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Cadence Page 29

by J. M. Nevins

  Pete chuckled. “C’mon, Kit. Stop acting so surprised. Everyone in this biz knows you. Once upon a time when you were in legal, you were David’s competition. Yes, he resigned from Diamond when you and Jonathan were fired. Now he’s a top dog that partnered with a massive entertainment law firm. He wants to help the best… and that would be you. I put him on retainer.” He snickered. “You’re welcome.”

  She giggled. “Thank you!”

  He nodded. “Of course. I need to head out. I’ve got a lunch meeting with Stan D’Almondi.”

  She raised her eyebrows. “Upper Echelon Records?”

  He donned a Cheshire cat grin. “Yep. And word on the street is they’re hungry to sign some new artists right now. Hmm… I think I know of one.”

  He grinned. “We’re gonna make you ten times bigger than GT. Get ready for legendary superstardom, baby. It’s coming. I’ll call you later.”

  As he left, Kit squealed and hugged Giselle again. Giselle beamed with happiness. “Y’know, Kit, I never told you this, but when I worked at Diamond, I got to work for Pete for a time before I was assigned to you. I looked up to him and I wanted to be him… that is until I met you. Now I have that opportunity to follow in his footsteps, literally. He’s one of the best label execs in the history of the music industry. He’s made some of the best artists out there.”

  Kit nodded. “Yes, he is. He’s one of the OG star makers… long before me. And he’s very humble about it. I’ve always gotten along so well with Pete. Creatively he’s a genius. Probably why Lew had him as his right hand man since the beginning of Diamond Records. Pete helped Lew build Diamond creatively. Damn.”

  Giselle grinned. “This is going to be amazing, gatinha.”

  * * *

  Alexa jutted forward and grappled for a chair. She took a seat and tried her best to breathe. Larry rushed to get her a glass of water, exchanging a look of concern with Kyle.

  He nodded and lowered his voice. “Give us a moment, please.”

  Larry, nodded, still confused as he left the room. Kyle took a seat in front of Alexa and stared at her. “Are you ok? Deep breaths, Lex.”

  She slowly looked over at him and stared, completely puzzled and awestruck. “You never died. Holy shit, you never died. Kit was right.”

  He frowned. “Huh?”

  Alexa turned her chair to face him. “She always had this feeling that your death wasn’t real. That it was staged.”

  She continued to stare at him in awe. “Omigod, it’s really you.” She reached out and stroked his cheek in awe as she grinned.

  He nodded. “I’ve missed you, Lex.” She fell into his arms, hugging him tightly.

  She remained in his arms for a few moments. “I’ve missed you so much too, Kirby. What the hell happened?” She pulled back, hastily wiping tears that had formed.

  He met her eyes. “It’s a long story. I was hoping I could take you to dinner and we could discuss it tonight. And I was really hoping I could get some advice on how to tell Kit all this. I’m scheduled to have lunch with her tomorrow.”

  Alexa’s eyes widened. “What? How?”

  He sighed. “She’s been asking to have lunch with me ever since her surgery. And yes, that was me in the hospital. I wasn’t ready to reveal who I was yet for a variety of reasons. That’s all cleared up now, so here I am.”

  Alexa chuckled. “Well, damn, Kirb, you certainly get better with age. You were hot back then, but holy shit, you’re stunningly handsome now. I bet you have a whole dozen girlfriends.”

  He chuckled. “Not exactly. I put in a lot of hours at the hospital. I’m married to medicine and I’m developing a medical device. Doesn’t leave much time for anything else. So, dinner tonight?”

  Alexa sighed. “Yes, but I feel weird not telling Kit.”

  He took her hand in his. “Please, Lex. I promise you I will tell her tomorrow and I need your help with that. You’re welcome to bring your husband to dinner with you tonight if you’d like.”

  Alexa stared at him. “I’m in town solo this time around. No hubby, no kids. You actually have good timing. My dinner with one of my reporters got pushed because of an exclusive. I’ll have dinner with you on one condition.”

  He nodded. “Anything.”

  She met his eyes. “You tell me everything. And I mean everything, sparing not one detail.”

