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Midnight Seduction (Midnight Dynasty Book 1)

Page 8

by CR Robertson

  “Turn over,” I said against her ear.

  I moved behind her, my dick ready to explode even as I sheathed it in latex.

  Slowly, I slid into her pussy. “This position allows me to penetrate you deeper and rub against your g-spot. Widen your legs, beautiful, let me in.”

  She deepened the arch of her back and widened her legs, bowing to me in the perfect pose under my touch.

  My hands spanned the gorgeous curve of her ass. I pulled out of her so slowly that she groaned, and then slammed back in. I did it again and again.

  “Ohmigod…” she stuttered.

  I smiled, she tended to default to that when she didn’t know how to react.

  “What are you doing to me?” she whispered.

  I wrapped her long hair around my hand and tugged her head back with my fist. “Your body doesn’t know what to respond to—soft or hard—so the muscles can’t predict or get used to my rhythm.”

  I dragged my cock out quickly and thrust back in with an agonisingly slow push.

  Cas groaned and tried to rock against me. I stopped and felt her trying to turn around.

  “Relax, beautiful,” I commanded her. “Take what I have to give. Hand over your control.”

  She groaned and dropped her head, her breathing ragged. Every movement she made I felt. When she had stilled completely, I started again.

  Hard and soft, fast and slow, I altered my rhythm until she was writhing under me. Every time she reached for orgasm, I slowly my pace to nothing more than a rocking of my body against hers.

  Sweat coated my skin and I could barely hold on. “Are you ready, beautiful?” I asked.


  I released my inner demon and rode her hard, slamming my body against hers until nothing surrounded us but heavy breathing and the sounds of our bodies slapping together.

  “Ohmigod, ohmigod, ohmigod,” Cas chanted.

  My fingers gripped her hips as I clung to the last of my sanity. My balls tightened and liquid heat poured down my spine until I was jerking against her, even as her pussy was spasming with her own orgasm to milk me.

  We collapsed on the bed in a mesh of limbs, both of us desperately trying to catch our breathes.

  “I can see why Megan keeps coming back here if this is what is supposed to happen.” Cas gave a husky laugh.

  It was stupid and immature, but the thought of another man touching her down here brought out the savage in me.

  “You know you can make arrangements to meet people down here?” I said against the cooling skin of her shoulder.

  Her body froze and I nearly cursed myself. The only time I’d arranged a meeting was with a sub in the upper Twilight rooms. Never here. This was where I hid from the world and rid myself of demons. She was probably thinking of a way to run.

  Cas turned slightly in my arms. “Did you want to see me again?” she asked hesitantly.

  Someone really had messed up her confidence. “We technically can’t ‘see’ anyone down here.” I chuckled. “But if you find someone you’re compatible with, then it’s worth enjoying it.” I paused. “Unless there’s someone else you want to be with down here?”

  “Fuck no!” Her quick response brought another smile to my lips.

  “I’m away for a few days on business, but I’m back next Tuesday,” I shared.

  “Is that your way of saying your wife won’t let you out until next week?” Cas asked.

  “I don’t have a wife, or a girlfriend, or a fuck buddy.” I pressed kisses down her back with each word. “But if we keep bumping into each other down here, I guess that title would belong to you.”

  “A fuck buddy?” Her voice sounded amused. “I’ve never been one of those before. If they get orgasms like this, it’s definitely better than girlfriend.”

  I laughed and continued my exploration of her body. The feel of her luscious ass kept tempting me back. “We’ll maybe try something new next time.” I traced my finger between the crease of her ass.

  Cas froze against me.

  “Relax, we’re testing your boundaries. You’re like a virgin since you’ve only done missionary. You won’t know what you like until you try it.”

  She gasped when I slid a finger inside her tight entrance, lubricated with her fluids. I chuckled, releasing her to roll her onto her back.

