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Resistant Omegas 5: Dewey

Page 8

by Joyee Flynn

  “Good deal.” He did his typical ruffling of my hair. I couldn’t look at Percy or Azyle… Who was still unconscious so I was pretty sure it made me the worst person ever. I just needed a moment to catch my breath. I couldn’t breathe. I was clutching my chest when another hand moved under mine.

  “I’m here,” Tag whispered in my ear. I nodded, looking around to see we were in my room. How had that happened?

  “You’re always here when I need you.” I stared into his eyes and my heart started to calm back to its normal pace. I realized Tag had been so focused on saving me and doing what was best for me there was a question neither of us had ever asked. “Is this what you want? Do you even want to be Alpha of the dire pack?”

  He sighed as he laid me down on the bed and joined me. “It’s weird to be honest. I mean, I was doing it at first because I want you more than anything and I’d do anything to be with you for real, as your mate. But then talking with the High Council and taking the Alpha tests, something just fell into place. This feels right. These people need a leader who cares and an Omega who will love and help them.”

  “And it’s your birth pack that your father was Alpha of,” I added, letting him know I understood how hard this was for him.

  “No, there’s more than one dire wolf pack.” I stared at him with big eyes and Tag simply shrugged. “People don’t talk about it because we’re almost as rare as Omegas. There are a few small dire packs on the outskirts that recognize the High Council as the ruling body but keep things internal. I don’t think they really ever check in, choosing to live off the land in remote areas. That’s where I grew up, in the middle of nowhere.”

  “How did I not know that?” I was shocked. We’d talked about so much in our time together. I knew it was normal for people to be together for decades and still find out new facts about their partners. I kind of just thought by now I knew everything about Taggart that was basic like where he was from.

  “You had a screwed-up childhood and I didn’t want to go on and on about mine when it was a good one.” He gave a one-shoulder shrug and kissed my cheek. “I had loving parents, two great sisters, and a good pack. It seemed crude to talk about it when you went through hell.”

  “It’s not like you were going to rub your good childhood in my face, Tag,” I said quietly. “But to know you I have to know everything about you, like the fact you grew up in the sticks.”

  “Fair enough.” He was quiet a moment as we both gathered our thoughts. “To answer your question, yeah, I’m happy with the path we’re on. If we had run like I wanted, I don’t even know what would have happened when I freaked out when the wolfsbane was leaving my system. We would have always been on the run and I wouldn’t want that for us.”

  “I agree. But do we want to be part of the inner circle or be mated with them?”

  “I think we’ll just have to go with the flow and see how things progress. You’re getting along with them, right? I like them too. Tristan set it up so besides claiming you there’s no real rules and we can do what we want. So let’s get to know them and let things fall into place as it feels right.”

  “Yeah, that’s cool. I do like them and we’ve been having fun. I can deal with a go-with-the-flow plan.” The moment I admitted that to Tag, my world seemed to stop spinning. “We can do this.”

  “Yeah we can,” he agreed. “If nothing else, this time you get a choice, Dewey. You don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.”

  “You know Omegas need an inner circle, Tag.” I snuggled up against him, letting his large frame comfort and protect me. “I choose you, my love. I’ll always choose you no matter if it means walking through hell to get to you. Adding two hot, sweet men to our bed isn’t what I’d call being in hell.”

  “Me neither.” We shared a look that let me know he liked the idea just as much as I did. Good. We were on the same page… As always.

  Chapter 7

  “Hey, how are you feeling?” I asked Azyle a little while later when Taggart and I joined everyone back in the kitchen.

  “Better but not best,” he admitted with a shrug. When I stared at him still he sighed and pulled the bag of frozen vegetables away that he had been holding against his face.

  “Tag!” I exclaimed and raced over to Azyle. “You were too rough.” I plopped in Azyle’s lap, wincing when he groaned. “Sorry, I didn’t think you’d be hurt there too.”

  “Someone landed a nice kick to my hip,” Azyle griped with no real malice. “I fell like a crash-test dummy.”

