Book Read Free

The One

Page 17

by Holly C. Webb

  “Hello,” Savannah’s voice came through the speaker on the wall.

  “SURPRISE!” Jolie yelled before I had a chance to say a word. “It’s me and Seth. We’re going for burgers and we thought that you might want to come with us.”

  “You want me to come with you to get a burger?” Savannah said, and I could hear the surprise in her voice.

  “YES!” Jolie exclaimed. “Please say you’ll come.”

  “I…okay, I’ll be down in a few minutes,” Savannah replied. I knew she was smiling, and this made me smile too.

  We both walked back to the car to wait for Savannah. Jolie climbed into the back, but I remained on the sidewalk. I leaned up against the car and waited for Savannah to come out of her building.

  I didn’t have long to wait.

  When she stepped out through the door, I was rewarded with the most beautiful smile I had ever seen.

  “Hi,” I said, wishing I could greet her with a kiss. It was hard to pretend that I wasn’t completely and utterly in love with this girl in front of Jolie, but Savannah and I talked before I left her apartment that morning and we both agreed that we would keep our relationship a secret until after Jolie’s birthday party.

  “Hey,” she replied, giving me a smile that said she wished she could kiss me too.

  “You know, you don’t have to do this,” I said, smiling at her. “Jolie just thought....”

  “No, it’s okay,” she replied stopping me mid-sentence, giving me another smile. “Burgers and shakes sound good.”

  I smiled once more; genuinely happy she was coming with us.

  I pulled open the car door for her and gave her a bright smile before she climbed into the passenger side of the car.

  “Hi Savannah!” Jolie said as she leaned forward between the seats, while I climbed into the driver’s side.

  “Hey, Jolie,” Savannah said, turning in her seat to look at my kid sister. “How’s the unpacking going?”

  “Well, it was going okay until Jared bailed on us,” Jolie grumbled, but then added with a smile. “But at least we get to go for burgers and milkshakes without him eating fries.”

  “He bailed on you?” Savannah asked, turning to look at me.

  “He said he said something to do,” I sighed, feeling a little uncomfortable talking about him with Jolie in the car.

  “I see,” Savannah said, but she didn’t comment further. Instead she just sat back into the seat and put on her seat belt before I pulled away from the curb.

  Twenty minutes later, we were pulling into a parking spot outside the diner Jolie and I often came to.

  Jumping out of the car, I hurried around to open the car door for Savannah, then Jolie before we all headed towards the door.

  “There’s a booth over by the window,” Jolie said as we walked into the diner. She bolted ahead, leaving Savannah and me behind.

  “She is full of life today,” Savannah said as she turned to me and gave me a smile.

  “I think she’s happy that you and she still get to be friend despite everything with…” I didn’t finish my comment. I didn’t know why, but it felt strange somehow to talk about Jared now with Savannah. Partially because she was with him, but now she was with me. Also, I knew he was up to something. If I was honest, I knew for a fact now, he’d been sneaking around with some girl behind Savannah’s back while they were together. I wondered if I should tell her about the night before, but there was a tiny part of me felt like it would be disloyal to Jared, which was a little ironic, I guess.

  We all settled into the booth, and I ordered burgers, fries and shakes for the three of us.

  “So,” I said as I looked at Savannah, who was sitting next to Jolie on the far side of the booth. “You never said where you’re from.”

  “I’m from New York,” Savannah said, and I instantly noticed a slight change in her demeanour. I didn’t know what I had said wrong, but I knew I’d struck a nerve.

  “I didn’t know you were from New York,” Jolie said as she turned to look at Savannah, giving her the biggest smile. “That is so cool. I have always wanted to go to New York. Don’t you miss it?”

  “Not really,” Savannah shrugged, as she forced a smile. It was clear that she didn’t like to talk about her past, and I got that. My past wasn’t exactly something I liked to talk about either. “I prefer it here in Pullman.”

