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Page 16

by Jessica Marx

  “No! That was a Hail Mary play! Jax just pulled off the most amazing play of all time!” Tim pulls me and Kelly in for a group hug. I don’t know if it’s really ‘the most amazing play of all time’, but I’m going with it anyway.

  The three of us are hugging and jumping and high-fiving along with everyone else around us. The players rush the field. Tons of paper confetti are suddenly falling from above. I watch as Jax is coated with champagne. Through the craziness and mayhem, I see him look my way. He gives me the thumbs up this time. He must feel like he’s on top of the world. My baby. He did it.

  We make our way down to the field. My stomach is in knots. I can’t believe my boyfriend just won one of the biggest sports games of the year. He didn’t do it alone of course, but the Rattlers couldn’t have done it without him.

  We try to get to Jax, but he is surrounded by teammates, photographers, cameras, and microphones. Somehow he finds my face in the crowd and pushes through the throng of people to meet me.

  Jax picks me up in his arms and spins me around.

  “We did it, baby. We fucking did it!”

  “You were amazing out there! I’m so happy for you,” I shout over the din.

  “I couldn’t have done it without you.” Jax kisses me hard on the lips. His face is covered in sweat, but I don’t care.

  “I don’t know about that, but I’m glad I was here,” I say with a smile, pulling my mouth from his.”

  “You have no idea,” Jax replies before kissing me again.

  Kelly and Tim congratulate Jax. People are everywhere and it’s hard to see with all of the confetti floating around. Little by little the crowd starts to thin as the players make their way back to the locker room. Coach Taylor will have some words for them I’m sure. They also have the post game press conferences. Jax had already let me know yesterday that he would be held up in the locker room with interviews and shenanigans for a while.

  “Are you sure you don’t want to come?” Jax asks. We are walking off the field with him.

  “No, thanks. You do your thing. We’ll go shower and get ready.”

  “According to Twitter, this VIP party is going to be insane,” Kelly informs us.

  “Okay,” Jax says, giving me one last kiss, “but hurry up. I can’t wait to see you.”

  I laugh, “I’m still here and you miss me already?”

  “Tonight is going to be a special night. I just want to get it started.”

  “Okay, babe. You got it.”

  We congratulate Jax again. One more kiss and we part ways. Some of the other players jog by and we shout our congratulations at them also.

  I see some serious partying in my near future. Not my thing at all, but tonight is Jax’s night. I’m going to be with him - to celebrate him and his victory.

  The three of us head back to the hotel feeling pumped from the Rattlers win. Many of the hotel guests are there for the game also, so a celebration has already started at the lobby bar.

  “We’ll go get dressed and meet you back at your room,” Kelly instructs.

  “Sure, okay.”

  I wish we could just be there already, but a shower is definitely in order. I’m also going to be standing by the star quarterback’s side, so I have to look good. I smile at the thought.

  A few minutes after I’m finished dressing, there’s a knock on my door. I open it to see Kelly and Tim dressed to the nines.

  “Wow. You guys look amazing!”

  “You too,” Tim says, walking in.

  “Meh. You could do a little better,” Kelly says, “luckily I came prepared.” Kelly is holding a long plastic bag, presumably with a dress in it.

  “You’re kidding, right?” I ask.

  “No. This was actually Jax’s idea. He wanted it to be a surprise.”

  “Well, I’m definitely surprised,” I roll my eyes, “did he not trust my judgement?”

  “Apparently not. He left a note too.”

  I take the dress and remove the attached piece of paper. “I hope there aren’t any more surprises,” I remark before I unfold the paper.

  Kelly laughs, “I don’t know. Let’s just get you dressed so we can go.”

  I read the note to myself:

  Hey babe,

  You know I love everything about you, but tonight is going to be special. I’ve fantasized about this night for as long as I can remember. I’ve dreamed about sharing it with you since the day we met (the second time). I know you’ll be the most beautiful girl in the room, but I want you to feel like it too. As much as I love porn teacher, I know I will love this more - and you will too. Even if you don’t, just wear it. It will totally give me a boner and depending how the game goes, I may need something to cheer me up.



  I laugh while I’m reading it. Kelly and Tim just watch me, waiting to hear what it says. I don’t tell them though.

  “Looks like I’m going to change,” I say out loud. I fold up the note and take it and the dress with me into the bathroom.

  When I open the door and step out a few minutes later, I know I must look incredible because both Kelly and Tim’s jaws drop.

  “Wow,” Tim says.

  “Oh my God,” Kelly says, “you look…stunning.”

  My cheeks flush. I look in the mirror. They’re right though. I look fabulous - if I do say so myself. Other than a couple of weddings I’ve attended, I’ve never worn anything as fancy as this. I’ve surely never worn anything as beautiful.

  The lining of the dress is a nude color silk like material that’s strapless and cut about mid thigh. The overlay is sheer, long sleeved, and decorated with crystals and sequins. It’s shows enough to look sexy, but covers me in all the right places. It’s classy and beautiful, and like nothing I would ever pick for myself. If I didn’t look so dam good in it, I wouldn’t even feel comfortable wearing it.

