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Scion's Redemption

Page 8

by Traci Douglass

  “It’s very…white,” Sloane said, propping his hip against the edge of the dresser. “Not diversity-wise. Divinity loves all the colors of the rainbow, but décor-wise. Everything his marble or gold or bright light. I’m all for luxury, but this is a bit extreme even for a heathen like me.”

  “You have the heathen part right, brother,” Kagan joked, his expression amused. “Are you still living in Paris?”

  “Oui,” Sloane said, fiddling with the already perfect cuff of his suit jacket. “It’s the only civilized place on this godforsaken planet.”

  “I don’t know about that. Chicago suits Mira and I very well,” Kagan said, lifting his chiseled chin. “Ask Chago and his woman. They can to visit us several months back. Seemed to enjoy themselves just fine.”

  This was new information. She’d been worried that one of Luther’s objections to a relationship between them would be that he wouldn’t want her because she was mortal or that he wasn’t allowed to date, but from what Kagan had just said, that didn’t seem to be the case.

  Snippets of their previous conversations came rushing back and her heart tumbled to her toes. Luther had said earlier that he’d watched her for her entire life. That meant he’d seen everything she’d done. Oh, God. Her cheeks flushed hot. She hoped to hell that wasn’t true because if it was, there’s no way he’d want to get involved with her.

  “All I found were some bottled waters,” Wyck said, returning with an armload full of drinks. He passed the out, giving her a kind smile. “Sorry. I know this all difficult to take in. Didn’t help that Luther was under strict orders from Xan not to reveal himself to you or I’m sure he would have mentioned something before things got this far.”

  “What do you mean, got this far?” she asked, taking a sip of water. The look on Wyck’s face suggested he was talking about their personal relationship rather than Luther’s mission to protect her.

  “Luther’s your Scion. He’s watched over you since your birth. He’s always been there.”

  Thana frowned. “Where was he then when my mom died? When I dated all those abusive bastards? Why didn’t he protect me then?”

  Getting that phone call from her father, three years earlier, that her mother had been murdered during a botched robbery at their home had nearly killed Thana. Ever since, she’d felt like her life had been slowly circling the drain, ready to slip down it into oblivion at any time. The fight the other night with Mike had only brought those feelings back full force. The fear. The pain. She no longer felt safe in her own space and feared if she slept in her room, someone would break in and she wouldn’t be able to escape. If she woke and the television was off, she panicked. She was petrified of dying.

  If Luther had known all that, why hadn’t he intervened? If he was her guardian, why couldn’t he take all the fear and the hurt away?

  “We’re not omniscient,” Kagan said, as if reading her mind. “We can’t see the future or change the past. Luther’s mission, as is every Scion’s, is to protect their Seal’s host without influencing your life. For many years, he watched over you from his quarters in the heavenly realms. Then, when Xan deemed it necessary, he was sent here to New Orleans.”

  That made it sound like he’d not been given a choice. Her perspective changed. Maybe Luther wasn’t distant because he went from one bad experience to the next like she did or because he was an immortal Scion. Maybe he remained detached from everyone because he didn’t want to be here.

  She wished he was back, so she could ask him directly. She touched her lips, the memory of their kiss making them tingle.

  “How close are you and Luther?” Kagan asked, his tone as probing as his stare.

  Thana looked up at him through her lashes, not sure what to say.

  “The reason I ask is because Luther has never cared for mortals, or this world… and he’s never…” Kagan cursed under his breath and shook his head. “He’d kill me for mentioning it.”

  “Never what?” He couldn’t stop now. She had to know, especially with that guilty edge to Kagan’s expression. “What has Luther never done?”

  Sloane snorted. “What he’s trying not to say is that we all have been together for eons. We were all created at the same time and have been friends forever. Luther has rarely left his heavenly quarters and in all the times he has, well…he’s never, uh, been with anyone as far as we know.”

  Thana blinked at him. Luther was a virgin? If that was true, then she could see why he’d be angry at his friends for telling her. Not that there was any shame in it, it was just very personal, that’s all.

