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Resistant Omegas 5: Dewey

Page 5

by Joyee Flynn

  “Don’t wanna. You drive me insane and are so fucking tempting you could make a straight man beg to be with you.” Tag moved his hands to the button of the shorts and I started crying. What was wrong with him?

  “I said no!” I screamed and shoved him hard. He shook his head, blinking rapidly as if snapping out of a trance. “What is wrong with you? Why are you acting like this? You’ve never treated me badly or been mean to me. Now today you are being horrid to me. Anytime I’ve told you to stop before, you instantly have. Where is my Tag?”

  “We might be able to answer that,” Percy said quietly as he and Azyle joined us. In a flash Taggart was up with me in his arms, wrapped around him like a monkey.

  “He’s mine. You can’t have him. I love him and showed him what that meant. You can’t take him from me!” I glanced up at Tag, shocked at how he was acting. His eyes were wild and bloodshot.

  “What’s wrong with him?” I asked Percy.

  “Nothing, just want you,” Tag moaned as he slipped his hand down the back of my shorts. His lips found my collarbone again, knowing it was one of my hot spots. “All I’ve ever wanted was you. I’m sorry, baby. I’ll be better, be stronger. You can wear whatever you want after I claim you because I won’t be jealous then. I love the outfit, it just startled me.”

  “Tag,” I moaned as he rubbed his finger against my hole, pushing it in slightly even though it was dry. He seemed manic and out of control. I didn’t know what to do.

  “You have to knock him out, Dewey,” Tristan said quietly from behind me.

  “What?” I gasped as Tag’s other hand slid down the front of my shorts. I glanced at them over my shoulder and saw the worried faces. “Why?”

  “Because I can’t,” Tristan explained. “I can freeze him so he doesn’t get hurt but we need him out and I don’t want to drug him when that’s the problem.”

  “Fuck off and leave me to please my man in private,” Tag growled at them, shaking with the need to shift.

  “I love you,” I whispered against his lips. His eyes cleared for a moment and I saw my Tag.

  “Do it. I don’t know what’s wrong,” he whimpered. “Just promise you’ll give me a chance to apologize later. I love you more than anything, Dewey.”

  “I know you do.” I gave him a quick kiss and let go of my power.

  Tag’s eyes rolled up into his head and just as we started to fall to the ground, Tristan froze Tag. He waited until Jared and Percy were there to catch Taggart and then let go. I ended up in Azyle’s arms, shaking as my well-deserved nervous breakdown started.

  “Why is this happening to us? Why can’t we just have a moment’s fucking peace? What’s wrong with him?” I blubbered as I buried my face in Azyle’s neck. I think somewhere I knew I shouldn’t be in the arms of another man practically naked, but right then I didn’t care. And it wasn’t about sex. Dear god in heaven, that was the last thing on my mind.

  “I think it’s the wolfsbane,” George answered as he stepped closer and rubbed my back. “When you looked so shocked at Taggart’s reaction I started thinking of reasons he could be acting out of character. I don’t know him, so my initial thought was this was how he truly is.”

  “He’s not like this,” I wailed and Azyle’s arms tightened as he whispered gently in my ear. “He’s good and kind and loving. He doesn’t have a mean bone in his body. Tag’s never judged me or treated me like anything but a prince. That’s why I was so upset. I thought it was the stress of all of this but then his eyes were so wild like he wasn’t there.”

  “Wolfsbane is a drug,” George explained as Jared and Percy carried Taggart and we headed back inside. “Yes, it’s a drug to weaken a wolf, but just like any other drug it can be addictive and hard on one’s system when suddenly stopped. When was the last time he had any?”

  I thought about that a moment. “He was supposed to get his weekly dose the night of the hunt but he switched out the bottles and they shot him up with water. So the week before he had a double dose. Nine days then?”

  “I’ll call the pack doctor and see what he thinks,” Tristan said with a nod. “He might not be able to get off of it cold turkey.”

  “But wolfsbane hurts him,” I whimpered, hating the idea of giving him any more.

