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Reckless: Triple R Security, Book 2

Page 9

by Imogen Wells

  “No, Jamie, I don’t know, seeing as you’ve been avoiding me.” Her eyes widen, brows raised. “This is me, Jamie. Talk to me, please.”

  I feel terrible for shutting her out, pushing her away, but I’m not used to having someone to lean on. And to be honest, other than once a few years ago, my life has been pretty easy. No drama. Great childhood. Happily married parents—not anymore but once.

  “I don’t know what you want to hear, other than, I’m sorry for shutting you out. I’ve just been finding it hard to deal with everything that’s happened lately.”

  “I can understand that. But you need to let people help you. Let us help you. And before you even think of saying that I have my own family to look after, that family includes you too. I wouldn’t be where I am now if it wasn’t for you.” I go to stop her. “No. You listen to me, you saved my life, Jamie. And I know you don’t agree, but what happened to you was my fault. So, let’s try this again. How are things with you?”

  I look down at the baby in my arms and feel terrible for dumping my shit on Cam. I know she doesn’t see it like that, and if the roles were reversed, I would want her to tell me what’s going on with her, but it doesn’t stop my guilt.

  When I look back up at her, she’s there watching me watch the baby, head tilted to the side and imploring me with her eyes.

  “I don’t even know where to start with all the shit that’s going on in my life right now,” I tell her, shrugging.

  She tells me to start wherever I want to. So, I tell her about Jasper, and that leads to the mugging. And after that it’s like a domino effect as everything I talk about leads to the next thing in a long list of crap.

  She lets me unload before asking me any questions, and I’m surprised she starts with Jasper.

  “What’s the deal with this Jasper guy? Do you like him?”

  I screw my face up. “I mean he’s alright. An okay shag, I guess. I’ve had worse and way better too.” Cam laughs. “What? Why are you laughing?” I ask, a smile tilting the corners of my mouth.

  “I wasn’t talking about just sex, Jamie.” Shaking her head lightly, and a smile on her face.

  “Yeah, well that’s all I’ve got at the moment. Besides, I don’t plan on seeing him again anyway. He was getting too possessive and relationshipy, and that’s not me.” The baby wriggles in my arms, and I slip my pinkie finger in his open hand, which he grasps tightly.

  “Okay. What about Seb, then?”

  “Pfft. Fuck all. That ship has well and truly sailed after last night. The guy is nothing but a playboy. I mean, how dare he turn up at Rick’s, throw some words around, get his dick wet and slip away. Again,” I state, my tone challenging. I watch Cam as she fidgets, keeping her head down and not meeting my eyes, then she straightens her back and lifts her chin, looking me in the eye.

  “Tell me, how is that any different to what you do?” My eyes narrow on her. “Don’t give me that look. You know I’m right, but what I don’t get is why Seb is any different unless…”

  I drop my head back to the sofa at her words. Damn best friends always know the truth. I let out a huff. “Because he’s a jerk that’s why.” I close my eyes and take a deep breath through my nose.

  “You want to know what I think?” I side-eye her and give a small nod. “Okay, I think you like him. I think he makes you feel things. Things you don’t want to feel, feelings you’ve stopped yourself from having, and that’s why you’re so mad at him. And yourself too, I imagine.” Cam stands to take the baby as he starts fussing. Must be feeding time.

  “Grrrr!” I grit my teeth, jaw clenched. “I hate him, and I don’t like you much either right now.”

  Cam’s laughter rings out as she walks to the kitchen. “Yeah, but you love me more.”

  “It’s not like it matters anyway, the guy is inept at having a relationship. Why would you want to have a relationship when you can have as many girls as you want. Besides, he probably just has to look at a girl and her panties catch fire.”

  “You’re not wrong there. The guy is a girl’s version of a wet dream, but don’t you dare tell him, or Ryder, I said that,” she threatens, pointing an accusing finger at me. We both laugh as the lift pings it’s arrival and my phone rings at the same time.

  I dig my phone out of my bag just as Blue walks in, answering without looking at who’s calling.


