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Resistant Omegas 5: Dewey

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by Joyee Flynn

  Resistant Omegas 5


  Life isn’t easy, and Dewey knows that better than most. After living with a pack who used him as a toy and sex slave for two years, he finds hope when the Omega Network is created. But he has one condition… He’s already in love, and he won’t leave Taggart.

  Taggart wants what’s best for Dewey and has suffered plenty for him. A dire wolf in a gray wolf pack, the Alpha has been drugging him with wolfsbane for years to keep him weak.

  When the Council steps in and gives them sanctuary in Denver with Tristan and his men, the abuse stops, but difficult decisions follow. Percy and Azyle, the Betas from the closest dire pack, show up unexpectedly to see if Taggart and Dewey will fill the void in their inner circle.

  Can Taggart recover after being drugged for years, and will Dewey ever truly accept the Betas?

  Genre: Alternative (M/M or F/F), Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Vampires/Werewolves

  Length: 35,283 words


  Resistant Omegas 5

  Joyee Flynn


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage Amour ManLove


  Copyright © 2012 by Joyee Flynn

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-61926-998-9

  First E-book Publication: July 2012

  Cover design by Jinger Heaston

  All cover art and logo copyright © 2012 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Amanda Hilton, Publisher


  Resistant Omegas 5


  Copyright © 2012

  Chapter 1

  I hated this part. I hated standing here waiting to see who would win the hunt for me and what I’d have to endure the next week. Scratch that, I hated being with people who weren’t my choice as well. And then I hated having to be with my inner circle.

  Basically I hated my life.

  But I did have one silver lining to my crappy existence… Taggart. A man so fine and with such a big heart he could turn a straight man gay. I swear, he could. There were men in the pack who were straight but would make the exception for Taggart.

  As I stood there waiting to find out who’d own me for the next week, I prayed to whomever was listening or gave a shit to let Taggart win. I didn’t want to go with anyone else this week and I couldn’t deal with the pain in the eyes of the man I loved when I had to. It killed Taggart when he lost and I went to the winner.

  Maybe I should back up and explain the situation better. I was sold to this pack almost two years ago. The Alpha wasn’t gay and took me only at the claiming ceremony. One of my Betas was so busy kissing the Alpha’s ass that he fucked me just to gain favor. See, my Alpha didn’t have to fuck me to gain power, just someone in the inner circle does. I’m pretty sure that the Beta was in love with the Alpha, but that was a whole other can of worms.

  The other Beta loved screwing me relentlessly… But he was a sadistic son of a bitch who liked things that made my skin crawl. His idea of normal was so fucked up.

  Since the claiming ceremony when I became the Omega of this pack, I’d been used as a reward for the strongest wolves. Every month at the full-moon gathering I’d stand on one side of the pack lands, guarded by the lesser-of-two-evils Beta, while everyone else was on the other side. My Alpha gave the signal and it was a no-holds-barred chase to see who could get to me first. The winner got me for a week for whatever they want.

  Two or three if the Alpha was impressed with them or they were in his favor. But there had been times, I think when the Alpha was just bored, where he did this every week. I had a few other theories why for the past several months we’d been doing this weekly.

  One, I think he knew his sadistic Beta is going to end up killing me and wanted him to focus on something other than me. Two, if I belonged to someone else for the week, the Alpha didn’t have to deal with me and the other Beta could solely kiss his ass. Three, my Alpha was just a rat bastard. Four, he liked to keep the pack in good fighting condition so if something ever happened and the Council found out what he’d been up to, then he’s got soldiers to fight.

  That was why Taggart and I had to put on a show for the Alpha so he never found out that we were really in love. I know it tore my man up inside that he had to treat me so poorly in public, and he begged me to run away with him. But I just couldn’t do that to him. If we ran, he’d be a dead man walking if anyone ever found us. And so would I.

  “Wanna have sex while we wait?” my Beta asked quietly. I gave him points for asking, but my answer was still the same.

  “Not really,” I answered quietly as I leaned against him. He wasn’t a bad guy in the sense he was evil… He was just screwed up in the head. “Ryan had me last week and he did a number on me. I hurt in ways I didn’t think possible.”

  “Yeah, I saw the new marks and how you were limping. I hope he doesn’t get you again.” He didn’t look at me but he didn’t move either so I could stay standing by using him to lean on. I hoped Ryan didn’t get me again either. He was another fuck head. Ryan didn’t like sex unless the man under him was screaming in pain. I couldn’t even count how many bones of mine he’d broken when I’d belonged to him.

