Book Read Free


Page 23

by Jessica Marx

  I feel Shane’s lips on top of my head, gently trying to soothe me. I tilt my head up and look at him. He seems to hesitate, then kisses me gently on the forehead, still stroking my hair.

  I don’t know if it’s nostalgia, old feelings resurfacing, or just how ‘right’ I feel for the first time in forever, but something takes over me. Before I have time to think about what’s happening, I grasp Shane’s shoulders and kiss him - hard. I press my lips into his and immediately want more. I move my hands up to the back of his head and pull him closer into me. My tongue slips into his mouth and he hugs me tighter.

  We are grasping at each other, trying to get closer, ravenous for more. Shane’s tongue moves expertly with mine, his lips warm and wet as they surround my mouth.

  I’m lost in emotion and passion, I don’t think about what I’m doing. It feels so right, but it is wrong on so many levels. Something brings me back to my senses and I bring our kiss to a halt, lowering my arms to my sides.

  Shane doesn’t release his arms from around me. He kisses me softly on the head once again.

  “This is wrong,” I say quietly, “this is bad.”

  “I’m sorry,” Shane replies.

  “Are you though?” I ask.

  “No. Not really,” he admits, “I want more.”

  I don’t respond. I want more too but that’s ridiculous. I don’t know him - not the person he is now. I don’t know if I can trust him. I also have a boyfriend. Fuck.

  “Chad,” I say under my breath, “I’m a terrible person.”

  “No. You’re beautiful and amazing,” Shane says. He’s still holding me and I’m not making any attempt to stop him, “he doesn’t know how lucky he is.”

  “He does,” I snap back, straightening up, “he’s so good to me and I just shit all over him. See, you are screwing up my life again,” I say with a hint of anger back in my voice.

  “Well, then, I won’t let this happen again. We can just try to get to know each other again - as friends.”

  Yeah, right. That’s not going to be possible. I came here today, guns a blazing, then made out with a man who I thought I would hate forever. I feel like a terrible person. Even more so because I really didn’t want to stop.

  “We can try - I guess,” I reply, “I don’t have much choice if you’re going to be in town and possibly work with my boyfriend. Speaking of which, can you not?”

  “Can I not?” Shane repeats.

  “Yeah. Whatever it is, just don’t get involved. Having you both work together will be extremely weird. Especially since he doesn’t know we knew each other before…and now,” I wave my hand around, “this.”

  “How about you let me hear him out? It may be something worth doing and we may not have to personally deal with each other that much.”

  “That is kind of selfish of me to ask,” I admit, “but I still don’t know what your motives are or if I can trust you.”

  “You can trust me, Beth.”

  “I don’t know,” who am I to talk? I just cheated on my boyfriend. “Just -please, let’s keep this meeting to ourselves. Let’s forget that kiss ever happened. It was a mistake. I was caught in the heat of the moment.”

  “I won’t breath a word of it, but it was no mistake,” Shane says, “we’re meant to be, baby, I know that for sure now. I know you felt it too.”

  I did feel it - but I can’t let myself - that would be crazy. I have Chad. I love him. I trust him. Shane had his chance already, he blew it.

  “Baby? Really?”

  “Sorry, old habit. I was caught in the moment,” Shane apologizes with a smile. He doesn’t seem very sorry. “Look, I’m going to keep my meeting with Chad and hear what he has to say. If it’s something that’s going to bother you, we can decide what to do then.”

  Shane says in a business-like manner, “sounds fair,” I agree.

  “So for now, can we try and be friends?” he asks, taking my hand in his again and twirling his fingers with mine.

  I look down at our hands, “that’s a little too friendly.”

  He let’s go, “sorry.”

  “We can try and be friends as long as you keep your hands to yourself.” I hope I can do the same.

  “I will do my best,” Shane promises, holding up his right hand, “scouts’ honor.”

  “You were never a Boy Scout,” I smile.