  “Yes, but there might be an easier way to get it out of his system without this type of reaction,” George explained. I nodded that I understood. They were the professionals here and I would defer to them. They’d proven that they had our best interests at heart. “I won’t tell the Council what happened other than he’s suffered by being drugged for so long. You’ve been thinking clearly and I don’t believe Taggart’s been abusing you, Dewey.”

  “Thank you. I swear he’s never once treated me like that.” I bit my lip, debating how much to tell him and then decided the truth was best. “I lied once and said I wasn’t as hurt as I was from my old Beta. We were having sex and my hole tore a bit. Tag never had a thought in his head as to keep having sex or annoyed he didn’t get to finish. He cried he was so upset he hurt me and it wasn’t his fault even. That’s the man he is.”

  “We believe you, pint size,” Cameron agreed with a sympathetic smile. “We got a chance to talk to him a bit after he had a session with George and you were out shopping with our mate. He loves you and no man could fake his feelings like that. Taggart was so excited for you to be free and experience new things as simple as shopping and picking out your own clothes. I think we were just shocked at his reaction today and didn’t know what to do.”

  “Me too,” I mumbled. Azyle set me down on the counter, standing between my thighs as he cupped my face in his large hands.

  “I’m sorry you had to suffer as you have and this is happening to Taggart when you love him so. It might be the wrong time but I had to let you know that having you in my arms and letting me comfort you when you needed it was wonderful. Even if you don’t become our Omega and things don’t work out as we want, I hope you know I’ll always be here for you, Dewey.”

  “You’re with Percy,” I whispered, feeling a little uncomfortable.

  “And we love each other,” Percy said gently as he moved closer. I looked around and realized they must have laid Taggart down in the living room because he wasn’t in the kitchen. “But something’s always been missing between us and I think it’s you.”

  I watched as Azyle’s hand moved down my naked chest and Percy ran his fingers up my thigh. I shivered at the contact, adoring their gentle touch. Then I snapped back to my senses. “Please stop. This isn’t the right time and I won’t do anything without talking to Taggart first.”

  “You’re right,” Azyle sighed as they both took a step back. “We’re sorry. We shouldn’t have been so thoughtless. It’s just you’re so beautiful and the way you care for Taggart just makes us want to be the ones you want as well.”

  I studied them both. Azyle had shoulder-length deep-brown hair that had a curl to it which was a stunning contrast to his bright-green eyes. Both of them were six seven or so and built like Taggart. It had to be a dire wolf thing that made them so big, but it was just good genes that made them so hot. Percy had light-blue eyes that shined with emotion, mostly lust, and black, short hair that I just wanted to run my fingers through.

  “You’re both stunning and it’s not that I’m not attracted to you,” I explained softly. “I liked being in your arms and the way you touched me. I just can’t right now, especially with what’s going on with Taggart. I would like to get to know you both better. Maybe we could just hang out today?”

  “We’d like that and we’ll try to keep our hands to ourselves,” Percy agreed. “You might want to change though if we have to behave because all I can think about is stripping you down naked and licking every inch of your body. Then we’d make you scream in pleasure as we made love to you all day and night.”

  “Wow,” I panted, my cock going hard. “You really know how to use that mouth of yours.”

  “Darling, you have no idea how ta
lented my mouth is,” he drawled and reached for me. Azyle stopped him by stepping in front of Percy. “Sorry. You’re just so damn tempting.”

  “Thank you,” I giggled. They both groaned suddenly and I realized they were staring at my groin. I’d been pushing against my dick, trying to get it to behave, and they noticed. That and the shorts were so tight the outline of it was very obvious. “I’m going to go change.”

  “Here’s your hat,” Jared said with a wink as he handed it to me. I took it from him and raced from the room. I quickly changed, throwing on the most unappealing yoga pants and T-shirt I’d bought. The T-shirt was baggy but the yoga pants were formfitting. They were probably for women but they were so comfortable I didn’t care if they were made for animals. I liked them.

  When I was done I headed back downstairs and followed Taggart’s scent to the living room. He was still out for the count on the sofa and I knelt on the floor in front of him.

