by Jessica Marx

  Since I already told everyone I’ll be working in my classroom, I decide to do just that with my free time. I might as well get a little bit ahead. We spent all of last week covering civil rights. From the looks of some of these quiz grades, I could have been talking about watching paint dry. I expect some bad grades, but nothing gets to me more than the sense of entitlement some of these students have. Some students think that if they play sports or have a ‘notable’ parent, I should just give them a passing grade. Sorry, not in my classroom.

  I’m sure I’ll hear all about it from them when I give these tests back. Hopefully, my students will look back one day and realize I’m doing them a favor by making them actually do the work. If not, maybe the rest of society will.

  Chapter 5


  I completely understand the things that are expected of me as a professional athlete. Training, practice, devotion - that makes sense. I just don’t get how what I do when I’m off the field is anyone else’s business.

  So what if I like spending the little free time I have partying and getting pussy? It has never effected my performance. I never drink the night before a game. I’m also sure to always limit myself the nights before practices too. It’s the same routine I’ve had since high school. Except now, I’m a whole lot more popular, so everyone is watching and judging my every move.

  If you ask me, I would say they’re jealous. Being on a football team is a blessing. It gave me automatic popularity status in high school and college and got me plenty of girls. Being the star quarterback was only a bonus - a big one. I was always well known and recognized wherever I went - even before going pro. It’s just on a much bigger scale now.

  In high school, girls would swoon over me. They crowded my locker and vied for the chance to be my date on the weekend. I had my pick of cheerleaders too. Going out with the most popular guy at school did wonders for their social status. They also got to spend a night with me, which has proven to be a gift in and of itself.

  In college, the football team lived together for the most part. We lived on one floor in the dorms and off campus, several of the guys on the team shared a house. The football team was like it’s own fraternity.

  Once the jersey chasers - the girls that want to fuck any and all of the football players - knew where we lived and where the parties were, they were never far behind. The walk of shame in our house was more like a parade.

  Now that I’m playing for the Arizona Rattlers, I can’t say too much has changed. We practice longer, the stadiums are bigger, the parties are wilder, and the available women are infinite. Any pro ball player can get laid - any of them. It’s crazy how women will throw themselves at you just because of who you are and what you do.

  It’s not just my status that’s a draw though. In addition to my skills on the field, I’m now also known for my skills in the sheets - as well as the size of the ‘rattler’ in my pants. Let’s face it, I’m also pretty easy on the eyes. Add some great hair and a smile that can drop almost any pair of panties, and no woman can resist.

  None except for Sydney.

  Sydney who wouldn’t tell me her name. Sydney who I had to casually ask around if anyone knew who she was. Sydney who I haven’t been able to get off my mind since she fell into my arms.

  Shit. I’ve been with countless women in my life. The majority of them were beautiful with bodies near perfection. Something about Sydney makes her different. She’s curvy in all the right places. Seeing her that night; her dark, wavy, mane of hair hung loose across her shoulders like she didn’t bother to style it. I didn’t notice too much make up either. She was just naturally pretty - and she wanted nothing to do with me. That must have something to do with my being drawn to her too.

  But who doesn’t love a challenge? Fighting for the win is what I do for a living. It’s what drives me. Now I have a chance to do it off the field too - that is if I can find her. The only information I got was her name. I feel like I know her somehow, but how could I forget a girl like that? I’m confident our paths will cross again. This is a small town, we’re bound to run into each other at some point - hopefully soon. I can only jerk off so many times to that face until I’m going to have to bust a nut all over it.

  At least it’s something to keep me going for a while. Coming back to my home town was not something I ever dreamed of doing. Then again, I’m not doing this by choice.

  Because ‘the image I am portraying to the public is not one that is deemed acceptable’ according to my coach, my agent was requested to hire an image consultant to help me. Coach Taylor knew what he was getting into when I was picked for the Rattlers. I don’t know what made him think I would change. It’s not like I’m the only one on the team who parties like a rock star - I just get the most publicity.

  In an attempt to clean up my image and improve my reputation, coach Taylor and Aaron Silvers, my agent, joined forces with Nadia Tate. Nadia is well known in her field and has worked with many of the stars in her career. She’s a force to be reckoned with and doesn’t take kindly to anyone that doesn’t heed her advice. In her token skin tight black dresses and suits, she looks more like a dominatrix, which may be why everyone shuts up and listens to her. She’s good at what she does. That’s how I wound up back here in Mesquite.

  The first thing Nadia did was make me take my partying down a notch. She made it a point to show up at every event and keep me under control. When she couldn’t control me, she supervised those around me, making sure nothing I was doing would be seen on the internet. No phone snapping an inappropriate picture of me was safe from an ‘accident’ when Nadia was in the room.

  It was her brilliant idea that landed me here in Mesquite to coach high school football. Well, that and I think this is her sadistic way of punishing me. I’m also pretty sure Nadia wants to get in my pants. She looks at me like she does. She gets a little too close to me sometimes too. It would be completely unprofessional of her though - and that’s definitely not her style. Maybe she’s punishing herself too by making me stay here.