  “Miss Morgan,” I recognise Jasper’s voice, but the formality threw me a bit. “It’s Detective Williams.

  “Hey. Er…what I can I do for you?” Cam greets Blue before turning back to me, a questioning look on her face. I mouth to her it’s Jasper, and shrug. I catch the displeasure on Blue’s face at the mention of Jasper and wonder what the deal is there. I didn’t even know he knew who he was.

  I realise I missed what Jasper said. “Urm…sorry. What were you saying?”

  He gives a sigh of exasperation. “I would like for you to come down to the station and give an official statement.”

  “Is that necessary? I already told you everything I know.”

  “Yes. It is necessary, and I’d appreciate it if you could make time today, please.” His voice is firm and brooked no argument.

  Okay, wow. This is where we’re at. “Of course, Detective. I’ll be there within the hour.” Ending the call before he can reply. I shove my phone back in my bag and get up from the sofa.

  “What was that all about?” Cam asks.

  I step forward greeting Blue with a kiss to the cheek. “That was Jasper, or should I say Detective Williams,” I say, rolling my eyes. “Who apparently wants me to come to the station and give an official statement. God knows why. It’s not like I have anything more to add to what I told him last night.”

  “Sounds to me like your brush-off might have bruised his ego,” Cam says, moving in to give me hug, and I take the opportunity to kiss the baby, inhaling that sweet, addictive newborn baby smell once more. He’s not even mine, and I get an instant calming feeling wash over me, so I can only imagine how it feels for Cam.

  “Yeah, maybe. Or maybe he’s just having a shitty day. Seems there is lot of it going around lately. I’ll call later and pop by at the weekend. If that’s okay?”

  “Of course. Be careful and call if you need anything.” Cam’s pointed look tells me she means it and what will happen if I don’t. I’m so happy to see her like this. Relaxed, happy and being an amazing mother. And bossy too. I smile internally at the fact there seems to have been some sort of role reversal here.

  Jasper is waiting for me when I arrive at the station, and immediately leads me to an interview room. There are no pleasantries, just straight into it. We go over everything from last night again, and like I said, there is nothing new for me to tell him.

  His face is hard, and anyone looking in would never know that up until recently we’d been sleeping with each other. Once he’s finished, he thanks me for my time and tells me I’m free to go.

  I stand from the chair, gathering my things and walk to the door. I hear the click of the recording device turning off, and as I reach for the handle, he speaks again.

  “One more thing, Miss Morgan, just a word of advice if I may?” I turn to face him and give him a nod. “May I suggest that you pick your night time companions a little more carefully in the future.”

  I baulk at his words. “Excuse me?” I scowl at him. Who the fuck does he think he is? Realising where I am and exactly who Jasper is, I take a calming breath before answering. “I’m not entirely sure what you mean by that, but it sounded a little like a threat. And just for the record, unless this is in any way related to the mugging, then I don’t see how who I spend my time with is any of your business. Now, if you’re done, then I’ll be leaving.” And I do just that. Storming from the room and out of the station.

  Back at my car, I lean against the door to catch my breath. I’m so mad. Clearly, Jasper has taken my rejection a little harder than I thought. I don’t know if he was referring to himself in
his little speech or someone else, but as I’ve not been with anyone, excluding last night’s lapse in judgement with Seb, I don’t know who he’s talking about.

  Pushing off the car, I reach into my bag for my keys, thankful I had a spare car key and feeling happier now I’ve had my locks changed. As I do, my phone chimes indicating a new message. I get in, then grab my phone. There’s just a number I don’t recognise and normally I wouldn’t even open it, but something has me clicking open.

  My screen fills with a picture, and it takes me several seconds to process what I’m seeing. At first, I don’t recognise where this is, but I sure as fuck recognise the three people in the picture. It’s me and the two guys from the threesome a couple of weeks ago in all our glory, mid fuck. It would be hot if it were anyone else.

