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Touched By You (The Touch Series)

Page 8

by t. h. snyder

  I caved. As much as I hated the fact that Chloe was going to move across country I let her do it. I mean, what kind of boyfriend would I be to hold her back from her dreams? We promised each other that we would talk everyday and once our schedules were set we would visit. And we pretty much have done just that. She has only been gone a few months, but we still talk and text each day and Skype before bed. I love seeing and hearing her voice, but it’s not the same as her being here and in my arms. Thanksgiving vacation can’t come soon enough. I’ll have to fight our families to spend time with her. I have a pretty good feeling I’ll win that battle.

  Things have gotten really busy at Jax & Paige and I want to do my best to prove my worth to the senior partners. I enjoy what I do and I must say I’m getting pretty good at it. My win to loss case ratio is the best of the junior partners and according to some of the big guys I have a promising career ahead of me. If it weren’t for this work load, I think I’d go insane. Thankfully in my spare time I’m working on our house and I now have a roommate, Riley and his dog Manny, to keep me company…well sometimes.

  Not only do I have the drama of my relationship with Chloe to worry about, but my new roommate Riley is crushing on Chloe’s sister and my best friend Charlie. I can’t say that it would be a bad thing for them to hook up. They’re both really great people and have a lot in common. It’s just that lately he’s acting like a chick moping about since Charlie pushed him away. Man o man, grow a pair and fight for her already.

  Today Riley starts his new job at Taylor & Sons Contracting so being the nice guy I am I think I’ll make him some coffee to start the day. I can hear Manny’s paws coming down the hardwood steps and run straight for the sliding glass door. I make my way over and let him out. Riley turns into the kitchen and sees the cup of coffee sitting on the table. He gives me a look and I laugh.

  “Hey man, all set for your big day at work? I’m so excited for you that I got up early and wanted to make you breakfast. Before you open your trash mouth, no I’m not a bitch; I’m a very good friend who wants you to have an even better day."

  "Awe shucks thanks honey, I didn't know you felt that way about me. At least someone loves me."

  He sits down at the table with a pout on his face. Damn this guy looks pitiful.

  "Come on man, everything happens for a reason, right? Look at it this way, if you two are meant to be she’ll come back. Just be patient with her. She’s had a shitty relationship past and the last asshole did a number on her."

  "I get that Derrick, I do. She just won't even give us a chance. I feel like a chick moping around, but she’s gotten to me and in like no time at all."

  "Those Taylor girls are something Riley. I’ve been with Chloe for years and in that time we’ve had great times and times that have really sucked. But I believe we’re meant to be. No matter what life throws at us, we still get by."

  "Yeah I guess you’re right. Well I’m going to go put my balls back on and get ready for work. Thanks for the coffee and the pep talk bro. It helps to have a friend like you around."

  I tried to do my best to lift the guy’s spirits, whether it worked or not I don’t know. Finishing up my breakfast I clean up my mess and head upstairs to take a shower. Here’s to another week, got to love Mondays.

  The week goes by damn fast and I love the fact that each week brings me closer to Chloe’s visit for Thanksgiving. We talked a little less this week with her parents and sister in LA, but I know we’ll get back to normal next week.

  A big topic of conversation for us has been Riley and Charlie. It makes me laugh that I’m the one getting involved in Charlie’s romantic drama rather than her dealing with the issues of Chloe and me. I’ve told Chloe that Riley is pretty down about the way things ended with Charlie before she left for LA and Chloe agrees that Charlie is feeling the same way. To help these two love birds get their act together, Chloe and I have concocted a plan.

  All I have to do is let Riley in on the details of tonight and watch the sparks fly. He just needs to get his hung-over ass out of bed. Then I can tell him the details of what he’s supposed to do.

  When he finally makes his way downstairs, I start his day off the best way I can…with a loud voice of course.

  "Hey roomy!" I scream as he passes by me heading to the fridge.

  "Shut up asshole. Can't you see I’m in pain here?" He says laying his head down on the counter.

