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The Progenitor Project

Page 15

by Bob Cooper

  “I contacted my father about the ransom money. Even if I sold my interest in the catering business, I wouldn’t have enough to meet his demand,” Billy said.

  Acey noticed Billy was much more sure of himself and ready to take charge. “Does the Citizen Guard have funds that are used in these cases?” Acey asked.

  “I doubt it. How much more would you need?” Captain Ryan asked.

  “I can come up with half,” Billy said.

  “I’ll ask, but we’re not even sure he has any intention of releasing her. I’m sorry for being so blunt, but we need more assurance from Stryker and to time her release with the deposit of money into his account. That account is part of the cyber bank network that caters to money laundering and other illegal activities. So far, no agency has been able to get enough proof to shut them down,” Captain Ryan said.

  “I’ll have to put the Gallery on the market. I’m a joint owner with Hillary. That should get us closer, but it will take some time,” Billy said, exasperated.

  A guard knocked, entered and whispered something to Captain Ryan.

  “Okay. Show them in,” he said.

  Raina walked in with the Brothers—Ignacio and Jose’.

  “I am sorry that we have to meet under these circumstances,” Jose’ said. “We feel some responsibility for this situation and thought we might be able to help in some way,” he said to Billy.

  “Thank you. I appreciate your support,” Billy replied.

  “Maybe there is a way you can help,” Acey said.

  “What can we do?” Ignacio asked.

  “We are trying to come up with the ransom money, and we don’t have enough. Is there any way you can help us with that?”

  While the Brothers discussed how they could help, Aidan thought back to when he first joined the Guard. One of his first duties was to follow the money trail of illegal operations.

  “I believe we can help with some of the ransom money,” Jose’ said after a private discussion with his brother.

  “Thank you so much. I can’t tell you what that means to me,” Billy said.

  “Wait. I have a suggestion,” Aidan said, walking to the front of the room. “When I worked for the Guard, I spent time in the Money Laundering Investigations Unit. At that time, we were able to provide “fake” funds with the help of sophisticated software we had. It was able to simulate the deposit and verification processes into various financial accounts like this one.”

  “We had to discontinue that practice after the financial institutions caught on to our ruse,” Captain Ryan said.

  “Just a thought,” Aidan said.

  The discussion continued on how soon they could get the money for Hillary’s ransom, but Aidan was thinking about how to “fake out” the account.

  “So, we’re looking at one week if everything goes okay. I don’t think that will be acceptable to Mr. Stryker, but we won’t know until he calls us and we tell him,” Captain Ryan said.

  “What happens if he won’t wait?” Billy asked, starting to tense up again.

  The room fell silent.


  Dirk greeted each member of the media team as they entered his office. Norma, now recovered from her ordeal, prepared her piece of the presentation. The media team represented the finest journalists and campaign managers Dirk knew, and he told them only that they had a chance to be part of the story of the century. Some refused to come without knowing more facts, but the ones that were there trusted Dirk had something sensational to tell them. Several global government representatives attended, as well as IIA brass. Dirk asked for security, and Captain Ryan agreed. Plain-clothed Citizen Guards stood outside, watching the surrounding perimeter of Dirk’s office. Norma gave Dirk a nod indicating everything was set up and ready to go.

  “Good morning and thank you for coming. Thanks for having faith in me to listen to what I have to say,” Dirk said. “What I’m about to tell you will shock and amaze you. We have a series of requests to ask of you, and I will get into that at the end of our presentation.

  So let me set the stage. Back a few centuries ago, alien artifacts were discovered on our moon during our early, lunar Apollo missions. These artifacts were kept from the public because of the profound effect they could have on our society. Even though no one fully understood their significance at the time, they were kept secret and shared with only a few trusted scientists and the heads of state from various countries. A mandate came from the presidents and prime ministers of our countries to explore these further. A small, secret, scientific team was formed under the guidance of the IIA, the Interplanetary Intelligence Agency, and set out to better understand the discovery. This team and its successors continued for generations. Once space travel became prevalent, the same artifacts were discovered on other worlds. Most recently, my granddaughter, Acey Saunders, found some on Eris and Dysnomia. So given this background, I will now turn it over to Norma Evans, who bring you current with the research going on today.”