  “Anticipation increases your pleasure. You can say no, but abstaining until next week will make your body more responsive to touch.” I knew I was pressing my luck. A woman with her figure and personality could have a dozen men in here every night begging to have her.

  Her breathless laugh rose the hairs on my neck. “Are we both abstaining, or just me?”

  “Both of us will be abstaining, beautiful. But be warned, after that many days without release, your pussy better be ready.”

  She couldn’t suppress her shiver and my lips twitched even while I kissed a trail up between her breasts. I hovered over her, our breaths mingling together.

  “Until next week.” I pressed the fleetest kiss on her lips. It was a weakness I never gave in to. Kissing was personal, but there was something about this woman that got under my skin and invaded my senses.

  It was only later, when I was lying in my bed, that I realised how much she made me smile. Sex never made me smile, but the woman associated with it certainly did.


  Chapter Ten


  My leg muscles and pussy ached as my body punished me for the workout it had last night. I discreetly crossed my legs and pressed my thighs together. Every time I thought about him, my delinquent pussy started purring for cream. Instead of my normal slouching, I found myself sitting up straighter at the memories from last night.

  I rarely wore make-up or dressed in anything but a business trouser suit, but at lunchtime I found myself wandering through shops and selecting clothes that possessed a more feminine vibe to them. Lace and silk featured in my wardrobe for the first time in my life. Without Megan watching over me and selecting lingerie, I touched the delicate fabrics, selecting what appealed to me. Seductive colours and designs that would make me feel sexy were added to my wardrobe.

  Megan arrived after lunch, sitting on the edge of my desk. “I came by at lunch, but your secretary said you’d gone out.”

  “I needed new shoes,” I replied, deliberately leaving out the detail that they were red with long, pointed heels that I wanted to dig into Zee’s ass.

  Her gaze flickered to the bags in the corner of my office. “That’s a lot of shoes.”

  Shaking my head, I smiled. “Just some new cushion covers for my apartment. I decided to get rid of everything that reminded me of Carl.”

  “It’s about time. All it took was a damn good sexual pounding to release those demons.”

  A discreet cough at the doorway indicated that we weren’t alone. My boss Al stood awkwardly watching us. “Ladies,” he said, pursing his lips. “I hope I’m not interrupting.”

  “Absolutely not,” I replied with a half-smile. “I was just telling Megan about the cushion covers I bought at lunchtime.”

  “Ah, yes, women do love their cushion covers. My wife has our living room a shrine to all her cushions that no one is allowed to sit on or near.” His gaze resolutely remained away from Megan and I as he spoke.

  “What can I help you with?” I asked, shooting Megan a look to tell her to leave.

  He cleared his throat and returned to our conversation now that we were once again on safe ground. “We have a potential new account. It could be huge for the firm and I’m calling everyone in my team together for a meeting this afternoon at four o’clock. If you have any clients booked in can you change their appointments?”

  This was the reason why everyone who worked in conveyancing and property loved Al as a boss, there was no snotty emails, no demands or threats. He spoke to his staff like adults and got results with people giving him one hundred percent.

  “I’ll get Sasha to clear my diary,” I replied. “An
ything you need me to look over before the meeting?”

  His answering smile told me that was exactly why he was at my door.

  “I’ll get Sasha to get the relevant information from Collette,” I told him before he wandered off to another office. Our secretaries kept everything in this firm moving. The only thing they didn’t possess was the law degree to sign the paperwork.

  Several folders arrived on my desk within half an hour for me to sift through. From an early age, I’d loved old buildings and architecture. I studied conveyancing law because my father had been interested in old homes, pointing out different architecture details to me when he took me along with him to work some days.

  One of my secret passions in my spare time was visiting stately homes and imagining a time when personalities like Mr. Darcy lived there. My job allowed me to look at old deeds and photographs of new homes that people were buying. Sometimes, I had to go with inspectors surveying properties for clients, allowing me to poke around old family homes. I spent hours looking at the evidence of who lived there through markings on doorframes and items left behind.