  "Look I warned you that those guys from work were trouble. They got to you just like they wanted to and now you have to pay for it all weekend." I say with a belly laugh.

  He gives me a killer stare and I know his head has to be hurting from last night’s drinking fest with the guys.

  "So what’s on the agenda for you today?" He asks.

  "Well if you must know I’m going to head on over to Charlie's in a bit. Chloe finally scheduled the movers to come and get the last of her things. Since Charlie doesn't fly in till later I said I’d go over and lend a hand."

  "Hmm, how nice of you." He says in a sarcastic tone.

  "So you want me to let you in on a little secret?" I ask.

  At this point I’m so excited for the surprise they’re in for, I am almost giddy….almost.

  "I don't know, do I?" He replies.

  "Well let me just say that it would be cool if you were to be at Charlie's apartment around 6:30 tonight. I would also suggest having a bouquet of wildflowers and take out from the Chinese place down from her apartment warm and ready to eat." He pats me on the back and walks out of the house.

  With that I grab my wallet and keys and head out the garage door to my car. Let’s see what he makes of that bit of information. I just hope he isn’t too hung-over and forgets what I just said. Chloe will kill me.

  Who knew Chloe and I would become matchmakers, not I.

  While rushing around my apartment I check and double check that everything is perfect before my guests arrive. Okay mental check list go…apartment clean and spotless…check, bedrooms have clean sheets and fresh towels in the bathrooms…check, decorations up and lights on…check, dinner in oven and delicious smells wafting through the air…check, I’m dressed and wearing shoes…check, and lastly Chloe has lost her mind…check, check, check.

  I guess I’m just a little excited for Derrick, Char, and Riley to spend the next few days with me in LA. Going back to Boston for Thanksgiving was great, but I hate that I couldn’t make it home for Christmas. Just thinking my boyfriend and sister would be here a few days after the holiday helped to ease the pain, but it was still my first Christmas away from family.

  My apartment is decorated in the Christmas spirit and I have packages covering the hardwood floors surrounding an eight foot Christmas tree. Hell, just because I wasn’t with them on Christmas day doesn’t mean we can’t celebrate it all over again together here in Los Angeles.

  I have a turkey in the oven and even attempted to make mom’s filling, sweet potatoes, and apple pie for dessert. The three of them should be here any minute and I’m more than anxious to be spending this week showing Char and Riley my town and then having the week after for just me and Derrick.

  My life is completely free the next two weeks so that I can spend every minute with my favorite two people…well and Riley. He’s slowly earning the right to be added to my favorites group.

  When I met Riley in November I was cautious about his intentions with my sister. I mean come on, who meets someone, falls in love in like a month and then looks into buying a house together a few months later. I was kind of worried that he may be a psychopath. But the minute I saw him I could tell he made my sister happier than I’ve ever seen her. Char and Riley have a connection similar to Derrick and I. It makes me so happy knowing that she is being taken care of and her world is finally filled with love.

  The two love birds did buy a house and lucky for Derrick it’s right down the street from ours. Oh god…ours. A sudden feeling of regret fills up my heart and I go back to wondering if I made the right decision t
o move here to LA.

  Buzz, Buzz, Buzz

  Shit! I pull myself out of my fog and run over to the speaker on the wall. I push the button and hear Edward’s voice coming though the intercom.

  “Ms. Chloe, you have three guests in the lobby waiting for you.”

  “Great Edward, send them up. Thank you.” I say in a cheery tone.

  I run my fingers through my long dark waves and then press my hands down onto my skirt to remove any wrinkles. I take in a deep breath and adjust my attitude back to happiness and excitement. I’m not going to let any thoughts of regret ruin this trip.

  The doorbell rings and I run down the hallway knowing that the love of my life is standing on the other side. I can do this, we can make this work. A few thousand miles are not going to destroy what we have both have worked so hard to achieve.

  Come on Chloe, pull your shit together. I take a deep breath in and let it all out. Reaching for the door knob and pulling the door open I put a big smile on my face.