  “I know,” he winks. I roll my eyes.

  “Okay. Seriously, Beth, just friends. Whatever it takes to have you in my life.”

  “Fine,” I resign. I don’t know what good will come of us being friends, but I’m willing to try. “I have to get going for now,” I say, noticing the time.

  “When will I see you again?”

  “I don’t know. It’s complicated,” I sneer at him, throwing his own words back at him.

  “Ouch,” Shane tries to look offended, “that’s fair. How about dinner this week?”

  “How about lunch?” I reply. I feel safer at lunch - in a public place, in the daylight.

  “Sounds perfect. Can I make one request?”

  “I guess so.”

  “Can you wear those heels again? I never imagined you dressing like this all the time. It’s pretty fucking hot.”

  “Seriously? Don’t make me change my mind.” I look annoyed, but I get a little aroused hearing him say that - just a little.

  “Just making a friendly suggestion.”

  “Well don’t.”

  Shane holds both hands up in a submissive gesture and smiles, “sorry. Last time - I promise.”

  “You made a lot of promises today,” I comment as I pick up my bag.

  “And I will keep every one - promise.”

  “Come on, let’s go.”

  The two of us walk outside and I place the lock box back on the door while he waits. We look so innocent - like a realtor and her client. No one would ever guess that two lives were just completely altered - although I’m not sure if it’s for better or worse at this point.

  We share another awkward moment leaving, and silently decide on a handshake. It doesn’t matter, our bodies touching in any capacity ignites my desire. Friends. Okay, great. This should be a piece of cake.


  I need to clear the air. I have to lay everything out on the table so I can move on - so we all can.

  I have less than an hour before Chad gets here for our meeting. I can’t wait to spend some time alone with this douschebag. I won’t throw Beth under the bus, of course, but I hope he gives me something I’ll be able to use against him at some point.

  I dress in one of my best suits. I know the way guys like this think and I want to look like someone he can relate to. I want Chad to feel like we’re ‘boys’. Maybe that way, he’ll be more comfortable opening up to me. I wonder how he would feel if he knew I wanted to steal his girlfriend. It kind of makes me look like the bad guy - I’m not. I love her and I know I care more about her than any man can. Hopefully it won’t take long to prove that.

  Kissing Beth the other day was fucking incredible. I wanted to prop her up on that counter and fuck her so hard right then and there - I could have - but I’m glad I didn’t. She would have hated herself - and me. That kiss was all we needed. For now, anyway.

  We didn’t get very far in the way of explaining and understanding, but I definitely broke through another layer - maybe even a few. She wants me. She can’t hide how she feels no matter how hard she tries. She can deny it, but in the end, Beth will be mine. I know that for sure.

  For now, I’ll settle for being friends. It’s better than nothing. I’m looking at the big picture - the one where Beth and I live happily ever after. I’ve pictured it enough times and now I know it’s going to be real.

  Chad can’t be as great as she thinks. I’m sure he’s going to fuck up and when he does, I will be there to pick up the pieces of Beth’s broken heart. I have a gut feeling about him. If he’s as much of a scumbag in business as I hear, he can’t be so wholesome in his private life. Time wil
l tell - and I’ve got nothing but time. I’ve waited eight years already. I’m not going anywhere.

  It’s been so hard not to call or even text Beth the last few days. Once I get this meeting over with Chad, at least I’ll have a reason to reach out to her. That’s if she doesn’t contact me first.

  I ride the elevator down to the main floor. I’ve been here long enough that I know my way around and recognize most of the staff. I walk through the lobby and down a hall to the hotel’s restaurant. They have a few on site - but I reserved a table at the steak house.

  I check the time and let the hostess know I’m here. I’m about ten minutes early but I notice Chad walking toward me from the lobby. Game on.

  “Hey, Chad. Thanks for coming out to meet me here,” I greet him with a friendly smile and firm handshake.

