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Vengeful Prince

Page 22

by Mary E. Twomey

  Salem’s gray eyebrows raise, but to his credit, he doesn’t speak. I think he’s so enthralled that he’s finally allowed to touch Lily’s skin that everything else isn’t quite as important.

  I shove my hands in my pockets. “You were serious about that? It wasn’t the poison addling your brains?”

  “I’ve never been more clearheaded. I’m certain this is the path. With Lilya by your side, I’ll hand down the throne of Drexdenberg in a year’s time. After the way she stood up to me and fought for a people that aren’t even her own, I trust her. And I trust you, Destino. If Lilya agrees to it all, this is the way the future must go.”

  A thrill zips through my spine at the history-making we’re plotting in this quiet space. I can feel the future shifting in the air, molding to the shape our bold fingertips demand. There’s no going back from this.

  Salem lifts a washrag from the nightstand and gently dabs at Lily’s forehead. It’s so strange to watch him with her, moving carefully as if she’s made of thin glass.

  King Ronin’s study of Salem as he’s finally allowed to be this near his love tightens the king’s mouth. He runs his tongue over his teeth, no doubt noticing what Alex and I already know—that Salem is hopelessly in love with Lily.

  The king’s voice has never bothered being gentle with Salem, who isn’t gentle with hardly anybody. But this time, his tone comes out quiet, with the respect given when one has to deliver a harsh truth to a loved one. “The plan of uniting the three territories under one rule only works if Lilya agrees to marry the heir to the shifter throne as well. She would become the princess who would bring everyone together. Eventually when I hand down the throne to Destino, when Alexavier’s father passes on, and your mum dies, Lilya will inherit all three thrones.” King Ronin runs his hand down the front of his shirt, straightening out a wrinkle while he takes a deep breath. “She’ll be queen, and all three territories will fall under her rule.”

  Salem’s legs wobble, and he falls to his knees beside her bed. Though he’s never been one for breaking down in view of witnesses, his lip quivers. “No,” he whispers, lifting her hand so it’s pressed to his cheek. “Ye can’t let this happen!”

  King Ronin lowers his chin, and when Alex gasps in horror, I know I’ve overlooked something important.

  This should be the happiest day of Salem’s life. This is more than he ever could’ve asked for. Marrying Lily, even if he has to share her, should be fantastic news.

  Dread dawns on me, and suddenly I feel sick to my stomach.

  Salem’s not going to be the one to marry her from the shifter territory.

  I always overlook the bloodline because Salem seems so much older. He does more hands-on tasks to look after his people. But the fact remains that Justice is two years older than Salem, and will inherit the throne when their mum passes on someday.

  I need a drink. Maybe several. Though it’s Salem’s heart on the chopping block, it’s mine that feels obliterated. I think that’s the nature of having a friendship that’s tightly knit as ours. “You’re not the heir to the throne,” I say aloud, wincing at the horrible truth in my words. “Your older brother will marry her, if he’s on board with this plan.”

  Agony rips through my best friend while he kneels next to Lily’s bed, his cheek grinding into her limp palm while every muscle in his body tenses.

  Alex shakes his head. “No. We just won’t do it, then. Lily’s not marrying Justice. That’s not doing to work. She hasn’t even agreed to it.” He moves forward and grips Salem’s tensed shoulder. “She didn’t say a word about wanting to marry Justice.”

  King Ronin shakes his head. “That’s not for you to decide. Lilya gets to make the call as to how badly she wants these wars to end. But the truth of the matter is that marrying Salem would not put the three territories under one rule. That’s the end goal, yes?”

  None of us can bring ourselves to nod. “Justice has no interest in uniting the territories,” I point out, sticking to logic, since Alex and Salem are lost in their devastation.

  King Ronin’s eyes focus only on Lily. “Neither did I until you married a fae woman. This is big, and we can’t underplay our hand. Not when real change is on the horizon.” King Ronin reaches out and slides his finger along Lily’s thumb. A flicker of insecurity softens the edges of his usually impassive gaze. “I suppose we’ll have to cross the bridge of her third marriage when we come to it. For now, the plan will carry on as much as we can control it. If there are only two territories united, so be it.”

