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Love's Valley Duet: (Spark of Love and Lessons in Love)

Page 9

by Haven Rose

  CeCe has been hanging around the school, a fact that pleases Mason. When the coach discovered her athletic history, information my brother more than likely helpfully supplied, Coach Tower asked if she’d like to assist. The students took to her from the first introduction and are always seeking her out for advice or tips. Her being closer to their age, and a woman, has them all seeing her as more of a big sister. Neither have made a decision yet regarding college, not that they’ve shared at least. Mason and I aren’t worried – much – about what they’ll choose, but if our hearts tighten up a bit when people mention it, that’s natural, right? And if not, what do you know? Our futures are tied up in these women and we almost lost them once before, Mason and I wouldn’t survive a second, not even a scare.

  As cake and ice cream is passed around, Dot and CeCe look at each other, then walk to our sides. I sigh as Charlotte’s arms wrap around me and she lays her head against my chest, too focused on her to see if my brother and her sister are in a similar position, though I’m sure they are. Silence descends as we eat, so the sound of a throat clearing is obvious. Showing how far she’s come, though her cheeks still pinken when everyone focuses on her, Dot begins speaking, her voice clear and confident.

  “CeCe and I want to thank all of you for making this day special for us. We stumbled upon this town on a journey to our family,” she glances at their uncle and aunt who made the trip for the party with love, “only to discover another one.” She grabs my arm where it’s holding her to me and gives me such a beautiful smile my heart melts. “Levi basically threw me on his shoulder and declared me his,” the audience laughs, then does so harder when I admit she isn’t far off, “and it was the start of something I never knew I could have.”

  “This town,” CeCe piped in, taking over for her sister, “took us in without any hesitation and made us your own. For two girls without a mom and a father that didn’t want us…” she trails off and Mason kisses the top of her head, giving her his unwavering support and affection, “it was a dream come true. We found where we belong and we know it wasn’t by chance or accident, but fate leading us here.”

  “We love you,” my mom says, sincerely and simply, as if that explains everything. Dot and CeCe seem to think it does and return the sentiment.

  “You’re family,” my dad informs them, then adds, subtlety not his strong suit, “Also, don’t forget as mayor, I can perform ceremonies.” When mom nudges him with her elbow, we hear him mutter, “oomph,” but she also gives him a kiss on the cheek for bringing it up.

  Charlotte chimes back in, adding, “We know there’s been questions regarding what we’ll do going forward, and, honestly, we didn’t know ourselves for so long, so we couldn’t tell you. However, that’s changed. I’ve decided to take business management through online courses, though I may need to attend some at the campus near Uncle John and Aunt Maggie.”

  Penny hollers, “Then you can take over so I can retire,” then pats her hair. “I want to travel while I can still enjoy some of the local talent,” she informs us, wagging her eyes and making us all laugh.

  Everyone turns to CeCe, awaiting her announcement. “I’m going to enroll and work toward a bachelor’s in sports science.” She squeaks when Mason’s grip on her tightens, then rubs his arm as if soothing him. “I can do online classes like Charlotte, and attend on campus as needed. We both looked into financial aid and were approved for it.” Hugs and cheers go up, and my mouth takes Dot’s once I finally pull her from the crowd and get her alone, taking her to my old bedroom as my parents offered to host the celebration.

  Breathless, I lean down and rest my forehead on hers. “I can’t wait to call you my wife.”

  She closes the distance between us and gives me a quick peck, then suggests, “How about next weekend?”

  “This weekend?” I ask, purposefully misunderstanding her.

  Dot giggles, “I’d marry you today, but your mom and my aunt would be disappointed. Having it so soon is already pushing it with them.”

  Sighing because she’s right, I remind myself she falls asleep in my arms every night and wakes in them each morning. As long as I have her in our bed, our home, I can wait…maybe.


  “When are you marrying me?” I ask Cecilia as I take her by the hand and lead her into my childhood room, shutting the door and backing her against it.

  “Next weekend,” she tells me, calming my need to possess her in every way possible.

  “Okay then,” I say.

  “Charlotte and I were thinking a double wedding.”

  “As long as you and I walk out of there as husband and wife, the whole damn town can be there, too.” Picking her up, her legs instinctively encircle my waist and she rubs her center against my rapidly hardening dick. Must not take her at my parents’. Don’t do it. People will probably start looking for us soon. And then she whispers in my ear and I’m helpless to do anything but obey. Setting her on her feet, I groan as she drops to her knees, licking her lips as she stares directly into my eyes. Cecilia unzips my shorts, leaving them buttoned, then reaches under the waistband of my boxers and pulls me out. “Take me into your mouth,” I demand, already close to coming. Just the thought of her gets me hot, but when she tells me she wants to taste me, I’m worried I’ll embarrass myself.