  “Poor baby,” I cooed as I took the frozen veggies from him and tenderly touched his cheek. “You just need a hot soak and some TLC and you’ll be right as rain.”

  “What about me?” Percy pouted. I bit my lower lip and glanced at Tristan.

  “Got a tub big enough where I can take care of them both at once?”

  “Yeah, in our master suite.” He chuckled, shaking his head. “You know they’re totally playing this up for the attention.”

  “Yes, but they’re going to be my men now and I take good care of the people close to me,” I said quietly, hoping no one would freak out that I made the official decision. I was wrong.

  “Really?” Azyle gasped. I nodded and suddenly I was spread out on the kitchen table as he used his bruised mouth to show me how much he liked the idea. “Ouch.” He went back to kissing me. “Ouch, sorry.” One more time. “Okay, fuck, that hurts.”

  “Then you can kiss me when you’re better.” I giggled at his antics. “Let’s get you guys up in the tub and cleaned up so I can rub some salve on those bruises.”

  “Whatever you say, baby,” Percy purred and then stood with a groan. “Damn, Taggart. I’d be scared to fight you when you weren’t holding back.”

  “Yeah, yeah, I’m already paying for it,” Tag said sullenly. “It wasn’t my idea to fight and I did my best to win without hurting you guys. Now Dewey’s upset with me and you guys are getting the special treatment.”

  “I’m not upset with you, my love.” I helped Azyle stand and let him put his arm around my shoulders… Even if I really was too short for it. “You’re invited to the tub as well. And you get a blow job for being the winner and keeping us all together.”

  A bright grin spread across his lips and out of the corner of my vision I saw him stick his tongue out at Percy who did the same back.

  “But since I’m not a pedophile, anyone who acts like a child will be treated like one and not get any sex,” I threw over my shoulder as I walked through the kitchen door with Azyle.

  I heard Tristan laugh first before everyone else joined in. Azyle leaned over so only I could hear what he wanted to say. “Nice one, Dewey. I love how quick and funny you are.”

  “Are you happy that Tag’s going to be Alpha and I’ll be your Omega?”

  “Yeah, baby. The more I get to know you the more glad I am we made the trip. I think we’re all a perfect fit.” His hand rubbed up and down my arm as we climbed up the stairs. Just as we got to the top, Percy and Tag finally decided to join us.

  I thought about what Azyle said… And I agreed. Even the playful banter between Tag and Percy showed me that we were all of the same temperament. They had just had a dominance fight today and not even a few hours later they were sticking their tongues out at each other. There was no animosity or residual testosterone from the fight. It was simple, easy with all of us and I liked that.

  “Where are you?” Percy asked when we got to the master suite bathroom. “Are you not okay with this? We can soak on our own, baby.”

  “I’m here, just thinking,” I answered, starting with his first question. “Yes, this is fine. I was just thinking about something Azyle said. I like the fit of the four of us together.”

  “And we’ve not even had sex yet to see how we fit,” Percy teased. I blushed and went to fill the tub. I bit my lip because I was also a little annoyed. I’d been just thinking we were on the same page and Percy’s making smart-ass comments when I was being serious. Mayb
e it was just his way but this was one of the biggest decisions of our lives and I wanted to make sure it was right.

  “It’s just his way,” Azyle explained as he sat on the side of the tub next to me and ran his fingers through the filling water. “Percy’s had a rough life and he uses humor as a deflection when things get too serious.”

  “Yeah, my parents didn’t try to beat me to death with a belt if they were laughing,” Percy mumbled and turned away to undress. I stared at Azyle and then Taggart with wide eyes. They both nodded that it was true. So Taggart must have gotten the Betas’ files from the High Council and read up on them.

  “My father used to starve me for a day as a child when I’d ask a question. He used to say no one cared what an Omega thought and the sooner I learned that and how to be blindly obedient the more money they’d get for me,” I whispered. I hated to reveal such a horrid memory but sometimes it helped people to know they weren’t the only ones. “And when they did let me have a whole thousand calories in a day, which was the diet they put me on since I was seven, I had to run a few miles to stay thin.”

