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Scion's Redemption

Page 17

by Traci Douglass

  Luther shot toward the breach in the white wall of Heaven but wasn’t about to leave his friend unaided. Kagan had given every morsel of his power to create this chance and it had left him close to death. He wouldn’t be able to stop his descent.

  “Come, Scion. We must help him!” Luther and the others raced forward to reach their brother in time. He’d given everything for his duty and they wouldn’t fail him. Luther was strong enough to do this. He would save Thana.

  He rocketed through the gap in the wall, not slowing when he reached the white gardens on the other side. He twisted and dived through the waiting horde of archangels, sending them flying with both his power and speed. He wouldn’t relent. Not until Thana was safe in his arms again.

  Blasting through the doors to Heaven’s fortress. Luther steered his vortex straight ahead, shooting into the bright corridors, following his instincts to Thana. The maze had changed since he was last here, but something deep within him said he was on the right path. He reached narrower white marble corridors and ground to a halt, unable to travel in his vortex any longer.

  Luther held his spear in front of him, and traveled on foot through the maze of hallways, diving into doorways whenever he spotted someone ahead. His mission wasn’t to fight all who stood in his way. It was faster to avoid as many as possible and conserve his energy.

  That wasn’t going to be possible when he came close to Thana though. She’d be under heavy protection. He’d have to fight his way through those holding her hostage then fight his way out of Heaven.

  He ran down another corridor and came out in a hallway with a two-tiered row of arches down one side that revealed a courtyard and beautiful white trees. Closer. Luther looked around, trying to figure out which direction to go in next. He paused, sensing someone approaching then heard echoing footsteps. He looked left, toward another long corridor. Whatever lay that way, it was so bright he couldn’t make anything out.

  Luther headed toward the light, following it until he reached an arched doorway. The illumination faded enough to reveal a huge rectangular room with white marble pillars that stretched so high into the heavens that he couldn’t see their ends and he stopped.

  He brought his gaze down and fixed on the person responsible for the footsteps he’d heard.


  “Where is she?” Luther strode forward and readied himself. Anger rolled through him, fiercer than before, driving him onwards. His footsteps were loud in the cathedral-like room, reverberating for what seemed like forever. Xander raised his hand, but Luther didn’t slow his approach. Instead, he shot straight at his Scion commander, catching him around the throat, choking him and slamming him into the far wall at the other end of the room. The marble splintered under the impact. Xander grunted.

  “Tell me!” Luther tightened his grip, his pale green gaze holding Xan’s icy blue one, unleashing some of his power. If Xan didn’t speak soon, Luther would cut his damned head off. A black part of his heart wanted his commander to suffer for taking Thana from him. The urge for violence, the dark desire to tear his opponent limb from limb blazed within him, fire in his veins, controlling his actions.

  He slowly tightened his fingers around Xander’s throat and unleashed a little more power. A twisted satisfaction flowed into him as the panicked edge in his commander’s eyes grew into stark fear. Except killing him would expend more energy than Luther could afford to waste. Gradually, he reined in his need to release the full wrath of his power on Xander. It took long seconds for his fury to abate and his grip to loosen, but eventually he eased his fingers away from his commander’s throat and let him slide down the wall to his feet.

  “We are under siege,” Xander croaked. “Divinity has Thana safe with her, for now.”

  His commander’s gaze slid to another corridor to the right.

  He knew it.

  With a roar, he ran down the corridor, his blade at the ready. He slowed to a jog when he saw the other end of the hallway in the distance. No one was there. He was sure he’d find Thana here, had felt this was the right place, but there were no guards.

  Luther skidded to a halt and backtracked when he passed a bright white room. He paused on the threshold, breathing hard, and relief bloomed in his heart when he saw Thana lying on a raised white marble slab with her eyes closed, her face peaceful despite the heavy chains securing her ankles and holding her wrists above her head, tangling with her long silver hair. He quickly scanned over her form. No trace of blood.

  Still, he resisted his desire to rush over to her, instead taking calm measured strides into the room, cautious to the last. There were no guards, no Divinity. But Xander had said Divinity was protecting her. It didn’t make any sense.

  Yet he could walk right up to Thana.

  His foot slipped, and he frowned at the pale marble floor, the grooves in it. They emanated from the altar where Thana lay, forming an intricate circle around her. There were grooves in the altar too, deep cuts along the edges and down the sides.

  To drain the blood. Her blood.

  Luther tightened his grip on his spear and stepped forward.

  The moment he touched the inner circle, white-blue light blazed, and he fell to his knees. His weapon clattered to the floor and he curled into a ball, clutching his head as pain ripped through his skull, burning through him until he was on the verge of passing out.


  He squeezed his eyes shut and fought the words in his head, refusing to acknowledge the orders being sent.

  He shouldn’t have come.

  He’d been a fool to think he was strong enough to refuse his Scion duty.

  There was no need to guard Thana from him when he was her sworn protector. The power burned through his Scion mark and flowed through him. Tears stung his eyes as he tried to resist the command racing through his blood, pushing him to stand and take up his spear.

  He wouldn’t.

  He hadn’t come here to kill Thana.

  He’d come to save her.

