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Cadence Page 28

by J. M. Nevins

  She knew she could make a phone call to Tabitha and have her ask Dr. Nicholls if he could figure it out, but along with that would come the inquiry of her motives.

  Kit wasn’t willing to divulge that to anyone, definitely not now while she was at the beginning of a legal separation. The search was over and she felt a heavy sadness in her heart like she was losing Kirby all over again.

  Alexa strolled out onto the rooftop and grinned as she outstretched her arms. Kit’s eyes lit up as a smile spread across her face. “This is a pleasant surprise! I thought you weren’t in town for another two days.”

  She approached and gave Kit a kiss on the cheek and hugged her tightly. She giggled. “Nope. Surprise! I love your new digs!” She smiled. “It really pays to have an uber rich friend with other uber rich friends.”

  Kit laughed. “So true. Dalton has been very kind to let me crash here until I figure out my plan. What brought you into town early? Business with Platinum?”

  She shook her head and couldn’t wipe the smile from her face. She looked exuberant. “Closing escrow on the vacation home!”

  Kit frowned. “Vacation home? Where?”

  Alexa giggled. “Corona Del Mar. It is absolutely divine. When you’re ready to buy again, it would be a great place for you to snag a beach house that’s a nice enough distance from L.A.”

  She raised her eyebrows. “Oh really? A good place to escape for a weekend or maybe a few weeks?”

  Alexa nodded. “Yep.”

  Kit nodded and grinned. “I’ll keep that in mind. I may need to do that soon, but I think I need to buy a car first.”

  Alexa tilted her head to the side. “How are you doing? Meaning, how are you really doing after everything with Diamond? Those sessions paying off with A-Dub? Album’s done, right?”

  Kit started strolling back toward the door that would lead them into the hallway. “I’m ok. Diamond—it’s a blow, yes. I’m figuring out what life looks like now.”

  She paused for a moment and then switched her thoughts to what she had recently created. Her face lit up and her green eyes twinkled. “As far as A-Dub goes, he’s a fucking genius. Making my job easy. Things are much more manageable. Album is almost finished. My part of it is done. It’s in post-production now. Kind of amazing how we pulled it together so quickly. He knows what’s up.”

  Alexa linked her arm in Kit’s. “Good, glad to hear it. I can’t stay long today. I have a meeting with an attorney at the office this afternoon.”

  She glanced over at her. “About what?”

  Alexa shrugged her shoulders. “An interested investor for Platinum.” She looked hopeful. “Oh! Do you want to come with me? After all, you are a silent partner. You can evaluate them with me. It’s the guy and his attorney.”

  Kit chuckled. “I’m gonna bow out on that one, babe. You don’t need me. I trust your judgment implicitly. Besides, I’m meeting with A-Dub in a few hours to check out the mix on one of my songs.” She frowned. “Why do you need another investor? I thought you were in great shape?”

  Alexa giggled. “We are in phenomenal shape, but this guy has money and is trying to throw his hat in the publishing ring.”

  She shrugged her shoulders. “Ok. And I take it he’s credible or else you wouldn’t even entertain the meeting.”

  Alexa nodded. “Net worth of twenty million ain’t so bad, sweetie. At least that’s the details his attorney gave me. He didn’t disclose his client’s name—he said his client gave him specific instructions not to, but he claims to be someone I went to school with.”

  She frowned again. “Someone you went to school with? Huh? Which school?”

  Alexa laughed. “I didn’t ask. Maybe grammar school for all I know. It’s not that surprising. We didn’t exactly come from an average neighborhood.”

  She chuckled. “Don’t I know it.” She then met Alexa’s eyes. “Y’know, speaking of rich people, we had some really interesting donations made to the foundation that Tabitha told me about. And one of them was made in Joe’s name. Abigail doesn’t know a thing about it.”

  Alexa looked intrigued. “What? They were made in Joe’s name? Did you call Henri? He must have done it. Oh, wait, maybe it was Veronique?”