  He bobbed his head. “Yep. You’ve got my word. Everything. What time do you want me to pick you up?”

  She chuckled. “Seven. Here’s my address.” She jotted it down for him, ripped off the piece of paper and handed it to him. “Was this whole investing in my magazine just a front for you to meet up with me?”

  He grinned. “Yes and no. I am interested your company. But, it doesn’t sound like you really need my money these days. The publication is flourishing. Your teenage dream has come true, Lex. So proud of you.”

  She beamed with pride, smiling from ear-to-ear that he remembered. “Thank you. If you want to throw some money at it, then maybe we can work something out. How about business now and we’ll save social and catch up for dinner and drinks later.”

  He smiled. “Deal. Let me get my attorney back in here.”

  * * *

  Kit leisurely strolled into the dining room and glanced over at Candice. “Any word from Lex yet? I left two messages on her cell phone last night. It’s not like her to not call me back. Can you try reaching her?”

  She pointed at Kit and nodded moments later. Kit stood up and raised her eyebrows. “Lex?” Candice nodded silently.

  Kit started making her way out of the room. “I’ll take it in the bedroom.”

  Candice did as Kit said and moments later, she picked up the cordless phone eagerly. “Lex? Where were you last night? I tried calling. You didn’t pick up your mobile so I left two messages. Is everything ok?”

  She paused for a moment. “Everything is better than ok, Kitty. All good. Sorry. I was tied up. Spending time with an old friend. What’s up? Did something happen?”

  Kit grinned. “Nothing too crazy. My single hit platinum yesterday. Pete has been great through it all. It’s nice to have such amazing support. He’s guiding me along well with everything.”

  “Congrats, love. That’s huge! It sounds like you have the best management team for your career. Speaking of support, do you want me to go with you to lunch with Dr. Nicholls today, sweetie?”

  Kit frowned. “Huh? How did you know I was going to lunch with Dr. Nicholls today?”

  Alexa paused and came up with an immediate solution without revealing what lunch would hold. “Candice told me. I know you’re working through a lot of stuff right now. Your shooting is still one of them and he’s someone who saved your life months ago. I’m free, so I thought I would accompany you… for moral support.” She cringed feeling bad about lying to her best friend.

  Kit sat back in her chair and frowned, her intuition triggering a red alert. She wondered if Alexa had a crush on Dr. Nicholls just like every other female in the greater Los Angeles area did, or so it seemed. Regardless, she decided that maybe it was good to have her along.

  She chuckled. “Ok, Lex. Be here in two hours. He’s sending a car. Hopefully he won’t be too mad at me for bringing a friend.”

  “He won’t.”

  She frowned. “Huh?”

  Alexa scrambled. “Um, I mean, he probably won’t. He seems like a really nice person. A generous person… from what I’ve heard.”

  Kit raised an eyebrow. “You’re acting a little strange today, Lex. You feeling ok?”

  “Yeah, I’m great. Just didn’t get too much sleep last night. Getting the Bev Hills house all squared away. It was my first night here.” It was a flat out lie. She couldn’t tell Kit the truth. She and Kyle had spent time catching up and talking into the wee hours of the morning.

  The long pause on the phone made Alexa scramble again. She knew the wheels in Kit’s head were turning. “Sorry, I was just reviewing a fax that came over. A little distracted. I’ll
be there in bit.”

  Kit yawned. “Ok. See you soon.” She hung up the phone, satisfied with Alexa’s final answer, but suspicious about her motives.

  Alexa shifted in her seat and did her best to remain calm and relax, but knew Kit was onto her as they sat side by side in the car on the way to the restaurant.

  Kit looked over at her, furrowed brow, concern clouding over her emerald eyes. “Everything ok, Lex? You seem nervous or something.” She giggled. “Do you have a crush on Dr. Nicholls? Did you meet him when I was in the hospital for the shooting and neglect to tell me?”

  Alexa looked at her and smiled. “No. I don’t have a crush on Dr. Nicholls. Although he is mighty handsome.”

  Kit nodded. “So I hear from Giselle. She was raving about him again this morning when I talked to her. Looking forward to seeing this supposedly dreamy guy in the flesh.”