  “What about your mom and dad?” Jolie continued, and I wished that for once Jolie didn’t always talk without thinking first. “Do you ever go back there to visit them?”

  “My parents died,” Savannah said without looking at Jolie, and I knew there was more she wasn’t saying.

  “I’m sorry,” Jolie said, as she reached out and took hold of Savannah’s hand.

  An uncomfortable silence fell over us for a moment, until the waitress returned with our food.

  “Hey,” I said, knowing I needed to change the subject quickly. “Do you think I should have a housewarming party in the apartment?”

  “YES!” Jolie exclaimed excitedly. “We could have my birthday party there.”

  “Well,” I replied with a laugh, pleased that Jolie still had no clue about her surprise party. “I don’t think it will be ready in time for your birthday, but nice try.”

  “When’s your birthday?” Savannah asked, and I smiled to myself that she was playing along with my surprise.

  “Thursday,” Jolie replied and gave her a sad smile, and I knew that she was thinking about Mom once more.

  Sylvie had told me before we left the house earlier that morning that Jolie had said she was worried about her Mom turning up because it was her birthday, and that she would make her go home with her.

  I doubted that it would happen. Mom had never remembered Jolie’s or my birthday when we were living with her. I didn’t see any reason why she would change the habit of a lifetime now.

  “Jo,” I said as I reached out and took her hand. “She isn’t going to come back.”

  “You don’t know that,” Jolie said as she looked up at me. “You don’t even know where she is.”

  “You’re right; I don’t know,” I replied, knowing there was no point in lying to her. “But I give you my word that if she does turn up, I will send her back to whatever hole she climbed out of. You have nothing to worry about, I promise.”

  “Okay,” Jolie nodded and smiled once more.

  “Hey,” Savannah said, as she gave me a grin. “I have a great idea. How about on Thursday, I come and collect you, and we head to Callie’s store. She has got some great new stuff in, and we could get you some new outfits for when you start back to school. I know Callie will give us a great discount.”

  “Really?” Jolie asked, as her face instantly lit up with excitement.

  “Yeah!” Savannah replied, and her smile widened. “It could be fun.”

  “OH MY GOD!” Jolie squealed excitedly, as she threw her arms around Savannah’s neck, and hugged her tightly. “Thank you, Sav. That would be amazing.”

  “I guess this means you’re gonna need some money to spend,” I said, with an exaggerated sigh, and Jolie just laughed.

  “Well, maybe a little,” she giggled, as she tried to contain her excitement.

  “Fine!” I laughed and rolled my eyes before I looked at Savannah and gave her a grateful smile for keeping her promise to get Jolie out of Sylvie’s house so we could get it ready for her party.

  When I had mentioned to Sylvie about having a surprise party for Jolie, she insisted, as I knew she would, that we had the party in her house. She said she would bake the cake and sort the food. I was in charge of decorating, drinks and of course inviting people.

  It wasn’t going to be a huge party. Mostly Jared’s family, Savannah, and Callie, and a couple of Jolie’s friends from school. She didn’t really have many friends. She didn’t let many close to her because she found it hard to trust people. I understood that because I kept my circle of friends small for the very same reason.

  It’s why I
was so loyal to Jared. He’d been the only one who’d never judged me or my life when I was a kid, and in some way, I felt like I owed him something.

  Then it occurred to me, maybe Savannah wouldn’t feel comfortable coming to a party at Sylvie’s house. Not now she and Jared had broken up. I hoped that she would still come, at least for Jolie’s sake. I decided I would ask her once we were alone again, and hope that she would agree to still come.

  “What time can we go on Thursday?” Jolie asked as we pulled up outside Sylvie’s house a couple of hours later.

  “I think about four o’clock,” Savannah said, sticking to the plan she and I had made. “Callie said that’s when it’s quietest. Then we can get something to eat once we’re done.”

