Book Read Free

Be My Valentine

Page 19

by Debbie Macomber

  “It was the only way I could think to apologize. I didn’t know if a hero did that sort of thing or not.”


  “So once again, I stayed in character.”

  “Yes. Very much so.”

  “Good.” His mouth slanted charmingly with the slight smile he gave her. “I realize this dinner is short notice.”

  “I didn’t mind changing my plans,” she told him. The critique group was important, but everyone missed occasionally.

  “I suppose I should explain we’ll be eating at my parents’ home. Do you mind?”

  His parents? Bailey’s stomach tightened instantly. “I’d enjoy meeting your family,” she answered, doing her best to reassure him. She managed a fleeting smile.

  “Mom and Dad are anxious to meet you.”

  “They are?” Bailey would have preferred not to know that. The fact that Parker had even mentioned her to his family came as a surprise.

  “So, how was your day?” he asked, walking casually over to the window.

  Bailey lowered her gaze. “The morning was difficult, but the afternoon…the afternoon was wonderful.”

  “I behaved like a jealous fool last night, didn’t I?” He didn’t wait for her to respond. “The minute I saw you in that other man’s arms, I wanted to get you away from him. I’m not proud of how I acted.” He shoved his fingers through his hair, revealing more than a little agitation. “As I’m sure you’ve already guessed, I’m not much of a dancer. When that throwback from the seventies asked you to dance with him, I had no objections. If you want the truth, I was relieved. I guess men are supposed to be able to acquit themselves on the dance floor, but I’ve got two left feet. No doubt I’ve blown this whole hero business, but quite honestly that’s the least of my worries. I know it matters to you, but I can’t change who I am.”

  “I wouldn’t expect you to.”

  He nodded. “The worst part of the whole evening was the way I cheated myself out of what I was looking forward to the most.”

  “Which was?”

  “Kissing you again.”

  “Oh, Parker…”

  He was going to kiss her. She realized that at about the same time she knew she’d cry with disappointment if he didn’t. Bailey wasn’t sure who reached out first. What she instantly recognized was the perfect harmony between them, how comfortable she felt in his arms—as though they belonged together.

  His mouth found hers with unerring ease. A moan of welcome and release spilled from her throat as she began to tremble. An awakening, slow and sure, unfolded within her like the petals of a hothouse rose.

  That sensation was followed by confusion. She pulled away from Parker and buried her face in his strong neck. The trembling became stronger, more pronounced.

  “I frighten you?”

  If only he knew. “Not in the way you think,” she said slowly. “It’s been so long since a man’s held me like this. I tried to convince myself I didn’t want to feel this way ever again. I didn’t entirely succeed.”

  “Are you saying you wanted me to kiss you?”

  “Yes.” His finger under her chin raised her eyes to his. Bailey thought they would have gone on gazing at each other forever if Max hadn’t chosen that moment to walk across the back of the sofa, protesting loudly. This was his territory and he didn’t take kindly to invasions.

  “We’d better leave,” Parker said reluctantly.

  “Oh, sure…” Bailey said. She was nervous about meeting Parker’s family. More nervous than she cared to admit. The last set of parents she’d been introduced to had been Tom’s. She’d met them a few days before they’d announced their engagement. As she recalled, the circumstances were somewhat similar. Tom had unexpectedly declared that it was time to meet his family. That was when Bailey had realized how serious their relationship had grown. Tom’s family was very nice, but Bailey had felt all too aware of being judged and, she’d always suspected, found wanting.

  Bailey doubted she said more than two words as Parker drove out to Daley City. His family’s home was an elegant two-story white stone house with a huge front garden.

  “Here we are,” Parker said needlessly, placing his hand on her shoulder when he’d helped her out of the car.

  “Did you design it?”

  “No, but I love this house. It gave birth to a good many of my ideas.”

  The front door opened and an older couple stepped outside to greet them. Parker’s mother was tall and regal, her white hair beautifully waved. His father’s full head of hair was a distinguished shade of gray. He stood only an inch or so taller than his wife.