  “Thanks for inviting me,” Chad replies, matching my grip.

  The hostess walks us to the table. I notice Chad watching her ass as we follow her. I don’t blame him, but I’m judging his every move right now. We take a seat and she hands us the menus. We both thank her. Chad winks at her. Strike one.

  “So, nice place,” Chad comments as he looks around, “I think I’ve been here before, but they all start to look the same after a while.”

  “They treat me well here. I guess you travel a lot?”

  “I try to. I work a lot, as you can imagine, but I like to have fun too. Sometimes I go away, sometimes I just spend the night.”

  Spend the night? Maybe he means short business trips. I have to stop trying so hard to find faults in this guy. Just because I want him to be bad news, doesn’t mean he is.

  The waiter approaches the table and takes our drink order. Scotch on the rocks for Chad. Tough guy.

  “Are you ready to order?” the waiter asks.

  Chad and I look at each other, “I’m ready if you are,” I say.

  “I am. I’ll have the filet,” he tells the server. “You’re treating, right?” he jokes, looking at me.

  “I’ll have the same.”

  We make some small talk while we enjoy our drinks. Chad still hasn’t mentioned Beth. If he doesn’t, at some point, I will. Before our entrees arrive, Chad orders another drink. I hope he’s a lightweight. The more he drinks, the better my chance of getting some dirt on him. I just have to keep him talking.

  “What are your plans for the land you’re trying to acquire?” I ask, turning our conversation to the real reason he is here.

  “I have several things in mind for the area. We have a few potential corporate chains that would like to get in there, and of course the housing. It’s not going to be some little renovation project. We plan to take the area to another level,” Chad explains as the waiter delivers our entrees.

  “Another level?”

  “Yes. We are looking to attract a more upper middle class clientele.”

  We each take a few bites of our steaks. The waiter comes to check on us. Chad orders another drink. I hope he’s not driving home.

  “That’s where you come in, Shane,” Chad says. He takes another forkful from his plate and washes it down with the scotch, “your community center isn’t going to fit into our plans. It’s also money out of your pocket that won’t generate any profit. We were thinking a health club would work much better in that spot. It’s centrally located and there isn’t another one for miles. It could be a gold mine - for both of us.”

  “I don’t understand. I thought you were receiving government funds to help rebuild the blighted community?” This sounds even sketchier than anything I was imagining.

  “I’ve got that all covered,” he winks, “we’ve had the councilman in our pocket for a while now.”

  “I think you may have lost me here, Chad,” I play dumb. I’m pretty sure I know where he’s going with this but I want him to lay it out for me.

  “Our fine councilman, Ron Peterson. His father and mine go way back - to their fraternity days,” he sips more scotch, “anyway, he helps push my plans through to approval based on the assumption that there will be low income housing. We receive the funds, build housing, allot a small percentage to those who qualify, and then put in the big income generators.”

  I try to swallow what he just told me, “wow.”

  “Yeah. This isn’t our first rodeo.

  Strike two.

  “Just let me clarify. You want me to forget the community center and build a health club. Then you’re going to surround it with high end stores and luxury apartments?” I break it down, trying not to sound as disgusted as I feel.

  “In a nutshell. If you’re not comfortable with the idea, you can always just sell us the land. For a profit of course,” he offers,as an after thought.

  “I grew up there. I know what these people live like. I want to help give them something better - make them a community they can be proud of. Maybe even one day come back and build their own businesses and homes there.”

  “You’re living a fantasy. No offense.” Chad says casually, “that’s not how this works. It’s nice to want to help people, but who’s going to help you? Why shouldn’t you make a profit? That’s prime real estate you’re holding onto right now.”

  Holy shit. This guy is proposing quite the scandal. Although I can’t say I’m surprised they have a politician working for them. I’m sure he’s not the only one either. No way I want any part of this. For whatever reason he thinks he can trust me. Maybe it’s the suit.