  “When did the running start?” Percy asked quietly, turning back towards me when he was naked. Azyle calmly leaned over and grabbed some apple-scented bubble bath, pouring it into the massive tub.

  “It was three miles a day when I was ten. Then by the time I was sixteen it was fifteen miles a day.”

  “When I first met Dewey you could see every rib, every joint, and his cheekbones looked almost ready to pop out of his skin,” Tag said as he pulled me up into his arms. “But he was still the most breathtaking man I’d ever seen.”

  “Tag gave me my first candy,” I giggled, remembering how it happened. “He had peanut butter cups on his table after he won me during the hunt. I asked him what they were and he just about shit a brick.”

  Tag chuckled as he kissed my shoulder and helped me out of my shirt. I had left off the boots and hat but still had the tiny shorts. Those I lost thanks to Azyle’s gentle hands.

  “That’s when we found out you have quite the sweet tooth,” Tag teased. “He ate the whole bag of them before I even figured out what movie to play since he’d never been allowed to watch TV.”

  “And then you brought home a bag of Twix from the store the next day.” I groaned, loving that candy. Tag smiled as he lost his own jeans before everyone stepped into the tub. We settled down and I realized all eyes were on me. “What?”

  “You groan over candy and I think all of us just about shot our loads, baby,” Percy practically purred. “You are just too sexy for your own good.”

  “And now we’re going back to the serious topic,” I replied, uncomfortable with all of them eyeing me over as if I was dinner.

  “I think your deflecting our group advances is a serious topic,” Azyle said in a nervous tone. He glanced over to Taggart, who nodded. “What aren’t you telling us?”

  “Um, well, being with you and Percy was my first ménage,” I admitted with a sigh. “And we didn’t even have intercourse. My old Alpha was only with me during the claiming ceremony and the Betas were one at a time. Then the hunts were one person on me so…” I trailed off and spread my arms as if to say, this is new to me.

  “Oh so are we freaking you out?” Percy really did have a way with words but I did appreciate his candor most times. Right then though? It made me blush. “That would be a yes.” He glanced down at his lap and I saw his erection wilt. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.”

  “No, it’s not that.” I bit my lip and tried to figure out what I wanted to say. “I just need to go slow. I mean, don’t you guys? Isn’t this all weird to you?”

  “No, we’ve been in plenty of ménages in our pack.” Percy shrugged as if no big deal.

  “Glad we’ll just be one of many,” Tag bitched, rolling his eyes. I can’t say I wasn’t feeling the same way.

  “You know what?” Percy growled, narrowing his eyes at both of us. “Fuck this. I can’t say anything right with you guys. I feel like I’m constantly walking on eggshells and I’m sorry that this might be petty, but that’s not how I want to live my life.” He stood in the tub and groaned as he held his ribs before stepping out of the tub.

  “Percy,” Azyle called out but the only reply he got was Percy’s middle finger. “Well that went well.”

  “I’ll say,” I sighed, reaching over and turning off the tub before sinking lower into the warm water.

  “And yet you probably think this is all his fault, right?” Azyle was getting defensive about his partner and that made things tricky.

  “His fault? No, not at all,” I admitted with a shrug, proud of my reply when Tag nodded in agreement. “But it won’t always be walking on eggshells as he puts it. I’ve been careful with what I say with you guys too. I love Tag but when it was just us did I ever make you feel as if I wished he was there instead of you?”

  “No, you were always right there with us.”

  “Exactly. I was paying attention and being considerate of our new relationship or whatever we were starting before we knew where we stood. I think that’s all we want from Percy as well. We all have issues and baggage and while you’ve been there for mine I’ve worked hard not to dump it all over you. Tag and I had lots of kinks to work out and some dancing around each other when we were new.”