  “Mom, Dad, this is Bailey York.” Parker introduced her, his arm around her waist. “Bailey, Yvonne and Bradley Davidson, my parents.”

  “Welcome, Bailey,” Bradley Davidson said with a warm smile.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you,” Yvonne said, walking forward. Her eyes briefly connected with Parker’s before she added, “at last.”

  “Come inside,” Parker’s father urged, leading the way. He stood at the door and waited for them all to walk into the large formal entry. The floor was made of black-and-white squares of polished marble, and there was a long circular stairway on the left.

  “How about something to drink?” Bradley suggested. “Scotch? A mixed drink? Wine?” Bailey and Parker’s mother both chose white wine, Parker and his father, Scotch.

  “I’ll help you, Dad,” Parker offered, leaving the two women alone.

  Yvonne took Bailey into the living room, which was strikingly decorated in white leather and brilliant red.

  Bailey sat on the leather couch. “Your home is lovely.”

  “Thank you,” Yvonne murmured. A smile trembled at the edges of her mouth, and Bailey wondered what she found so amusing. Perhaps there was a huge run in her panty hose she knew nothing about, or another price tag dangling from her dress.

  “Forgive me,” the older woman said. “Roseanne Snyder and I are dear friends, and she mentioned your name to me several weeks back.”

  Bailey experienced a moment of panic as she recalled telling Parker’s receptionist that she was an old family friend. “I…guess you’re wondering why I claimed to know Parker.”

  “No, although it did give me a moment’s pause. I couldn’t recall knowing any Yorks.”

  “You probably don’t.” Bailey folded her hands in her lap, uncertain what to say next.

  “Roseanne’s right. You really are a charming young lady.”

  “Thank you.”

  “I was beginning to wonder if Parker was ever going to fall in love again. He was so terribly hurt by Maria, and he was so young at the time. He took it very hard….” She hesitated, then spoke briskly. “But I suppose that’s neither here nor there.”

  Bailey decided to ignore the implication that Parker had fallen in love with her. Right now there were other concerns to face. “Did Parker tell you how we met?” She said a silent prayer that he’d casually mentioned something about the two of them bumping into each other on the subway.

  “Of course I did,” Parker answered for his mother, as he walked into the room. He sat on the arm of the sofa and draped his arm around Bailey’s shoulders. His laughing eyes held hers. “I did mention Bailey’s a budding romance writer, didn’t I, Mom?”

  “Yes, you did,” his mother answered. “I hope you told her I’m an avid reader.”

  “No, I hadn’t gotten around to that.”

  Bailey shifted uncomfortably in her chair. No wonder Yvonne Davidson had trouble disguising her amusement if Parker had blabbed about the way she’d followed him off the subway.

  Parker’s father entered the room carrying a tray of drinks, which he promptly dispensed.

  Then he joined his wife, and for some time, the foursome chatted amicably.

  “I’ll just go and check on the roast,” Yvonne said eventually.

  “Can I help, dear?”

  “Go ahead, Dad,” Parker said, smiling. “I’ll entertain
Bailey with old family photos.”

  “Parker,” Bailey said once his parents were out of earshot. “How could you?”

  “How could I what?”

  “Tell your mother how we met? She must think I’m crazy!”

  Instead of revealing any concern, Parker grinned widely. “Honesty is the best policy.”

  “In principle I agree, but our meeting was a bit…unconventional.”

  “True, but I have to admit that being described as classic hero material was flattering to my ego.”

  “I take everything back,” she muttered, crossing her legs.

  Parker chuckled and was about to say something else when his father came into the room carrying a bottle of champagne.

  “Champagne, Dad?” Parker asked when his father held out the bottle for Parker to examine. “This is good stuff.”

  “You’re darn right,” Bradley Davidson said. “It isn’t every day our son announces he’s found the woman he wants to marry.”