  Right now both my
ankles were still healing and he’d dislocated my shoulder. Taggart was going to freak when he found out. And then blame himself for not getting to me first. It wasn’t his fault though. He was a special kind of wolf as well and our Alpha was threatened by him. So he remedied that by drugging Taggart with wolfsbane to keep his strength to that of a normal wolf or less.

  Did I mention my life sucked?

  I was having trouble not collapsing when I saw four wolves burst through the tree line. Taggart was in the lead and while that made me want to cry with relief, I saw Ryan was right on his heels, trying to bite his flank.

  “Man, Taggart really has a hard-on for you,” the Beta mumbled. “I know you’ve got that hot, tight little ass, but he acts almost like you’re dating.”

  “Yeah, I normally date rapists.” I snorted and shook my head, trying to pull off my disdain act while my stomach knotted. “He’s just as bad to me as Ryan or worse.”

  “That blows.” I knew the guy was trying to sound sympathetic but mostly he just seemed bored. As long as everyone never found out that Taggart and I were in love, they wouldn’t keep us apart.

  Speaking of Taggart, right when he was within a hundred yards of me, he spun in a fantastic move to take Ryan out. He grabbed the smaller wolf by the neck in his jaw and whipped him back behind Taggart. He never broke stride, slowed down, or acted as if it fazed him.

  My man had moves that no one could rival. Especially our Alpha. Taggart would have long since challenged him if he wasn’t being drugged regularly. I worried about the permanent damage the wolfsbane could do to him. But as things were, he might not win the fight against our Alpha and I wasn’t willing to take that risk. Plus, the Alpha fought dirty. If he knew he had a challenger, some type of accident would happen to the guy.

  I’d seen it before.

  I was snapped out of my thoughts when Taggart was now right on us and leapt at me. He shifted on the fly and knocked me to the ground, catching me before I hit dirt in a way no one else could see. To everyone else it looked like he’d given me one hell of a tackle.

  “I win,” he snarled against my neck as he spread my legs. “I beat everyone else and I get the prize.”

  “As the inner circle witness, I deem you the winner. Have fun with him,” the Beta replied and stepped back. The wolves who had lost were slowly catching up, along with our Alpha. We knew we were going to have an audience so we had to make it look good.

  I searched the faces that had gathered and found our Alpha. “Please,” I begged as Taggart moved to line up his cock to my hole. “Limit what he can do to me. I don’t deserve to suffer when I’ve been so obedient. He’s always too rough and Ryan broke more bones.”

  “If I decree no more broken bones and cutting you when they have you will you stop your constant whining?” He was thoroughly annoyed. I’d guess that he was mostly annoyed that he was sporting wood when he was supposedly very straight.

  “Yes, Alpha,” I said, giving a relieved smile and sigh. “I will be good and whine no more if you put those restrictions in. I understand the need to use me, I just don’t want someone to break your investment in keeping the pack strong.”

  “Too right. You cost us a small fortune,” he grumbled before facing everyone else. “I decree that the Omega shall no longer be abused in the extreme sense during his time with the winners.” I winced… That meant his Beta still could. “No more using blades and breaking of bones. He won’t last us long enough to make us all gods if he is damaged.”

  Everyone nodded in agreement though I could see Ryan was less than thrilled. The Alpha stared him down until he said yes that he understood.

  “May I partake in my prize, Alpha?” Taggart asked as he stared at my hole and ignored me as a person. “The sex of the hunt is only fun if I’m still wound up from it.”

  “Yes, yes, fuck him until he passes out if you wish.”

  Taggart didn’t hesitate, slamming into me with all he had. I played the game and screamed out in pretend pain. The truth was there was only a slight burn because Ryan had used me badly. I knew to stretch myself out before the hunts because no one ever took the time to prepare me. Taggart had once and it had almost blown everything for us.

  “Stop fucking him with everything other than your dick, Ryan,” Taggart said dangerously with a grunt. “You’re going to damage him in a way he can’t recover from. His hole is so abused and sore I can feel the heat of the reknitting muscles on my cock.”

  I blushed, unable to hide my embarrassment at his statement. I turned my head in shame, squeezing my eyes shut. Taggart had to be distant or we’d be found out and he wanted the Alpha to hear how Ryan had abused me. I understood all of this… It just didn’t make my pain being aired out like that for all to hear any easier.

  “Fine,” Ryan huffed as the Alpha shot him a dirty look. “I’ll only fuck him with toys meant to be used that way and my dick. No more baseball bats or anything out of the ordinary.”

