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Love's Valley Duet: (Spark of Love and Lessons in Love)

Page 5

by Haven Rose

  “You set the pace, Dot.” And then she grins, showing the vixen she keeps hidden from everyone but me. When her lips touch my chest, and the tip of her tongue scrapes over each nipple, my hands go to her hips and grip them tight. As she continues exploring, I shift her body, feeling my already throbbing dick harden more when she pushes down on me.

  “Stand up,” I demand. As soon as she does, I unbutton her shorts then yank them and her soaked so they’re see-through light blue panties off.

  With a wink, she pointedly looks at my jeans – shorts in the garage are not a good idea –

  and tells me seductively, turning my earlier words back on me, “Your turn.” I have never removed them so fast in my life. I’m tempted to leave my boxers on, my cock peeking above the waistband, but when her cool fingers touch my waist and she pulls them down herself, it takes everything in me not to spill all over my stomach. I’m twenty-eight and have only ever known the feel of my own hand, which means she could probably look at it and it would eagerly show her what it wants to give her.

  “How can it be hard and soft at the same time?” She asks in awe, dragging a nail gently over the glans. I throw my head back, Adam’s apple bobbing as I swallow the almost overwhelming need to beg for her to…Holy fuck, that’s her tongue. And then she moans, as if savoring the taste she finds, and the vibration travels down the head, through the shaft and to the root, then lands in my balls and I feel them tighten with the need to come.

  “Sweetheart,” I plead and she takes pity on me, wrapping her lips around me and sliding me into her mouth. Don’t embarrass yourself, I think, but she has other plans. Her innocence in doing this is obvious, just like mine in having it done, but damn is her enthusiasm fucking turning me on even more. All the times I imagined finding my one, of finally being with her in every way, pales in comparison to the reality.

  Threading my fingers through her hair, I slightly bring her down further, wanting to shout when she takes a bit more of me inside. When she doesn’t stop me or give any indication she doesn’t like it, I repeat the process, moving slowly, halting when she taps my thigh. She does it a second time, like she’s letting me know she’s adjusted to the size, and I do it again. Charlotte isn’t able to take all of it, but with the way she seems to be enjoying it, I have the feeling that inability won’t last long. She begins to drag me in and out, giving a little kiss when she reaches the tip, then engulfing me once more.

  When I can no longer take the torture, the need to feel her on my tongue becoming too much, I say, “Baby, I don’t want to come down your throat,” and reluctantly pull myself out.

  “But I’m having fun,” she says sadly, like I’m taking away her favorite toy. And then she sees my expression, feels as my right hand leaves her hair and slides over her body. She instantly gets closer, allowing me to reach where I want, and find her so wet it begins to gather in my palm the longer I play with her pussy. She starts grinding, trying to get me deeper, but we both know only one thing will make her feel better.

  “You ready for me to claim you?” She nods, bearing down and sending me further inside, my middle finger touching her barrier, then breaking through. Charlotte cries out in pain, and I immediately stop moving and soothe her. “It’s okay. It’ll go away, I promise. Just give it a minute.” Then I begin kissing her cheek, her chin, her nose, anywhere I can touch to draw her focus elsewhere. She collapses beside me and pulls me on top of her, letting me know to continue. “I don’t have any condoms, Dot,” I warn her. “I’ve never needed them, and I knew when I found my other half, I wouldn’t want anything between us. I can pull out if you don’t want me to come inside you.”

  “I want you to. I don’t want anything either.”

  Wanting her to understand I mean every one of my next words, I tip her head so we’re staring directly at each other. “This is forever. Whether we make a baby today, in a month, or next year, it’s you and me from here on out.”

  “I know,” she says without hesitation, then takes my cock in her grasp and lines me up. “Take me, Levi. It’s time to continue your family’s legacy in this generation.” And then I press forward, easily gliding inside and bottoming out. We both groan when I’m fully seated, and she squeezes me internally, showing me how beautifully she’ll be milking my cock soon. And then the time for talking is done, only leaving room for our mutual sounds of pleasure as we fully join our lives together and I spill my seed in her warmth. My woman. My happiness. My future.


