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Page 15

by Candice Stauffer

  “Were you hit?” he asked.

  “No. What’s going on?”

  “I need to stop them. I want you to stay down.”

  The horror in her eyes would haunt him for forever. A bullet sliced through his back and existed his chest, causing him to wince, as he pulled a gun from his shoulder holster. “Do you know how to use a gun?”

  “Yes. But you were shot, Gabe.”

  “I’m fine. It’s loaded and ready. You have ten shots.” He handed her another clip. “There is no safety.” He took her hand and placed his gun in it. The lights went out. It seemed silly for them to bother with the lights.

  “I can’t see anything.”

  “I know. It’s a last resort. If anyone approaches you use it. It won’t miss. I can see. I plan to make sure you don’t need to use it. Stay down. Stay quiet. Don’t move.”

  “You were shot, Gabe.”

  He closed his hand over hers and gently pried her fingers from his suit. “I’m fine, Larissa.” He kissed her forehead. Unable to place a hedge of protection around her, he knew he needed to keep his body between hers and the shooters when he stood up.

  He saw three wolves armed with guns. He waited, remaining absolutely still until he saw an opportunity to go after one without leaving her in danger of being shot by another. He moved quickly, careful to make sure he never lost sight of her location, he disarmed the wolf, shoved the gun down its throat, and fired. Before the wolf’s body hit the ground, Joseph burst through the door. “There are two more. They’re armed.”

  Gabe returned to Larissa. “I’m back,” he said to avoid getting shot by the gun he’d given her.

  She started to stand up. “Stay down. It’s not over yet.” He knelt in front of her. “Are you injured at all.”

  “You were shot, Gabe.” She opened his suit jacket and started to pull the buttons apart from his shirt.

  “I’m okay.” Feeling the worry, the concern she had for him melted his heart. He’d never, since the death of his mother over four hundred years ago, felt a woman’s genuine concern.

  “They’re dead. Bring her out,” Joseph said.

  “It’s safe now. Let’s go.” He took her hand, helped her to her feet, and led her out of the showers into the main locker room.

  “What the hell just happened?” Joseph asked.

  Realizing that Joseph planned to attack him, he released her hand and moved a safe distance from her. Joseph slammed his fist against Gabe’s face. Gabe didn’t fight back, fearing Larissa would get hurt if she tried to intervene. Joseph shoved him hard enough to send his body hurtling several feet. He crashed against a wall of lockers.

  “Stop, Joseph!” Larissa had Gabe’s gun aimed at Joseph.

  “Put it down, Larissa,” Joseph said.

  “Don’t touch Gabe again. He didn’t do anything wrong.”

  “Stop pointing that damn thing at me. You know damn well you’re not going to shoot me.”

  “It’s okay, Larissa.” Gabe walked over to her, holding his hand out to her. “Give the gun to me. You don’t want to shoot Joseph. He’s your friend. He’s only trying to protect you.”

  Larissa glanced at Gabe and handed him the gun, but she turned to look back at Joseph. “Why did you attack him? He saved my life.”

  “Who the hell blocked my power and all telepathic communication and…damn it. I am not allowing you two to fuck up my hotel. Where the fuck is Adam?”

  “Leave Gabe alone. How’s he supposed to know about your power and telepathic communication? What the hell does any of that mean anyways?” She was at his side, wrapping her arm around his waist as if to support him. “He was shot. He needs an ambulance.”

  “I’m fine.” With a thought, he conjured a bulletproof vest. Something his dragon wouldn’t have wasted time doing. She was forcing him to remain in control while unknowingly enticing his dragon. His head felt as if it might burst. “I’m wearing a bulletproof vest.” He straightened his stance, doing his best to look fine. He reached for Adam. If you can hear me now, you need to get down to the basement. Kazimir made a move against Larissa. Joseph is here. He’s pissed off. And my firedragon is overtaking me.

  You control your dragon. You are your dragon.

