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Love's Valley Duet: (Spark of Love and Lessons in Love)

Page 3

by Haven Rose

  “But they can be cleaned up. If those who made it are willing.” Our eyes meet and we both nod, silently agreeing we are.

  “So, you met him yesterday, huh?” Then it must hit her because she says with confidence, “That’s where you were when I called.” I blush and she pounces. “You said you were at the garage.”

  “I was, technically. He has an apartment above it.”


  “He gave me a pair of clothes to change into and offered to dry mine. He left right after that to get Sparkles, and I snuck out while he was gone.”

  “No wonder he was pissed. The way he looked at you, I have to say, it was a bit scary.”

  “Levi? He’s a big teddy bear.” I giggle at that, telling her how I’d deemed him as such when I first saw him. “He wouldn’t hurt anybody.”

  “Unless they were messing with you. Seems like you’ve got a protector.”

  “I can’t explain it, but when I saw him, when I heard his voice, I was frozen. I know you like to tease me about the romance stories I devour, but that’s what it felt like. Maybe it’s this town. The name itself is whimsical.” CeCe gets quiet, which surprises me as I was ready for her to deny my words as fanciful. My brain wanders and the only reason why pops in my head. “You felt the same when you saw the other man, didn’t you?” Her face flushes pink and I do a little dance, one without any rhythm to it because I don’t have any.

  She shrugs, then admits, “It was as if something just clicked into place.” I nod in agreement, then her tone registers. CeCe doesn’t exactly sound happy about it.

  We quickly get ready and hurry downstairs. Thankfully, it looks as though we arrived in good time as the food is set out minutes later. Choosing a table, I decide to tell her what I think of Levi, hoping she’ll open up about hers. “He’s sweet, Levi, I mean. I’m assuming the man with him is the brother he’s mentioned. He seemed upset we had to walk to town, and pissed at that Jerry guy.”

  “He was an asshole,” she pipes in, then ducks her head when Bea appears. I know she’s hoping the older woman didn’t hear her swear. We’re adults and can talk however we want, but there’s something about Bea that makes you want to be respectful.

  “What brought you two lovely ladies to our town?” Bea asks, sitting at the table with her own plate. I guess CeCe didn’t tell her all this when she checked us in. Taking a quick glance around, I’m surprised not to see more guests. Bea, apparently having an eagle eye, says more are due next week, but it’s just us until then. Nutshelling it, I tell her we’re on the way to Watson Heights to stay with our uncle and aunt for a while. That leads to a question we’d hoped to avoid. “I bet your parents are missing you something fierce. How hard did you have to convince them to let you two take this trip?”

  CeCe’s smile dims, as does mine. “Our mom passed last year and…we aren’t close to our dad,” my sister says diplomatically.

  “Well, now, I’m sorry to hear of your loss. She must’ve been special to have such wonderful daughters,” she informs us, thankfully glossing over the part about our father.

  “How did you meet my Levi and Mason?” Ahh, that’s the name of the man eyeballing my twin.

  “Levi is fixing our SUV. It broke down outside the town limits,” I say.

  “He’s a sweet boy, they both are. Not that I’m biased or anything,” she adds with a laugh. And then I remember she saw her oldest, for he has to be with his take charge attitude, kiss me. Catching my blush, she gives me a secret smile, as if she knows something I don’t. “It seems fate brought you here in her own little way.”

  “More like sabotage,” CeCe mutters and I elbow her.

  “What do you mean, Bea?” I ask, trying to talk over my sister.

  “Our town has a history of helping people find their soulmate,” she explains.

  My book loving heart immediately wants to believe her, but CeCe starts giggling, until Bea looks at her, no trace of teasing on her face. “Oh, sorry, you’re serious,” she apologizes.

  Then Bea goes on, telling of the stories she’d heard her whole life and ending with her own. “Many generations in my family have learned the legend is real, starting with my too many to count great-grandparents.”

  “Your ancestors founded the town?” I want to know, fascinated.