  I have never felt as whole as I do when Levi is inside me, like I was born to be his. And, based upon what his family believes and has experienced, I was. After making love, we fell asleep in each other’s arms and he woke me with soft kisses a few hours later, then drew me a bath and let me soak to ease the ache between my legs while he made us dinner. We lingered during the meal, knowing when it was over I’d need to go back to the inn.

  Levi pulls into the parking lot and looks at me. “Can’t you just call and tell her you’re staying with me?” I’d come to a decision during the night, laying there and listening to him breathing, realizing I wanted to fall asleep to that for the rest of my life.

  Giving him a quick peck, knowing if I do more he’ll turn around and go right back to his house, I tell him the truth, which is probably the only way he’ll let me go. “I want to talk to her in person. She deserves to be told face to face I’m not leaving Love’s Valley.”

  That earns me a deep kiss and a growl of approval. “You’re moving in with me. We’ll get married as soon as I can get the license. Will your uncle and aunt come?” Well, he’s apparently happy. I nod to all of them and he sighs, knowing he can’t delay it any longer, then gets out and rushes to my side. “Call me before you go to bed,” he decrees, not even bothering to phrase it as a question. I nod, letting him know I will. One more kiss and I start walking toward the entrance, Levi not releasing my hand until the last minute. I know he wants to go inside with me, but I need to do this on my own.

  “Where have you been?” CeCe asks the second I unlock the door and go in. I’m still pissed at her and want to throw it in her face that I was with Levi and what we were doing, but I won’t use what we shared like that. Then again, I don’t need to say anything, she just somehow knows. “Did you run to him to try and prove me wrong?”

  “Do you think so little of me?” I question, getting the feeling she does.

  “No! Of course not, but of him. You don’t know him.”

  “Neither do you,” I remind her. “But I’m taking the time to while you won’t give him a chance. Why? Is it so impossible to believe he could actually want to spend time with me?”

  “Of course not! You’re one of the best people I know.”

  “Then what’s your problem with him?”

  “We aren’t on the same level as them, Char. We’re basically homeless, have very little to our name, and a dad that kicked us out.”

  I shake my head at her and offer my rebuttals. “You’re the only one looking at it that way. We aren’t homeless, we have a place to stay, we just aren’t there yet. We have each other and did you really want to keep living there after the truth came out?”

  “Do you know what their dad does?” I shrug, having no idea as it never came up, nor did I think to ask. It’s not as if I’m interested in him, and what he does has no bearing on my feelings for Levi. And why does her reaction seem to come from more than concern for me. I don’t get the chance to ask before she continues, answering her own question. “He’s the freaking mayor, Charlotte. The. Mayor. You really think he’ll want his firstborn with…”

  “Someone like me?” I finish for her.

  “I didn’t say that,” she refutes.

  “But it’s what you were thinking, as well as that he’s too good for me.” She doesn’t disagree, just looks at me with something in her expression I can’t decipher. “It seems only you feel that way, sis,” I inform her, emphasizing the last word. If the person who should be close
st to me, my twin making it even more so, doesn’t back me up, does that say more about her or me?

  “I love you and you know that. As your sister,” she stresses the word as well, “it’s my job to protect you,” I start to deny that, but she holds up her hand and adds, “as you do me. I’m just worried you’re going to get hurt.”

  “Why are you so sure I will be?”

  “Why are you so sure you won’t?” She scoffs, asking, “Is it their family legend? That’s just bull and you know it. You can’t possibly believe it’s true. This isn’t one of your books, Char. This is real life, and you and I both know you tend to avoid that as much as possible.” Okay, she has a point there. “Let me guess…He said you were meant to be his. That he’d been waiting for you.” How does she know that? Reading the question on my face, she answers, “They’re just lines, sweetie. Say he does actually feel it, what if it fades next week or next month? What if you’re just each caught up in the moment? Then what? You’re living here, surrounded by his people, his history, and dealing with the fallout all by yourself.” Hating the fact doubts are creeping in and wishing Levi’s arms were around me to keep them from landing, but he’s not, and they are. “Look, I’m not saying to write him off completely, but maybe give it time first, make sure it’s everything you think it is before you take any drastic steps.”