  The audience’s eyes followed Dirk as he sat down. Norma walked with a slight limp to the front of the room with the aid of a cane. Her hair was recently styled. She swayed gracefully moving the podium. She caught Dirk staring at her and smiled at him.

  “Thank you, Dirk. Let me begin by saying that the mandate to establish the lab facility and work on the artifacts came from General Blair Coburn. It was always her intention to learn more about the artifacts and publicly disclose the findings. I want to acknowledge that the wanton murders in the lab attack and the assassination of General Coburn only strengthens our resolve. I will miss these people and their work, and we continue in their memory.”

  There was an uneasiness in the room as these incidents were fresh in their minds. Norma waited until everyone settled down before speaking again.

  “The Progenitor Project, as it came to be called, is all about how life was propagated, not only on Earth but also across the universe. In the dark ages, most thought that Earth was the center of all things and a supreme being created all life. As time and science progressed, this notion completely changed. When we first encountered life on other worlds, a massive re-examination of our place in the universe took place. But, it wasn’t until first contact was made and the existence of other human life was found that the search of how we are all related started in earnest. These artifacts hold the key to understanding this inter-relationship. They tell the story of how life was initially propagated here on Earth and across the universe. We don’t fully understand that story yet. We do know that advanced civilizations existed here on Earth before recorded history, and they were much more in touch with the life forces in all living things.

  We believe these artifacts contain the key to unlock the great mysteries of how we came to be and how our knowledge and life experiences are passed down to subsequent generations. There are those who cling to the old ways and will do anything to stop those who want to explore further and explain these artifacts. The Earthers are the main opposition, but they have spawned a more evil and sinister secret sect—the “Righteous Way”.

  This sect’s membership is from all walks of life. They harbor hardcore, right-wing beliefs, and their mission is to stop those who don’t believe as they do. This radical group is responsible for the mayhem in recent days and have promised more if work on the artifacts continues. The way to combat this blind ignorance is to disclose what our investigations have uncovered publicly. We need to educate and engage the public. Once we eliminate the secrecy and enlighten the public, we can then begin to neutralize the “Righteous Way.”

  Norma looked at Dirk to signal the end of her presentation. Dirk walked to the podium. The audience held their questions and waited for what Dirk had to say.

  “You were selected by your organizations to help us to devise the best way to disseminate this information,” he said, cutting to the chase. “The governments of the world have sanctioned this, and we have been chosen to lead this effort.”

  The audience stirred in their sea
ts, and then bedlam broke out as Dirk thought it would.

  “Why weren’t we told before now about our involvement?” one journalist asked in anger.

  “Now we are going to be targeted by these radical groups,” yelled another.

  Dirk let them vent their anger. When things quieted down, he picked up his satchel and removed fifteen envelopes—one for each journalist and media person present.

  “These letters are from your respective governments officially enlisting your services in this endeavor. We got ours yesterday,” Dirk said, looking to Norma. “Now we have a lot of work to do. Shall we begin?”


  Aidan hovered over his shoulder, waiting for Hakeem’s opinion, but he ignored him.

  “Well?” Aidan asked impatiently.

  “How did you get this code?” Hakeem asked.

  Aidan didn’t answer. Hakeem looked over his shoulder at Aidan.

  “You know I can get into a lot of trouble. I paid my debt to society. I don’t want anymore….”

  “Yes, and you would have done a lot more time if it wasn’t for me. I brought the evidence proving you were coerced into hacking those student records at the Academy and convinced the prosecuting attorney to cut you a deal,” Aidan said.

  “Yeah, but this is not student records. This is much more complex. And the consequences are much higher if I screw up the code.”

  “Well, if you can’t handle changing this code, you’re not the super hack everyone says you are!”

  “Wait a minute!” Hakeem said, moving closer to Aidan’s face. “I’m the best there is! Even though I was caught, nobody has yet been able to interpret the algorithms I introduced into the student software!”