  My old family home had had doorframes like that with notches depicting mine and Kimberley’s height every year. The familiar lurch of pain accompanied the memory of my sister. She never reached her full height. The house remained as a mausoleum to the ghosts that still lived there.

  The company who needed representation had fingers in lots of different business pies, from hotels to privately owned houses. Their last firm must be kicking themselves for losing such lucrative clients.

  Sorting the different paperwork into piles, Sasha and I put their documents into the different legal areas that conveyancing covered. From there, we would be able to break it down further into solicitors in the firm. This was why Al came to me before the meeting. He knew by the time four o’clock arrived, we’d have the folders sorted into manageable casefiles.

  Around three-thirty, a handsome older man in his mid-fifties arrived, flanked by several men who were either solicitors or bodyguards. I watched them go into Al’s office. My computer pinged with an internal message. Glancing at it, Collette had messaged me. It was the new client, but they weren’t supposed to be here until tomorrow. They obviously wanted to catch us on the hop. I finished re-organising the files, knowing that sooner rather than later Al was going to summon me to his office.

  At four o’clock, my phone rang. “Cassandra,” Collette said, her voice low and tight. “Could you step into Al’s office with the folders he sent over earlier?”

  Sasha and I shared an uneasy look. “Sure, be right over,” I replied.

  Across the main reception desks, Collette gave me a big-eyed look that said the situation wasn’t good.

  “Grab the files, Sasha,” I instructed. “We’ll go in together. There’s strength in numbers.”

  Sasha was in her mid-forties and mothered me on a daily basis. Her brown hair was cut in a long bob, and her nails and make-up were always immaculate. She taught me long ago that your appearance was ninety percent of the battle most days. If you looked professional, people treated you as one.

  I stalked out of my office and entered Al’s with a friendly smile playing on my lips. All eyes cut in our direction when I stepped in with a quick rap on the door.

  “Ah, Cassandra, come in, come in,” Al invited, standing to wave us in. Relief flared in his eyes when he saw the paperwork in neat piles with Sasha.

  “Mr. Bartholomew, this is one of my best solicitors, Cassandra. She had your files and was taking a look through them.” Al introduced us.

  I held out my hand, my back straight and head held high. “Mr. Bartholomew, it’s a pleasure to meet you. This is my associate Sasha; she’ll be sitting in with us today.”

  He was around six-foot-tall with dark hair that was mostly silver now. Deep brown eyes had wrinkles radiating out from the sides of them. His smile didn’t put me at ease, giving me the impression that he was assessing me as a predator would their prey.

  “A pleasure to meet both of you,” he replied with a small smile. “We were to meet tomorrow, but my schedule was re-arranged. I popped in to see if you could squeeze me in today.”

  Asshole. He deliberately came in to try and catch us out to determine how we coped under pressure and tight time scales.

  “The conference room is set up.” I steered the conversation away from the awkward fact that he just ambushed us. In the last half hour, Sasha and I had put a quick four slide presentation together depicting the re-ordering of the files and portfolios and the expertise we had to deal with his business.

  His eyes widening slightly was the only reaction he gave as I marched out of the room toward the conference area.

  “Could you organise tea, Collette?” I whispered on my way past.

  She nodded and discreetly moved to the kitchen area to sort out my request.

  One by one, Al followed by Mr. Bartholomew and then his men entered the room. Collette arrived a few moments later with a teapot, cups, and saucers.

  When everyone was sitting comfortably with refreshments, I looked at Mr. Bartholomew. “What is it that you want to know about our firm, Mr. Bartholomew?” I asked, taking a sip from my cup and watching him as I placed it back on the saucer.

  He steepled his hands in front his chin. “I want to know if my company would be in safe hands with your firm.”

