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Ever After High: Lizzie Hearts and the Hedgehog’s Hexcellent Adventure: A Little Shuffle Story

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by Suzanne Selfors

  Then both girls came to a dead stop in the middle of the room, their mouths hanging open as they stared at the nest. “Well, ruffle my feathers,” Duchess said.

  Lizzie was so shocked she dropped the mittens. “Shuffle? What in Ever After are you doing in that nest?”

  Pirouette acted as if nothing was out of the ordinary. She preened her feathers as Shuffle grabbed the last peanut shell and threw it across the room.

  “Are you feeling better?” Lizzie asked, kneeling beside the nest. She put an ear to Shuffle’s belly. “You sound back to normal.”

  Shuffle grunted in her happy way.

  “Well, I guess we don’t have to go to Professor Poppa Bear after all. But I hope you learned your lesson, young lady. Next time, stick to hedgehog food. And that’s an order!”

  Shuffle turned up one side of her mouth in a mischievous smile. She reached out and patted Lizzie’s shoulder.

  “We’d better get to class,” Duchess said. They grabbed their book bags.

  As the bedroom door closed behind the girls, Shuffle yawned. It was daytime, after all, and she was overdue for her morning nap. Stretching her little arms, she looked for somewhere to burrow. Pirouette lifted her wing. Shuffle ducked beneath it and curled up into a ball. Who knew that feathers were so warm?

  As she fell asleep, images of Wonderland filled her mind. The hedgerow, the roses, the sweet treats. Perhaps Lizzie was right and Shuffle should stick to bugs and Farmer-in-the Dell granola. Perhaps she should never eat another waffle throne again. Never forever after.

  Well, maybe just a crumb.

  Or two.

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  About the Author

  Suzanne Selfors feels like a Royal on some days and a Rebel on others. She’s written many books for kids, including the Smells Like Dog series and the Imaginary Veterinary series.

  She has two charming children and lives in a magical island kingdom, where she hopes it is her destiny to write stories forever after.

  Look for other digital original stories from Ever After High!

  Don’t miss all the Ever After High novels!

  Books by Suzanne Selfors:

  Next Top Villain

  Kiss and Spell (coming soon!)

  A Semi-Charming Kind of Life (coming soon!)

  Books by Shannon Hale:

  The Storybook of Legends

  The Unfairest of Them All

  A Wonderlandiful World

  Once Upon a Time: A Story Collection



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  About the Author

  Look for other digital original stories from Ever After High!



  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination and are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

  Copyright © 2015 Mattel, Inc.

  Cover © 2015 Mattel, Inc.

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  First ebook edition: February 2015

  ISBN 978-0-316-40482-2





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