  “That’s a load of Bullshit.” She was touching him, her hands moving over his body, searching for damage. “You weren’t wearing a vest. I saw it. A bullet went straight through you before the lights went out.” She looked at Joseph. “He wasn’t wearing a vest. I don’t know how the hell he has one on now. I watched a bullet go through him.”

  “He’s fine,” Joseph growled between clenched teeth. “I want you to get the hell away from her. You’re too damn close to losing control. Get your ass off my property.”

  “What the hell are you talking about? He isn’t going anywhere. This is not just your property,” Larissa said. “And I sure as hell do not belong to you. He’s my friend. He saved my life.”

  Suddenly and unexpectedly, her attempt to defend him soothed and amused him. Thoroughly. Protecting her from further violence was the only reason he didn’t fight back when Joseph attacked him. As close as he was to turning, he knew his dragon was just amused. His dragon knew rage. Fury. Hatred. Nothing else. She was keeping that side of him captivated, waiting to see what she would do next.

  “Tell her the truth. Tell her you’re responsible for the pieces of shit showing up here.”

  “Go to hell, Joseph.” Larissa glared at him.

  “Gabe is not what he appears to be. He’s dangerous. This is his fault. You’re going to end up dead if you don’t stay the hell away from him.”


  Adam rushed into the locker room. “Damn it, Joseph. Leave Gabe the fuck alone. You know better. I am the reason they showed up here.”

  Joseph turned to Adam. “You’d better tell me what the hell is going on. My power was blocked.”

  “Kazimir can’t do anything like that. He’s not strong enough.”

  “Who did it?”

  “I don’t know. We’ll figure it out.”

  “Not here. You’re getting out of here.”

  Adam saw flames under Gabe’s skin. Larissa was touching him, and the flames were not hurting her. What is she to you?



  Don’t push me.

  Take it easy, Sparky. I’m on your side. You’re starting to run a little noticeably hot. Unless you’re planning to show Larissa that you turn into a firedragon, you’d better cool your ass off. You know it never ends well if humans are around when you overheat.

  I would never hurt her.

  “They never should’ve been able to strike here,” Joseph said.

  “It was a mistake.”

  “A mistake is spitting in the wind. They could’ve killed Larissa. They never should’ve been able to get their hands on her. They shouldn’t even know she exists. If Gabe wasn’t following her around they wouldn’t have targeted her.”

  “I am telling you Kazimir didn’t do this alone. Something else is going on here and we need to calm our asses down and figure it out.”

  “This happened because you don’t have your head on straight.”

  “Hold on.” Adam knew he needed to get Gabe away from Joseph. “She doesn’t look well. Get her out of here, Gabe.”

  “I’m fine,” she said.

  You know she’s in shock. Get her out of here so I can figure out what the hell happened, get rid of the bodies, and smooth things over with Joseph.

  Gabe allowed his body to sag against Larissa a bit. She looked at him and nodded, keeping her arm around him as is she expected him to fall over any second. “Let’s go.”

  Once they were out of sight, Adam glared at Joseph. “You know damn well this wasn’t his fault. Why the fuck were you giving him shit over it?”

  “You all need to get the hell off my property. You’re so consumed with needing revenge that you missed this. Kazimir never should’ve made it here. He’s the present threat. Your focus
has narrowed. And what the fuck is going on with Gabe? He lost it. She saw it. I know she saw flames appearing on him.”

  “Gabe didn’t come close to losing it. He would never put her in danger. And you know why the hell his fire didn’t hurt her. She’s his mate.

  “No. She isn’t. Get your cutthroat heathens, get your woman, and get your ass away from here.”

  “What happened?” Mia walked into the locker room. “I couldn’t reach you.”

  Joseph looked at Mia. “Adam happened. And now, he’s leaving.”

  Mia stared at Adam and shook her head. “You just…I just watched you walk Hanna out of the hotel.”

  “What?” Adam asked.

  “You walked out with her and then walked back in without her.”

  “You’re sure?”