  “Yes, Earl Love was one of the original settlers and knew as soon as he saw Francine she was to be his, and vice versa.”

  “So, it doesn’t just strike on the Love side, but their possible other half, too?” CeCe questions almost hesitantly. She’s scared to hear the answer, which tells me she felt for Mason what I did Levi.

  “Felt that, did you?” Bea asks with a smile. “My boys did as well.” I feel CeCe jerk beside me, or did I bump her when I reacted that way? Hope rises within me as doubt does the same within CeCe. Bea sees my sister’s skepticism, then leans forward and points her left ring finger at her, intentionally, I’m sure. “It’s useless to fight it. Destiny always wins.” At that, I just prop my elbow on the table and lay my head in my palm. Why did she have to use that last word? CeCe is nothing if not competitive. She’ll want to be right even more now. “If you two will excuse me, I have chores to take care of. Enjoy your day.”

  CeCe and I return to our room, her frowning while I’m suddenly all smiles. “You can’t really believe all that crap,” she says once we’re inside and the door is shut. “It’s probably just stuff they tell tourists.”

  “For what purpose?” I ask.

  “Money, of course.”

  “And how does this legend have anything to do with that?”

  “Lonely people would trek from all over just for the possibility of finding someone.”

  “I see,” though I really don’t, but I am hurt. It’s like she’s lumping me into that category. Suddenly needing air, and space, I tell her, “I’m gonna check in with Levi, get an update on our ride. Then we can call Uncle John and Aunt Maggie.”

  “Charlotte,” CeCe says softly.

  “Talk to you later,” I inform her, then grab my purse and cell and walk out.


  Once Mason and I realized they were twins, the walk back to the garage was a lot calmer, not to mention made at a slower pace. He’d reluctantly gone to work, a first for him. I think the only reason he’d finally pulled himself away was that he only needed to set up his room for the coming school year.

  “Knock, knock,” is called out as a fist does just that on the wall.

  “Over here, Dad.”

  “Hey, son. How’s your morning going?” He asks innocently, but the twinkle in his eye and the smirk on his face says differently.

  “You already know, so just get on with it.”

  He outright laughs, and I’m barely able to make out his next words, though I get the gist. “Your mom said you and your brother made asses out of yourself this morning.”

  “Mom exaggerates.” Fools maybe, not asses.

  “So, you and Mason didn’t storm into her place of business, rush upstairs to the guest rooms, and start shouting for a young lady you call Dot?”

  “Do the two of you have to share everything?” I want to know, scrubbing my hand over my face. It’s sweet until information gained that way comes back to haunt you.

  “That’s what love is, Levi.”

  “This is attraction, a connection. Not. The. Legend.” I’m just messing with him because I know for damn sure it is. Proving how well he knows me, Dad calls me out on it, too

  “We both know you’re full of shit.”

  “Yeah,” I concede. Besides, even jokingly denying Charlotte feels wrong. As if she knows we’re discussing her, that I’m thinking about her, Dot appears in the same spot my dad walked through. She steps forward, the overhead light shining on her, and my breath stutters out of me. Dad’s chuckle has me glancing at him for a second before my gaze immediately returns to my woman. “What?”

  “You’re toast. You look at her the way I first did at your mom. Hell, still do.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt. I can come back later.”

  “No!” I shout, then repeat it softer when Dad wisely whispers not to settle down. Taking careful steps toward her, I hold out my hand, pleased as hell when she accepts it. Placing a kiss on her cheek, wanting to do so much more, I turn and pull her against my side. “Charlotte, this is my dad, Luther. Dad, this is Charlotte.”

  “It’s nice to meet you, sir,” she greets him sweetly and I watch as he falls under her spell, just like mom so obviously did. I just know they’re both already mentally referring to her as their daughter and thinking of all the things they’re going to do with the grandkids we’ll give them. “Your wife is a wonderful woman.” And that’s it, the final piece. Compliment his wife or sons and he becomes your best friend for life.