  I studied him for several moments before I started to speak. “I looked over the paperwork your previous firm sent over. Sasha and I sorted it into different legal disciplines, because although the majority is property related, each area has its own expert within Benson and Parsons.” The screen illuminated behind me as Sasha turned on the presentation.

  His gaze moved behind me.

  “These are the areas that we deal with specifically,” I continued before Sasha moved to the next screen. “These are your accounts and where they would fit within our infrastructure. I know when they were sent across, they were organised differently, but having only briefly scanned through them, I feel they would be better served by these departments.”

  Mr. Bartholomew’s jaw ticked, and his eyes cut to one of the men with him. My best guess was this man was his personal legal representation accompanying him.

  “If you look at your business areas.” I pointed to the screen. “They would be better under these categories as the one legal department could deal with all issues pertaining to it so that there is no conflict of interest. It’s more cost effective and would result in you having to attend less meetings.”

  He took a deep breath and released it slowly, nodding at the screen. “Did you go through all the files sent to you?”

  I nodded, leaning forward to push the stack of files in his direction. “They have all been sorted into new relevant folders,” I explained.

  The man he’d looked at earlier picked them up and began to flick through them, stopping to read some of the tabs I’d placed on the documents.

  “Derek?” Mr. Bartholomew asked, staring at the man.

  “All the files have been re-categorised in accordance with what is up there,” he replied with a shrug.

  They obviously thought I was trying to bullshit them.

  “How long did you and your assistant have to look through my files?” Mr. Bartholomew queried.

  “An hour or two.” I took another sip from my tea.

  He stood abruptly, making me almost knock my cup over. “Congratulations, Alastair, you have the contract for our business, on the provision that those two ladies are the lead contact we deal with. I’m a busy man and only want to have to make one phone call.” He nodded in my direction. “We’ll let you know when we need your legal advice, as we have several new projects on the horizon.”

  I attempted to look cool and collected, when really, I wanted to jump up and down and scream with sheer joy. A contract this big was a huge deal to someone at my position in the company.

  Al winked at me as he showed Mr. Bartholomew from the room, smiling
and chatting.

  “Wow!” I exclaimed to Sasha, my teeth biting into my bottom lip as I tried to hide the smile. Some of the other solicitors in my department poked fun at me for being too organised and getting through my workload too quickly. Today was the day that it paid off.

  Sasha grinned, lifting her teacup in silent salute. “Congratulations, hunny, you’ve worked hard for this.”

  I raised my own teacup in the air. “We’ve worked hard for this, Sasha. Mr. Bartholomew said he wanted both of us overseeing his account.”

  Maybe Megan was right and all I needed to change my life was some mind-blowing orgasms given to me by a Viking willing to pillage my body. A few weeks ago, I was a woman terrified of commitment and repulsed by sex.

  It had never occurred to me that I wasn’t happy until I felt the emotion trickling through me. A smile tipped up my lips as Sasha and I grinned at each other. For a fleeting moment I wished it was Tuesday and I could share my news with Zee.


  Chapter Eleven


  The wind pushed into my body, the power forcing me back on my bike as we snaked our way up the small mountain track toward the isolated mansion hiding in the middle of the forest. This was one pleasure that I still indulged in every opportunity I got. Father forbade me to ride my bike, but when his back was turned, I embraced the danger he feared.

  The roar of the engine vibrated through me, spiking the adrenaline in my veins, making my heart pound. The last tight corner before the entrance gates loomed ahead as I manoeuvred the bike to the right, my side almost sliding along the road.

  Holy fucking hell. A smile curved my lips, my hands tightening on the handlebars.

  Ash and Jordan were directly behind me on this race up the mountain road, each of us fleeing our own demons that chased us every day.


  Nothing expressed freedom like the wind buffering my body as the vibration from the engine ricocheted up my spine. The wind carried my problems away, and the road let me escape the man weighed down with too many responsibilities. I was nothing more than a man on his bike, the heir of my father’s legacy left in the sensible car with his suit and tie.


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