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Page 9

by Jessica Marx

  Everyone is standing and yelling as the Rattler’s come running out to the field. I know Jax has a a lot to concentrate on today, so I’m surprised when the first thing he does is look my way. He doesn’t wave, but we’re just close enough for me to see him give me a smile.

  Jax likes me. He really likes me. He didn’t ask me to come here just to make me feel good - he wants me here. Between the excitement of the crowd, knowing that this gorgeous, famous, guy is into me - and possibly the beers I just had - I am on a total high.

  The game begins and Tim talks us through a lot of what’s happening. He’s explaining what’s going on to us while staring out onto the field. I’m sure it’s not the ideal way for him to watch the game, but he’s got the best seat in the house, so he’s not complaining. I’m trying to learn as much as possible, but there’s a lot to it. I’m paying as much attention as I can, but I’ve barely taken my eyes off Jax.

  It’s really cool to see him like this. He’s usually so playful and funny, but now, he’s all business. According to Tim, Jax is making some great plays and passes, but the Rattlers are still behind. They all look good to me, but what do I know?

  By the time we’re in the fourth quarter, I’m in full on cheerleader mode. The Rattlers are down by three points, but it’s still anyone’s game. That’s what Tim says, anyway. We’re standing, jumping, and screaming at the field. I’m not one hundred percent clear on what’s going on, but I’m cheering just as loud and often as the hard core fans.

  The players take their positions and I see Jax glance our way. I came here because Jax asked me to. I wanted to show him support. Now, I want him to win. Thirty seconds left in the game. I’m already feeling defeated and thinking about how I’m going to console Jax later when he’s upset about his loss.

  The whistle blows. The crowd is going wild. I watch the field. Jax looked like he was going to hike the ball, but he’s holding onto it. He runs with it, dodging the opposition. He makes it into the end zone and slams the ball down.

  Everyone in the stands starts going crazy.

  “What happened?” I yell.

  “Quarterback sneak!” Tim shouts back over the din.

  I don’t know what that is, but the score just went up by six points and we won. I came here knowing nothing, and now I feel like a life long fan. I can’t wait to see Jax and congratulate him.

  People file out pretty quickly. They’re whooping and high living each other as they pass.

  When Jax gave me the ticket info earlier, he also told me where to meet him. Kelly and Tim come with me to the side of the stadium where the locker rooms are. There are a lot of die hard fans and ‘jersey chasers’, as Jax calls them, here to catch a glimpse or get an autograph from their favorite player.

  I feel like just another groupie as one by one players begin to come out of the locker room. Several people push their way toward the front when they see Jax and Jake emerge. The three of us stand our ground and kind of hang back. Jax knows I’m here. He’ll look for me in the crowd.

  It doesn’t take long before he locates me among the other fans. Our eyes meet and he gives me one of those crooked smiles. Now that I have his okay, I work my way toward him. He signs some autographs and smiles for his fans as he makes his way to meet me, with Jake close behind him.

  “Great game,” I say excitedly. I’m not sure if I’m supposed to hug, or high five him. I don’t know where we stand.

  Jax quickly clears that up by pulling me into his arms and locking me in a brief, but deep kiss, much to the dismay of some of the women close by. I’m taken aback. At the same time, by kissing me out here in public, Jax is solidifying that what we shared, was real. Something is happening between us.

  I look around quick, hoping no one snapped a photo of that. No matter how we feel, I’m not ready to be exposed in a lip lock with Jax just yet.

  “How did you like your first football game?” he asks.

  “It was awesome.”

  “Really? You aren’t just saying that? Because I’ll still like you either way.”

  “No. I truly enjoyed it. It was so cool to see you out there. You were amazing.”

  “Thanks, babe,” he says, then whispers, “I’m going to show you some even more amazing moves later.”

  My belly flip flops just from the thought.

  “Ahem,” Jake clears his throat in an exaggerated gesture.

  “Jake, Sydney. Sydney, Jake,” Jax introduces us.

