad that he worked out, running lap after lap around the track at his gym until he could just about break the place’s record for the mile.

  “Hey! Hey, you, with the blond hair?”

  Rob snapped back to reality. Shit. Mr. Beeman was giving him a dour look behind that false white beard, as if he could tell Rob had been caught daydreaming. An Elf planted firmly behind the serving table he’d been waiting in line to reach glared at him. “Do you want this coffee or not?” she demanded.

  “Sorry about that, um…” Rob couldn’t remember her name for the life of him. Shrugging, he picked up one of the heavy but decorative coffee urns. “Which tables do I have?”

  The Elf pointed. “Those, those, and those. Just don’t cross circles with Shika. She’s new to the agency, and no one really knows anything about her. But I’ve seen her getting testy when someone mooches in on her turf.”

  “Shika?” That was a name he definitely didn’t remember. Something unique like that should go with an interesting-looking person. “Where is she?”

  The Elf rolled her eyes. “Over there.” She pointed. “Already serving coffee, like you should be doing.”

  “All right, all right, keep your fake bun on.” Rob turned toward his set of tables just in time to get a glimpse of Shika, and almost dropped his coffee urn. As he righted himself, she moved gracefully among the tables, pouring coffee like a mistress of the art. He felt his mouth go dry and his cock start surging to life in his leggings.

  He thanked God that the long tunic-like shirt he’d been given covered his crotch as he took a faltering step forward, trying to keep his mind on serving and one eye on Shika. Fuck but he’d never seen anyone like her. She was the sort of woman that just didn’t exist in real life, but there she was, dressed in a female Elf outfit similar to his. The difference was… she made it look good.

  Rob was half afraid his tongue would start hanging out. Shika stood taller than most women he’d met, with legs that went on for-fucking-ever, a rounded ass tapering up into a tiny waist, and, he saw as she bent over, two full, ripe breasts like small melons, the V-neck tunic revealing the most tempting cleavage. Her curly hair swung down across her shoulders as she moved, sleek and black, the perfect complement to her pale milk chocolate skin. Eyes like sparkling topaz twinkled when she laughed at something someone at her table had said.

  He wasn’t a bad-looking guy himself, but Shika made everyone else in the room look plain. Even the trophy wives. That was saying something. She was on his side, one of the crew. That upped his chances of meeting her. And by God, he would meet her, or die trying. Pass up a shot at a woman like Shika? Not too likely.

  Rob reached his first table and started pouring on autopilot, smiling and making polite conversation that he barely paid attention to, busy keeping an eye on the goddess just two tables across from him. He knew it was rude, but he couldn’t stop staring. It was like the perfect woman had walked right out of his dreams and, while he would have liked to see her wearing less than an Elf costume, she was still perfect.

  Shika stood up, stretching her back a little, pushing her breasts into sharp relief. Rob, who’d been pouring a cup of scalding hot coffee, missed the cup and doused his hand instead.

  “Ow! Shit, ow!” he yelped, forgetting himself. The corporate bigwigs at his table made various noises of sympathy and indignation. Mr. Beeman sat up straight in his Santa throne and gave Rob the foulest look yet.

  Rob flashed him a look that begged for forgiveness and the chance at future employment. “I’m sorry. Folks, I am so sorry,” he said, reaching for an unused napkin to blot up the mess he’d made. Luckily, he hadn’t spilled on anyone’s designer original. His hand was red and stung like a bitch, but he could deal. “I’ll bring you a fresh pot. No, no, I’m fine. Thank you.”

  Bowing, he walked backwards a few paces, and almost collided with someone. He winced, realizing he’d have to apologize again, and had his mouth open to let the words roll out when he caught the hint of some light, floral perfume and the sweet musk of a woman’s creamy skin and heard a soft chuckle in his ear.

  “You should put some ice on that,” a woman said as he turned around. “You’re burned.”

  Rob’s mouth opened and closed. Holy shit. It was Shika herself, looking all kinds of amused at him, and no less desirable. “It’s… it’s fine,” he said, struggling to stay calm, cool and collected. “No problem at all. See?” He flexed the hand. “It’s barely even red.”

  “Right now it’s not showing the damage.” Shika reached down and took his other hand. “Come on. Let’s get you into the kitchen and run some cool water over the burn, at least.”

  And who was Rob to say no to an invitation like that? With his unburned hand tight in Shika’s, he stumbled after her to the kitchen.

  If he copped a glance or two at her fine, round ass as they walked, he couldn’t help himself. He was male, after all -- and Shika was a goddess for all mere mortals to worship.

  * * *

  By the time they reached the kitchen, which seemed to be deserted, Rob had recovered his cool but his libido, not his hand, was red-hot. After what had felt like miles of marching behind Shika, smelling her rich perfume and drinking in the sight of her curves, he was primed for some serious action.

