Reckless: Triple R Security, Book 2

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Reckless: Triple R Security, Book 2 Page 15

by Imogen Wells

  “Get in the shower, Firefly. Oh, and you might want to try setting number three. I hear it’s a great reliever.” She frowns at me, and then shock splays across her face as she realises what I mean. I leave her with her mouth hanging open.

  My only problem now is the mental image of her pleasuring herself in the shower is almost impossible to get rid of. I tidy my room in a bid to take my mind off Jamie. Naked. In my shower, rubb—Okay, that’s enough. I pull out a t-shirt and joggers for her to wear, laying them on the bed. I hear the shower turn off and contemplate sticking around to see her in a towel with water dripping down her—Nope. I exit the room just as the door to the bathroom opens.

  I pause for a second to adjust myself before heading back downstairs.

  Back in the kitchen things seem to have calmed down somewhat. Rick has made tea and placed a couple of glasses and a bottle of JD on the counter.

  I snatch up a glass and pour myself a large one. “Jamie will be down in a minute.”

  “How long?” Dom asks, voice hard and head down, swishing the amber liquid in his glass. He raises his head when I don’t answer. “How long have you been screwing my daughter?”

  “Dom, I don’t thi—” Rick tries to say, but Dom cuts him off.

  “Answer me!” he demands, slapping a hand down on the seat beside him.

  “I’m not even going to deign your extremely inappropriate question with an answer. And before you can give me that shit about you being her father, yeah, you might be, but that doesn’t make it your damn business. So, back the fuck off, Dominic.” Taking a sip of my JD, I look around the room and realise there’s no sign of Jay. “Where’s Jay gone?”

  “He went to see if he can find anymore out about what happened at Rosco’s tonight. He thinks the whole thing was a set-up to get Jamie on her own. It was good thinking to send Jay after her.”

  “Yeah, didn’t do much good did it? She still got hurt. Emotionally and physically.”

  “And who’s fault is that?” Dom spits out.

  Before I can answer, Jamie’s voice comes from behind me.

  “Not his.” She strides into the room, wearing my clothes and all the blood rushes to my dick. I notice she’s still limping a little as she makes her way to where I’m leaning against the counter. Taking the glass from my hand, she downs it before leaning round me to pour another one as she speaks. “Don’t go blaming others for your mistakes, Dad. You should have told me, warned me, that this could happen. You always have in the past when you’ve had trouble, why not this time?” She takes a mouthful of the drink, and then she hands it to me, but I take the glass and place it on the counter behind me. I know we have an audience, and given the conversation just now, this is probably not a good idea, but I don’t give a fuck. I grab her round the waist, lifting her and placing her on the counter next to the drinks. Jamie lets out a small squeak, but doesn’t say a word, and I see Rick raise a surprised brow before shaking his head, a small smirk on his face.

  Dom on the other hand, looks murderous.

  “Stay there,” I tell her as I walk to a cupboard and take out a first aid kit before walking back to her. I find what I need, then kneel down in front of her and start dressing her foot.

  “Is somebody going to tell me what’s going on?” Nobody speaks. “For fuck’s sake, Dad. What is this all about? You owe me an explanation.”

  I look over my shoulder at Dom, and his eyes are pinned on me as I tend to his daughter. I can see how much he wants to come over here, pull me away and pound the shit out of me, no doubt. But he doesn’t, instead, he starts talking.

  “Shortly before your mum and I separated, a letter arrived at work in my usual daily mail. I’ve had plenty over the years, varying from telling me their life story, finding their birth parents or some scandal they want to expose. This one was no different in that respect, but it wasn’t an easy read. Towards the end of the letter, they started talking about it being time to pay up, to get what they were owed. I just dismissed it and thought no more about it. Then the following month, I received another one. Exactly the same, almost word for word. Then the phone calls started, some were completely silent, others you could hear crying in the background, sometimes screaming. Again, I dismissed them as prank calls. Then about four weeks ago, I received another one. The tone was angry, more aggressive like they were pissed I wasn’t listening. But then they mentioned you and Louise and had enclosed several pictures of you both.”