  She shook her head. “I don’t think either of them did it. I called, but wasn’t able to get them. Henri is on vacation in Ibiza. Veronique was out of the country. It’s really weird, Lex. And then you get this attorney guy with someone from your past wanting to throw money at Platinum and…”

  Alexa shook her head and wagged her finger. “Let’s not go jumping to conclusions, ok?” She gave her a look of warning. “Let’s put Kirby to rest once and for all, ok?”

  She nodded. “Yes. Agreed. I’m ready to let him go. Truth is, since I’ve been in these appointments with my shrink, I’ve worked through my past with him. I’ve even written a few more songs that I may use for another album. It’s time for me to move forward for good. Done with my old life. Doing my best to figure out life without Lew in it guiding my career steps. It’s time for me to leave the nest and fly on my own.”

  Alexa threw her arm around Kit’s shoulders and gave her a squeeze. “Proud of you, Kitty. That’s the right thing for you, it really is. I hate to broach the subject, but…”

  Kit turned to face her. “Go ahead and ask.”

  Alexa nodded. “Sully’s been calling me. He’s desperate to mend fences. He and Wes are good, but…” Alexa took her hand. “I don’t want to take sides, Kitty. Know I’m always loyal to you and I do not condone what he did… I…”

  She sighed. “I’m not going to hold you back from talking to him, Lex. Call him back. He’s been part of our life for almost a decade. And yes, his behavior was bad, but at the root of it, Sully is not a bad person. It’s just complicated right now. Y’know I say I’m done with him, but…”

  Alexa frowned. “What brought this on? Was it the night he stayed with you at my place? Or is it because you’re friends with Kendalle now and she’s clued you into more good stuff?”

  She nodded and cast her eyes down for a moment and then met Alexa’s concerned gaze. “He was really there for me. Like I said, it’s complicated. Too much gray area. It’s not as cut and dry as I thought. There are moments when I’m so fucking angry. I want to kill him and I’m so done. But then memories come up and they’re not all bad. And then there’s things that he’s done recently that show me he really does love me and… If he could get clean and stay clean…”

  Alexa folded her arms in front of her chest. “You deserve so much better.”

  She held her hands up. “I know, I know. I just need some more time to make heads or tails of this. The legal separation is still moving forward. I haven’t stopped the wheels in motion.”

  She met Alexa’s eyes. “It seems like he’s trying to make positive changes, Lex and in a way that I’ve never seen before, that’s all I’m saying. But don’t worry, I’m keeping my eyes wide open.”

  Alexa stared at her and nodded slowly. “Good.”

  * * *

  Alexa walked off the elevator and through the lobby of the luxurious, Beverly Hills offices for Platinum, located on the twenty-first floor. She took off her designer sunglasses, stowed them in her black Hermes Birkin bag and approached the front desk to offer a friendly greeting to the receptionist. She notified her of a guest arriving soon before heading back to her office.

  Diving right in, Alexa took a seat at her desk. She took full advantage of the moment, tackling the pile of files on her desk and jotting notes to hand off to her assistant. Like Kit, she was always short on time and took every opportunity she could to get things done.

  Engrossed in a phone call with her chief editor, Juliana in New York, Alexa lost track of time. Her assistant emerged and stood in the doorway of her office. Alexa nodded and waved her in, asking her call to hold.

  Her assistant nodded. “Alexa, Larry Friedman is here.”

  She glanced at the clock on her desk. “Ok, thank you. Can you put him
in the conference room? I’ll just be a minute or two while I wrap this up.”

  Moments later, Alexa entered the conference room. Larry approached Alexa and nodded. “Ms. Winston-Matthews?”

  She offered a friendly grin and shook his hand. “Yes. Mr. Friedman, I presume.”

  He nodded again. “Yes. It’s a pleasure to meet you. My client is eager to see you. He has nothing but praise for you and your work. He mentioned that you two went to high school together.”

  She looked at him and searched the room. “Where is your client?”

  He nodded. “He stepped out to use the men’s room. He’ll be right back.”

  She couldn’t deny her curiosity and wondered who it could be. Getting her work done was suddenly more intriguing to her and as she paced in the conference room she contemplated cancelling the meeting entirely.