  “I don’t know, Chad. I have to think on this.”

  “Of course. We have several contractors bidding on the project. I can make sure the job is yours if we make this deal work. They’ve each made nice offers - on and under the table - but you have something we want. It makes whatever you’re offering much more attractive.”

  The waiter sidles up to our table again, asking if we would like dessert. Chad looks at his watch.

  “I’ll pass. I have another meeting starting shortly.”

  I look puzzled. It’s after nine on a Wednesday night. He indulges me further, “she’s blond and loves a night out in a hotel.”

  “Oh. I didn’t realize your girlfriend was going to meet you here. Beth, right?” I ask, pretending I don’t know very well who his girlfriend is.

  “Yes. Beth is my girlfriend. This blond is Meredith. She’s nobody’s girlfriend. Girls who can do things like that don’t usually settle with one guy - which is perfect for me.”

  Strike three.

  I laugh like I’m in agreement with his chain of thought but it is taking every bone in my body not to tear into every one of his.

  What an asshole. This mother fucker is going down. In one dinner, Chad confessed to cheating, bribing a politician, and accepting government funds under false pretenses. Is he so fucking arrogant that he thinks he can do whatever he wants, laugh about it, and never get caught?

  I signal to the waiter for the check. I can’t stand being here right now. I want to kill him. I’m not going to let onto anything right now. I’m not ready. I need to figure out what to do with all this information while he still thinks he can trust me. Shit. I thought it was going to take weeks - maybe even months to find out something that could bury Chad as a boyfriend. This is way more than I bargained for. I honestly don’t even know what to do with all of this new found info.

  “Thanks for dinner, Shane.”

  “It was my pleasure,” I lie through gritted teeth. Then again, he just saved me a lot of time and guesswork.

  “Give some serious thought to what we spoke about. It’s a great opportunity for both of us.”

  “I will. I’ll be in touch soon.”

  We both stand and shake hands again. By his stance, I can see Chad has obviously had too much to drink.

  “You going to be okay getting home?” I ask. Not that I care about him, but I do care about Beth.

  “By the time I go home, I’ll be fine,” Chad flashes a knowing smile at me.

  I hate him. I hate him more than I even thought possible. In my wildest dream
s I couldn’t have made him out to be such a scumbag. What does Beth even see in him? He must be one hell of an actor.

  I leave Chad in the lobby and take the elevator back up to my room. As soon as the doors close, I kick the wall. Fuck.

  Now that I’m armed with all of these facts, what am I going to do with them? Beth doesn’t trust me enough yet. If I tell her her boyfriend is cheating on her, she won’t believe me. She will just wind up hating me for it and Chad will look like the good guy. I can’t be the one to tell her. She has to find out another way.

  I don’t know where to go with the corrupt political bullshit. That’s way beyond my realm of understanding. I wouldn’t even know where to begin with that.

  I take a beer out of the mini fridge, lie on the bed and toss everything around in my head for a while. I think Tommy might be my best bet. He may not trust me one hundred percent yet, but as a detective, his instinct will be to do some investigating of his own. If he takes my word and digs a little deeper, he will find out I’m telling the truth. It will be a win-win for me. I will have the trust of my friend again and Beth will ditch that loser - maybe he’ll be the one to break the news.

  I don’t know what the final outcome will be, but I do know one thing for sure, Beth is way too good for this guy. Even if she doesn’t want to be with me, she sure as hell won’t waste her life with him.


  I can’t sleep. I keep thinking about what those two are talking about. I’ve looked at the clock at least once every five minutes. What the hell do they have to talk about for so long? I’m sure nothing as bad as I’m imagining. I’m picturing Shane and Chad comparing notes on me. I shouldn’t be so narcissistic though - I’m sure it’s all business.

  Maybe they’re just really hitting it off. Maybe they’ll become business partners and great friends. Wouldn’t that be special. The three of us could all be buddies. I just threw up in my mouth.


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