  “Yes. I just talked to you.”

  “It wasn’t me.” He shifted into the suite. He immediately knew she was gone. He found the cellphone and the cash. He tried to reverse time, go back, pinpoint when she left, but he was blocked.

  Joseph opened Adam’s door and walked into the room.

  “She’s gone. I tried to go back, but I keep ending up in voids.”

  “C’mon. Let’s go to my office and look at my surveillance videos.”


  Larissa opened Gabe’s suit jacket, moving her hand over his chest. “I know you were shot, Gabe. And, no matter how many times you deny it, I know you weren’t wearing a bulletproof vest.”

  “You're right.” He placed his hand over hers, allowing her to feel it when he removed the vest with a thought. “I’m sorry. I will explain everything to you later.”

  “But you’re hurt right now.”

  “I’m fine.”

  “You can’t be.” She moved her palm over his chest, searching for the wound.

  “It has already healed.” He bent his head to hers and kissed her.

  She bit his bottom lip. “Stop trying to distract me.” She began to unbutton his shirt. “I want to see it.” She pulled his shirt open and reached beneath his t-shirt. When she moved her hands over his rock solid, muscular chest and stomach, she kept her gaze on his.

  “Are you satisfied that I am okay?” His voice was a low, sexy as hell growl. “Your touch is beating the hell out my restraint right now.”

  “Why did you do it?” She needed to feel his flesh against hers; every inch of her body ached with desire.

  “Do what?”

  “Any of it. You came in here to stop Scott from killing me, and then you rushed into the locker room to save me. You could’ve been killed.”

  He framed her face between his palms. “You’re everything to me.” He bent his head and gently, tenderly brushed his lips against hers. “I wouldn’t survive if anything happened to you.”

  “That’s irrational.”

  “Not at all.”

  “You hardly know me, Gabe.”

  “I am looking forward to knowing you more and more.”

  “My life was so simple before you came here.”

  “I hope you aren’t saying I’ve complicated your life.”

  “You’ve turned it upside down.” She smiled. “In a good way. You truly make me believe more is possible. You make me want more. Need more.”

  “I feel the same.”

  “You’re not coming in right now, are you?”

  “I need to secure the hotel.”

  “Will you come back?”

  “Is that an invitation?”


  “Absolutely.” He took his gun from his shoulder holster. “Keep this close. It’s special. If you’re facing a threat it can’t miss.”

  She shook her head. “I could never…”

  “Keep it close to you.”

  She nodded, reaching out to take the gun. “Be careful, Gabe.”

  “I will.”


  Adam was a damn wreck, thinking of everything and nothing at the same time. He paced from one end of Joseph’s office to the other, once, twice, and again. “

  “What’s going on?” Gabe asked.

  “Hanna is gone. We think…”

  “Oh, damn,” Joseph interrupted.

  “What is it?”

  “Since you were in the basement this wasn’t you.”

  “Is there any sound to the video?”

  Joseph shook his head. “No.”

  “They’re waiting for the elevator. Is there sound in it?”

  “Yes. What are you hoping to hear?”

  “If he didn’t hide his voice we might be able to figure out who the hell he is.”

  “She would’ve known it wasn’t you. He would’ve hidden his voice if he didn’t want her to figure it out.”

  “She’s smart enough to not let on that she knows.” Terrified for her, Adam watched as Hanna entered the elevator with the other demon. “She looks scared. She knew he wasn’t me.”

  The demon looked up and the camera and smiled, baring his teeth.

  “The son of a bitch wanted you to see him.”

  “Kazimir couldn’t hold my form so flawlessly for so long. He has never been able to hold other forms.”

  “The demon possessing her?”

  He knew it was the same demon, but he couldn’t admit it aloud. He’d failed her. He’d promised she would be safe. “I have to find her.”

  “Are you sure it was Kazimir’s men in the locker room?”

  Gabe nodded. “Absolutely.”

  “I’m going to hack into the city cameras. We should be able to find her.”