  Before she could recant, though, Larry made a comment that made her stop in her tracks. He continued. “My client mentioned that you’re quite an accomplished ballroom dancer. Do you still compete?”

  Her violet eyes widened as she gently bit her lower lip to keep her mouth from dropping open. There was only one person on the planet that would say something like that. As Larry’s client entered the conference room, her hunch was confirmed. She stared in awe, speechless.

  Kirby stood before her, dressed impeccably in a navy blue Brioni suit. He grinned from ear-to-ear, reflecting the irresistible dimples that Alexa always admired. He most definitely had gotten better with age.

  He met her eyes. “Hi, Lex.”

  She stared, wide-eyed for a moment and then shifted her attention to Larry. “Can I have a moment alone with Mr. Nelson, please.”

  Larry frowned and looked confused. He searched Kirby’s eyes and he nodded. Kirby shifted his attention to Alexa. “My last name is no longer Nelson, Lex. It’s Nicholls. Dr. Kyle Nicholls.”


  Candice waved to get Kit’s attention as she headed toward the bedroom in a fatigued daze. She was desperate for a nap. Too many long hours and late nights shooting videos, rehearsing her new songs live or listening to the final mixes with A-Dub were catching up with her.

  She glanced over. “What’s up?”

  Candice chuckled. “How are you holding up? Gonna take a rest right now?”

  She nodded. “Yeah. Did you need me?”

  Candice smiled. “I thought you may want to know that Tabitha got lunch arranged for you and Dr. Nicholls tomorrow. He just called me and confirmed the details. You’ll be meeting him at L’Orangerie. He’s reserved a very exclusive table tucked away from the public and he will be sending a car for you.”

  She raised an eyebrow and donned a half grin. “Wow. This guy doesn’t mess around, does he? Sending a car too, hmm.” She chuckled and retorted sarcastically. “Only took three months to set this up. And I thought I was the busy one!” Her face then melted into a grin. “Ok, I’m in”

  Candice giggled. “Good. You can tell me all about it afterward. From what I hear, this Dr. Nicholls is smokin’ hot! Giselle went on and on about him. You’ll have fun.” She smiled wide. “Seems it’s what you need right about now.”

  She laughed. “I’ll have a full report for you afterward.”

  Candice giggled. “I can hardly wait. The car will be here in thirty minutes to pick you up for your meeting with Spence.”

  She exhaled a long breath. “Oh, that.” She looked at Candice. “I’m meeting my new management team today. I know Spence has good judgment. I don’t doubt that. I just got too comfortable with him managing things and he’s good at it. Oh well. I’m sure it will be fine. Do you know who he appointed?”

  Candice offered an encouraging smile. “It will be fine, Kit. I have no clue who Spencer appointed. Haven’t heard a peep.”

  “This feels really weird,” Kit exclaimed as they entered Spencer’s office.

  He chuckled and took a seat behind his desk. “Why? ‘Cuz you’re the talent?” He grinned. “I like seeing you doing this, Kitty. It’s definitely great therapy for you right now in light of everything that’s transpired.”

  She sighed and cast her eyes down. She wanted to stay true to her word. Lew never got a chance to hear the new songs she developed that completed her album.

  She realized she had drifted off into her own thoughts and met Spencer’s eyes again. “Yeah, it’s good. What did you want to discuss?”

  He grinned. “It’s time for you to meet your new management team… finally.”

  She raised her eyebrows as a wide smile spread across her face. “Oh, this is gonna be good. I can tell by the look in your eyes. Who is it?”

  He laughed. “He’s not a KMK employee. He’s an industry hot shot, a legend, that’s very well connected. He jumped at the chance to manage you when I spoke to him about it. He’s on contract, only if you agree it’s a fit.”

  Kit’s green eyes lit up as she wondered who it was. Someone outside of KMK meant it could be anyone. If there was anyone she would want managing her career it would have been Lew, but that would be impossible now. Second to Lew was Pete Lundy—also impossible since he had elected to take an early retirement after Diamond decided to allow the acquisition by Majestic.

  Spencer’s voice gently ushered her attention back to the present moment. “He’s here. You’ll find out who he is in about…”

  The door opened seconds later. Kit turned around to see who was entering the room. Once she could see him she squealed with delight and stood up to hug him. “Pete!” She pulled back and laughed. “What the fuck?”