  Alexa stared straight ahead and let out a soft sigh, inaudible to Kit. She nodded slowly. “He’ll knock your socks off for sure.”

  When they entered the restaurant, Alexa pulled back to walk a few steps behind Kit as the hostess led them to a small private room. Alexa was relieved to see that Kyle hadn’t arrived yet as they were seated. The hostess explained that Dr. Nicholls had called and was running late.

  Kit took her seat and grinned at Alexa as the hostess left the room to fetch their server. She could sense that Alexa was holding something back from her and it was unnerving. “Lex, there’s that look again. What is up? You look really nervous. Is something bothering you? Is everything ok with Lila taking the lead as my publicist? Are you having second thoughts about handing it off to her so soon?”

  Alexa shook her head and was about to speak when she noticed Kyle walking in. Kit had her back to the entrance of the room and was unaware that he was approaching. Alexa gulped as her eyes widened. Kit frowned at her and was about to make a comment when she heard a voice behind her that sounded eerily familiar.

  “Kit, thanks for joining me for lunch today. Sorry, I’m late.”

  She stood up and turned around to face him, freezing in her tracks. Her emerald eyes widened. Despite wanting to say something, the words escaped her. She stared at him silently for a few moments before turning to exchange a look with Alexa who cast her eyes down and nodded her head in confirmation.

  Kyle grinned. “Hi, Kitty.”

  She took a few steps forward until she stood directly in front of him, gazing up into his inviting sage green eyes. All the years of heartbreak over his absence suddenly made her feel enraged.

  Instead of being happy that he was still alive as she thought she would be, she felt livid. She felt foolish and betrayed.

  Her green eyes narrowed as she spoke through clenched teeth. “How dare you!” She reached up and slapped him hard across the face.

  He took it like a champ and then nodded slowly before returning his gaze to her. “I owe you an explanation. Please, hear me out. Kit, you’re the only woman I’ve ever loved. In fact, I never stopped loving you, just give me a minute here, ok?”

  She exchanged a look of confusion with Alexa before meeting his eyes again. “Are you fucking kidding me right now, Kirby? Why the hell are you saying you’re Dr. Kyle Nicholls? What the fuck is going on right now? Who the hell are you?”

  He sighed. “I wanted to explain everything to you. If you’d like, we can go back to my place and have lunch brought in so we aren’t limited by time. I’m off for the remainder of today and I’m not on call.”

  She shot Alexa a disapproving glare. “You knew about this? You knew all about this and didn’t bother to tell me?” She shook her head in disbelief. “Unbelievable. Oh, I…” She seized her handbag. “This is insane, I have to go.”

  Kyle exchanged a look of desperation with Alexa who sprang into action. She leapt up and caught up with Kit, seizing her arm. “Kitty, please. Just hear him out.”

  She met her eyes. “Yes, I knew, but I just found out yesterday. He was that friend from school. I didn’t know until I walked into the meeting. I spent the entire evening with him last night catching up. I knew you two had lunch planned today, so I didn’t want to tell you. That’s why I’m here. I knew this would be a big deal.”

  Kit closed her eyes and shook her head. “Alexa, are you kidding me right now?” She opened her eyes slowly. “You knew this would be a big deal? That’s an understatement.” Incensed, she looked away. “Lex, I don’t know if I can do this…”

  Alexa gently rubbed her arm, desperate to reconnect and calm her down. “You can. I’ll be here the whole time. We’ll go over to his place and order in. No interruptions. Just the three of us. I’ve cleared my schedule for the day and evening.”

  She bobbed her head. “Ok.”

  Alexa nodded and put her arm around Kit. “Ok.” She glanced at Kyle. “We’ll take the car and meet you there.”

  He gave her a slow nod of confirmation as he headed out before them. He got into his red Ferrari as Alexa and Kit were making their way out of the restaurant. As he pulled into traffic Kit watched the car.

  She glanced over at Alexa. “He has a Ferrari? I thought he was some struggling resident surgeon.”