  “Nice to meet you,” Jake says, shaking my hand, “I’ve heard a lot about you.”

  I blush, “all good, I hope.”

  “Yes, all good.”

  “These are my friends, Kelly and Tim,” I say, making the rest of the introductions.

  Everyone shakes hands and says hello. I smile, thinking to myself that it’s like that first awkward meeting of the friends when you hope everyone gets along.

  “Thanks to Tim, I actually understood what was going on. He gave us a full play by play through the entire game.”

  Tim smiles, “thanks for the seats, bro. Great game.”

  “Any time,” Jax replies, “we’re going out with the team to celebrate. You guys want to join?”

  I look at Kelly and Tim to see what they want to do. Kelly shrugs - she’s up for it. I’m sure hanging with his favorite team will be perfectly fine with Tim.

  “I have work early in the morning, but we can come for a little while,” I reply. I usually get to bed pretty early on Sunday nights, but this is a special occasion. I can stay up a little later than usual.

  “You better,” Jax says with a wink. “I’m going to go with the guys. Do you mind meeting us there?”

  “Of course not.”

  I really don’t. I’m not the pushy, clingy type. I don’t want him to feel like he has to change his routine for me.

  They give us the name of the bar everyone is going to. It’s close by and apparently their usual post game hang out. Jax gives me a quick kiss good bye, and leaves with a few of guys from the team. I see him get a couple of elbows to the ribs and one of the other guys looks back at me. They must be teasing him. I don’t mind. If they’re teasing him, he must be into me. We walk in the opposite direction to our own car.

  “Holy shit,” Kelly says when we’re out of ear shot, “he kissed you! In front of everyone. He fucking kissed you. Did you hear those girls? They were pissed.” She giggles.

  “Whatever,” I say, trying to play it cool.

  Kelly knows me too well though, “don’t even tell me you’re not dying right now. Even if he wasn’t a famous football player, you crushed on him so hard in high school. You have to feel pretty good right now.

  “Maybe a little,” I concede.

  “Even I’m dying,” Tim jokes, “I’m really enjoying this relationship of yours.”

  “It’s not a relationship,” I reply. Is it though? It’s too soon to tell.

  “Whatever it is, I’ll take it,” he says, “I’ve seen enough of Jaxson James in the past to know that this is not his typical behavior. What did you do to that guy?” Tim kids.

  I contemplate Tim’s statement. I mean, from what I’ve seen and heard, he’s right. Jax isn’t one to just kiss a girl, not seriously anyway. I really like him. I hope this is more than just a fling. We’ll see how the rest of the night plays out.

  Chapter 23


  We enter the bar, and immediately know where to go. It’s easy to spot Jax and the rest of the Rattlers. They are gathered on one side of the bar - each one bigger than the next. They’re not making a scene, but definitely making enough noise to attract attention.

  There are some girls trying very hard to get noticed by the team - some of whom are getting the attention they are craving. Jax is leaning against the bar. He looks so hot standing there. He’s in his typical casual look of jeans and a polo shirt - each hugging his body in all the right places. Even more sexy, is the fact that he’s not paying even one of those girls any mind. As if he senses my prese
nce, he looks up and directly in my direction.

  Kelly and Tim follow close behind. Jax walks my way. My heart is pounding. Visions of Jax naked on top of me crowd my mind. He doesn’t have to try at all to bring out the devil in me. He just has to be.

  He stops in front of me and takes me in his arms. He kisses me once again - just quickly, but a kiss none the less. He says hello to my friends and takes my hand. We walk over to the rest of the team and he introduces us to the guys. They’re all very welcoming, although I do get a couple of dirty looks from the girls.

  Someone hands us each a drink and we begin to mingle and hang out like we belong. All the while, Jax doesn’t let go of my hand. Everyone seems to be having a great time. It’s not like the parties we’ve read about or seen photos of, but I’m sure they’re reserving that for later - after the bar. I did hear rumblings of an after party.

  “Jax,” a firm woman’s voice commands. We both turn around.