  Kagan had risked his life to give him this chance, and his Scion brothers believed in him. Thana had believed in him. She’d trusted him, and now it was time to prove himself worthy of that trust. He’d be the man she believed him to be. He’d be a good man. He’d be worthy of her love.

  Another wave of power tore through him, stronger this time, and forced him to his feet. He fought it, pain beating in his heart at the thought of betraying Thana. It wasn’t Divinity. It reeked of sinister intent, shattering his world and breaking his heart. They’d been created by Divinity to serve only Her. It wasn’t possible for them to be commanded by anyone else…


  Neilar had said that the Seals had been created by Divinity and Lucifer together. Was it possible the Scion had been made the same way?

  He struggled against his orders. He loved Thana too much to sacrifice her.

  Luther focused on that feeling and looked at her, reinforcing the strength he gained whenever he thought of his love for her. He fought the command to take up his spear and pierce her heart. He wouldn’t do it. Lucifer couldn’t make him.

  The command this time was so strong he couldn’t disobey. His limbs moved of their own accord, beyond his control, and he held his left hand out. His spear rose into it and the moment he closed his fingers around the grip.

  He didn’t want this.

  But neither had Kagan, and his friend hadn’t been able to stop himself either.

  It was inevitable.

  It broke his heart.

  Thana’s eyes fluttered open and her calm gaze rested on him, all the sorrow in his heart reflected in their inky-dark irises.

  “Have you come to kill me?” she whispered. Luther looked away, unable to bear the hurt in her gaze. It stabbed deep into his heart, making him bleed inside.

  Doomed to failure.

  The command came again, and he gritted his teeth and desperate to stop himself from moving. He was stronger than this. He couldn’t kill her.

  He fou
ght, wrestling to regain control, and cursed Lucifer for what he was making him do. This wasn’t how things were supposed to end. This wasn’t right. He couldn’t do this. He couldn’t hurt her. He loved her, with all of his heart. It was hers now. He was hers now.

  His heart, his soul, his body. All of him.

  She was his master, the one who ruled him and the one for whom he’d do anything.

  Luther raised his spear, unable to stop it from moving. Thana stared at him with wide dark eyes. He growled through clenched teeth, turning his blade so it was aimed at her chest. He couldn’t stop himself.

  His gaze met hers and a shiver coursed down his back and spread over his limbs.


  She smiled at him through her tears.

  The smile he’d ached to see these past few days.

  “I love you, Luther.”


  Thana flinched away and braced for impact when Luther brought his spear down. The sound of metal rang out, reverberating through her body until her fingertips tingled. She waited for the pain to come, her heart breaking over what Luther had been put through. She loved him so deeply and seeing him suffering because of her had been unbearable. Now it was over.

  She waited for the pain that didn’t come.

  Hesitant, she cracked an eye open then closed it again as Luther brought his spear down such force her legs shook, and her feet tingled with the vibrations of his powerful blow. She didn’t want this. She wanted to live with him, wanted to love him and be with him and escape.

  Her chains fell away.

  He’d struck them and not her.

  Luther had freed her, not killed her.

  Shocked, she laid there, blinking up at the ceiling for a moment. Then his warm fingers closed around her right hand and she was in his arms.

  “We need to get out of here,” he said close to her ear.

  Disbelief crashed over her, followed by relief so sweet it brought tears to her eyes.

  Still she struggled to comprehend what had happened, afraid this was all some cruel trick and things would end in bloodshed and pain any moment. That the horrible vision she’d seen in the hallway would occur in reality and it would be her blood spilled. Then she surrendered to her joy and threw her arms around Luther’s neck, burrowing her face into his throat.

  He slid his right arm around her back, holding her to him as she wept. With each breath she caught his scent and it soothed her. She’d been so afraid, had fought to keep it locked deep in her heart so none would see, but now they flooded her, stripping her of her strength.

  Luther murmured softly against her hair, whispered words full of warmth and affection and reassurance. He held her a moment longer then asked, “Are you strong enough to walk?”

  Thana nodded.

  “Good.” Luther took her hand, shoved one of his curved silver blades into it, then grabbed the other and took off running out into the hallway. Thana struggled to keep up. Her legs tangled in the long flowing white robes she wore and the heavy blade in her hand made it hard to lift the material out of the way. It was so heavy, she wasn’t sure she could handle it in a fight, but she’d try. For him.

  She couldn’t let Luther do all the fighting. Two blades were better than one, even if she had never killed anything before. She’d help. They were in this together. She pulled Luther to a halt and quickly used her blade to cut through the irritating bottom of her robes. By the time she’d, the garment barely covered her backside.

  Luther stared wide-eyed at her legs, his pupils dilating.

  Lord, she wanted to kiss him when he looked like that, full of passion and desire. She wanted to kiss him for coming to her rescue too. He’d fought his orders and had overcome them for her, but she wasn’t going to let her guard down. Not yet. Not until she wasn’t sure if he was free of the compulsion to kill her or whether he was still fighting it.

  They ran again, side by side, back through the maze of pale corridors.

  “What’s the plan?” she puffed, fighting to keep up with him.

  “Out of here, then up.”