  Salem turns his chin so he can press a kiss into her palm. His eyes are wet, and the sight is so strange, I can’t stop myself from staring, though I know I should look away. The last time I saw him cry was when the healers gave up trying to bring his mum back from her coma, which was years ago.

  His lips rouse Lily just enough to where recognition lights her eyes. “Prince Salem?”

  Caught in a kiss he’s too afraid to ask for, Salem jerks his lips from her palm and takes the coward’s way out by shifting on the spot. His wolf form isn’t expected to participate in conversation.

  Her hand moves over his fur, stroking him as if he’s her beloved pet. But of course, Salem backs away, unsure what to do with the woman he’s so over the moon in love with. He can barely say two words to her.

  Perhaps he’s not ready to marry the woman of his dreams, but sitting through a ceremony where she’ll marry his brother is a cruelty I didn’t think destiny had it in her to dole out.

  Salem turns and runs, pawing at the door until I pay him the kindness of unlocking it so he can flee from the woman he loves and the fate he fears.


  Red Dress


  My teeth are grinding as I hold on to the bedpost. “This corset is too tight! I’m not immortal, you know. I have to be able to breathe.”

  Lexi chuckles, as if I’m being dramatic, and loosens the stays at my back just enough for me to take in a half-breath. “Is that better, Lily-girl?”

  “A little. I really don’t think it super matters if I look nice. All of Drexdenberg will no doubt be cheering for me to fall to my death. I can’t imagine a slim waist will be the thing that tips it all in my favor.”

  “Now, now. When you marry me, you’ll be in the finest gown Faveda has to offer. Best get used to beauty’s torture.”

  I close my eyes, figuring out how to breathe through my low current of near suffocation. “I can’t. I’m not a Territorial, like you all. I’m from Neutral Territory, where things like beauty don’t matter a stinking bit. This whole thing is coming off.”

  Lexi chuckles. “Whatever you like.” He unties the contraption so I can shimmy it down my hips and kick it to the side.

  My red slip barely covers me, my skin prickling when Lexi presses a kiss to the spot on my spine that rests between my shoulders. “You sent word to your father?”

  Lexi’s voice quiets as he runs his hand down my back. He’s admiring the sheer fabric, and then admiring me—a thing I’m not used to, but I love. “I did just as King Ronin instructed. Sent word home that I’ve found a new bride, and I’ll be bringing her to Faveda soon.”

  “Didn’t tell them who I am?”

  “I told them you’re the love of my life, which is no embellishment. As to who you are, that’s for you to tell people, not anyone else.”

  The corner of my mouth lifts. “I like that. Thank you.”

  He presses a kiss to my shoulder, as if his lips have always belonged there. “In just a minute, I’ll escort you to the balcony where the announcement of your wedding will take place. You won’t be among them on the castle grounds, you’ll be above on the balcony, so they won’t be able to get at you. Salem and I will be there, guarding you and Des to make sure nothing bad happens. If it gets out of hand below, you just take a step back and you’re safe inside the castle once more. No big deal.”

  “You are the worst of all fae liars if you think this will be ‘no big deal.’” Though my eyes are
narrowed at him over my shoulder, his smile doesn’t seem to care about my displeasure.

  I slide the blood red dress over my head and scoot it into place. Lexi’s fingers make quick work of the buttons up the back of the gown while I slide the lace sleeves to the correct spot at the crest of my shoulders. The skirt is long, fitted to my hips before it flows freely to make movement possible. It’s made of shiny satin, and feels like water touching my skin. It would drag on the floor, if not for the heeled shoes that are far too fancy to be seen on my feet. The fitted bodice has boning up the sides, making my torso look longer, and my breasts more pronounced through the heart-shaped low-cut neckline. I recall seeing brides when I was a little girl, and they certainly didn’t wear red. The vampire customs will take some getting used to, as will letting strangers see the top halves of my breasts. I don’t know what to make of that, but when Prince Salem stalks into Des’ room, my arms cross over my bosom, which feels suddenly very naked.