  “I’ll take care of you, Tag,” I told him as I held his hand. “I don’t know what’s going on but I’ll talk with the doc and handle it. I can do this, okay? You’ve taken care of me for so long that I hope you trust that I’ll do what’s right by you and for us. I was nervous I made the wrong choice by letting them give us sanctuary but now I’m not.

  “Tristan’s a great friend already and I like his inner circle. George has already been a big help to me and I think we both need to talk about what happened so we can set things right. What if we had been on the run and this happened to you? We wouldn’t have been able to get help in time and something bad could have happened to either of us. I want more for us. A real home and a good pack. Maybe Percy and Azyle coming here is good too.

  “They seem nice and they’ve been respectful of what I want. If we get to know them now before moving to a new pack we can all be a team. I know you’ll make an awesome Alpha and they’ll see it too. I won’t do anything or go anywhere if it doesn’t include you, Tag. You’re everything to me.”

  I didn’t expect an answer since obviously he was unconscious. I just needed to say what was on my mind. Maybe his subconscious would hear me and he wouldn’t be scared.

  The pack doctor came then with Tristan. They both gave me sad smiles as the doc went to work. He drew Taggart’s blood and took his vitals as I numbly watched. The doc was still doing his thing as I was lifted up. I slowly glanced at Percy, feeling as if this was all a dream or a nightmare. He lowered me onto Azyle’s lap and then sat next to us on the love seat.

  “I can’t lose him,” I whispered to no one in particular. “He’s my whole world.”

  “We understand that but we need to know if you have room in your heart for two more,” Azyle said as he nuzzled my neck. It wasn’t sexual, though it was hard not to get turned on. It was a wolf thing, his way of showing me comfort.

  “Yes,” I admitted as my cheeks heated up. “As long as it was all of us together and not me with you guys and me with Taggart, I think it would work. But I can’t say that for sure.”

  “Nothing in life is for sure,” Percy agreed as he lifted my hand to his lips. “We do the best we can and just take things one day at a time.”

  “I can do that.” I snuggled back against Azyle, taking the comfort he offered. The stress of the day must have gotten to me because I fell asleep right there in his lap. I wasn’t one for napping but it was one hell of a day and I still hadn’t had breakfast.

  * * * *

  Falling asleep was bad though because I couldn’t hold someone unconscious if I was. I woke to a fierce growl as I was moved suddenly. Then warm lips found mine and I recognized Taggart’s scent. I kissed him back passionately, giving myself over to him completely.

  “Mine,” he snarled before plundering my mouth again. I felt my T-shirt get ripped off of me before he yanked down my pants. Then he lifted me up so my thighs were on his shoulders and started licking my hole. I opened my eyes to see four startled expressions.

  “He woke after you fell asleep and seemed to ignore everything but you,” Tristan explained.

  “Get him some slick before he fucks me dry,” I moaned, no longer caring about the witnesses or anything else. Taggart needed me even if he wasn’t thinking clearly and I would be there for him.

  “Taggart, take this and don’t hurt Dewey,” Tristan said gently as he handed the bottle of slick to my man. “We’ll give you some privacy… Not that this ever happened.”

  I nodded as Taggart lowered me to the couch. I was an unclaimed Omega again since they nulled my contract with my inner circle and there were severe penalties for having sex with me.

  “No, the Betas stay,” Taggart growled when they went to leave. He slicked up his fingers and then tossed Azyle the bottle. “You want him and if we can all get along and be his inner circle, Dewey will be better protected. No penetrating him until the deal is done but you can test if you guys have chemistry with him if Dewey agrees to it.”

  “Tag?” I whispered, checking his eyes to see if they were clear. “Is this you or the wolfsbane talking?”

  “I’m here,” he answered quietly as he licked my bottom lip. “I feel weird and all I can think of is having you, showing you how I feel so you forgive me. But I’m all over the place too. Is this because of the wolfsbane?”

  “We think so.” I gasped as he pushed a finger in my ass. “Are you sure you want them to join in? We don’t even know them and I don’t want you to get crazy jealous again.”