  Bailey’s gaze flew to Parker’s in shocked disbelief. She found herself standing, but couldn’t remember rising from the chair. The air in the room seemed too thin and she had difficulty catching her breath.

  “Did I say something I shouldn’t have?” Bradley Davidson asked his son, distress evident on his face.

  “It might be best if you gave the two of us a few minutes alone,” Parker said, frowning at his father.

  “I’m sorry, son, I didn’t mean to speak out of turn.”

  “It’s fine, Dad.”

  His father left the room.

  Bailey walked over to the massive stone fireplace and stared into the grate at the stacked logs and kindling.

  “Bailey?” Parker spoke softly from behind her.

  She whirled around to face him, completely speechless, able only to shake her head in bemused fury.

  “I know this must come as…something of a surprise.”

  “Something of a surprise?” she shrieked.

  “All right, a shock.”

  “We…we met barely a month ago.”

  “True, but we know each other better than some couples who’ve been dating for months.”

  The fact that he wasn’t arguing with her didn’t comfort Bailey at all. “I…Isn’t it a bit presumptuous of you…to be thinking in terms of an engagement?” She’d made it plain from the moment they met that she had no intention of getting involved with a man. Who could blame her after the experiences she’d had with the opposite sex? Another engagement, even with someone as wonderful as Parker, was out of the question.

  “Yes, it was presumptuous.”

  “Then how could you suggest such a thing? Engagements are disastrous for me! I won’t go through that again. I won’t!”

  He scowled. “I agree I made a mistake.”

  “Obviously.” Bailey stalked to the opposite side of the room to stand behind a leather-upholstered chair, one hand clutching its back. “Twice, Parker, twice.” She held up two fingers. “And both times, both times, they fell out of love with me. I couldn’t go through that again. I just couldn’t.”

  “Let me explain,” Parker said, walking slowly toward her. “For a long time now, my parents have wanted me to marry.”

  “So in other words, you used me. I was a decoy. You made up this story? How courageous of you.”

  She could tell from the hard set of his jaw that Parker was having difficulty maintaining his composure. “You’re wrong, Bailey.”

  “Suddenly everything is clear to me.” She made a sweeping gesture with her hand.

  “It’s obvious that nothing is clear to you,” he countered angrily.

  “I suppose I’m just so naive it was easy for me to fall in with your…your fiendish plans.”

  “Fiendish plans? Don’t you think you’re being a bit melodramatic?”

  “Me? You’re talking to a woman who’s been jilted. Twice. Almost every man I’ve ever known has turned into a fiend.”

  “Bailey, I’m not using you.” He crossed the room, stood directly in front of her and rested his hands on her shoulders. “Think what you want of me, but you should know the truth. Yes, my parents are eager for me to marry, and although I love my family, I would never use you or anyone else to satisfy their desires.”

  Bailey frowned uncertainly. His eyes were so sincere, so compelling…. “Then what possible reason could you have for telling them you’d found the woman you want to marry?”

  “Because I have.” His beautiful dark eyes brightened. “I’m falling in love with you. I have been almost from the moment we met.”

  Bailey blinked back hot tears. “You may believe you’re in love with me now,” she whispered, “but it won’t last. It never does. Before you know it, you’ll meet someone else, and you’ll fall in love with her and not want me anymore.”

  “Bailey, that’s not going to happen. You’re going to wear that slightly used wedding dress and you’re going to wear it for me.”

  Bailey continued to stare up at him, doubtful she could trust what she was hearing.

  “The mistake I made was in telling my mother about you. Actually Roseanne Snyder couldn’t wait to mention you to Mom. Next thing I knew, my mother was after me to bring you over to the house so she and Dad could meet you. To complicate matters, my father got involved and over a couple of glasses of good Scotch I admitted that my intentions toward you were serious. Naturally both my parents were delighted.”

  “Naturally.” The sinking feeling in her stomach refused to go away.