  “Wait. You mean, he’s never?” Wyck asked from where he was sitting in front of the computer again, his bottle halted mid-sip. He looked as shocked as Thana felt. “I mean, it’s cool and all, either way. But how could he have never?”

  Crimson dotted Kagan’s high cheekbones beneath his tan and he smiled awkwardly. ‘I’m afraid Sloane is correct.”

  From the way Luther had kissed the breath out of her the other night, she’d assumed he’d had all sorts of experience. Her frown grew as she remembered how Luther had recently vacillated between warm and open one minute and closed off and icy the next.

  “Luther’s the most loyal and honorable warrior I’ve met,” Kagan continued, as if to cover his tracks. “He’s served Divinity for his entire existence—”

  Thana cut him off. “He’s never loved.”

  A shiver tumbled down her spine.

  Luther had avoided human contact and he’d been awkward around her at times, especially after she had kissed him. Oh Lord. She’d been so forward with him, suggesting he could satisfy her without a doubt. He’d told her to take things slow. The man oozed sexiness and passion. It hadn’t once crossed her mind that he might have never had a lover.

  “Wow.” Thana’s shoulders slumped. “This is a new one.”

  “You can’t let him know that we told you.” Kagan frowned.

  “Unless you’ve already deflowered him?” Sloane asked, raising a wicked dark brow.

  Thana buried her face in her hands. “No. I won’t say anything, I promise. I didn’t know. He was such good kisser. I thought he was experienced.”

  “Don’t let it bother you. If he’s anything like the rest of us, you’ll be in for a wild ride regardless of experience,” Sloane said, his grin sly.

  Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Lin blush and look away.

  “Something I said?” Sloane teased, his tone mischievous.

  Kagan exploded into a tirade in Latin to which Sloane responded in what sounded like French. Thana had been around New Orleans creole long enough to have picked up a word or two and managed to decipher that they were fighting about the inappropriateness of revealing Luther’s virginity. Thana listened to them argue, hoping to distract herself from Luther, but it only had the opposite effect.

  Honestly, she didn’t care if he was inexperienced or not. He’d never been with a woman before, which meant she’d been his first kiss. Judging by his reaction, he’d enjoyed it and wanted more. Tonight, he’d been gentle with her, tender almost, and made her feel as though he cared.

  When he returned, she’d ask him point blank if this was more than just a mission to him.


  Luther hovered inside the vortex above the dark city of New Orleans far below, traveling at a leisurely pace to keep him stationary, and scoured the myriad of twinkling streetlights. This high, he couldn’t make out the buildings and cars were mere flashes of white or red. Silence reigned, giving him respite from the pandemonium of the mortal realm. He’d never understood how they lived at such a fast pace, flitting from one thing to the next, cramming their lives with meaningless tasks to fill their short hours on Earth. If he were mortal, he’d take things slow, giving each task the time it deserved so life was full and meaningful.

  If he were mortal.

  As an immortal Scion, he didn’t have to worry about such things, though spending time with Thana had made him achingly aware of the diffe
rence in their life spans.

  With a sigh, he directed the vortex downward toward the city, cutting through the cold air that buffeted against him, stopping only at the last moment, to keep from crashing into the ground. The thrill of adrenaline bolting through him revived his senses, sending his blood rushing in his veins and his heart thundering. He gently touched down on the sidewalk outside his apartment building then looked up to the lit windows of his place near the top.

  He’d been gone for hours. After entering Heaven and showering, he’d reported to Xander and Divinity. It had taken longer than usual this time. There’d been questions about the half-breeds who’d attacked Thana. Xan told him the one Luther had sent for interrogation had killed himself in transit, denying them any new information. The fact the Nephilim had raised enough power to break free enough of the light’s hold to kill itself was worrisome. They’d never had that capability before, which meant they were strengthening.

  He ascended the pale stone steps to the building’s entrance then took the elevators up to his floor. Kagan was quicker to answer the door this time. He must have gotten the message Luther had sent upon his descent from Heaven. Luther stepped into his apartment and looked around, frowning when he didn’t spot Thana. “Where is she?”