  She turned her head to smile at him, her teeth white as snow. “The si
nk’s back here,” she said, her voice low and husky. “Don’t worry about us getting into trouble. Someone else will cover our tables.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “I asked Marie to.” Shika shrugged her shapely shoulders. “She can handle a threesome.”

  Rob’s cock jumped. “As in a three-way sandwich or three tables at once?”

  “Marie? Probably both.” Shika’s smile turned wicked. “I’ve known her for a long, long time. We signed up for this job together.”

  “Always good to have a friend watching your back,” Rob said as they reached an industrial sink.

  Shika lowered her eyelids halfway, one of the sexiest moves Rob had ever seen on a woman. She glanced up at him from beneath her lashes and asked, “So are you a friend? Because let me tell you, brother, I could feel you watching me all the way in here.”

  Rob’s clumsiness seemed to have melted away. He put a hand on Shika’s waist, which was just begging to be touched, and gave her his best grin, the one he’d been told made him look like that movie star who made everyone’s heart go thump. “I’d like to be a friend to you,” he suggested, low, so that his voice didn’t echo through the empty room. “Maybe a lot more than a friend.”

  “Would you really?” Shika turned on the water, testing it with her fingers. “Put your scalded hand under here.” He obeyed, damned sorry to let go of her even for one second. “Look how red you are, white boy. You go with the season.”

  “It’s nothing, I told you,” Rob scoffed. The cool water did feel good though, he had to admit. “Just a light burn. It won’t even stay pink for long.”

  “Mmm. Too bad.”

  “Why?” Unable to stop himself, Rob wrapped his other arm around Shika and pulled her close to him. “Are you in a hurry to get back to the main room and start handing out presents? That’s what comes next. Music players and fancy wallets for everyone.”

  “I don’t think so.” Shika finger-walked her own hand up Rob’s chest, stopping to cup his chin. “I like the way you look at me. Makes me feel like a woman.”

  Her eyes on him made Rob feel like a man, the kind of man who could ride into battle with a shining sword and save the fair lady. He pulled his hand out of the cold water and shut it off. “My name’s Rob,” he said. “Robin. And you are…”

  “You know good and well who I am,” she chided, giving his jaw a little shake. “I heard you asking. Don’t be playing games with me, now. I get enough of that all year at my day job.”

  “And what kind of job is that?” Model, actress, call girl…?

  “A factory,” she said, stroking Rob’s jaw. “Assembly line. Thing is, I’m surrounded by a bunch of jokers. I wouldn’t stay, but the pay is out of this world and the benefits are unbelievable.”

  Rob frowned. “If the pay’s so good, why are you here?”

  He got the sly look again. “Because I wanted to meet new people. And because I decided I’d play a trick in return, and I got caught.”

  “What kind of a trick?” Rob nestled tighter against Shika, holding her close. She didn’t seem to mind a bit; in fact, she pushed forward so her full breasts were resting against his chest. “Something naughty? It’d fit the time of year.”

  “Very naughty.” Her grin was infectious. “The boss said he’d let me off, but only if I did some community service. So here I am. And here you are, probably out to make a little extra cash. But tell me this, did you come here to meet new people, too?”

  “No, but I’ve met the only person I want to tonight.” Rob bent his head to Shika’s, angling for her lips. “If your friend’s covering for us, we have some time. You want to go back out there right now, or do you feel like staying in here and having some fun?”

  “Listen to you,” Shika said, her delicious mouth curving up at the corners. “You sound like a boy who can’t wait to get his hand in the cookie jar.” She kissed Rob, taking him by surprise. When she drew back, he licked his lips automatically, tasting the gloss she’d left behind. Cinnamon. “Thing is, I don’t mind. I’ve been watching you all night, Rob.”

  “Have you?” Rob bent down for another kiss, loving the feel of her lips and the spicy taste they had. “Are you glad you met me, then?”

  “Very glad,” Shika said huskily, twining her arms around him. “Is that a present in your pocket or are you glad to see me?”

  Rob kissed her a second time, this time long and hot and deep, their tongues parrying for dominance. “What if I said both?” he asked when they broke off. “Would I be on the naughty list or the nice one?”

  “I’d say I want to unwrap your gift.” Shika reached up on her tiptoes and bit at his earlobe. “Come on. I’ve been in this joint before. There’s a staff lounge just off to one side here. No one’s going to be in there.” She gave him a coy look, eyes sparkling like champagne. “Have you been a good boy this year?”

  “Very, very good,” Rob breathed, reaching up to smooth down her silky-soft curls. “And what about you?”