  “I didn’t want to rush you, but since Dad’s brought everything out into the open, maybe it’s best to clear the air now. My intentions are honorable.”

  “Maybe they are now,” she argued, “but it’ll never last.”

  Parker squared his shoulders and took a deep breath. “It will last. I realize you haven’t had nearly enough time to figure out your feelings for me. I’d hoped—” he hesitated, his brow furrowed “—that we could have this discussion several months down the road when our feelings for each other had matured.”

  “I’ll say it one more time—engagements don’t work, at least not with me.”

  “It’ll be different this time.”

  “If I was ever going to fall in love with anyone, it would be you. But Parker, it just isn’t going to work. I’m sorry, really I am, but I can’t go through with this.” Her hands were trembling and she bit her lower lip. She was in love with Parker, but she was too frightened to acknowledge it outside the privacy of her own heart.

  “Bailey, would you listen to me?”

  “No,” she said. “I’m sorry, but everything’s been blown out of proportion here. I’m writing a romance novel and you…you’re the man I’m using for the model.” She gave a resigned shrug. “That’s all.”

  Parker frowned. “In other words, everything between us is a farce. The only person guilty of using anyone is you.”

  Bailey clasped her hands tightly in front of her, so tightly that her nails cut deep indentations in her palms. A cold sweat broke out on her forehead. “I never claimed anything else.”

  “I see.” The muscles in his jaw tightened again. “Then all I can do is beg your forgiveness for being so presumptuous.”

  “There’s no need to apologize.” Bailey felt terrible, but she had to let him believe their relationship was a farce, otherwise everything became too risky. Too painful.

  A noise, the muffled steps of Parker’s mother entering the room, distracted them. “My dears,” she said, “dinner’s ready. I’m afraid if we wait much longer, it’ll be ruined.”

  “We’ll be right in,” Parker said.

  Bailey couldn’t remember a more uncomfortable dinner in her life. The tension was so thick, she thought wryly, it could have been sliced and buttered.

  Parker barely spoke during the entire meal. His mother, ever gracious, carried the burden of conversation. Bailey did her part to keep matters civilized, but the atmosphere was so strained it was a virtually
impossible chore.

  The minute they were finished with the meal, Parker announced it was time to leave. Bailey nodded and thanked his parents profusely for the meal. It was an honor to have met them, she went on, and this had been an exceptionally pleasant evening.

  “Don’t you think you overdid that a little?” Parker muttered once they were in the car.

  “I had to say something,” she snapped. “Especially since you were so rude.”

  “I wasn’t rude.”

  “All right, you weren’t rude, you were completely tactless. Couldn’t you see how uncomfortable your father was? He felt bad enough about mentioning your plans. You certainly didn’t need to complicate everything with such a rotten attitude.”

  “He deserved it.”

  “That’s a terrible thing to say.”

  Parker didn’t answer. For someone who, only hours before, had declared tender feelings for her, he seemed in an almighty hurry to get her home, careering around corners as though he were in training for the Indianapolis 500.

  To Bailey’s surprise he insisted on walking her to the door. The night before, he’d also escorted her to the door, and after a stilted good-night, he’d left. This evening, however, he wasn’t content to leave it at that.

  “Invite me in,” he said when she’d unlatched the lock.

  “Invite you in,” Bailey echoed, listening to Max meowing plaintively on the other side.

  “I’m coming in whether you invite me or not.” His face was devoid of expression, and Bailey realized he would do exactly as he said. Her stomach tightened with apprehension.

  “All right,” she said, opening the door. She flipped on the light and removed her coat. Max, obviously sensing her state of mind, immediately headed for the bedroom. “I’d make some coffee, but I don’t imagine you’ll be staying that long.”

  “Make the coffee.”

  Bailey was grateful to have something to do. She concentrated on preparing the coffee and setting out mugs.

  “Whatever you have to say isn’t going to change my mind,” Bailey told him. She didn’t sound as calm and controlled as she’d hoped.


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