  A spark of panic set his pulse skittering again. If someone had come after her, surely his brothers would have protected her. His fears were unfounded, but that didn’t stop them from coming. In fact, whenever he pictured what had happened and how Thana might have been hurt, he was flooded with an irresistible urge to see her.

  “Asleep.” Kagan motioned for Luther to follow him into the living room. They sat opposite each other across the wooden coffee table. Luther frowned, having the oddest feeling that Kagan was about to tell him something massively unpleasant. Kagan leaned back in his seat, his black T-shirt blending into the dark upholstery. “You seem terribly concerned about Thana.”

  Heart prickled up from beneath the collar of Luther’s fresh white, button-down shirt. “She’s my Seal’s host. It’s my sworn duty to be concerned.”

  Kagan flashed a knowing smile. “Yes, but is that the only reason?”

  “Yes.” Luther resisted the urge to fidget, uncomfortable as he was with this topic. “What else would it be?”

  “Fool yourself all you want, brother, but you can’t fool me.”

  Problem was, Luther wasn’t fooling himself at all. He wanted to aske Kagan’s advice, but not face-to-face. It was embarrassing. He couldn’t detach himself from the situation here like he could over the phone or by text. Exhaling slow, he slumped against the cushions, whispering more to himself than Kagan. “What am I supposed to do?”

  Kagan leaned forward, his elbows resting on his knees, and smiled. “What comes naturally. Love is not rocket science, Luther, though it probably feels like it right now. Follow your feelings. I promise you it will be worth it, brother.”

  Luther closed his eyes, unsure of his emotions. They were far more difficult to comprehend than he’d imagined. Thana wanted him. He wanted her, more than he could say. But he wasn’t sure how to proceed without looking like a bumbling idiot. She expected him to know what he was doing, and while his passion for her burned like an inferno, he couldn’t guarantee her satisfaction. He feared not living up to her expectations. He feared screwing up. He feared losing her forever because of his blasted inexperience.

  Now, he wished he’d followed his fellow Scion warriors during their time on Earth, celebrating a moment of freedom between missions and indulged his desires. That way, he’d know how to please Thana.

  “Don’t worry, brother. It will all work out.”

  Luther met Kagan’s golden gaze, cursing the fact his expression had betrayed his doubts.

  “Would it make you feel better if I told you she likes you?” Kagan asked.

  It did, actually. Although Luther didn’t want to know how Kagan had found out that information. He had a sneaking suspicion he’d been the hot topic of conversation during his absence. He narrowed his gaze on Kagan, trying to ascertain if the guy had said anything he shouldn’t. Kagan just flashed him an unreadable smile.

  “She was jealous too, when she thought you might have another woman.” Kagan’s smile widened into a full-blown grin. “She likes you a lot, my friend, though why is beyond me. And I’m sure you’ve done nothing to dissuade her or keep your distance.”

  Sarcasm all but dripped from the words and Luther had to chuckle. Kagan knew him too well. He’d struggled with his feelings for Thana, conflicted by them and his duty, and of course had tried to maintain a suitable distance. But his resolve had been slipping with each moment they spent together, and now he couldn’t continue to keep her at bay. Not with the threat of Nephilim lurking around every corner. He had to keep her close to protect her.

  “What did Xan have to say about the half-breeds and their plans?” Kagan asked.

  Thankful for the change of subjects, Luther relaxed a tad. “More than he’s telling me, as always.” He clasped his hands in his lap and frowned. “Divinity reiterated I need to be on guard and my final task is not yet done. I have to continue to protect Thana.”

  “You believe Xan’s withholding information., but I don’t think that’s the case. He’s as worried about all this as we are, if not more. Don’t forget he’s got his own Seal host to guard, no top of his leadership duties. Plus, the ultimate judge is Divinity. Our duty is not to question orders, but to obey them.”