  “Stop staring, Tim, and wipe the drool off your chin,” Kelly kids, “and let’s get out of here. I don’t want to miss a minute of this party.”

  We file out of the room and take the elevator down to the lobby. We walk toward the exit where there is a town car waiting for us. I try not to pay attention to the looks I’m getting from much of the crowd in the lobby, but it’s hard. I never knew I could look this good. I guess I never tried.

  We arrive at the venue and give our names at the door. This is a VIP event for players, their guests, and I’m sure some of the media as well. Once we enter, I’m blown away at just how big and lavish this party is.

  The place is huge and there is a big stage at the opposite end. Kelly let us know there will be celebrities performing there tonight. Everything is decorated in the Rattler colors of red and tan. Players names and numbers are printed on huge plaques adorning the entrance wall. Every object I see is football themed with a Superbowl or Rattler reference.

  Maybe it’s because I’ve never watched football before, but I didn't really know what to expect. I’m in awe. We each grab a glass of champagne from one of the servers passing with a tray and look for a good place to stand. I search the crowd for Jax, but there are so many people here already, I can’t find him. He knows what I’m wearing, so I’m confident he’ll find us when he gets here.

  We mingle a bit - laughing and enjoying ourselves. The atmosphere excitement all around us reminds me of a New Year’s Eve party. Not one I’ve ever been to of course, but one I would see on TV. As someone who usually likes to stay in the background, I have to admit, I’m kind of enjoying the looks I’m getting tonight.

  We’ve been here for a while already and still no sign of Jax. I’m sure he’s busy, but I’m dying to see him - and for him to see me. The music is pumping and according to the DJ, the first music performance will be on shortly. I hope Jax gets here soon.

  Kelly is moving to the beat. I can see she’s ready to hit the dance floor. I don’t want to hold her back.

  “Hey, if you guys want to dance, go ahead,” I yell over the noise.

��re good,” Kelly shouts back. A huge smile appears on her face. I turn to see what she’s looking at.

  It’s Jax. He’s wearing a dark fitted suit and looks…delicious. That’s the best word I can use to describe him because seeing him like that makes me want to lick him from head to toe. He stares back at me with wide eyes, obviously loving the dress he picked out for me. I can’t help but blush.

  Jax steps closer to me. I spin around so he can get the full view.

  “Just when I thought this day couldn’t get any better,” he says.

  “Thanks, babe. You look pretty hot yourself.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Really, Syd, you look fucking incredible.”


  “I think you’re missing something, though.”

  I look at him, confused.

  “Jaxson. Can you give us a moment of your time. We’d like a few words,” a man with a microphone asks. There’s another man with a camera following close behind.

  “Sure. You’re timing is impeccable.” Jax smiles at them and winks at me.

  The man holds the microphone to his face, “So, Jaxson, first and foremost, how do you feel tonight?” He puts the mic up to Jax’s face.

  “As I’m sure you can imagination, I feel amazing. There is only one thing that could make tonight any better.”

  The interviewer looks puzzled as Jax turns to face me. He moves the mic in place, unsure of what’s going on. Whatever it is, he suspects he should get it on film.

  “Sydney,” Jax starts.

  I glance at the camera. It’s recording us right now. That, and the seriousness in his voice cause my face to turn bright red. What the hell is he doing?

  “Before I met you, being in the Superbowl was my dream. Winning it is an incredible feeling, but having you here to share it with me is more than incredible. It’s - everything.”

  In an unexpected gesture, Jax bends down onto one knee. Before I have time to react - or more likely - completely freak out, he begins to speak again. The man with the mic lowers himself too so he doesn’t miss a word.

  “You are by far, the best thing that has ever happened to me, Syd. I am a better man for knowing you. Each day we spend together is even more unbelievable than the last. I want to share my life with you. Every win, every loss, every day, because I know having you by my side - on my team - will always make me a winner. I can’t imagine my life without you in it - and I don’t want to. You complete me.”

  Tears are streaming down my face. I quickly look over at Kelly who is also tearing as she watches and listens.

  Jax takes hold of my hand. He looks up into my eyes and sees me crying.

  Then, sounding more like himself, Jax makes that crooked smile and adds, “and, your body is banging, babe, you know?”

  I laugh through the tears, but stop when I see the ring Jax pulls from his pocket.

  “I told you something was missing from your outfit,” he winks. He slips the sparkling diamond onto my finger. “Sydney Hayes, will you marry me?”

  I’m stunned. I mean, once he got down onto one knee I knew it was coming, but - wow. The interviewer looks to me for an answer, pointing the mic towards my face.

  “Yes,” I say quietly. Then louder, “I love you, Jax. Of course I will marry you.”

  Jax stands up and pulls me into his arms. He crashes his lips onto mine and we fall into a deep kiss. The entire place erupts into applause. I open my eyes and look around. They are clapping for us.

  Our image is up on the movie sized screen over the stage. Somehow the interview was broadcast for everyone to see. If they haven’t already, everyone in America is going to see Jax’s proposal - and I’m actually okay with that. The DJ makes an announcement about Jax and I, but I can’t hear exactly what he says. Then some feel good pop song blasts through the speakers and the crowds go back to celebrating.