  While I’m still dumbstruck, another picture comes through, and this one is even worse. This one is in the room again, and while I’m being taken from behind by Noah, the guy that spoke to Jasper the other week, the other guy, whose name I don’t remember, is laid on his back. At first glance, it appears as though I’m blowing him, but when you look closer, it clearly shows me snorting coke from his stomach. What the actual fuck!

  I might not remember everything from that night, but I sure as hell didn’t do any drugs. I’m no angel and have partaken in my fair share of drugs when I was a teen, but I haven’t touched anything illegal in years.

  Not since that night.

  A night that, even now, has a hold, an impact, on my everyday life.

  Another message comes through, and as I read it my stomach knots, my heart racing when I realise exactly what is being suggested.

  It seems little Miss Morgan isn’t so sweet and innocent after all. I wonder what daddy dearest would make of these photos. I’m also intrigued to know what your place of work would think. I guess we’ll find out soon enough.

  The message is accompanied by another picture, and this one shows an email addressed to my boss at the hospital with all the pictures attached.

  I throw the phone into the seat beside me and start the car. I don’t know what the fuck is going on, but I intend to find out.



  It’s Saturday, and even though, I’ve hidden at home for the last two days, I’m going out. It’s Dana’s birthday, and I’m going to get fucked up and forget about threats from cops and compromising pictures.

  I haven’t told anybody about what Jasper said or the pictures I received, not even Cam when she asked how it went. I did try ringing my dad, in fact I left him several messages, none of which he’s returned. For now, I’m going with ignorance is bliss, burying my head in the sand and hoping it will disappear. A small little part of my sensible side is screaming at me that this is not going away anytime soon, but I’m not listening because I don’t care right now.

  I slip on the emerald-green mini dress, fluff up my hair and apply a thin layer of gloss to my lips. Sitting on the bed, I pull on my suede knee-high boots and finish zipping them up just as a horn beeps outside.

  A flutter of unease passes through me as I exit the car. The last time I was here was with Jasper, and I hope he’s not here tonight. I have enough trouble biting my tongue on any given day, but with a drink inside me, anything goes. I really don’t want to get arrested for assaulting a detective. Brushing my errant thoughts and unease aside, I walk towards the bouncer on the door, bypassing the queue and giving him my name when I reach him.

  Inside, I scan the upper floor looking for Dana, when I don’t see her, I head towards the door that leads upstairs. I’m looking around the dance floor as I go when my eyes land on someone I never expected to see here seated at a booth near the VIP door.

  What the fuck is Seb doing here?

  My mind scrambles with whether to turn and walk away, but before I can decide, he spots me. His eyes harden, boring into me before running his gaze down my body.

  “What are you doing here?” he demands, stepping out of the booth and standing in front of me, effectively blocking my path.

  “Nice to see you too, Seb. I could ask you the same thing.” I keep my voice steady, although it’s the complete opposite to how I feel.

  “You need to leave, Jamie.”

  “The hell I do,” I bark, voice rising alongside my anger. I’m getting majorly pissed at guys thinking they can tell me what the fuck to do.

  “You can’t be here. You need to go, now.”

  Before I can reply, a huge guy, with skin the colour of midnight, walks over asking if there’s a problem. Seb has his back to the new guy and can’t see as he closes his eyes, letting out a sigh.

  “Hey, Tank. No problem.” Keeping his eyes on mine, Seb says, “She was just—”

  “Heading up to the VIP floor to meet some friends,” I interrupt, before lifting the ruffle sleeve of my dress and flashing the neon yellow band that allows access to the VIP area upstairs.

  I don’t say a word to Seb as Tank steps forward and opens the door, wishing me a good evening. But I can’t resist telling Seb to go fuck himself as I stalk past him.

  I put an extra bit of sway in my step as I climb the stairs and about halfway up, I turn to see Seb still watching me. When he sees me looking at him, he steps forward as though to follow me, but the door slams shut. As he doesn’t follow me, I assume he doesn’t have access up here, and I let out a sigh of relief.

  I find Dana and few of the other girls from the hospital in a corner booth on the other side of the floor. I push all thoughts of Seb from my mind, and as I take a seat, I finally take a look around the VIP floor. If I thought downstairs was extravagant, it has nothing on up here.