  Jamie squirms at the mention of pictures, and I know what’s going through her head. I squeeze her foot, and when she looks at me, I give a small shake of my head, letting her know it’s not what she thinks. I pray to god she doesn’t ever have to see the ones of her mum. But I’m starting to understand that Jamie doesn’t let things go easily. In that respect she is like her father, sniffing out a story to be told.

  I see her hesitation to ask about the photos, still fearing they are the ones she was sent.

  “The pictures were of you and your mum, going to work or shopping, that’s all.” I watch the relief on her face. “Whoever this person is they clearly have it out for your dad. And for whatever reason they feel he owes them something and will use you and your mum to get it.”

  “Do you have any idea who they are? What are the police doing about it?” Jamie asks.

  That question sinks like a lead balloon because Dom didn’t want the police involved. The three of us exchange glances, which doesn’t go unnoticed.

  “You have told them, haven’t you?” She looks at her dad, waiting for him to answer, and when he doesn’t, she looks to each of us in turn. “Why?”

  Rick finally answers her. Explaining that her dad didn’t want the police involved because he felt it was just a prank or some chancer hoping to get money from him and didn’t think it was serious.

  “Serious? If what you’re saying is true, then this person is coming after me and Mum. I’ve been mugged, possibly lost my job, not counting the attack tonight and my friend dying to protect me. How can you even think that’s not serious enough to involve the police?” She pauses, then some realisation hits her. “Hold on—”

  Rick cuts across her, reading exactly what she was about to ask. “Your mum is fine, Jamie. I have Scott there.” She breathes a sigh of relief. Dom’s reaction to the news, however, has me guessing Rick didn’t tell him that. Rick obviously sensing the same, turns to Dom and says, “I put him on her after Jamie’s mugging. I wasn’t sure if it was linked but wanted to be sure she was safe in case they were.”

  Dom grunts, but Jamie thanks Rick. “And what about Jasper? He was there when…when Alex was shot.”

  Jay mentioned that Jasper came out of the building after Alex, but when Alex was shot and the gunman turned on them, his only concern was getting Jamie away.

  Rick tells her that we don’t know what happened to Jasper, or if he’s alive or not. I sense that Jamie has reached her emotional capacity for tonight and suggest we continue this in the morning. I know I’m right when I see Jamie swiping at a few tears that slipped free.

  I lift her down from the top, and begin to guide her out of the kitchen, when she stops, turning back to her dad. “Does Mum know about all this?”

  “She knows some of it, yes.”

  “Well, I suggest you tell her everything and fast or I will. Night, Rick.”



  I follow Seb up the stairs in a daze. Numb. My mind is fit to burst with the mind dump that just went down, and my heart? That’s got a giant fucking hole where my friend used to be.

  Alex has been there for me through some of my worst times, and now he’s gone. The fact he died protecting me makes it so much worse. I play the what if game, but at the end of the day it’s pointless. I know, realistically, there isn’t anything I could have done.


  “Huh. Sorry, what were you saying?” Seb comes to stand in front of me, and I’m suddenly aware of where we are. He looks so beautiful right now, a
nd I reach out a hand, running it up his broad chest.

  His hand on my wrist stops me. “Hey. I said, I’m going to have a shower do you want to use the bathroom first?”

  I ignore the fact he stopped my roaming hand. “Well, I’ve had a shower, but I’d be happy to get wet again if you’re joining me.” I step into him, raising my head and running my mouth over his chin. His stubble bristles against the delicate skin of my lips, sending a spark of desire through me. I feel him tense at my touch and know what’s coming before he even says it.

  “Jamie, I didn’t bring you up here to fuck you.”

  I snatch my hand back, stepping away from him. “Your loss.” I spin away from him to hide the hurt his rejection has caused. Rejected twice in one night, I must be losing my touch. There’s a small, rational part, of me that is applauding him for it, but the bigger part is pissed he’s not allowing me my go to method of dealing with my emotions.