  “I know.” Except Luther wasn’t sure that he could follow what he’d been told earlier and seduce Thana. It felt beyond the time for that now. Thana knew what he was and knew the danger she faced. He’d gained her trust tonight without using her feelings against her, and he was glad. Whatever happened between them now, was because of what the truly felt for each other and not because of his orders. “Where is she sleeping?”

  “In your bed, mon ami,” Sloane said, walking into the living room from the kitchen. He took a seat on the arm of Luther’s chair. “Where she belongs. She’s been through a lot. You’ve got to give the girl credit for not collapsing or having a meltdown. Must be hard for a human to take in all our crazy and come out the other end a sane person. She’s strong.”

  “I know.” Luther got up and walked over the closed bedroom door, opening it slightly to peek inside. A single lamp on the bedside table illuminated the room and Thana where she lay under the dark covers of his double bed.

  Wyck came up behind him and clapped a hand on his shoulder. “She’s out for the count.”

  Luther brushed his hand away. He wasn’t worried. His gut knotted with want. He craved the contact with Thana more than anything else in the universe. Without another word, he slipped into the bedroom and closed the door behind him, locking it against any intrusion from his nosy Scion brethren. He considered sliding into bed fully clothed, but that would be uncomfortable, so he toed off his shoes then tugged off his shirt and jeans, leaving him in only his socks and boxer-briefs. Better.

  Slowly, he walked to the bed and laid down atop the covers on his back, beside Thana. Her hair was damp, and she was dressed in one of his T-shirts. She must have showered too, and her skin was scrubbed clean. The fresh scent of his shampoo, mixed with soap drifted from her warm skin, soothing his tension away. His stiff muscles relaxed. It felt good being so close to her, so good he wanted to reach over and take hold of her hand, but he didn’t want to wake her. Instead, he placed his hands on his stomach, his eyelids heavy and his head foggy.

  Still, he fought the rising desire to drift away, trying to focus on Thana and his mission. He should be out there searching for the other Nephilim bastards who were behind the attack, not hiding out here in his bed. Despite his wishes, his eyes slipped shut and he didn’t have the energy to lift them again.

  A dark chasm opened. He fell into it, spiraling downward toward a shimmering light. He tried to resist, but the heat washing over him was too comforting, subduing his efforts to escape.

voice rang softly, tinged with a hint of amusement. “Sweet dreams, Scion.”


  It was the location that alerted Luther this wasn’t his world.

  A golden sunset filled the sky, slowly sinking into the infinite ocean, light rippling on the water and sparkling like diamonds. The silence was filled with the soft lapping of waves breaking against the pristine white sandy shore, along with the rustling of palm trees in the breeze. The air held a tang of salt and…


  She sat on the beach, her back to him and her dark hair dancing in the wind.

  Luther to her and sat beside her, but Thana didn’t look at him. She continued to stare into the distance, her honey-hued skin glowing in the warm light of sunset. He drank his fill of her beauty, doing his best to memorize her in this moment. A slight smile played on her lips and happiness shined in her dark eyes.

  He looked down at himself and saw he was only wearing a pair of loose black shorts.

  His gaze returned to her skimpy bikini top, two small triangles of fuchsia material barely covering her breasts, to the nearly-transparent strip of matching cloth covering her lower half, tied near her hip. The gauzy chiffon skirt fluttered in the breeze, revealing a tantalizing peek of her bronzed slender thigh.

  “It’s peaceful here,” she said quietly. “Am I dreaming?”

  Forcing his attention back up to her face, Luther said, “I don’t think so.”

  “I’m scared,” she whispered, her eyes meeting his at last.

  “Of me?” The gnawing feeling that she feared him had lingered at the back of his mind since he’d rescued her, but he hadn’t intended to say anything.

  Her gaze softened, warmed, and she smiled. “No. You’re the one thing that doesn’t frighten me.”

  The fact she could still look on him with such kindness and compassion floored him. She’d had seen him fight those Nephilim, witnessed him kill without hesitation, seen him covered in his enemy’s blood. He’d shown her his darkest side and she still trusted him. Need burned deep in his heart, a desire to know if she really could feel something for a man like him.


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