  “Whatever is going on, this is only beginning.” Gabe said. “The attack on Larissa was a distraction, but she might still be in danger. I want to have Javier watch over her until we find Hanna.”

  “I agree,” Joseph said. “We can’t leave her unprotected. We don’t know if she’ll be attacked again.”

  “Send him, Gabe.” Adam said.

  “I need to talk to her. If he just shows up, she’ll tell him to get lost,” Gabe said.

  “He’s right,” Joseph said. “She’ll give him hell.”

  “Get it done,” Adam said.

  “Do whatever it takes to enforce her cooperation if she refuses to listen to you,” Joseph stated.

  “She’s not stupid. She’ll listen to me. I won’t need to use force.”


  Gabe reached for his private telepathic link with Javier. Meet me outside Larissa’s room.

  I’m heading up now. Any news about Hanna?

  Nothing good. Kazimir is working with Evolved.

  When Gabe arrived at Larissa’s office, the door was open. She looked up from her computer and smiled. “I wasn’t expecting you to come back so soon.” Rising to her feet, she frowned. “You look worried. Did something else happen?”

  “While we were in the basement, someone took Adam’s mate.”

  “His what?” she asked.

  “His wife.”

  “That’s terrible.” She closed the distance between them. “I didn’t even realize he was married. Was it Kazimir?”

  Gabe nodded. “He’s involved.” He reached out and took her hands in his. “I need to ask you for a huge favor.”


  “I need to help Adam find Hanna, but I can’t…I won’t leave you unless you’ll agree to have someone I trust look out for you. I know you have many reasons to object to having one of our men watch over you, but I swear he’ll stay out of your way and he’ll…”

  “It’s fine, Gabe. I know you wouldn’t leave me with anyone you didn’t trust.” She reached up and pressed her palm against his jaw. “I trust you.”

  “You’re sure?”

  “Yes. I trust you, Gabe. Fully. I’ll do whatever it takes to help you get her back. I don’t want to make anything more difficult for you.”

  He would never forget the moment. Her trust was a truly amazing gift. It was the most wonderful gift. Nothing had ever touched him so deeply. They belonged together. They truly
belonged together. His heart was filled with so much joy. He’d never felt so complete.

  He kissed her. A quick kiss. He didn’t want to leave her, but he didn’t have a choice. “I hate to rush off right now, but she’s in serious danger.”

  “I know.”

  Gabe opened the door and motioned for a man to come inside. “This is Javier. Javier this is Larissa.”

  Javier nodded. “It’s good to meet you.”

  Larissa smiled. “With the luck I’ve been having you might change your mind soon.”

  Gabe laughed. “He likes trouble.”

  “I sure do.”

  She lifted her chin and smiled up at Gabe. “Are you saying I’m trouble, Gabe?”

  “Not at all. You’re a damn powerful magnet for it.”

  “Is that why you keep coming around?”

  “Yes.” Gabe nodded once. “But it’s only one of many reasons. Call me if you need me.”

  As he turned to leave, he glanced at Javier. “Thank you.”


  “How the hell am I supposed to protect her if I can’t find her?” Adam asked.

  “We’ll find her,” Mia stated.

  Clearly, being a female, she didn’t understand the severity of the situation. “It might already be too late.”

  “You would know.” Mia turned to Joseph. “He would know, right?”

  “After we find her I want you to get the hell out of here.”

  “Knock it off, Joseph,” Mia said.

  “Kazimir had his freaks make an attempt on Larissa’s life to distract him and his ball of fire. That is not acceptable.”

  “Gabe saved Larissa.” Adam said. “And the demon that mimicked me was not Kazimir.”

  Joseph looked up at him. “You think it was a coincidence?”

  “I don’t believe in coincidences.”

  “You think Evolved is working with Kazimir?”

  “I think Evolved is using Kazimir. We both know Kazimir is an idiot. He’s powerful but ignorant. He’s full of himself. He never would’ve dared to approach my door to get to my mate.”


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