  “No, I’m not sure but we need to see what’s here.” He nodded to Percy and Azyle. They hesitantly moved closer and knelt on either side of Taggart as I was spread out on the sofa like a buffet. “His neck and collarbone are especially hot spots for him. He likes his nipples played with and he’s not into the burn of dry sex so you have to use lots of lube when playing with him.”

  “We can do that,” Azyle said hesitantly as he searched my eyes. “Are you okay with this?”

  “Yes. Tag’s right that we need to see if the chemistry is even here between all of us,” I replied firmly, hoping I got my point across. I must have because they both nodded. Azyle leaned over to kiss me as Percy moved his hands under Tag’s shirt.

  “Focus on Dewey,” Tag moaned.

  “I want both of you,” Percy countered. Tag nodded and pulled his finger out of me just long enough to get his shirt off and then pushed two back into me. “We can all play while you take Dewey. I can’t wait to see how pretty he is when he comes.”

  “It’s like nothing I can put into words.” I blushed at Taggart’s praise and my dick twitched. They all saw it and groaned. Azyle went back to kissing me and I thought my body was going to go up in flames already with what they were doing to me. I couldn’t even imagine what it would be like for them to take me all at once.

  But I’d like to find out one day.

  Chapter 5

  I couldn’t get enough air or have enough blood in my brain to realize fully what was going on. I was stretched out now and Tag had undone his jeans because he was rubbing the extra slick on his cock.

  “Tell me this is okay and I’m not taking advantage of you,” he said gently.

  “I always want you,” I moaned as Percy bit my nipple gently. “I love you, Tag.” I realized how awkward it was to tell one of the men I was with that I loved him while I barely knew the other two. “Percy and Azyle are growing on me too.” Wow, that was lame. In my defense most of my blood was in my groin so there wasn’t a lot left for my brain.

  I arched my back and gasped as Tag pushed his huge dick inside of me. Percy and Azyle moaned and someone’s hand moved to my cock and started stroking me. I couldn’t even keep track of all the hands and lips that were solely focused on my pleasure.

  “Too much,” I whimpered as I thrashed on the couch. “Everyone only took me one at a time before.”

  “Just enjoy it, Dewey,” Azyle purred in my ear as he licked along my neck. “We’ll catch you.” I nodded because in theory it made sense. Right then though, it felt as if my body was going
to explode into a million pieces. I tried my best to hold back my orgasm as six hands and a few lips played my body like an instrument.

  “I have to come, Tag!” I cried out as I focused on his eyes. They shined with love for me and he nodded. I let go, hoping they’d catch me as Azyle had said. I screamed like a man possessed as I climaxed harder than I ever had before. My cock went off like a geyser and I had a moment to appreciate the fact that I hit all three of them with at least one stream of cum before the black dots started to appear.

  Taggart came hard as well, grunting out his love for me as he filled my ass with his seed. I’d have thought Percy and Azyle being there would have made it less intimate and a little awkward. But it was just the opposite which gave me hope we could all be a family one day.

  “Protect him,” Taggart gasped when he was spent and trying not to flop down on top of me. “I leave Dewey in your hands to love and protect.”

  “Tag?” I whispered, tears filling my eyes in fear. This sounded a lot like a good-bye.

  “Respect him and don’t breach him until we figure out all the paperwork and I get better,” he ordered Percy and Azyle. “If you mistreat him in any way you will understand why I’m more than capable of being Alpha of the dire pack and will feel my wrath. We clear?”

  “Yes, Alpha,” they both answered immediately. I really felt like I missed something.

  “Tristan!” I screamed as Tag’s eyes rolled up into his head and he dropped to the floor. I hadn’t made him pass out so what the fuck was going on? Watching the man I love writhe on the floor in horror, I fought Percy and Azyle to get to him. Why were they holding me back? “Help him!”

  “You can do more damage than good if you don’t know what to do,” Azyle explained and then sighed in relief when Tristan came flying into the room with the doc. “He just went down and started seizing. I think he knew it was coming because he gave us a warning on how to treat Dewey.”

  “He really loves you,” Percy whispered as he held me tight and stroked my hair. “Instead of calling for the doc to get help he was so worried about what would happen to you if he was out for the count.”


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