  Kelly jumps in next to us and hugs us both at the same time, “I’m so happy for you guys!” she screams.

  “Couldn’t have pulled it off without you, Kel,” Jax says, “thanks.”

  “You knew?”

  “I may have.” Kelly winks, “How do you think Jax found the perfect dress and ring?”

  “Oh my God! How could you not tell me?”

  “She knew better than to tell,” Jax says, “I can’t believe that guy got the whole thing on camera. That was not part of the plan.”

  “Kelly may have had a hand in that too,” Tim adds.

  Kelly waggles her eyebrows. “See, I know when to keep my mouth shut - and when not to.” She turns to Tim, “now we can dance - and talk about when my ring is coming.”

  Tim gives us a look as Kelly drags him toward the dance floor.

  Jax and I are left standing alone.

  “Jax, this was…This is…” I can’t find the words.

  “The most amazing day of your life? Me too,” he finishes the sentiment me. “How about we dance?”

  “You dance?”

  “I do tonight.”

  Jax takes my hand in his and leads me out to the dance floor. I reach up and wrap my arms around his shoulders. The music is beating fast, but we sway to our own beat.

  I look up when I hear loud whoops and hollers. Our image is up on the screen again. I stare up at Jax. He shrugs and spins me in an exaggerated dance move for the cameras. I lean my head back. I can’t help but laugh. This entire night is like a fairytale.

  Because of Jax, ten years ago I swore off finding love in my small town of Mesquite - and certainly not with a jock. Back then, I would have spent a night like this hiding in the shadows. I would have never believed a man like Jax could be everything I ever wanted. Look at us now.

  Jax was right, everything does come full circle.

  The End, but don’t stop now! Turn the page because I have included a special bonus copy of my bestselling novels, Bad Boy Forever, Shane, and Naughty! I hope you love them as much as I’ve enjoyed writing them!


  Jessica Marx



  Thank you so much for enjoying my first full length romance novel! I’m actively writing my next book and I can’t wait to tell you all about it. Join my mailing list for new release notification, free exclusive content, and special discounts on new releases for anyone who subscribes! Sign up is easy, and I will never share your information with anyone.

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  I have so many fond memories of growing up in the Kaminsky house. Certain things I remember from childhood are a blur. The days and years combine together and become a solid stream of events from my past. Then there are the memories that burned their place in my brain and heart. The ones that I remember so clearly that I can still hear the background noise and smell the scents in the air. Most of my childhood was spent just like any other average suburban family living a moderate lifestyle. I had a loving family, good friends, decent grades. For the most part, things were great - until they weren’t.

  Having a cop for a father was difficult at times. Dan Kaminsky, or ‘Big Dan’ as the community and local thugs alike called him, was a bit of a challenge. His own conservative, strict Irish upbringing was something he continued in his adult life and tried to instill in his own children.

  Thankfully, for us, he met the one woman who could balance him out - my mom, Maureen. She is the peace maker of the family and even to this day, does her best to keep my father grounded and the family unit in tact. She is a master of motherly guilt and worked her way into all of our subconscious thoughts. She is probably responsible for every bad decision I chose not to make

  Tommy, my big brother, is only 15 months older than me and lovingly referred to as my ‘Irish twin’. Between him and my father, I never had any chance of being a ‘girl’ - not in the traditional way anyway. I almost never wore a dress, I hated anything pink, and spent pret
ty much my entire prepubescent life in a baseball cap. I loved sports and getting dirty and being one of the boys - or at least trying to. If it wasn’t for our younger sister, Abby, my mom would have never been able to buy a frilly dress or a doll. Abby is every bit the girl I never was - and then some.

  When we were younger, Tommy loved having me around. I was the little ‘brother’ he always wanted. We would go out exploring - digging in the dirt and looking for treasure. As we got a little older, we would play baseball, kickball, football, whatever sport we were into at the time.

  Once Tommy got a little bit older though, things changed. It was probably around fifth or sixth grade when hanging out with his younger sister became ‘uncool’. His friends and their opinions became more important than the almost twin-like bond we had cultivated since I was a toddler.

  It was also around that time that he became friends with Shane. Shane didn’t treat me any different than the rest of Tommy’s friends for the most part, except that when no one else was around, he was almost nice to me. Don’t get me wrong - he teased me and flipped my hat off my head on many occasions. He treated me like Tommy did most of the time, but he always looked at me a little differently. It wasn’t until I was older that I started to understand why.

  Shane spent a lot of time at our house. Basically, he lived with us. He had his own home, but he hated being there. When I was a child, probably about eight or nine years old, I overheard my parents talking one night when I was supposed to be sleeping.

  They were saying something about Shane’s mother being ‘sick’. The way they were talking about it, I didn’t really think she’s sick, but I didn’t fully understand either. I do know that in the end they agreed to let him spend as much time as he wanted with us.

  His real home was on the other side of town - the part dad wouldn’t let us ride our bikes to. When ‘Big Dan’ first became a cop he worked over there. I know because he was always telling us stories and warning us about it. Even big, bad Dan Kaminsky looked scared when he talked about the things he saw there. Not that he would tell us any details or anything.


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