  Mesquite is close enough to where my own team practices. Unfortunately for me, our schedules work so that I can attend my own practices, games, and meetings, but still be here to coach the high school team. I’ll be missing a couple of their games when I’m away for my own, but otherwise everything falls right into place. I couldn’t be happier. At least that’s what I have to tell the press - and myself, so I can make it through the season.

  Too bad this town is so small. It means every move I make will be seen by someone and word will get around. Even if Nadia’s not there, she will know everything. That’s probably part of Nadia’s chain of thought also. She’s forcing me to back down. She’s taking away most of my chances to fuck up. In other words, she’s doing exactly what she was hired for.

  Chapter 6


  Almost two weeks since the big welcoming parties and I haven’t heard anything about Jaxson other than how wonderful he is. The boys on the team admire him, and from what I hear, he is a great coach and mentor to them. Without Jaxson’s name all over the local news for his party stunts, they only know him as their coach and the famous football player that came to rescue them from their slump. What a hero - not.

  My class’s quiz grades this week aren’t any different than the last. The questions weren’t difficult, and most of the class did okay. At least I know it’s not my teaching skills. If it was me, the majority would be failing. It’s the same students as always that just don’t seem to care. It’s such a shame. What’s even more upsetting, is that most of them aren’t bothered by poor grades. There are only a couple who seemed disappointed or surprised.

  “Ms. Hayes?”

  I turn when I hear my name. Shit. What does he want?


  Jaxson’s eyes light up and his lips curl into that crooked smile, “holy shit. I remember you.”

  A self satisfied grin appears on my face. Does this egotistical jerk finally remember me
? I followed him around for years - he should.

  “Sydney. I’ve been waiting forever to run into you again. I’ve been thinking of you since we met at the bar.”

  My heart sinks a little bit when I realize he still has no idea that we knew each other in high school. I don’t know why I even care.

  “I’m sure you have,” I reply sarcastically.

  “I may be a lot of things, but I am not a liar.”

  I roll my eyes, “I don’t know about that, but I will agree that you’re a lot of things.”

  Jaxson steps through the doorway and walks over to my desk. His large frame towers over me as I sit at my desk. I contemplate standing up, but I don’t think it would matter.

  “I like this whole porn star teacher thing you have going on,” he comments giving me a once over.

  “Excuse me?”

  “You know, when porn stars dress like teachers?”

  “Actually, I don’t know.”

  “Crazy, because you nailed it.”

  I roll my eyes again and suddenly feel uncomfortable. I shouldn’t. I’ve been wearing my hair in the same loose bun with a similar outfit since I became a teacher. No one has ever made a comment like that. I can’t let this prick make me feel awkward just because he has a dirty mind.

  “Is there a reason you’re here? I’m busy,” I reply, ignoring his remarks.

  Jaxson looks like he forgot what he’s doing in my classroom. He stands there for a few seconds trying to remember. Maybe it’s not that I was invisible to him in school. Maybe all the hits he took to the head messed with his ability to recall information.

  “There is a player on our team that seems to be failing your class,” he replies, suddenly calling to mind why he’s standing here.

  “That doesn’t surprise me.”

  He clicks his tongue, “he’s one of the best players and has a real chance of making the pros one day.”

  “That’s great,” I say impatiently.

  Jaxson looks frustrated, “if he doesn’t pass all of his classes, he can’t play. If he can’t play, he won’t be scouted. If he’s not noticed, he will be stuck in this shithole of a town forever.”

  “Well, if he wants to pass his classes, I would recommend paying attention - maybe even studying,” I reply equally as frustrated, “and as for getting stuck in this shithole? Some of us actually choose to stay here because we like it. Are we done here?”

  “You’re from Mesquite?”

  “Born and raised.”

  “How did I never notice you before?”

  “Because you were too focussed on yourself. Seriously, are we done here?”

  Jasxon shakes his head as if to get him back on topic. It’s kind of cute the way he does it. Too bad I can’t stand him.

  “We’re not done yet. I need Mikey to pass this class. Mikey Simms - do you know him?”

  “Of course I know him. Great kid. Terrible grades.”

  “He’s also a football star. He needs a better grade in this class. Can you help him?”

  “My extra help hours are always posted. He has never come in. You can encourage him to do so and I’m sure that would help.”

  “Come on, babe. There has to be something more you can do.”

  “Babe? Really? That look and a little begging may work on other women, but it’s not going to work with me - especially when it comes to changing grades. If Mikey wants a better grade, he’s going to have to earn it.”

  “What look?”

  I look up at Jaxson incredulously. He was making a look. I know he was. He looked at me the same way at the bar.

  “Fine,” he concedes, “I’ll tutor him.”

  I laugh, “perfect. The blind leading the blind. I thought you wanted to help him.”

  “You’re assuming I don’t know anything about social studies, Ms. Hayes,” Jaxson says, accompanied by a sly smile, “you know what they say about making assumptions, don’t you?”