  “Me, I’m naughty.” Shika nipped at his lip this time, the bite stinging and turning him on another notch higher. “Naughty as they come. You want to follow me, big boy? We have time. And there’s no better way to celebrate Christmas Eve.”

  Rob would have been a damned fool to pass up her offer, and his momma hadn’t raised any simpletons. “Only one question. Why aren’t we there already?”

  “Only takes a little walk,” Shika said, stepping backwards, still in Rob’s grasp. “Come on with me, and this’ll be the best Christmas you ever had.”

  Rob was pretty sure he could count on that.

  * * *

  When they got to the lounge, Shika wasn’t shy at all. She attacked Rob like a hungry cat, bringing their mouths hard together while her nails clawed at his back. One leg came up to hook over his hip, holding on tight. Her female scent wafted up to him, letting him know how aroused she was. He ground against her with his swollen cock, letting her know that her affections were returned in kind.

  She kissed him as if she didn’t ever want to let go, but when she did, her whole face glowed with mischief. “I want to see some of that beautiful white skin,” she purred, running up and down his chest with two long, talented fingers that set his libido on fire. “Take this off.”

  Rob stifled the urge to say yes, ma’am, and stood back. He wanted to make a show out of this. He had a pretty good body, and he ached to see some approval from the beautiful Shika.

  Ever so slowly, he lifted off the heavy woolen top of his Elf outfit, revealing his chiseled abs and solid pecs one bit at a time. When the thing came off, he flexed for her just a little, so she could get a look at the muscles in his arms.

  It didn’t have quite the effect he wanted. She giggled. “Is that supposed to impress me?” Her gaze dropped lower than his waist. “What I really want to see is still all covered up. Take those off. Now.”

  “Whatever you say,” Rob replied, meaning every word. He undid the drawstring on his leggings, dropping them to the floor of the lounge. He’d barely taken a look around, but it had seemed pretty nice to him. Deserted, which was what mattered. Although, with Shika in his sights, he might not have cared if it had been otherwise. He stood up and took his cock into the palm of his hand, offering it to Shika.

  She licked her lips. “I like my present. Look at you, all big and fat. Is all that just for me? Every inch of you I see standing there?”

  “Every bit of me.” Rob kicked his discarded costume aside, and advanced on Shika, feeling suddenly bold. “Now I want to unwrap my gift.”

  Laughing in that wonderfully husky tone of hers, Shika leaned back against a padded armchair. She held her arms open. “Go ahead, then. Undo the bow and pull off the ribbon.” With a glimmer of mischief, she added, “But save the ties. We might want them later.”

  Rob went down on one knee. He couldn’t help himself. Shika was more than a woman. She was a goddess. He kissed the top of her high-heeled Elf shoe, then used his teeth to pull the laces loos

  Shika put one foot on his shoulder and pushed her other shoe off, revealing perfect toes encased in silky black stockings. “Hurry up,” she commanded, breathy and eager.

  Lucky for her, Rob couldn’t wait any longer either. He slid his hands up the sides of her form-fitting trousers and pulled them down. The silky nylons turned out to be thigh-high, baring an expanse of chocolaty skin before the skimpy red thong that she wore.

  “Ohh, mmm, that feels good,” Shika moaned, leaning back. “Undo my top, now. Hurry.”

  Rob wanted to pause over her pussy, gleaming wet down to the thigh with moisture. He wanted to push the string of her thong aside and taste some of that sweet pussy juice, but what Shika wanted, Shika got. He rose up onto his feet and began undoing the buttons on her shirt, one at a time, fast as he could, until the garment fell open and revealed those glorious breasts encased in red lace half-cups. Every time she breathed in and out, she threatened to spill over.

  He decided he’d help her along. Years of practice helped him reach around back and undo the clasp on that bra, freeing her sweet tits of their confinement and leaving them wide open just for him. These, at least, he could take his time on. Rob bent to one cocoa-dark nipple, already hard as a little rock, and drew it plus the whole of her areola into his mouth. Sweeping his tongue around in circles, he nibbled and bit at the nub until Shika cried out and dug her hands into his hair.

  Then, so her other breast wouldn’t feel left out, he switched. By the time she was thrashing and moaning beneath him, he’d had all the temptation he could take. He had to have himself some of that sweet cunt, no more waiting.

  Dropping back down to his knees, he plunged his face into her pussy, grasping the thong between his teeth and moving it to one side so that he could lick her all in one long swipe from the top to the bottom of her slit. He paused only long enough to reach up and torment her clitoris, peeking out between the folds. While teasing the little button just as he had with her nipples, he pushed two fingers into her sopping wet channel and pumped them in and out, finger-fucking her with all the fervor he felt inside.


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