  Taggart’s thrusts lost their rhythm at that last statement and his hold on my hips tightened. I knew what that meant. He was on the edge of control to not tear out Ryan’s throat. I was scared he would really do it right then so I decided to distract him. Tightening the muscles in my ass, I heard the man I love give a guttural groan.

  The focus was back on me then as he pounded away into my body. It felt fantastic because it was Taggart. In reality I was too sore, too broken, and too humiliated for sex right then. But it was Taggart. If I let myself get lost in the moment I could have gotten an erection and come. That would make me look less like the unwilling participant so I didn’t.

  “You’re not screaming,” Taggart accused as he grabbed my chin in his hand. My eyes snapped open and I saw the love for me shining in his before he hid it away. “Do you want it harder? I could fuck you much harder until you do scream if you want.”

  “No, it’s hard enough if you are enjoying it,” I whispered as I spread my legs wider for him. The angle changed and I pretended it hurt, letting out a howl of pain. Moments later the man of my dreams threw back his head and roared as he filled me with his release.

  “I declare the hunt over,” the Alpha said loudly as his eyes raked over our naked bodies. “See everyone next week for another turn at the pleasure and power the Omega gives.”

  And with that, we were done. For one week I could live with and love Taggart the way I wanted in the safety of his home. The pack had bought the show and would never be the wiser.

  Everyone started to leave and Taggart pulled out of me. Then he lifted me over his shoulder as he stood, bitching that Ryan had broken my ankles and now he had to carry my ass all the way back to his car. He would have done it anyways, but we had to keep up appearances.

  And honestly, I was so damn sore and hurt from the healing broken bones and bruises Ryan had given me that I didn’t mind being carried like a sack of potatoes if it got me off my feet. Taggart had longer legs than most being six eight and we were one of the first to reach the area where everyone parked. It was amusing to see us stand next to each other since I was only five two… Almost five three.

  He dumped me in the passenger’s seat after he pulled his shorts and shoes off of it. Taggart quickly pulled them on and jogged over to the driver’s side and got in. A few minutes later we were pulling out of the pack lands onto the main road.

  “You okay?” He whispered so quietly I could barely hear him. Glancing over, I saw a stray tear run down his cheek. “How bad did it hurt?”

  “I’m fine, Tag,” I answered as I reached for his hand. He intertwined our fingers and gave me a squeeze. “I’ll be back to normal tomorrow. It’s just that Ryan had me for the week and then Beta Jasper wanted a quick go with me before I got handed off to someone else.” I groaned mentally for letting that tidbit slip out.

  “That’s why your ass was so tender. That bastard was cutting you again to use your blood as slick—”

  “I’m fine,” I said, interrupting him. I didn’t want him rehashing in his mind wh
at had happened to me. Yes, Jasper was a sick fuck, but I’d heal. I always did even if sometimes it left scars.

  “You’re not fine!” Taggart shouted as he pulled into his driveway. “You can’t keep living like this, Dewey! It’s not right. If we get away from the pack I won’t be drugged anymore and I could protect you.”

  “Tag,” I sighed as I undid my seat belt and opened the door. I didn’t know what else to say because this was the same fight we always had. Before I could even get out of the car he was there lifting me into his arms as if I was the most precious cargo in the world. “I love you.”

  “I love you too, baby.” He buried his face in my hair and shook with silent sobs. “One day they’ll kill you or take you away from me and I couldn’t survive that. Let me help you and get us out of here.”

  “I contacted the Council through the new Omega Network,” I informed him, trying to give him any hope. “It’s being run by a few Omegas and their inner circles. The Alpha doesn’t know I heard back from them and they promised to send help. It’s only been a few weeks but I know they’ll come through. I saw some of the posts, Tag. There are others worse off than us. After they’re rescued I’m sure they’ll come for us, okay?”

  He nodded and locked up the car. Then he carried me to the front door and let us in. He was so quiet it had me worried. Once we were on the fake fur rug in front of the fireplace and he had one going, he finally spoke again.

  “If this is how you want to handle things, I’ll support the decision.” I smiled at him but he held up a hand. “But only for one month. They get one month to come in and put a stop to this or we run. Promise me that.”

  I thought it over for a moment. I had the same concerns as he did that I wouldn’t survive this pack. And he’d been dealing with this shit for much longer than I had since he was a few years older than me. “Okay. If we don’t hear from the Omegas or get rescued in the next month we run.”


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