  “The front door?” That didn’t sound like a good idea. She really wasn’t much of a fighter and she didn’t want Luther to get hurt trying to protect her, or to lose concentration.

  He glanced over at her. Beads of sweat dotted his brow and pain burned hot in his eyes. Her heart sank. He was still fighting his orders and it was hurting him.

  The sight of him suffering so much made her furious. She wanted to find that hideous looking bastard she’d seen in her vision in the hallway—Lucifer—and destroy him. It had been his name Luther had called out back in the white room, the name she’d heard the archangels who’d chained her to the table whisper when they thought she couldn’t hear them. She’d never raised a hand to anyone before, but Lucifer would feel her wrath. He’d pay.

  They broke out into the open area in front of the fortress and Thana’s fury spiked at the sight of a row of traitorous archangels blocking their path, their silver armor shining in the golden sunlight.

  Luther moved in front of her, his spear at the ready. He looked exhausted. Fighting his orders was taking all his strength. He didn’t have the energy to fight these angels too.

  Thana had had enough.

  She wouldn’t let him die because of her.

  Lucifer should die.

  Without hesitation, she dropped Luther’s blade and opened herself to the feelings inside her, letting the fury flow through her unrestrained. It swept outward from her heart until it reached her extremities then came back in on itself.

  She wouldn’t let them hurt Luther.

  Rage bounced back and forth within her, growing stronger with each until she glared at the scores of angels blocking their path.

  Letting loose a fierce battle cry, Thana unleashed her fury, sweeping her hand out, cutting through the air. An invisible wave of power ripped through the archangels, sending them flying in all directions.

  She smiled, enjoying the strength flowing through her.

  Several of the archangels recovered and drew their swords, wings spread wide.

  Time to test the limits of her power. She wasn’t sure how this worked, but she wasn’t going to question it either. Instinct not to overthink it, just let the power flow through her.

  Thana glanced over at Luther, his pain fueling her anger. His duty had been everything to him, his whole world. Lucifer had taken his loyalty and used it against him, forcing him to do things against his will even when it hurt. No one should be used and betrayed like that.

  Especially not someone as wonderful and kind as Luther.

  She brought her hands out in front of her and focused on the space between her palms. Brought them closer together as her power flowed into them. Dazzling blue and white sparks skittered over her skin and leapt along her arms. The sparks jumped from one palm to the other, crackling as they thickened and intensified. It formed a small orb in the gap between her hands, glowing bright blue, throwing off light as it spun faster and faster.

  Slowly, she pulled her hands apart and took a deep breath, channeling all her anger into the sphere growing between her palms.

  When the orb reached a foot across, she brought her hands around behind it and looked down at the traitorous archangels who’d sided with Lucifer because of their greed and at the Nephilim now swarming over the walls like insects.

  They’d pay. They’d all pay.

  The sphere shimmered silver and shot toward her attackers, growing as it neared them. They tried to evade it, but it engulfed them, brightening until the light was blinding. Thana grabbed Luther’s arm and pulled him back a step with her, afraid it would suck them in too.

  Then it collapsed in on itself, dazzling light flashing before it winked out of existence.

  Her head spun.

  Her knees faltered. Thana collapsed, expecting to hit the ground, only to be suspended by two strong arms wrapped around her waist.

  “Not so much next time. Leave some for yoursel
f,” Luther said, his voice strained.

  The world slowly came back into focus.

  The courtyard where they were was empty, except for her and Luther.

  She might have killed them.

  Luther pulled her closer and whispered in her ear, “Tell me again.”

  Thana looked up at him and cupped his cheek. So much pain, so, so tired. His skin was hot against her palm. He’d risked everything for her and was still fighting himself.

  “I love you so much,” she said.

  He smiled but it hurt to see it tinged with sorrow.

  He held her against him with one arm and took hold of her hand. His fingers shook with the effort to keep from obeying the orders that Lucifer was sending into his head. Luther kissed her, so softly her insides flipped.

  “Take me instead, Lucifer. I love you, Thana.”

  He closed his eyes and collapsed onto the ground. Thana’s heart slammed against her chest, tears stinging her eyes and blurring her vision. No. He couldn’t do this. He couldn’t leave her. He couldn’t sacrifice himself for her. He wasn’t breathing, wasn’t moving at all.

  Thana growled and focused everything she had, everything she didn’t understand herself, into one last attempt to save him. She and held firm.

  “Luther!” she yelled, but he didn’t stir.

  She pulled Luther’s limp body closer, fighting to get her arms around his broad, muscled torso. He mumbled something, and relief touched her heart. Then he faded again. Not good.

  With a low growl of effort, she yanked Luther onto her legs, wrapped her arms around him and summoned the same anger she’d felt before, this time channeling it into keep him alive and healthy and here with her. He was dead weight and kept slipping through her grasp.

  He murmured something again and she tried harder, refusing to give up on him, on them.


  Her posture sagged, and she sat there for a few seconds, staring at the white grass beneath them, pain blazing through every inch of her, then closed her eyes.

  “No rest.”

  Those two words forced her wide awake and she looked down at Luther sprawled across her lap, covered in blood and dirt from the battle.


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