  “What Dewey is saying, Percy,” Tag said, his voice louder than mine had been. I sighed. His sense of smell was way better than mine. I had assumed Percy had left the master bedroom but it seemed he was right there. “Is that starting a relationship is tricky especially with four people so if we don’t start off right, laying a solid foundation, then there will be lingering questions or issues which none of us want.”

  “It just feels like you guys keep picking on everything I’m saying when I am trying not to stick my foot in my mouth,” Percy replied, his voice muffled slightly since he wasn’t in the doorway. “I can’t help that I’m blunt. We all have a past and previous lovers. Why is my being honest about it so bad?”

  “Because you basically acted as if Dewey was strange because he was worried about being in a ménage,” Tag countered. I heard feet thunk to the floor and loud footsteps come back towards us.

  “That’s not fair,” Percy growled as he stomped back into the bathroom. “I said I was sorry for making him uncomfortable. He asked me if I was freaked out about it and I explained why I wasn’t. I didn’t say he was being a baby for having concerns. I have some too. It’s natural to have them when you’ve never been in this kind of situation before.”

  “Okay, I concede your point.” Tag nodded and sank down in the water. “Can we just all agree to ease up a bit and not jump all over each other if things come out wrong? This has all been really stressful and I think we’re all on edge.” He glanced at Percy. “I shouldn’t have been a bitch. I just didn’t like feeling as if you didn’t care either way if we became lovers because you had other options in the pack.”

  “Oh, I didn’t mean it to sound like that,” Percy mumbled as he stepped back into the tub. He was quiet a moment before nodding.

  “Yeah, I can see how it might have come off like that. It wasn’t meant to be.” He glanced over to Azyle as if looking for help.

  “What Percy means is that we love each other and we have a good relationship but something’s always kind of been missing,” Azyle explained as he stared at me. “We think it’s been you. We’re both Betas, not always all that tender and unsure of how to handle emotional things. So we never moved onto that level like you and Taggart have. It’s more like we’re best friends who love each other and share a bed. We don’t know what comes next.”

  “Yeah, like we need a small blond who’s our glue,” Percy added with a smile before eyeing over Tag. “And a strong Alpha to keep us in line when we both throw our hands up in the air and have sex as if that fixes everything.”

  “That’s what you think we do?”

  “Well, yeah,” Percy answered with a shrug. “Even wh
en we were debating coming here we argued, had sex, and then packed. I just caved because it was what you wanted instead of being able to voice how I was feeling.”

  “Why didn’t you want to come?” I asked curiously, no judgment or offense, but needing to know because I thought it might be important.

  “Our last Alpha was a whack job,” Percy explained as he glanced down at his lap. “We didn’t have the full detail on Taggart when we left. All we knew is he might be Alpha material but had escaped from his old pack with their Omega. Not exactly reassuring stuff. Plus, if he was Alpha material, I didn’t understand why he didn’t just beat out the old Alpha.”

  “I thought you were just scared to get a new Alpha and be back in the same position,” Azyle said, shock written in his expression.

  “No, I wanted to wait until we got more information from Carson. That’s all.”

  “Oh.” Azyle leaned over and wrapped an arm around Percy, leaning his head on the man’s shoulder. “See, we don’t work as just the two of us because we miss each other a lot. I could never have gotten Percy back into the tub. I think we’re too alike sometimes to ever see things from another perspective.”

  “And you think adding us to the relationship will help?” I kind of understood but it was some roundabout logic that I wanted clarified.

  “We love each other. You guys love each other.” Azyle nodded. “So it’s not that none of us are incapable of love or closed off. We like you guys and so far I think Dewey likes us. It really does take a full, functioning inner circle to give an Omega what he needs. I think we would all fit.”

  “I agree.” Tag smiled at me. “So what do we do next? Tristan said we needed to sign contracts and we all have to claim Dewey before we move to Wichita.”

  “Sounds good to us as long as Dewey’s ready,” Percy said gently. I took a deep breath and met his eyes as I nodded. “Then we have a plan.”

  Fuck, this was scary.


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