  My god there he is. This gorgeous man stands tall at 6’2 wearing dark jeans, a button down white dress shirt and looking absolutely perfect.

  I’m in like stun mode and can’t move. I’m at a loss for words at the sight of him. A slight smile forms at his lips and his baby blue eyes sparkle with love.

  “Chloe I’ve missed you so much.” He says.

  Before I can utter a syllable he drops the bags in his hands and scoops me up in his arms. He walks me into my apartment and twirls me around in a circle while peppering kisses along my jaw and then smashing his mouth to mine. I’m truly swept away in the moment and absorbing the feel of my boyfriend. The warmth begins to spread all over my body and any doubt I ever had about us being apart is washed away. I love Derrick Peters and nothing will ever stop my feelings for him.

  The sounds of a throat clearing and whistling pulls me back from my Derrick love coma and he slowly sets my feet back down onto the hard floors.

  “Good god Chloe I hope you don’t expect that kind of greeting from me, at least not in front of Char.” Riley says.

  “You better not even think about it Riley. The only body your arms get to hold is mine and the only lips you can touch are mine.” Char says swatting Riley across the back.

  “You two really are too cute together, it’s kind of sickening.” I laugh.

  “Oh my god Chloe like you should talk. For a moment there I felt like I was in a movie the way you two greeted one another. Talk about making me puke.” Char replies.

  “Come on babe, why don’t we grab all the bags and our luggage while these two catch up.” Riley suggests to Char.

  “Okay Riley, anything you say.” Char whispers and then kisses him on the lips.

  “Derrick how about I show you to our room so you can make yourself more comfortable.” I say starring in his eyes.

  “I think that sounds great Angel. Guys we’ll be back out in an hour.” He says with a laugh and smacking me on the ass.

  I missed him more than I ever thought was possible. Everything about him makes me want to pack up and move back home to just be near him. But I can’t, that will never happen.

  This is my first time coming out to visit Chloe in Los Angeles since she moved last summer. This is where her life is now and the place she has made her home. I’m happy to be spending the next two weeks with her. I want to know more about the things she does here and create memories that will last even after I’m back home in Boston.

  “Are you doing okay Derrick?” Charlie asks.

  “Yeah, why you ask?” I reply.

  “I don’t know you just seem off. I mean I’m not a fan of flying either, but ever since we picked you up this morning you just seem quiet.”

  “I’m okay, just been doing a lot of thinking I guess. Spending the next few weeks with Chloe is definitely needed. I miss her so much and can’t wait to be near her again.”

  “Well Romeo anytime you need us to take a hike just give me the look. Riley and I can go be tourists while the happy couple gets acquainted again.”

  “Thanks Charlie, I appreciate it.”

  “Okay good, now snap out of the moody attitude and let’s play some cards.”

  For the rest of our flight Charlie does a good job keeping my mind distracted with cards, a word find and even a little thumb wrestling challenge. I don’t know how Riley deals with living with this girl every day. She needs to constantly be doing something to keep herself entertained.

  Once the plane lands we walk through the airport find our bags and get our rental car. Being that I’m off in daze Riley chooses to drive and Charlie calls co-pilot. During the half hour drive to Chloe’s place I watch as we pass everything that is now home to my girl. This is where she lives, works and will has been creating her future. How the hell will I ever be a part of this? I don’t know if it’s possible to live this far apart from the one person I love with all my heart knowing that our futures will never be within the same zip code.

  Riley pulls the car into the parking garage and I sense them both getting out of the car. I need to get myself out of this funk and fast. I don’t want Chloe to know I’m having these thoughts, it could ruin our trip. No even worse, it could ruin everything we have worked so hard to accomplish.

  I help Riley and Charlie grab our luggage and bags and head toward the building’s lobby. Charlie announces to the gentleman at the desk that we’re here to see Chloe Taylor and within a few moments we’re on our way up to her place.

  A feeling of nervousness takes over and I can’t understand why I am anxious to see my girl. It’s been a few months since we’ve been together, but my heart knows we need some time together. That will help me figure out what our next step is moving toward the future.