  He joined in her laugher. “Surprise, Kit!”

  She giggled and playfully shoved him. “I thought you were done. I thought you retired.”

  He grinned slyly. “I was done with Diamond and Majestic and all the bullshit. I’ve had some offers at other labels for top A&R positions and nothing got me excited, until your brother called me. As you know, I knew a little bit about your contract and the success of the single, but I gotta tell ya that I lost my shit the first time I heard it weeks ago. When Spence called me with the possibility of managing you, I told Brenda I was coming out of retirement. She listened to your single too and told me I’d be a fool if I passed up this opportunity!”

  Kit jumped up and down and hugged Pete again. “Wow! I have one of the best A&R geniuses in the industry making my career. Damn, Pete. I’m so excited!”

  Spencer grinned contentedly, seeing Kit so happy and full of joy. It had been awhile since he had seen this side of her. “I take it you approve, Kit?”

  She nodded enthusiastically. “Absolutely, yes! I couldn’t have asked for a better manager to replace you, Spence.”

  Pete grinned. “It’s a packaged deal.”

  She raised her eyebrows. “Huh?”

  Spencer interjected. “If we’re going to take this to a legendary level, we need a good team. Pete leads the team and he will have a right hand to manage day-to-day. You know how crazy it can get. You know it firsthand. We wanted to ensure you have the very best backing you. Lila will step up as your publicist—Alexa said she’s ready to take the lead and confident she’ll do a fantastic job. Candice will remain your personal assistant and she will do some work for Pete’s assistant, Lauren, who also serves the day-to-day manager. You’ll work with the day-to-day manager a good portion of the time and especially, if Pete’s away negotiating on your behalf.”

  Kit tilted her head to the side. “This day-to-day manager has gotta be someone that knows the industry and…”

  Pete chuckled. “Respectively, Kit, shut your trap. Let us do our jobs.” He smiled at her and winked.

  She giggled. “Ok. Do I get to meet whoever is handling day-to-day since I’ll obviously be working closely with them?”

  Spencer nodded. “Of course you do.” He got on the intercom and asked Annie to send them in.

  Giselle confidently strolled into the office smiling from ear-to-ear. “Hey, gatinha! Can’t wait to be part of your management team!” She approached K
it and hugged her tightly.

  Kit pulled back, her eyes welled up with tears. She was overcome with such deep gratitude. She smiled as the tears started rolling down her cheeks. “Holy shit, I have the fucking management dream team. I hit the jackpot!”

  Pete took his hands in hers. “We’ll take you to the top. Now, I gotta be straight with you. I’ll stay on this ride with you as long as I can. I can’t promise you a decade, we’ll play it by ear. Giselle can promise you a long career. I will teach her everything I know on top of what you’ve already taught her, which is quite a bit. She’s been managing GT on her own for a few months now and that translates more like years. I’m confident she can handle anything that will be thrown at us. You ok with that arrangement?”

  Kit’s green eyes sparkled as she nodded. “I am completely. All I ask is that if we ever do get to the point of negotiating a legit deal with the majors down the road for my next album, keep me out of a 360 at all costs. That’s where the industry is headed and I want no part of that.”

  He met her eyes. “Noted and agreed. We can work around it. I saw the terms of your contract at Diamond long before Spencer talked to me about it. Lew clued me in personally. I talked to him about it before he went to bed the night he died. He gave me all the details. Read it to me verbatim and gave me some tips on his vision for your career. The funny thing is now Diamond is backpedaling. You’ve delivered your album as promised and yes, you still have to tour to fulfill your contract.”

  He chuckled. “They’re trying to find a loophole in that contract so they can keep you on as an artist with a three album deal since the single has so much traction. I’ve got David Reeves on it. He’s talked to them several times. If they want you back after you complete the tour, it’s a completely new contract. We’re holding to that.”

  Her eyes widened as her mouth dropped open. “You got David Reeves on this? He left Diamond? He’s one of the best entertainment attorneys in the industry.”


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