  Prince Salem stops in his tracks, his mouth open and eyes wide with shock that I’ve dared dress up in a vampire wedding gown. It’s clearly meant for vampire women, who have lovely olive skin. I’m so pale, I practically glow, and the dark, sexy color highlights my foreign genetics like a beacon.

  I panic, which pinches my volume into a shout. “Don’t look! This dress is ridiculous.”

  He snaps his eyes shut and turns around, his fists clenching and loosening. His words come out strangled, and I know it’s because he can’t believe how embarrassing I look. “They sent me in here because it’s time. King Ronin already made the announcement tha Des found a lass and married her in secret. They’re waiting to meet ye now.”

  “They, meaning, the entire Drexdenberg territory?” My voice is disconcertingly mousy. I’m not a princess.

  Prince Salem nods, still facing the door.

  Lexi stands in my eyeline and taps his finger under my chin. “You’re captivating. They’re going to fall in love with you, just as we have. May not happen today, but give them time.”

  “Wow, you’re terrible at lying.” I ignore Lexi’s chuckle as I use his arm to lean on, taking measured steps in heels that were never meant to be worn by a barmaid.

  Lexi walks me to the door, which Prince Salem opens, taking the spot behind me while Lexi moves ahead, dropping my arm to lead the way. My knees are shaking, but it’s my hands I’m worried about. They’ll be able to see my hands trembling. They’ll know I’m not enough for Des. I’m not even a true Territorial, since I was kicked out and had to live in Neutral Territory. I’m not a vampire, and this is the sin I know I’ll never be forgiven for.

  When we reach the room that leads to the parapet, Des is on the balcony, talking to the people in a grand voice that’s been groomed from birth for public speaking. I can’t understand him, but whatever he says brings out an indulgent laugh from the masses three stories below.

  I’m supposed to go out beside him, but my feet are frozen in place. Prince Salem pauses by my side, looking anywhere but at me. He knows this is a bad idea, that I’m a bad idea. “You’re supposed to go out there. Des announced ye.”

  “Did he? I…” My chest is jumping unevenly, and I’m not sure I’ll be breathing or upright for much longer.

  Lexi is on the balcony now too, and King Ronin turns to see why I’m not coming when I should.

  “I can’t!” I admit in a squeak, not caring that we’re surrounded by vampire guards who would just as soon murder me before seeing me on their throne. Des’ parents are out there on the far side of the balcony, smiling and waving at the people below, while occasionally glancing over their shoulders to scowl at me, as if I don’t know I don’t belong.

  Trust me, I’m aware.

  Prince Salem postures beside me when the king trots into the room with Benny by his side to see what the holdup is. “Darling, what seems to be the problem?” His eyes comb over my lavender hair with a meticulous air, his smile making him look just like Des. “You’re perfect. A vampire’s bride if ever I saw one. Now all you have to do is stand next to Des out there.”

  “This plan is… Ronin, I…”

  Ronin’s been by my side for the past few weeks, ever since Fiora healed him. In the beginning, he was mostly making sure I wasn’t bothered too much while my body did what it does and got rid of the poison. There had been plenty of questions from him, but Des shielded me from them all, and eventually Ronin calmed enough to be a friend. It’s a strange thing when the King of Drexdenberg brings you soup and flowers. Instead of sequestering himself to his study, he’s taken to bringing his books to wherever I’m at, and setting up a workstation by my side. Even now as I take in his concern, I see the humbled man who held my hand and remained by my bedside until my fever broke. We understand each other a bit better now, so much that he sees the panic rounding my eyes and doesn’t try to pacify me with any more lies that everything will be okay.

  Prince Salem’s whole body tightens when the king cups my chin. “If you want things to change in the world, sometimes you have to break a few rules. They don’t want change. They’re content to wade in the refuse of their bad choices. They will hate you for this, but I’m certain you are strong enough to love them through it. You know this must be done.”

  I swallow hard, trusting this harsh truth rather than a pretty lie. My fingers lift to rest on his wrist. “Then let’s make them miserable.”