  I stand in front of her door and ring the door bell. I can hear her heels clicking on a tile floor and then the door swings open.

  My whole world just stopped. There she stands. My beautiful girl is right here in front of me and all I can do is smile.

  “My god Chloe I’ve missed you so much.” I tell her.

  I can’t waste another second. I need to have her in my arms. Dropping everything in my arms I walk through the doorway and scoop her up in my arms. My lips immediately go to her neck and jaw. I leave a trail of kisses all over her smooth skin. Her smell has me intoxicated and I can feel the warmth of our bodies getting hotter and hotter the longer she is in my grasp. I put my mouth up to hers and kiss her like it’s the last time I’ll ever see her. God I can’t stand this distance between us. Her lips part and I take advantage of the moment by entering her mouth with my tongue. She doesn’t hesitate and kisses me back just as passionately.

  Riley and Charlie are still standing in the doorway as I spin Chloe in circles continuing to embrace her with all that I have. I guess they get tired of the show, because they start clearing their throats and making whistling noises. Ending our moment I put Chloe’s feet back on the floor and allow Riley and Charlie the chance to say hello as well.

  Being the jackass Riley is he offers to give Chloe a greeting like mine when Charlie isn’t around. Yeah right like hell he will. Still, my good friend offers to get things settled while Chloe shows me to our room. I sure as hell will not argue with getting her in a room alone so I swat her on the ass and follow her lead. Once in the bedroom I take a look around at my surroundings. Her room is decorated just like she started decorating our place back in Boston. It is beautiful yet simple at the same time. The walls are a light grey with blue curtains and darker grey and blue bedding on a queen size sleigh bed. She has a desk, dresser and night stand all in black that match the bed. She just stands there watching me take it all in. I walk over to the desk and see a few picture frames lined up all with photos of me, her and Char.

  “I’m so glad you’re here.” She whispers in my ear while running her hands along my back.

  “Me too Chloe, you have no idea how much I missed you.” I say turning so that our bodies are facing each other.

  “Oh I th
ink I do.” She says as she places her soft lips to mine.

  I wrap my arms around her holding her in a tight embrace while kissing her more deeply. The feeling of our bodies touching and her mouth on mine has me on fire. There’s always a feeling of warmth when I’m around her, but in this moment I’m in flames.

  “Damn it Chloe I want to undress you and keep you in this room for the rest of the day.” I groan through clenched teeth.

  “Oh my God Derrick, if you keep doing that I don’t know if I’ll ever want to leave this room.” She says.

  Ever so lightly I continue to rain kisses along her jaw, down her neck and grasping her tits through the fabric of her dress. I’m addicted to this beautiful angel and I’ve been starved for too long.

  “Derrick?” She moans.

  “Yes love.” I reply.

  “As much as I want to strip you of your clothes and take you in my mouth, we have two other people out there and a feast in the oven.”

  “Fuck Chloe, did you have to say the first part?” I ask.

  Pushing away from each other we stare at the lust filled in both our faces and then break into a fit of laughter.

  “Okay I’ll make a deal with you. Let me take a quick shower and then I’ll meet you out there for dinner. We’ll spend some time with Charlie and Riley, maybe even exchange some presents, and then I get you all to myself.” I tell her.

  “I love the way you think Derrick. Get cooled off and I’ll see you in the living room in a few minutes.”

  With that she straightens out her dress, runs her fingers through her hair, and checks her make up in the mirror. She turns blowing me a kiss and then heads out of her bedroom.

  Oh yes, that fine ass is all mine and no one is going to stop me from making love to Chloe all night long.

  After the hot make out session with Derrick, I attempt to pull my hormones back together and head out to the kitchen. Char and Riley must still be in the guest room because it’s quiet out here. Making my way into the kitchen I open the oven door to check on dinner. Everything looks good to me and should be done within the next fifteen minutes. With just enough time I set the table and pour each of us a glass of white wine.


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