  He grabs my arm before I can walk away. “I can fuck you if you want, Jamie. Will it make you feel better? You bet your arse it will.” I scoff at that, but he continues, “Will it stop the pain you’re feeling? Temporarily, yes. But it will still be there after the euphoria subsides, and you’ll still have to face the fact you lost someone. I don’t want to be the crutch you turn to when you need to forget. I wa—”

  “I don’t want to feel. Don’t you understand that?” I try to pull away as I feel tears begin to form, but Seb holds fast to my arm. “Please. Just make it stop for a little while.” I’m begging. Fucking begging. I’ve used sex as a crutch to keep my feelings at bay for so long I don’t think I know how to deal when the one person that’s elicited any feelings in me for years is saying no. Calling me out and forcing me to face the truth.

  He watches me, eyes intense, burning with the gold flecks that are always there when he’s— around me, funnily enough. I see his indecision. See him fighting what he really wants with what he thinks is best for me. What he doesn’t seem to understand, and what I don’t want to admit, is that he is what’s best for me.

  He may bring out everything I never want to feel, or want, but I’m starting to think that’s his purpose. He makes me question myself. Makes me want what I never wanted.

  His nostrils flare as he exhales a deep breath. He lets go of my arm, instead bringing both hands up to cup my face. Pulling me forward, he lowers his head, and kisses me. Another of those kisses full of emotion, soft and gentle, but I feel it to the very tips of my toes. He breaks the kiss and whispers against my lips, “I will give you this, but we do it my way.”

  I have no idea what that means, but I’m willing to take anything he can give me. “Okay.” The word comes out almost silently, breath catching in my throat as Seb runs his thumb over my bottom lip before he leans in with another searing kiss.

  “Strip and get on the bed. I’ll be back in a minute.” His voice is tight, and the rich, deep timbre rumbles through his chest making my core throb with need. He steps away, and I instantly mourn the loss of him as I watch him stride to the bathroom. He pushes the door half closed before I hear the shower running.

  I have the urge to watch him strip down, to see the water running off him, but his last words to me echo in my mind, and the promise of what’s to come has me stripping out of my clothes.

  I’ve just climbed on to the bed, when I hear the shower turn off, and I look up in time to see Seb stroll out of the bathroom in all his naked glory. He’s looking at the floor as he rubs a towel over his head, water glistening on his bronzed skin. The tatts on his muscular arms flex with every movement, and my mouth waters as my eyes travel down to his very erect cock standing proud as he comes to a stop.

  I know he’s watching me too because his cock twitches as I feel his eyes roam over my naked body, laid out, ready and more than willing.

  He stands watching me before dropping the towel to the floor, and as he continues to look my body up and down, I begin to feel self-conscious. I’m not used to having a man watch me so intensely, taking me in so completely. Hooking up with strangers never allowed for any form of intimacy, just the way I like it, but this? This is something new, something out of my comfort zone.

  “Fuck! You’re beautiful.” He steps toward the bed, snatching my ankles and pulling me so my feet hang over the edge. He runs his hands up my thighs, pushing my legs wider, then trailing his fingertips down the inside of each leg. When he reaches my knees, he lifts my legs, placing my feet on the edge of the bed, knees bent. “Put your feet together and drop your knees,” he commands, and I do it without a moment’s hesitation.

  He sucks in a hissed breath as I show myself to him, and I watch as his eyes grow darker. The gold flecks spark as he runs a finger through my wet folds, and my hips buck at his touch. He does it again with his thumb this time, stopping when he reaches my clit. My body hums, holding its breath as I wait for him to circle it, rub it, anything to give even the tiniest relief from the pressure he’s building in me.

  Seb gives the smallest little flick of his thumb before pulling away, and I can’t help the moan that leaves me. I watch as a knowing smile kicks up one side of Seb’s lips.

  I reach a hand down, ready to get myself off, but Seb shoves my hand away.

  “I don’t think so, Firefly. This is mine. Your pleasure is mine to give.” He drops down over the top of me, eyes locked with mine as he says, “You are mine.” I don’t get a second to think about those words as he pushes a finger inside me and steals my lips at the same time. I arch my back, breaking the kiss, and Seb moves his attention to my nipples. Sucking one in, he flicks his tongue over the tip, biting down before releasing it and repeating the action with my other nipple. I grip his hair, holding him there until I can’t take anymore. I rip his mouth away, pulling his head up.