  Standing at about my height, is a gorgeous but intimidating looking woman dressed in all black. I briefly wonder if she’s an escort or something like that. She sounds very confident and looks like she’s a professional at something.

  “Nadia,” Jax replies, surprised.

  His tone makes me feel like I should be on the defense for some reason.

  “Nadia, this is Sydney. Sydney, this is Nadia Tate - my image consultant.”

  Image consultant? I guess that’s something celebrities need. I cordially reach my hand out, “nice to meet you.”

  “Yes,” she says curtly, “I recognize you from the photo online.” She gives me a quick, firm hand shake, looking me up and down as she does. She then turns back to Jax and acts like I’m not there.

  “Congratulations on your win tonight. I just came to check up on you. You haven’t been out very much lately. I wanted to make sure you weren’t doing anything…stupid,” she says, glancing at me.

  “Not at all. Just laying low and hanging with my girl,” he answers, giving my hand a squeeze.

  My girl. My heart melts. Does that mean we’re official?

  “Oh. Right. Nice to know you’re behaving.”

  There’s something off about this Nadia woman. As his image consultant, it makes sense that she would be concerned with Jax’s whereabouts and who he’s keeping company with. It just sounds like she’s also a little jealous - or maybe thinks this is an act or something. I can’t tell. I’m not the jealous type, but I’m not stupid either.

  “Well, like I said, I was just checking in. I have an early meeting tomorrow,” Nadia announces, “have a good night with your girl,” she adds. She shamelessly gives me another full up and down stare.

  “Oh, I will,” Jaxson says, “but we’ll keep it private.” He smirks and winks.

  Nadia sneers. Normally I would be embarrassed by a comment like that, but not tonight. Not with Nadia. Her vibe is telling me she has more interest in Jax than just his image.

  “Nice meeting you,” I say with a smile. I don’t think she was even planning on acknowledging me.

  “Likewise,” she replies. Then turns and walks away.

  “That woman gives me the creeps,” Jake says. He must have snuck up behind us while we were talking.

  “Yeah,” Jax agrees.

  “She is right about one thing,” I say, “it’s getting late. I have young minds to educate in the morning.”

  “You’re not bailing on me already, are you?” Jax asks.

  “Afraid I am.”

  “Then I’m coming with you,” he insists.

  “Don’t be silly, you’re here to celebrate. Enjoy your night. You don’t have to leave on my account.”

  “I know. I want to,” Jax says, that sexy half smile forming on his lips.

  “Are you going to let me sleep?” I ask coyly.


  I can’t help but smile at the thought. Staying up all night is not a good idea, but with Jax, it will be worth it.

  I let Kelly and Tim know I’m ready to leave but that Jax will take me home. They decide to stick around for a while. I’m not sure if they really want to or are just letting Jax and I have the house to ourselves for a while. It doesn’t matter either way. I know if Kelly really wanted to leave, she would, or at least go to Tim’s - so I don't feel bad.

  Jax takes my hand once again and we walk over to his teammates to say goodbye. I congratulate them on their win once more. They invite us to come to the party that’s going to be starting shortly. Jax declines and I know they’re going to tease the hell out of him the next time they see him. A couple of them don’t seem to care that I’m right there and make their comments anyway. Jax just shrugs them off.

  We say good night once more on our way out.

  Kelly eyes my hand in Jax’s and smiles at me, “have fun you two.”

  There’s no doubt in my mind that we will. JAXSON

  The second the whistle blew, and we officially won the game, all I wanted to do was see Sydney. I wanted to share my victory with her. She may have never watched a football game before, but I knew she would be happy anyway.

  I always get a high from winning - who wouldn’t? Usually I spend the night drinking and working my way through the line of women waiting to get their hands on me. Tonight, none of that crossed my mind. Not even once.

  Now, here we are, skipping what is sure to be an epic after party and going to chill at Sydney’s house. It doesn’t bother me one bit. There’s no place I would rather be.

  “So, Nadia seems interesting,” Sydney says, as we approach the exit for Mesquite.

  “That’s one word to describe her, I guess,” I chuckle.

