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Matched with a Hot SEAL (Hot SEALs)

Page 10

by Cat Johnson

  That could bring some sort of retaliation against her.

  She’d been watching television by the light of the tiny lamp on the side table next to her. Jessa decided to just leave things as they were until the cops arrived.

  Where were those police?

  Shaking, she was too afraid to look out the window again, but couldn’t bring herself to leave the vicinity of the front door. She was truly a mess.

  Things would seem so much better if Sara were still here. Not that two women alone would be much safer than one against two big scary criminals, but she’d at least feel a little better not being alone.

  Maybe she needed to look for a roommate.

  Her anxiety seemed to worsen as the minutes stretched on. It hadn’t been that long. Not that she knew how long was too long.

  While vowing to research average response times for 9-1-1 calls when all this was over, she glanced at the time on the cell in her hand once more.

  A new and horrible thought hit Jessa. What if the robbers were gone when the police arrived? If they escaped they’d still be out there. Still watching the complex. Waiting for an apartment to be vacant overnight. Or worse, breaking in anyway even if someone were home.

  Were they watching her place? Had they noticed she’d been out all night last night and were back here tonight to rob her, only to pass her by because she was home and the light was on?

  What if she wasn’t up watching television? What if she’d decided she was tired and gone right to bed after dinner? They could have kicked in the door while she slept. They could have been inside her apartment with her and there would have been nothing she could do about it.

  It was a horrifying thought.

  In spite of all Will had done, she had no security cameras. No central monitoring. No timers for her lights.

  Her heart pounding, she berated herself for being so stupid.

  Ready to pass out from the stress of waiting for the police, she moved closer to the window again. She didn’t know if the men were still inside or if they’d slipped out while she’d been too afraid to watch.

  She should have kept watching. She might have seen which way they went or what vehicle they got into. That would have helped the police, but as it was she hadn’t done that. She was useless.

  Jessa was shaking so badly, it was no wonder she couldn’t think clearly. As she cursed herself for being a coward the patrol car pulled into the lot.

  Help had arrived. She wasn’t alone anymore. She breathed in relief but found her chest still too tight to draw in much air.

  Twenty minutes and the arrival of two patrol cars more later, her relief that help had arrived disappeared.

  The police told her that the neighbors’ apartment had been empty. No homeowners, thank God, but no robbers either.

  And, she was informed by the responding officers that there were no security cameras in the home so the only clues were here shaky description of what amounted to two shadows.

  They had gotten away and were still out there somewhere able to strike again.

  The police took her statement, told her to make sure to lock her door and said goodbye, leaving her with no confidence that these men would be caught or that she was safe.

  She heaved in a giant shaking sob as any strength she’d managed to hold on to until then shattered.


  Will should have been perfectly content to have a night home alone. He could have kicked back with a beer and the television remote control. He could have opened the laptop and worked on his app.

  He could have done lots of things if he could have freaking concentrated on one thing for more than thirty seconds without thinking of Jessa.

  So in lieu of doing all the many things he could have done—should have done—instead he was driving to Jessa’s place way too late, whether she wanted him there or not.

  It was either that or worry about her all night, because apparently he was an overprotective brother even when the woman wasn’t related to him.

  Brother. Yeah, right.

  Nope. He suspected his feelings about Jessa had gone from simple concern to something else a while ago. Nothing brotherly about how he thought about her ass as much as he did about her security.

  Just the thought of Jessa in her yoga pants had him walking faster toward her doorway. But that image was quickly followed up by the idea of her inside, alone and scared. All because she was too damn stubborn to take him up on his offer to stay over until Jon had her place locked down appropriately.

  Dammit. He was all over the map when it came to this woman. He was going to have to control himself and just be the good friend she needed right now.

  The other part—the attraction he shouldn’t be feeling and the emotion he wasn’t ready to feel again just yet—he’d deal with all that later on his own.

  He was all for that plan until Jessa opened the door. His eyes widened at the sight of her tear stained face.

  “What’s happened?” It was obvious something had to have her sobbing.

  She threw herself against him. He widened his stance as he took the hit and wrapped his arms around her.

  Running his hands up, he cupped her face between his palms and forced her to look at him. To understand. “Jessa. It’s okay. I’m here. Whatever it is, you’re safe.”

  Will hoped that was true and if it wasn’t he had a weapon in his ankle holster and a knife locked in his vehicle. Not that he’d need either. Anyone who hurt Jessa he’d kill with his bare hands.

  He might be the computer geek on the squad but he trained as hard and was just as deadly as all the others.

  Jessa shook her head. “I’m okay. Really.”

  Even now, looking ready to hyperventilate, she made light of her fear. The woman was incorrigible.

  Blowing out a breath, he steered her into the apartment.

  Time to move this inside where he might be able to figure out what the hell had happened, because he wasn’t getting any answers while standing in the open doorway.

  Will did a quick visual sweep of the space before flipping the lock and securing them inside.