  “Yes, soon-to-be-husband,” she replies with a wink before doing it. She sucks me in, both of us having discovered hard and fast makes me crazy with need. “Do it.” Knowing what she means, I bunch her hair in my fist, holding it at the back of her head and use it to push her down, her teeth lightly grazing my length when she does the reverse, over and over until I shout as I come down her throat. Helping her stand, she kisses me, my taste still on her tongue. “Thank you for not giving up on me.” Likewise, baby, likewise.

  Epilogue Two - Charlotte

  Ten years after meeting…

  “Kids,” I call out, referring to mine and Levi’s as well as Mason and CeCe’s, “we need to get going.” The sound of numerous feet pound above me as five children leave the playroom and make their way toward me. Levi and I have three – nine-year-old Moses who is the spitting image of his dad, and seven-year-old twins, Talia and Emily, the latter being after my mom.

  My sister arrives as her two make their entrance, her baby belly entering the room before she does. She’s ready to pop, at least you’d think so by the size of her. But she’s only six months, it just so happens she’s carrying twin boys.

  Her oldest, Noah, is also nine, and the youngest, though not for much longer, is Ann, our mom’s middle name, at five. “Mommy,” is almost shouted, as if she’s been gone days instead of a couple hours. Some of her old students wanted to take her out for breakfast and I’d eagerly offered to watch my nephew and niece so she could. Not only would she do the same for me, but if my children aren’t here, they’re at her and Uncle Mason’s, and vice versa.

  “Good timing,” I tell her. It’s only nine-thirty, so we have plenty of time, but I know we all want to get their early.

  “Like I’d miss this,” she says, throwing me a mock glare. This being the ceremony to officially make Mason the Mayor of Love’s Valley. His dad was ready to step down and Mason had reached the point he was prepared to take it on. And he won. CeCe took to helping run his election like she’d been doing it her whole life. Looking at her kids and mine, she tells them to go clean up, then gives me a big hug, though her advanced pregnancy makes doing so difficult.

  Twenty minutes later, we’re loaded in the cars – me and my three in ours, CeCe and her two in theirs – and we make the short drive to Town Hall. We head to the garage to see Levi, the kids love visiting him there, and CeCe takes Noah and Ann to see their dad.

  “Daddy,” is still being said as they dance around him in a circle, well, the girls do, Moses stands there and looks around, taking in the various vehicles and employees working on them. He’s already informed us he wants to take over the business, news that had Levi smiling for weeks afterwar
d. Talia is a mix of both of us, interested in cars, but hers runs more toward designing them, and she has the numerous model kits to prove it, some she’s pieced together, making her own creations. Emily, on the other hand, is completely her own person, her hobbies being independent from any of ours. She’s fascinated by medicine and hopes to one day cure cancer. CeCe and I have told our children about their grandma, so they know she was sick and passed away. Emily feels everything so deeply and had numerous questions, ones her dad and I tried to answer honestly, without scaring her at the same time.

  Walking toward my husband, who has only gotten sexier with every passing day, even with the love handles around his waist, I smile when I hear him draw in a deep breath at just the sight of me. Marriage and parenthood have been wonderful. That’s not to say he and I don’t have disagreements as every couple does, but we work through them, knowing nothing is more important than the life we share.

  He gives me a hard kiss, taking a nip of my bottom lip before letting me go, and I grab his shirt and pull him back to me. Putting my mouth at his ear, I give it my own nibble and whisper, “The kids are staying with your parents tonight.”


  I have never been prouder than in this moment as I watch my husband take the oath of office and vow to uphold it. His voice is steady, as is his hand as he shakes his dad’s, and those standing up there with them.

  “Yay, daddy!” Noah shouts, giving a fist pump and I can see the smile on Mason’s face from here. Me and the kids are his world, and he didn’t take this position on lightly. There were many discussions between he and I, and then he and Noah and Ann, before he agreed to run. He made sure they both know whatever happens, he’d always make time for them and me, and any future children we have. Not that any of us are worried, Mason spends every free second he can with us, and some that aren’t, rearranging his schedule if anything interferes with being with us or attending a school event. He’s…amazing.

  The emotional struggles he and I dealt with when we first met faded long ago, never to arise again. Our relationship is standing tall on a solid foundation, one that will not falter or crack and will remain until we draw our last breaths, and past then, continuing through our children, grandchildren, and so on.

  Wiping my eyes as he credits me, calling me his everything and our children his greatest accomplishment, he is pronounced Mayor Mason Garrick to thunderous applause, the whole town taking time out of their days to witness this.

  An hour later, congratulations have been given by all in attendance and refreshments, courtesy of the Cozy Café, which Charlotte did eventually become a partner of and now runs while Penny travels, have been enjoyed. Mason takes me inside his new office, our children spending the rest of the day with his parents and their cousins, and locks the door.