  “Don’t I know it,” he replies. “Please, call me Luther. I hate to meet and run, but duty calls, no matter how many times I change my number,” he teases. “I hope to see you around soon, maybe when we have more time to chat.”

  “I’d like that, si…Luther.” As he leaves, her shyness returns, but the confidence that peeked out a bit yesterday seems more prominent now. “Have you had a chance to look at it yet?” She wants to know.

  “In a hurry?” I ask, trying not to growl.

  “Our uncle and aunt are expecting us. CeCe and I need to let them know what happened so they don’t start to worry.”

  “When are you due to arrive?”

  “Day after tomorrow.” No, she can’t leave, not only so soon but at all. I need time to prove this town’s legend is true.

  “Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the chances of that are unlikely,” I lie, fudging a bit. It would’ve been true if I hadn’t spent last night and early this morning working on it. Going with the truth for the rest, I tell her what I believe took place.

  “Are you saying that rat fink actually did sabotage us?”

  “Unless someone else had a reason to, then he’s my choice for it.” She pulls her phone out and asks the number for our police department. I push it down with my hand and remind her, “There’s no proof he did it, just my suspicion, so there’s nothing they can do.” Though maybe he’ll decide to confess, out of the goodness of his heart, of course, I think as I flex my fist.

  “So, he gets away with it?” Charlotte wants to know, clearly pissed at the thought.

  “I didn’t say that.” I can see her taking in what I’m implying. When an evil smile crosses her face, something quite shocking on such an innocent woman, I feel my cock lengthen and begin to fill the leg of my overalls. Fuck me. She’s such a contradiction. Needing to get myself under control lest I throw her on the hood of a customer’s car and take her, I offer, “How about I show you around in the meantime?” I’ve been moving steadily closer, not stopping until her back hits the wall and I’m pressing her against it. When she moans as I lean forward, I risk laying my head on her shoulder and take a gentle nip of her neck.

  “L-levi, what, what are you doing?” There’s that innocence that makes me want to protect her, but she’s also shifted her pelvis, trying to rub herself on my hard cock. Saint and sinner, angel and devil…she’s all four…she’s everything.

  “Just getting to know you, Dot. Don’t you want that?” I whisper in her ear, trailing my bottom lip along the shell. When she nods in response, I tell her, “Give me the words.”


  “Yes, what?”

  “I want to get to know you, too.” Hot damn, that’s more than I was expecting.

  “Then say you’ll let me be your tour guide, show you how wonderful it is to live in Love’s Valley.” Without letting her answer, I place a soft kiss on her lips, lingering a bit and feeling like a king when she opens for me. I slide the tip of my tongue inside, making sure she’s okay with it before deepening the contact.

  When hers tentatively touches mine, I force myself not to go too fast and am rewarded as it continues into my mouth, licking around as if exploring. Unable to stop myself, I lift her right leg and press up and into her. I want to weep with relief just as my cock is with precum when she moans deep within her throat. It travels through her, flows into me, and I greedily swallow her satisfaction and share my own, only pulling apart when the sound of the bell over the main door jingles. That means a customer is here and needs help. When I hear what sounds like Danny handling it, I make a mental note to give him a raise.

  Staring down at Charlotte’s face, her eyes cloudy with passion, I’m pleased when she licks her lips, as if trying to draw our combined taste in. Knowing I’m in as much of a lust fog as she is, I take her hand and lead her toward my office. Indicating for her to take a seat, I remove my overalls then once more grab her hand and lead her toward the employee bathroom. We keep them separate so customers won’t be subjected to all the grease and oil we tend to collect throughout the day. Using the soap guaranteed to cut through all that, I scrub twice to ensure I get it all, then check her palm to confirm none transferred to her. I shouldn’t have touched her until I’d done this, but I couldn’t resist. It was as if our bodies were being pulled together like magnets, nothing could’ve stopped it from happening.

  “Do you enjoy what you do?” She asks as we head outside following a quick conversation with Danny to let him know I’d be gone the rest of the shift. Being the boss has perks, and this is the first time I’ve used that to my advantage.