  He led her to the sofa. “Do you want some water?”

  She shook her head.

  Of course not. When had she ever willingly accepted anything offered?

  Lips pressed together, he was thinking a real drink might do her more good than plain water as he moved to the kitchen and got her water anyway.

  When he arrived back to her, she had calmed down a little bit, which was encouraging. He might get his answer yet.

  She took the glass with shaky hands and pressed it to her lips, but didn’t swallow more than a sip between gasps of breath.

  He waited. He had all night because there was no way in hell he was leaving her after finding her in this state.

  Was she that afraid that she’d worked herself into hysteria? It didn’t seem likely. He’d talked to her not too long ago on the phone and she’d seemed okay.

  Something had to have happened to set her off.

  She reached out one trembling hand with the glass and set it with a clunk on the coffee table, before raising teary eyes to him. “How did you know about the robbery?”

  “There was another one?” He smothered a curse between tight lips. “I didn’t know. What robbery?”

  “It happened tonight. Right after I talked to you.”

  He cussed again and this time there was no stifling it. “Jesus, Jessa, please tell me it wasn’t your place.”

  She shook her head. “It wasn’t mine. But I saw it. I was looking out the window when I saw them creeping around my car. Then they kicked in the door of the apartment across the parking lot from mine. I called the police. They came and took my statement.”

  Will was ready to go after the guys himself as he asked, “Did they catch them?”

  “No. They were gone already.”

  Unhappy with that answer, he drew her to him and held her tight.

  “I really am fine. I don’t know
why I’m so emotional.”

  The tears that started to flow again proved she wasn’t fine. He pulled her closer. She leaned into him as he stroked her back.

  “It’s okay. You did exactly what you were supposed to do.”

  Jessa pulled back enough he could see her frown as she asked, “Why did you come over if you didn’t know about the robbery?”

  “I know it’s late but I was concerned. I didn’t like the idea of you being here alone without Jon’s system in place or even a dog. I figured I’d knock real softly in case you were still awake.”

  “So you came just because you were worried?”

  “Yes.” And he could see it was a good thing he did.

  But her voice had stopped trembling and her eyes were dry of tears. That was a huge step up from the wreck she’d been when he’d first walked in.

  Jessa shook her head. “You’re too good to be true.”

  “Well, I don’t know about that.” His lips twitched with a smile.

  “I do.” She said it with complete sincerity, without any humor in her voice or in her gaze, intense as it met his.

  And why did that one simple statement, two little words, make him want to kiss her?

  Jessa bit her lip and, of course, all of his attention dropped right there.

  Yeah, that wasn’t helping to quell his urge to kiss her one damn bit. In fact, the action only ramped up his need.

  He yanked his gaze up as the battle within him raged. A battle he was rapidly losing as he stared into her eyes.

  “Jessa—” Will cut off his own words. What had he thought he was going to say to her?

  That he wanted her more than anything? That wanting a woman that much scared the shit out of him? That exactly how much he cared about her frightened him even more than that?

  The last thing he wanted to do was begin something new because he didn’t think he could take another ending again so soon. It didn’t matter whether it was the end to their friendship or the end of potentially something more, either would leave a dark hole in his life.

  None of those excuses came out of his mouth . . . possibly because his mouth became very busy as he closed the short distance between them and crashed his lips against hers.

  When she didn’t pull away and in fact kissed him back, he tangled his hand in the hair at the back of her head and kissed her deeper.

  Tilting his head, he plunged his tongue against hers.

  She edged closer to him on the sofa until her thigh pressed close against his. She leaned in and wrapped her arms around his waist, clutching at his shirt.

  This was going to happen.

  If he didn’t put a stop to it right now he was going to end up in Jessa’s bed. And as much as Will wanted that, the rational part of him suspected it could be a really bad idea.

  Unfortunately—or perhaps fortunately depending on how he looked at it—all sanity fled as Jessa kissed him.

  The tiny sounds of pleasure emitting from the back of her throat cut through to his core.

  Before he could stop himself, Jessa was on her back on the sofa and he was crawling on top of her.

  A little bit of sense returned as he lay on top of her. He pulled his mouth off hers to ask, “You okay?”

  She gazed at him from beneath half-closed eyelids. “I’m fine.”

  The memories of all the times in the past he’d hated that answer from her fled. Will was immensely grateful for her being fine tonight as he claimed her lips once again.

  He needed her. Needed this. Needed to feel something good again.

  Just the sensation of holding her had his heart feeling light again, after it had felt dark for too long.

  It was such a relief to not have that shadow hanging over him, mind, body and soul, he felt like laughing.

  As Jessa wriggled beneath him, struggling to get her hands between them and onto the button at the waist of his jeans, Will did laugh. “We could take this to the bedroom, if you want.”

  She nodded so hard, he smiled. Not that he didn’t share her enthusiasm himself. He couldn’t stand up fast enough.

  Reaching down, he grabbed her hand and tugged to help her upright, not stopping until he’d hauled her against him.