  Ronin’s chest puffs, and his mouth twists in… not quite a smile, but something that looks akin to pride. He’s proud of me.

  A dad is proud of me.

  Ronin leans in and kisses my cheek—a thing he started doing last week. He ignores Prince Salem’s low growl. “I adore you, darling.”

  “Tha’s enough,” Salem warns the king. “Adore her from afar, not up close like tha.”

  Benny takes a step forward in his black guard’s suit to remind Prince Salem that Ronin is protected, and should be spoken to with more respect.

  Lexi endures hisses of disapproval as he remains standing beside Des on the balcony, but he grins, as if the whole thing amuses him. He even blows a kiss to the crowd who hates him and all he is.

  I decide to draw comfort from that. If they hate Lexi, I want to be despised too. I want to align myself with whatever team he’s on, because he’s a good man who loves me and believes that there’s hope for peace to reign in the world. I love that. I love him.

  “Ye don’t have to worry,” Prince Salem says once Ronin goes on the balcony to announce me once more. “I’ll be right beside ye. Not an arrow comes for ye tha doesn’t hit me first, aye?”

  I know he doesn’t like for me to touch him. I know I’m revolting to him. But I can’t help it. I reach over and cuff his bicep as he steps forward, aligning my body with his. “Prince Salem?”

  He freezes at my touch. “Aye?”

  I don’t have words, and he doesn’t need them. He meets my eyes, and though we don’t always understand each other, he takes in my fear and grants me a portion of his bravery. I take his courage, his attitude of two middle fingers aimed at the naysayers, and hold them in my heart. They lift my chin and steady my steps as I walk forward on his arm into the unknown.


  Vengeful Prince


  I can barely hear myself think, there are so many boos and angry jeers. I’m a whore, a trickster, a liar. I’ve taken Des into my web of womanly wiles and hoodwinked him with my fae vagina. As if Des is simple enough to be sidetracked with a wink and a smile. My arguments wouldn’t do a single thing, so I keep them tucked in my chest, my chin raised in defiance against all they think I am, and all I will never be.

  I will never be the woman they want to see on their throne.

  But I might just be the woman they need.

  Hatred rises like black clouds of disease up from the earth, hitting my skin in bursts of misery I forbid myself to feel. I am pure optimism and hope for their future. They are filled with anger, which I can understand. I’m brimming with fury that comes f
rom hating a fae person as well. In that, we’re the same.

  I wish I could welcome my new vampire kin with open arms, but honestly, I’ve never been all that great at that kind of thing. I’m a strategy. I’m a player in the grand game, and this is the sacrifice I’ll make. Though, as I look to my right at the man who’s got my arm tucked under his elbow, it hardly feels like I’m giving up much.

  Des is fierce in his stance that I am his choice. Though our marriage started out as a lie, it feels true enough to fight for in this moment. That’s what he’s doing, holding on to me instead of the ideals he was raised with. He’s fighting for a future most will die being too smallminded to grasp. But Des is the biggest of men, with imagination and wisdom to see beyond the now, beyond a reactionary verdict that condemns whole portions of the world.

  Des sees me, who’s been content to hide away in Neutral Territory instead of fight for the possibility that the world might not always be so broken.

  I can barely hear him when he leans closer to me. “Want to make them angry?”

  His eyebrows dance, so I let loose a nervous smile. Man, I love him. “They look so happy now,” I joke.

  Des takes me closer to the edge, touching his hand down on the railing as he uses his other hand to guide my arm up to wrap around his shoulders. The wind blows at just the right moment before his lips find mine. If the world wasn’t devolving to chaos below us, it would’ve been a gorgeous moment, my curls lifting behind me in the breeze while he kisses me like a man who knows how.

  They don’t throw flowers and well-wishes; it’s jeers and boos that rise up from below, swirling in the air to greet us.

  “I love you,” Des admits, his hand on my waist to steady us both.

  “I love you.” And it’s true. Through all the twists and turns, one thing has never been clearer: I do love him.


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