  And then his house flashes before my eyes, his paid for and in good condition car, the fact he has his own business, that his brother is a teacher, his dad is the freaking mayor, and his mom an innkeeper. Hell, this town was named after her family. I’m a motherless girl with a father who never wanted her, kicked out of my childhood home, and can’t afford to pay for college. I was happy getting offered the job at the café and wanted nothing more than for Levi and I to create a child last night. “What should I do?” I mutter, not expecting her to say what she does next.

  She holds up her phone, showing me a text from Uncle John. I’ll be there in five minutes. We’ll load your stuff then go. “I called them while you were gone. He offered to come get us, said we could come back for Sparkles.” CeCe grabs my hand and squeezes it, saying, “I’m gonna go outside and meet him. Everything is already down there. You just need to pack your stuff.” And then she walks out and I’m alone with my thoughts.

  Maybe it’s for the best, I think as I glance around the room, then move to the window and stare at the town I’d begun to think of as home. Could it be I wanted one so badly I latched onto the possibility of it without thinking it through? My heart aches at the idea of leaving and tears fall down my cheeks unheeded, but perhaps, with time apart, Levi will see what CeCe already does and I’m starting to…Meeting him changed my life. I fell in love as soon as I saw him whereas he has a history of family experiences behind him, and has admitted he didn’t think it would ever happen to him. What if he didn’t actually feel what he should have, but simply, for lack of a better word, forced himself to because I was in the right place at the right time? What if it could’ve been anyone else and I just happened to get here first?

  Chapter Four


  June 10th midnight…

  I’ve waited longer than I wanted to, but I had to give her and CeCe time to talk. But as soon as the clock flipped to the next day, I was done. I tried calling and texting while I was at the garage, going back there to work on her vehicle so I was close in case she needed me. When I got home, I dialed her again, only to be transferred to voicemail. Rushing to the inn, I use the key to unlock the front doors, thankful mom gave me, Mason, and dad copies for emergency purposes. And this is one of them. I need to know where my woman is and why she didn’t get in touch with me like she said she would.

  Knocking on their room, I wait, figuring they might be asleep, but start pounding on it when nothing happens and I don’t hear anything coming from inside.

  “Man, keep it down, would ya?” I turn, seeing a guy a couple years older than me poking his head out of the door to the right of Charlotte and CeCe’s.

  “Sorry, I’m just worried about my girl,” I say in apology.

  “The twins? They left around eight-thirty.”


  “Yeah, checked out. Went away. Gone,” he tells me, looking at me in confusion. Join the club. Giving a nod, I thank him then walk downstairs, pulling my phone from my back pocket as I go, scrolling to find the number I want.

  “You better have a good reason for calling me this late,” my brother grumbles.

  “Our women ghosted us.”

  “What the fuck?”

  “I dropped Charlotte off around eight and haven’t heard from her since.”

  “You two fight?”

  “Why would you ask that?”

  “It’s a reasonable question with your grumpy ass.” I’ll give him that with everyone else, but not with her.

  “Everything was fine, great in fact. The only reason I let her leave was so she could talk to her sister. She wanted to tell her in person she was moving in with me, that she wasn’t leaving town.” I hear him groan, and the depth of it lets me know he may have had a hand in whatever caused them to leave. “So help me God, Mason, if she left because of something you said or did to CeCe, I’m gonna beat the shit out of you.”

  “And I’d deserve it.”

  “What. Did. You. Do?” I ask, gritting out each word as I mentally begin to imagine the various ways I could kill him.