  Alexa shrugged her shoulders as the limousine pulled up. “He was. Then he got access to all his money again. I guess he bought that for himself as a treat. You know how he was. Always into fast cars, appearances and such. By the way, those donations to your foundation, including the one that was made in Joe’s name…”

  Kit sighed and closed her eyes. “Those were him. He pushed his money into the foundation.” She opened her eyes and stared at Alexa, her emerald eyes reflecting a hint of betrayal. “I can’t believe you didn’t tell me. Why didn’t you call me last night when you got back? Why didn’t you just come over and tell me?”

  She sighed and shook her head. “Kitty, it’s not my story to tell. He really wanted to tell you in person. I went through all the emotions with him last night. When I saw him in the meeting, I was really excited he was alive, but as the evening progressed after dinner, I found myself really angry with him too.”

  She nodded. “I had a few choice words for him, I guess you could say, but then it was ok. And now I have one of my friends back. Someone who was like a brother to me… is still like a brother to me. I let go of all the animosity. Having him back in my life was more important than holding a grudge.”

  She grinned. “I’m looking forward to introducing him to Wes.”

  Kit frowned and shook her head. “Wait, wait, wait. That’s it? You two had a coming to Jesus moment and now you’re besties again after all this time? All this time when we thought he was dead and he never reached out to us? After all that time when I thought my heart would never mend? Lex, I…”

  She took Kit’s hand in hers and stared at her. “Hear me out, Kitty. Life is too short to harbor ill feelings toward anyone, including Kirby. Hear him out.”

  Kit met Alexa’s eyes. “If he thinks he can pick up where he left off with me, he’s got another thing coming.”

  Alexa sighed. “Oh boy. Ok. That’s fair, but can I remind you that up until recently, you wanted nothing more than to see him and talk to him again and explore another chance with him. You had that relationship up on a pedestal. Are you sitting here telling me you’re seeing the reality of it?”

  She shifted her eyes away and nodded. “Lex, I can’t go backward, only forward. I have no idea what’s going to happen when he shares what happened with me.”

  She then met her eyes. “But I can tell you one thing. The beauty of everything that has transpired in the last few weeks has helped me get really clear on what I want in my life, who I want in my life and how I’m feeling. Right now, a big dose of reality is hitting. I can’t make promises about anything in this moment. Suddenly it feels confusing and I’m thinking it was better off when he was presumed dead.”

  Alexa nodded. “Let’s get you some clarity, ok? I think I have a good idea of how this is going to pan out.” She patted her on the knee. “Just
be patient with the process. Go through it with him today. At the very least, it will give you closure on that time in your life.”

  Kit let a chuckle escape. “My therapist would love you right about now.” She nodded. “Ok. You’re right. I’ll hear him out. I want to know what happened.” She met Alexa’s eyes again. “Tell me one thing.”

  Alexa stared at her. “Depends on what it is. I want him to be the one answering all your questions.”

  Her green eyes pleaded. “C’mon, Lex. This is a girl question. I need to know.”

  Alexa slowly nodded, surveying her. “What is it?”

  She sighed. “Lex, did he ever marry?”

  Alexa shrugged her shoulders. “I dunno. I didn’t pose the question and he didn’t volunteer the information. There is one thing I do know...” She let out a long sigh. “…He meant what he said back at the restaurant, Kitty. He never stopped loving you. It’s true.”

  Kit closed her eyes in hopes of keeping the tears at bay, but her body started shuttering and the sobs burst out before she could stop them. Alexa took her into her arms and held her.


  The conversation over lunch was awkward at best, as Alexa and Kyle kept it to small talk before delving into all the details of the last ten years of his life.

  Kit glanced around the condo. It was nice yet sparse, which didn’t surprise her. He had always been the frugal type when it came to home environment, keeping things a little too simple, borderline austere. She recalled that it was something that drove her crazy when they lived together.

  The high-rise condo with a desirable 90210 zip code in the Wilshire Corridor suited his New York roots to the tee with its floor to ceiling windows and view of the city, conveniently located down the street from where she was presently living.

  As he cleared their plates from lunch, she leaned over the table and stared at Alexa. “I want to go. This is weird. I don’t care about where he’s been for the last decade. I’m done.”


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