  “You guys ever hook up?”

  “What? No. No way. Honestly, she kind of scares me a little bit.”

  “Ha! I can’t imagine you being scared of anyone, but I can see her being a little intimidating,” she agrees, “she’s into you though.”

  “Definitely not.”

  “Come on, I thought you knew so much about women. How could you not pick up on that?”

  “She was hired to babysit me. Her job is to be into me.”

  “I guess. I think there’s more to it, but whatever. She may intimidate you, but she doesn’t bother me.”

  “I’m glad you’re secure enough in our relationship to feel that way,” I reply, not realizing the magnitude of what I just said. Syd stares at me, like she’s waiting to hear more.

  “So is that what this is? A relationship?”

  “Isn’t it? This is like our second date already,” I kid.

  “Maybe to a guy like you, two dates counts as a relationship.”

  “So educate me, Ms. Hayes, how many dates does it take to make it count?”

  She ponders my question, “I don’t know if there’s an actual number.”

  “Then we will use the number two. Plus, I gave you primo seats to a Rattlers game, that has to count for something.”

  She laughs, “fine. You win.”

  “Twice in one night. I must be a lucky guy.” We pull into her driveway, “and here we are at your place. Looks like I’m going to get lucky again.”

  “Oh, is that what you think?” Sydney teases.

  “Yes. I’m pretty sure.”

  “Are you now? What makes you think I’m just going to give in?”

  I unbuckle my seat belt and lean over. Sydney looks at me and sucks in a breath of air. Placing my hand on her cheek, I press my lips into hers, parting them with my tongue. I cup my hand between her legs and rub her sex while we kiss. She reaches for me, pulling me closer. I give her just a taste more before pulling my hand away and my mouth off of hers.

  Sydney looks more gorgeous right now, than she ever has. Her lips are pouty and her eyes big as she looks at me for more.

  “That’s what makes me so sure.” I say confidently. “Now, let’s go inside, sweet tits.”

  Her jaw drops. I open the car door and get out with a huge smile on my face. The look on her own face just now was priceless. Tonight w
ill be a big win for us both.

  Chapter 24


  A relationship? Is it too soon? Does it matter? If we both feel the connection, what difference does it make? And the heat - oh my God. The things he makes my body feel from a simple kiss - even a look - it’s sinful. I like it way too much. I have never wanted a man so bad before. I’ve connected with guys in the past, but not on this level.

  I get out of the car. My knees feel week from his touch. He may not have his hands or lips on me now, but the sensation is still with me. He follows right behind me up to the door. I’m trying to be cool, but all I want right now is to tear his clothes off.

  We enter the house and I flick on the lamp. I turn to put keys down on the table, and Jax is there, standing in my space. He takes the keys from my hand and puts them down for me. He presses his body against mine, backing me up against the wall. He doesn’t speak, just looks at me with that sexy, crooked smile and a devilish look in his eyes. Then, Jax crashes his lips onto mine.

  We kiss, deeper than before. He’s slightly bent to get down to my level, his body pressed into mine, pinning me between him and the wall. We’re fully clothed, but I can feel his cock pressing into me. It’s big, and hard, and ready - and I want it. I find the bottom hem of his shirt and pull it over his head, breaking our kiss - but only for a moment.

  Wrapping my hands around his back, I touch his bare skin. I run them up and down over his muscular back. I can’t keep my hands still. Everywhere I touch is toned and warm - and I want to touch every inch.

  Jax eagerly pulls my top off. He slides his hands down my bare chest, cupping my breasts over my bra. His touch is firm and full of desire. He’s not being gentle, and it’s turning me on even more. With one hand, he reaches around my back and unhooks my bra, and just as quickly removes it with the other. He puts his hands on my back, pressing my breasts into his bare chest.

  Our tongues work together, conveying the passion we are both feeling. Our minds must be working together too because unable to wait any longer, we both reach down to undo each other’s jeans. In no time, our pants are on the floor. We just as hungrily claw one another’s underwear off.


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