  “You know I don’t believe in the legend.”

  “Yes, Mase, everyone does. It goes against the science you adhere to in all things. But you know what, love isn’t logical, and trying to explain it cheapens it. It just is.”

  “I’m beginning to realize that,” he admits quietly.

  “You better hope for your sake you didn’t figure that out too late.”

  “Their ride gone?”

  “No, I finished it late last night, but didn’t get to tell Charlotte it was done.”

  “Bet their uncle or aunt got them. It’s the only explanation.”

  “They live in Watson Heights, right?” He says they do, but neither of us know the uncle’s last name, and their firsts are pretty common, so that doesn’t help much.

  Then my brother snaps his fingers and exclaims, “I’m a dumbass.”

  “We’ve already established that.”

  “Aside from screwing up with Cecilia,” he always uses her full name, said the nickname is for others, “I meant that I know where they are.”

  “How? You tracking her or something?” I ask jokingly, only to have him answer seriously with a yes. “Are you kidding?”

  “I knew Cecilia was a runner, literally and figuratively, so, when I snagged her phone to put my number in, I may have made it to where I could find her if she ever bolted.” His thinking ahead has me ditching the thought of killing him and lessening my ideas to simply maiming him instead. “Come get me and I’ll pull it up.”

  By the time I get to his house, he’s sitting outside on the porch, his usual neat appearance nowhere to be found. His ever-present glasses, as he’s unable to see without them, are askew, his hair is standing up on the right side while the left is flattened to his head, he has pillow creases on his cheeks, different colored shoes on, his shirt is inside out, and he’s wearing pajama bottoms. “You look like a wreck.”

  “Helpful, thanks,” he says with a middle finger in the air. “Only fitting as I wrecked both our lives, dontcha think?”

  “Speak for yourself, asshole. I’m getting Charlotte.”

  “Not standing here yapping you aren’t. We gonna go anytime soon?” Mason is pretty laid-back, but when he reaches a breaking point he turns into an ogre. Snarling and snapping. This time though, I know he’s angry at himself. I’m just a handy target.

  “Feel better?” He growls, and I chuckle for the first time since realizing Charlotte left town. “We’re the beasts, let’s go find our beauties.” Ten minutes later, Mason leading the way, we’re off to do just that. We’d opted to drive separately,
figuring we’d want privacy on the way back. My phone rings and I groan when I see it’s our mom.

  “Are you both there?” She asks. I’m unsure what she’s talking about until I hear Mason’s voice through the speaker answer yes, followed by my own. “Luther, I did it!” Mom shouts, not even bothering to cover the phone and save our eardrums. “Where are you boys? Did you know the girls are gone? You find them and bring them home. I know they’re meant to be for the two of you, so which one of you messed it up?” She doesn’t even give us time to reply before she begins talking to dad again. “What? It could easily be either of them and you know it. We should’ve named our oldest,” that would be me, “Gus, because he’s a grumpy Gus, and the other,” that would be Mason, and I hear him grunt at the label, “Einstein because he relies on his brain, never his heart.”

  “Mom, we’re fixing it, okay?” I let her know, hoping she’ll hang up now.

  “We aren’t supposed to talk and drive, Mom. It’s dark and we should really be concentrating on…”

  And then I hear a click on my end, Mom ending the call, and think to myself, “Mason, sometimes your logical brain comes in handy.” Less than an hour later, we pull onto their street then turn into a driveway about a block down. Soon, we’re striding toward their porch and softly walking up the steps, which makes no sense as we’re probably about to wake everybody up.

  I hear the lock disengage and a woman that has to be their aunt due to the resemblance opens the door. “You must be Levi and Mason,” she says by way of greeting. “We’ve been expecting you. Come on in,” and then she steps back so we can.

  “Ma’am,” my brother and I say, manners having been drilled into us from childhood.

  “Oh please,” she laughs, “given the fact we’re around the same age, I think that’s a bit much, don’t you? Call me Maggie.”


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