  “What do we have here, Mr. Mayor? Are you trying to gain favor with one of your constituents?” I ask, slipping out of my shoes and sauntering toward him.

  “Do I need to?” He asks with a smirk, knowing full well I’m a goner for him. I shake my head no, stopping as my chest bumps into his and the top of my head is nestled under his chin.

  “How persuasive can you be?” Very it seems as my dress is soon bunched around my waist and his mouth is on my pussy. He licks me to two orgasms, his hands on my ass the only reason I’m still standing.

  “Tonight,” he says, his eyes full of heat, “you’re mine.”

  “I always am,” I tell him, sincerely. “You own every inch of my heart, body, and soul.”

  “And you have mine,” he replies, fixing my clothing and rubbing my belly. Our sons kick, as if knowing their daddy has them. We walk out hand in hand and head to our car, anticipating what the rest of the day, life, has in store for us.

  The reason my sister and I first took that journey a decade ago may have been due to painful circumstances, but it’s hard not to look back and see it as a blessing in disguise. We left behind the place we didn’t belong only to find where we did.

  Be sure to look for more collaborations from this duo starting in 2020.

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  About the Author - Haven Rose

  Haven Rose spends her days high atop the world in a tower overlooking a beautiful meadow, waiting for her prince to find her. No? That's a different story? Okay. In real life, the author, who prefers to remain a mystery, met her true love at a very young age and the two have been enjoying their lives together ever since. Has it had its ups and downs? Yes, but their love for one another has endured it all and only grown stronger. He is the foundation upon which her Heroes are created. She knows things can never be perfect in a relationship, at least not outside of books, which is why the pen name of Haven Rose was created, allowing readers, such as herself, to escape into a world where problems are easily solved, love is instant and true, and the story is always safe.

  You can email the author, if you’d like, at Haven has created a Facebook page for those interested in connecting with her or for updates on current works in progress and future books. That link is - You can also follow her author page or on BookBub ( While she does not currently have a website, she has created a closed reader group on Facebook. If you’re interested in becoming a member, please visit The Rose Garden at

  Thank you for taking the time to meet these two couples, and those near and dear to them.

  More by Haven Rose

  A Tangled Web Series

  Grave Secrets (

  Lethal Memories (

  Final Truth (

  Love Found (Spring/Summer 2019)

  Holidays in Jasper Series

  Trick or Treat (

  Thankfully Yours (

  Marry New Year (

  From the Heart (

  Shamrocked (

  His Firecracker (July 2019)

  Summer’s End (September 2019)

  Matter of Hart Series

  That Day (

  Getting Lucky (

  Love’s Draw (Spring 2019)

  Something’s Brewing (2019)

  Made to Order (TBD)

  Full Circle (TBD)

  Giving Chase (TBD)

  Deep Desires (TBD)

  The Perfect Position (TBD)

  By Design (TBD)

  Future Series (with more planned):

  Aftereffects Series

  Deadly Acts (TBD)

  Deadly Intentions (TBD)

  Deadly Hope (TBD)

  Change of Plans Series (co-written with May Gordon)

  Titles to be Decided (2020)

  City of Angelis Trilogy (subject to change)

  Titles to be Decided

  Coming Home Series

  Titles to be Decided

  Danger Duet

  Cuts Like a Knife (TBD)

  The Key to His Heart (TBD)

  Love’s Valley Duet (co-written with May Gordon)

  Spark of Love and Lesson in Love (August 2019)

  Perilous Love Series (subject to change)

  Running from Peril (TBD)

  Hidden Peril (TBD)

  Triple Peril (TBD)

  Saints & Sinners MC Series

  Dangerous Curves (TBD)

  Other Titles to be Decided

  Shadow Men Series

  Titles to be Decided

  Stone Siblings Series

in Stone (TBD)

  A Fresh Slate (TBD)

  Other Titles to be Decided

  The Four Seasons Series

  Titles to be Decided

  Weathering the Storm Series

  My Sunshine (TBD)

  A Touch of Frost (TBD)

  Other Titles to be Decided


  Pieces of You (

  Upcoming Standalones

  Collateral Damage (Summer 2019)

  Final Countdown (TBD)

  Pardon Me (TBD)

  The Hopeful Heart (Forever Safe – July 2019)

  About the Author - May Gordon

  May Gordon, bringing you sweet, sexy, and safe reads! Happily ever afters guaranteed! This author writes what she likes to read. That means there will be instalove, OTT Heroes, and, brace yourselves, virgin characters at times. If none of those float your boat, you might want to find another book. If they do, you’re in the right place.

  Subscribe to her newsletter at or on FB at

  All of the following are currently available on KU and may be found on her Amazon author page at -

  Second Chances

  Prisoners of Love (Second Chances #1)

  Road to Redemptions (Second Chances #2)


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