  “I’m so excited,” Jolie squealed once more, as she leaned forward from the back seat, and hugged Savannah once more. Then she wrapped her arms around my neck and hugged me tightly. “Thanks for letting me do this, Seth. You’re the best big brother in the world.”

  “I’m the luckiest one too,” I replied as I patted her arm and smiled. “Just promise me that you will stop worrying about Mom. She is out of our lives, and she will never hurt you again. I promise.”

  “I promise too,” Jolie whispered as she hugged me tighter.

  When she finally let me go, she climbed from the car and ran up the walkway to Sylvie’s front door. She turned as she reached the front steps and waved back at Savannah and me.

  “She really is such a sweet girl,” Savannah said as we watched Jolie disappear in through the front door.

  “She is,” I replied and smiled, but inside I was still worried about her.

  “Are you worried about your mother turning up?” Savannah asked, instantly picking up on my concerns.

  “Not really,” I shrugged knowing that Mom probably wouldn’t even remember how old Jolie is, much less that it was her birthday. “Mom doesn’t care about anyone but herself. She probably won’t even remember that it’s Jolie’s birthday.”

  “Then what is it?” Savannah asked as she looked over at me, her eyes filled with concern. “What is it that you’re worried about?”

  “There is something Jolie isn’t telling me,” I sighed, finally admitting that something was not right with my sister. “What did my mother say to her that night in the hospital that made her change her mind? Why is she so worried about Mom coming back? Jolie knows if she came back, I would tell her to go to hell. But there is something… She is keeping from me, and I have no idea what that is.”

  Savannah gave me a strange look, and I knew there was something she wasn’t telling me. She knew something about that night, but she wasn’t saying.

  “Has she said something to you about it?” I asked giving Savannah a questioning look.

  She smiled, but quickly dropped her gaze to her hands that were clasped on her lap.

  “Savannah, please,” I begged, knowing that there was something I needed to know about my sister. “If you know something, you need to tell me.”

  “I can’t,” she replied, surprising me as she finally looked up at me. “I really wish I could, but I gave Jolie my word…”

  “But she is just a kid…” I said, feeling a little stunned that Savannah would keep this from me.

  “I know,” she replied, as she reached out and touched my hand. “And if I thought that she was in danger because of this, I would tell you in a heartbeat. But this is her story to tell. I love you, Seth, I really do, but I can’t betray Jolie.”

  “But she won’t tell me,” I sighed, knowing that Savannah was right not to betray Jolie’s confidence.

  “Have you tried talking to her?” Savannah asked as she gave me a sad look.

  “She isn’t ready to tell me,” I sighed, knowing in my heart that she may never be ready to tell me what it was that Mom had said to her. “I don’t know that she will ever tell me the truth.”

  “I think she will,” Savannah replied. “But if it helps, I will talk to her again. I will tell her that she needs to tell you the truth. But, maybe wait till after her birthday. This is something big for her, and I don’t want it to ruin her big day.”

  “Okay,” I replied, giving Savannah’s a grateful smile. I knew she cared about Jolie a great deal, so if it were something that could hurt her right now, or put her in danger in anyway, she would tell me the truth.

  I started the engine and eased the car away from the curb.

  We drove in silence back to Savannah’s apartment, but it was comfortable.

  When I reached her apartment building, I switched off the engine, and turned to face her, finally leaning in to give her the kiss I had been longing to give her all day.

  “I’ve been waiting to do that all day,” I breathed against her lips. “The sooner we can tell people about us, the better.”

  “Do you think that they will understand?” She asked, giving me a worried look. “I don’t want to be the reason you fall out with your family.”

  “I think Jolie will understand,” I replied, giving her a smile. “I think she loves you, and she will understand that I love you too.”

  “But what about Jared and Sylvie?” She sighed, and I could see in her eyes that she hated everything was so complicated.

  “I don’t know,” I replied, but then gave her a smile, before I added. “But as long as I have you and Jolie, nothing else really matters to me. I love you Savannah. I tried not to, but I do. If Jared can’t forgive me for that, then I will just have to respect his decision, but don’t ask me to walk away from you. That is something I could never do.”