  “Yes,” I answer without thought because I truly do. “I’ve always liked tinkering with things, seeing how they work, taking them apart when they don’t to find out why.”

  “You’re kinda young to have your own business, aren’t you?”

  “In bigger cities possibly, but it’s different in small-towns. Communities are tighter knit, willing to help each other. Houses and buildings aren’t as expensive, which means owning one or the other is easier to accomplish.”

  “And your family helping start the town doesn’t hurt,” she says with a smile, letting me know she isn’t being cruel, just stating fact. “CeCe and I may have been talking to your mom over breakfast.”

  “Talking or listening?” I ask with a chuckle, knowing how my mom can be.

  She giggles, letting me know it was a bit of both. “She’s a sweetheart. You’re so lucky to have her,” she adds wistfully, her once passion filled eyes now overcome with sadness.

  “Charlotte?” I question softly.

  As we round the corner of Valley View, our main street, we see her sister and my brother having a heated argument, one that ends abruptly when Mason yanks her close and slams his mouth on hers. Dot and I look at each other, her face showing the same surprise as mine I’m sure, then act as if we didn’t see anything. Laughing, we avert our gaze and begin staring at the other side of the road, making a beeline for the Cozy Café.

  Opening the door for her, I let her go in ahead of me, then throw my arm around her shoulder when I notice some of the single male residents already inside. The legend impacts the Love family and their descendants, as well as their individual soulmates, and no one else. That means while I know she’s mine, and she’s feeling it, too, they aren’t aware of it.

  Glaring at them, they wisely return to staring at their meal or talking to their buddies, and Charlotte and I walk toward the counter and browse the menu. “Whatever you’re thinking of getting, it’ll be good, that’s a promise, but it won’t be as sweet as you.” Blushing, she reaches out and grabs my hand, twining her fingers with mine.

  Ten minutes later, we’re at a table, sitting across from each other as I want to be able to watch her. It’s not stalkery if it’s done with love, pun intended, right? Charlotte ordered a hot chai tea, informing me she loves it regardless of the temperature, and a lemon muffin, another favorite. Me, I have a vanilla cappuccino and chocolate muffin. Hey, I like baked goods and flavored drinks, nothing wrong with that. Neither of us speaks, enjoying the silence and food, until Dot breaks it. “We lost our mom last year. Cancer.”

/>   “I’m so sorry, sweetheart. I can’t imagine how hard that must’ve been, must still be.”

  “It was, is. CeCe and I delayed starting college to spend as much time with Mom as possible. We knew she didn’t have long and didn’t want to waste what we had.”

  “Plus, you wouldn’t have been able to concentrate anyway.” She nods in agreement.

  “How’s your dad taking it? He must’ve hated letting you two go so soon after losing her.” Charlotte laughs, but it’s bitter.

  “He told us to leave.”

  “What?” I yell. “What kind of man does that?” She shrugs, and I add, “Not a real one, I’ll tell you that. Do you want to tell me what happened?” Charlotte does, and I’m ready to add him to my shit list, moving him to first place, and second, third.

  “That’s why you’re going to your uncle and aunt’s,” I state, taking a guess.

  “Yeah. We had nowhere else to go. Aunt Maggie is our mom’s younger sister, closer to your age. She and Uncle John have been together forever and we’ve always envied how he looks at her, as if the day doesn’t start until he sees her. And she’s the same way with him.”

  “Is their relationship, seeing how they are with each other, why you like to read so much?” I want to know, remembering she’d told me she’s a certified bookworm. Charlotte tilts her head, obviously thinking about it, then nods.

  “Might have something to do with it, at least the romance aspect. I’ve always liked books though, and remember Mom reading them to me all the time.” Ahh, that has more to do with it than anything else, there’s no doubt in my mind of that.

  “What are your plans once you get where you’re going?”


  “Always, and I’ll give you the same.”

  “I don’t know, and I don’t think CeCe does either.”


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