  “I do. This is more of an educated guess. I was one of your classmates. I know most of the jocks didn’t earn their good grades - they were handed to them. It’s a practice I don’t use in my classroom.”

  “So, you think I’m a dumb jock.”

  “Now who’s making the assumptions?”

  “It’s more of an educated guess,” he says, mocking me. His lips purse together like he’s thinking. It’s something else I would find cute about him - if I was into him. “How about we make a friendly wager then?”

  “A bet?”

  “Yes, a bet.”

  I’m intrigued, but I don’t want to totally play into his hand. I remain silent. He goes on, “I will tutor Mikey. If he earns an ‘A’ on the next test, you will go on a date with me.”

  “And if he doesn’t?”

  “I won’t bother you anymore.”

  “Bother me in general - or just about Mikey?”

  His lips curl up again, “about Mikey. You’re going to go out with me at some point anyway, so ‘in general’ is a little extreme.”

  “You seem very sure of yourself.”

  “I am.”

  I think about his offer for a minute. If Jaxson can really help Mikey, that would be great for Mikey. I can’t deny a student a chance to improve their grade. If Jaxson doesn’t know what he’s doing, I can always put a stop to the arrangement to prevent Mikey’s grades from getting worse than they already are.


  “Fine, what?” Jaxson replies playfully.

  “I will go out with you if Mikey gets an ‘A’ on his next test. Matter of fact, I’ll even agree to a ‘B plus’.”

  “Wow, you must really want to go out with me. I didn’t think you were that into me.”

  “Oh, I’m not. I just think you’re more confident than you should be here. Mikey is a great kid, but he could care less about social studies. All he cares about are football and girls - sound familiar?”

  “Yup. It sure does - and that’s what will make it so much easier to get through to him.”

  “I wish you luck, then.”

  “Are you smiling like that because you’re thinking about what we’re going to do on our date?”

  I blush. I didn’t realize I was smiling. I also won’t ever admit it to him, but I was in fact thinking about some of the things he would do to me on a date - I mean that we would do together. Dammit. I have to stop. He’s a womanizer and a jock - so not my type.

  “I’m smiling because I like a challenge.”

  “Funny, I feel the same way.” He gives me one last crooked smile and leaves my classroom.

  Chapter 7


  It’s hard enough that Sydney - Ms. Hayes - looks as good as she does without trying. At the bar she was in jeans and a tee shirt with no make up and I wanted to bang her. Seeing her dressed as a teacher though? I don’t care what she says - she knows she looks like a porn star like that. How could she not?

  What a pleasant surprise seeing her in her classroom. Her dark hair pulled back in a loose bun, strands of hair freely hanging around her face. She was wearing dark rimmed glasses that make her look studious, but in a slutty way. She had on a white buttoned top with just the top button undone. It still looked innocent and conservative, but from where I was standing, I could see clear down her shirt. Getting a glimpse of those two perfect mounds hidden behind that little piece of fabric got my blood flowing. If I wasn’t trying so hard not to, I would have had a full hard on.

  No wonder Mikey is failing, he probably fantasizes about his teacher all period long. I would if I was in her class.

  Little Miss ‘I’m too good for you’ is in for a surprise though. She thinks I was handed all of my good grades - I wasn’t. Okay, some teachers were a little more lenient on the athletes, but I earned almost every ‘A’ I got - and there were plenty of them. In addition to my football scholarship, I was also offered a partial academic scholarship - not that anyone noticed.

  Sydney has no idea who she’s up against. There’s no way I’m losin
g this bet. And once she spends one night with me, we’ll both be winners. She won’t be able to resist me, I see the way she looks at me. I just need a chance to show her - to make her realize what she’s trying to avoid. She wants me. Once Mikey scores a nice grade on his test, I will find out for sure.

  Even in this small town, there’s enough pussy to choose from, but I haven’t been looking. There’s something about her that really turns me on. Being off the party circuit is really fucking with my head - both of them. I feel like I could get into this girl - God knows how many times I’ve used her to get off lately. I haven’t been with anyone else since I laid eyes on her - not even after the scene at the bar my first night.

  I keep racking my brain to try and remember her from high school. There’s something nagging at me - like I do know her - but I can’t place her. She’s pretty enough that she would have caught my eye. Maybe she did and I forgot. Maybe that’s why she has an attitude. I’ll have to make an effort to find out.

  Chapter 8


  The nerve of some people! How dare Jaxson come into my classroom and ask me to fix a student’s grade. I would never! Now the big shot thinks he’s going to be able to fix things by tutoring? Hah! What a joke.

  Jaxson James is so used to getting his way, he thought he could just strut into my classroom, flash that playful smile, and I would do whatever he asks. Huh. No. I’m too smart to fall for his charms. I’ve been down that road before.

  To think I got a little twinge of excitement when I thought he remembered me from high school. Why should I care anyway? In the end he grew up into a bigger, more self centered, asshole, and I just…grew up. I know much more now than I did when I was in high school. I may not know everything, but I know enough to stay away from guys like that.


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