  “I love you too,” she whispered before she smiled at me and added. “Do you want to come up?”

  “I thought you would never ask,” I replied with a grin, before I kissed her again.

  We climbed out of the car and headed for her building. As we walked up the steps, I reached for her hand, and held it tightly in mine. She turned and gave me a smile that almost took my breath away.

  I knew right at that moment. There was nothing that would ever change the way I feel about her, and nothing would ever stand in my way of being with her.

  Chapter 17


  The days seemed to drag by until Jolie’s party. I knew part of it was I was excited about surprising Jolie. This would be her first proper birthday party, and I hoped she would be happy that everyone was there for her.

  But part of me was anxious about Savannah and the whole situation with Jared.

  I knew no matter how Jared found out about her and me, he was going to be upset. But I knew it would be better somehow if I told him straight to his face, instead of him finding out on his own. Sure, Jared was going to be upset, he most likely would be mad at me. But in my heart, I believe that we could work through it, and maybe even remain best friends despite everything.

  I’d spent the week sorting out my apartment and running around picking things up for Jolie’s party during the day. At night I was working in the bar. All of this meant I hadn’t gotten to see much of Savannah since Saturday night. I had stopped by her place for a few minutes each day, but I really just wanted to spend some quality time with her.

  And that was just what I had planned to do that night. I’d managed to get that night, and the following night off. Of course, the following night was Jolie’s birthday party. But this night was all about me and Savannah.

  I’d spent the day making sure that my apartment was perfect for my date with Savannah. Ideally, I would have loved to take her to the nicest restaurant in town, but until I’d spoken to Jared, we really couldn’t take the chance.

  Still, I was super excited to spend some time alone with Savannah. I was planning on cooking her the perfect meal, and then spending the perfect night with her.

  I really couldn’t have felt happier.

  The only downside to my whole day was, I finally called Michael Larkfield at The Washington News to tell him I was officially turning down the job at the paper. Sure, I felt disappointed about not taking
the job, but there was so much more in my life to be happy about at that moment, and I knew things would still work out for the best.

  Checking my watch, I saw that Savannah was due any minute. I walked to the table I’d set up in the living room and lit the candles I’d put in the centre of the perfectly set table. Looking down at the table I smiled to myself. I wanted to make this night perfect. I just wanted to make Savannah happy.

  There was a soft tap on the door, and my smiled widened. Finally, she was here. Finally, I would get to spend the night with the girl I loved. Just the two of us, but no one else.

  I hurried to the door, eager to see Savannah, but when I opened the door, my heart almost stopped when I found Jared standing there.

  “Hey, Jared,” I said, trying to seem a little less thrown than I actually was. “I wasn’t expecting you tonight.”

  “I was hoping we could talk,” Jared said, pushing past me, heading into my apartment.

  Fuck! I sighed to myself, as I looked down the hallway before stepping back into my apartment and closed the door behind me.

  “Jared, now isn’t really a good time,” I said as I walked back down the hallway to the living room. “I kind of have someone coming by.”

  “Seth, I fucked up,” Jared said completely ignoring what I’d said. He paced up and down the floor like a wild animal trapped in a cage. “I fucked up big time.”

  “What’s happened?” I asked, for a moment forgetting that Savannah was due any moment, focusing only on my friend. He was in trouble and I could tell from the look on his face that this was huge.

  “I never meant for it to happen,” he blurted out in a rush of words. “I loved Sav, she was who I wanted, but I’m the worlds biggest asshole. When she finds out… She is never going to forgive me. She will never take me back.”

  “Jared,” I said as I walked up to him and took hold of his arms, stopping him from pacing. “What’s happened.”

  “She’s pregnant!” He blurted out, as a sickening knot formed in the pit of my stomach. “She’s pregnant and she wants to keep the baby.”


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