  The bedroom seemed too far to go without one more kiss first. He claimed her mouth again, groaning as he pulled away.

  “Come on,” he said, tipping his head toward the hallway.

  He knew where the bedroom was located from the day he’d come over. He’d checked the security of the latches on all her windows. Will pulled her toward it now.

  Inside the doorway he stopped. “Shit. I don’t have condoms.”

  He turned back as she flipped on the light and saw her smile.

  “I do.”

  “You do?” he asked, pleasantly surprised.

  “It’s been a while. They’ve been in my drawer for a long time. They’re pretty old.” Jessa cringed, looking embarrassed.

  He laughed, liking that her stash of condoms was old. Liking the idea that he might be the only man to be in her bedroom in a long while.

  Now that he thought about it, he hadn’t heard of Jessa dating anyone long term in all the time he’d known her.

  That was crazy. She was great. Men were stupid.

  Not this man. He intended to make up for all the men who didn’t appreciate what a good woman they’d have in her.

  Protection issue solved, he pulled her close.

  “Do you think they’ll still be good?” she asked.

  “How long we talking here?” he asked.

  She bit her lip again and drove him a little more insane. “Like three.” She raised her gaze to meet his and added. “Years.”

  Possessive male pride swelled as he said, “Yeah. They should be fine.”

  He couldn’t control his smile as he backed his way onto the mattress, pulling Jessa along with him. But when she kneeled over him and reached for his zipper, things got very serious very fast.


  The morning light was a dim glow behind the window blinds as Will groaned and pulled Jessa closer.

  “Good morning.” His voice was husky and sexy as hell, and memories of hearing it in her ear as he’d loved her for hours the night before flooded her mind even as desire flooded her body.

  She felt the hard length pressed between their naked bodies and smiled. “Mmm. Good morning.”

  Being with Will might be the stupidest thing she’d ever done, but that hadn’t stopped her last night and it wasn’t going to stop her this morning.

  Apparently, he was up for it. She definitely was to. She wanted him. For once, she was going to let herself have exactly what she wanted.

  She might live to regret it, but for now, she was going to enjoy every inch of Will Weber. Every touch. Every sound. For every second she was fortunate enough to have him.

  “So we didn’t exactly do much talking last night,” Will began.

  Jessa laughed at that understatement and the fact that he wanted to talk now, when there was something far better they could be doing.

  “Are you complaining about that?” she asked.

  “No.” He laughed. “But I wanted to make sure you’re doing okay after last night.”

  “Mmm, hmm. I’m very okay.” With Will, naked and snuggled up against her, how could she be anything but okay?

  He let out a chuckle as he tightened his hold on her. “Good to hear, but I meant how are you feeling after last night’s robbery?”

  “I’m okay.”

  “For real?”

  “Yes, for real.” She turned within his embrace to face him.

  Will rolled from his side onto his back. His hands blazed a hot path against the bare skin of her waist as he moved them down to the flare of her hips.

  He glanced at the clock as he reached for the bedside table drawer and her aging stash of protection. He covered himself and then lifted her up, pulling her hips forward until she was angled over his morning hard-on.

  “Do we have t
ime for this?” she asked, noticing he’d checked the time.

  “Oh, yeah. For this, I’ll make time.” His eyes closed and his mouth opened as he slid her down over him.

  At the incredible sensation of Will filling her, she had to agree. This was a hell of a good way to start the day. They should make a habit of it. She’d go to work every morning with a smile if the did, even if it made her late.

  Will loved her and her body tightened and gripped his in response.

  Jessa suspected she could do this with him for the rest of her life and it still might not be long enough. When they both shuddered to completion within seconds of one another, she knew it. A lifetime loving Will would be too short.

  Gasping, Jessa collapsed over him, still tingling all over. Still trying to regain control of her breathing.

  When she could talk, she lifted her head. “Coffee?”

  “Hell, yes.” He laughed, jostling her where she lay on top of him. Smiling, he said, “You know me so well.”

  She was starting to, but she wanted to know so much more. And was his smile extra charming post orgasm?

  That was a theory worth exploring.

  “Can I jump in your shower quick?” he asked.

  She rolled reluctantly off him and onto her own side of the bed. Playtime was over. Time to start the day.

  “Of course. Go ahead. Towels are inside the closet. Coffee will be ready by the time you get out.”


  Yeah, he was. The whole morning and last night had been pretty close to perfect.

  He dropped a quick kiss on her and climbed out of bed.

  The perfection lasted through two mugs of coffee. And through some slightly awkward morning-after-the-first-time-having-sex small talk.

  Jessa feared she might have actually blushed when Will caught her staring at him as she marveled at the fact he was really there with her. If he noticed he didn’t comment.

  Their little bubble of happiness had to come to an end eventually. That happened when Will stood.

  He carried his mug to the sink and said, “I gotta get to the base.”

  “Okay. I should get ready for work too.” Jessa nodded, wishing it was a Saturday.


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