  “Stop teasing and fuck me.” I need him to fuck me because this feels far too much like making love, and I don’t make love. I fuck. Then I leave. But I don’t think it will be so easy this time. I’ve been fooling myself. There’s never been a time when it’s been easy to walk away from him.

  I open my legs, wrapping them around him and digging my heels in his arse. Seb loses his balance, putting his knee on the bed to steady himself, and I take advantage. I push up and roll us so I’m on top. I don’t miss the surprised look on his face. Not wanting to give him the chance to gain the upper hand again, I reach between us and line him up with my entrance then slide down his shaft, relishing the feel of his warm flesh and the cold of his piercing as I take him in down to the base.

  A groan slips from between Seb’s gritted teeth. I lean down, catching his bottom lip and biting down as I begin to ride him. My pace picks up, and I push up, digging my nails into his chest as he begins thrusting up and meeting each of mine.

  My orgasm builds quickly, taking me by surprise as it rushes over me, shattering into an explosion of electricity that skates across my skin and forcing a cry from my lips as I throw my head back.

  As I begin to come down, I’m suddenly lifted in the air and slammed to the mattress.

  “Now it’s my turn, Firefly,” Seb says, sliding out to the tip and in again. The rhythm is slow and deep, hitting that sweet spot on every thrust, and it’s not long before I’m squirming beneath him as I chase my climax.

  Seb brings his lips to mine, slipping his tongue inside as I open on a groan. I close my eyes and give into this overwhelming pleasure Seb is releasing in me. Our tongues tangle as he thrusts in and out, and my core clenches around the thick length of him. I feel him grow bigger as he nears his own release, snapping my head to the side and breaking our kiss as another orgasm obliterates me. Seb trails kisses down my exposed neck, and as he spills inside me his teeth sink into my skin, growling through his clenched jaw. The bite of pain coupled with his own climax, curls my toes, prolonging my own orgasm.

  The room is filled with the sound of our combined panted breaths, and as Seb drops down, he pulls me with him, so I’m practically on top of him again.

  I feel t
he significance of this moment in my very soul, and by god, does it terrify me. It’s what causes my next words.

  “Isn’t this the bit where you leave?”

  Seb pushes the sweat slicked hair from my face before saying, “I normally wait until you’re asleep, but…” I slap his chest as he points to the door. “I’m joking, besides, this is my room, so technically?” he finishes with a shrug. I try to wriggle free from him to do just that, but he tightens his grip. “Hey. You need to stop unless you’re ready for another round?” This time his voice is serious, tone gruff, as he slaps my arse before gripping a handful and holding me tight to him.

  Before I can say or do anything, he grips my head with his other hand, kissing me. I forget all about leaving as his lips meet mine, and I just allow myself to enjoy this moment while it lasts.

  I have no idea what any of this means, or if he’ll still be here when I wake in the morning, but I’m tired of fighting him, tired of being angry, and I just want to sleep. I’ll worry about all the other shit tomorrow.

  When we finally come up for air, Seb wraps me in his arms, and tells me to sleep.

  And I do.



  Sometimes life surprises you, and what you expect or fear is going to happen, doesn’t. But then the fact it didn’t happen scares you even more. That’s how I felt this morning when an incessant buzzing woke me, and there I was still wrapped in Seb’s arms as he snored away behind me.

  After a little jab in Seb’s ribs to wake him when I realised the buzzing was his phone, he kissed my neck while I feigned sleep, but as he rolled over to pick his phone up from the bedside table, he told me I’d pay for that jab as soon as he was done with his call. His voice was husky from sleep, drawing goosebumps to the surface of my skin and had me rubbing my thighs together with the delicious pleasure his threat promised.

  He didn’t disappoint, and now I’m sitting at Rick’s breakfast bar sipping a cup of tea with a delectable soreness all through my body.


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