  The colour theme is continued on this floor, but the furnishings have had a major upgrade. There is no bar so to speak, and the tables are served by waiters or waitresses. And given ours is a guy with next to no clothing and the group of guys in the booth next to us have a girl, also wearing very little clothing, I assume the choice is made based on the gender of your group. How very primitive and derogatory.

  Dana hands me a cocktail, something fancy, that tastes divine. Taking another sip, I look down to the dance floor below, watching the throng of people grinding up on each other. Feeling eyes on me, I search for the reason, and it takes me two seconds to find the culprit. From this position I have a perfect view of the door to the VIP area and Seb.

  I look away when someone calls my name. After that, I keep my eyes up here and refuse to acknowledge him, even though I can feel him watching me several times over the next few hours.

  We drink, and we dance. I don’t engage with any men other than our naked waiter, who more than once tries to catch my eye.

  As the night draws to a close and things start to wind down, I decide to call it a night. After saying my goodbyes to the girls, I chance a look to where Seb was, but he’s not there.

  Happy not to have to see him again, I make my way down the stairs. Pushing through the door, Tank glares at me before offering me a smile that raises the hairs on my arms beneath my sleeve.

  I walk around the dance floor, past the bar, and as I reach the other side, a hard body pushes into me from behind and begins herding me to a door on the right.

  I don’t struggle. There’s no need—yet. I know who it is, and he better know what’s coming his way for accosting me like this.

  Seb shoves the door open and pushes me inside. We’re in the ladies, and there doesn’t appear to be anyone else in here, but Seb checks all the same. Once he’s satisfied we’re alone, he turns to face me.

  “You’re not to come here again,” he tells me, arms crossed over his chest.

  “Are you fucking serious?” I watch his face for any sign that I didn’t just hear what I thought I heard. “Oh my god, you are.” I spin around, pacing the length of the room. Utterly amazed at how he thinks he has any right to tell me I can’t come here again. He snatches my arm, twisting me round to face him again.

  “Whatever you think of me, you need to listen to wha
t I’m telling you.”

  Yanking my arm free, I give him a shove away from me.

  “The fuck I do. I told you once, and now I’m telling you again. Go fuck yourself, Seb. And stay the hell away from me and out of my business. What I do, where I go, who I fuck, has nothing, nada, zero, to do with you.” My voice is low, lethal and venomous. I shove past him to get to the door, tugging it open. And two things happen at once.

  I almost crash into the guy standing in the doorway, and Seb slips an arm around my waist, pulling me back against him. I go to protest, but he gives me a squeeze, a clear warning to shut my mouth.

  “What do we have here?” he asks.

  “Hey, man. I’ve had a hard on for this one all night, couldn’t let her slip away without showing her what she’d be missing out on.”

  The guy looks at me with a vile smirk curling his lip. He looks back to Seb.

  “Yeah, I can see why you’d want to tap that. But I don’t like people fucking whores in my toilets.” I tense, about to rip this guy a new one for calling me a whore, but Seb pinches my side. I bite my lip so hard that I can taste blood. “You wanna fuck, you take it home or outside, not in my club. That clear?”

  “Absolutely. Won’t happen again.”

  “Good. Now, we’ve got that cleared up, this tart is obviously gagging for it, how about you get out of here.” He takes a step forward as one hand reaches out to touch my cheek. I have to dig so fucking deep not to flinch away from him. Stroking his finger down my cheek, to my collarbone, and I couldn’t be more thankful for the high neckline of my dress tonight. “Take her home and fuck her good, and then next time you’re here, you can tell me all about it.” His eyes stay on mine as he says it, then flick up to Seb’s.

  “Absolutely. Cheers, man.”

  With one more look at me, the guy turns and walks away. As soon as he is out of sight, I stamp my foot down on Seb’s, and then get the hell out of there before he recovers.

  I jump in a taxi, giving him Rick’s address. I don’t know what’s going on, but Rick will.


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