  “Well then prove it! You have the code. I want it working by tomorrow afternoon. Can you handle that?” Aidan shot back.

  “You’ll have your code! What do I get?”

  “A pat on the back. If it works, the Guard can use it again. You’ll have the satisfaction of knowing you did a good deed.”

  Hakeem snorted and shook his head.

  “No, that’s not good enough. I want a commendation in writing by someone with high authority in the Guard to acknowledge my contribution to this situation.”

  “I’ll see what I can do. You can work here in my office. Please get started.”


  The first few days of Annie’s school went well with one exception—Sam the Panda Bear. The kids made fun of her the first day, according to her teacher, but she refused to leave Sam at home. Aidan pulled into the school entrance and watched for Annie. She sat in the shade with four other students, each with their own stuffed animal. Annie waved and got into the vehicle.

  “I see your classmates brought their animals to school,” Aidan said.

  “Yeah. I told them since I didn’t have many friends yet, I wanted Sam to be with me. Some of the other students felt the same way and brought theirs,” Annie replied.

  Aidan felt more at ease that Annie was making friends. He turned carefully out of the school zone and headed over to Acey’s. He knew Acey was extremely distraught over Hillary’s ordeal and wanted to give her some support.

  Since Dirk was involved in the media campaign, Aidan kept him in the loop every chance he got. When Aidan arrived, Raina and Billy were also there. Raina answered the door as Aidan walked in, followed by a hesitant Annie.

  “Thanks for coming,” Raina said. Who is this?” she asked, smiling at Annie.

  “This is Annie. Can you say hello?” he asked her.

  Annie said an almost inaudible hello while hiding behind Aidan. He took out her drawing materials and set it on the table in the galley. Annie sat quietly and started to doodle.

  “Any word yet?” he asked.

  “Nothing,” Billy said.

  “Captain Ryan said he would contact us as soon as he heard anything,” Acey said, stepping around the corner and into his view.

  “I don’t have enough for the ransom,” Billy blurted out. I have some investors willing to pay for the Gallery, but it will take a while for the transaction to occur. I’ve been in contact with Jose’ and Ignacio, and they have been very generous. I don’t know how I could ever repay them.”

  Acey brought out a jug of lemonade. Pouring a glass, she took it over to Annie.

  “Would you like some lemonade?” she asked her.

  “Thank you,” Annie said, handing her a freshly made drawing.

  Acey looked at it, smiled at her, folded it, and put it in her pocket. “That was very nice of you,” Acey said.

  Aidan was glad they were growing fond of each other. When Acey’s com link buzzed, the group jumped. After answering it, Acey put it on conference so everyone could hear.


  “Hi Acey, this is Captain Ryan. I understand Billy is there with you. Is that correct?”

  “Yes, we are all here. Did you get the call?”

  “I have Stryker on hold. Are you ready?”

  “Yes, go ahead.”

  Stryker’s cold voice came on the com link. “Make sure you write this down because it won’t be repeated. The account is set up and ready to receive the two million credits. If the money isn’t there by this afternoon, she’s dead. Is that clear?”

  “I want to talk to her now. You’re not getting anything until I know she’s okay,” Billy said frantically.

  There was a pause, and then Hillary’s voice came on.

  “Billy, I love you. I’m okay. I….”

  “That will be enough. She’s fine for now, but if I don’t get the credits in my account, that won’t be the case.”

  “Uh, I’m not sure….” Billy started to say.

  Aidan grabbed the com link from Billy's hands.

  “This is Aidan Carter. You’ll have your credits as you asked.”

  “Good. I would hate to see this pretty, young woman dead,” Stryker said before hanging up.

  The group looked at Aidan stunned. Captain Ryan spoke up.

  “And how exactly are you going to do that?”

  Aidan could sense him fuming at the other end. Billy looked at Aidan, not believing what he said.

  “Why the hell did you say that? You know I don’t have the credits. He’ll kill her for sure,” he said seething.

  “Listen to me. I’m working on something that will make it look like the credits have been transferred to his account,” Aidan said.

  “I thought we went over that yesterday,” Captain Ryan said. That software doesn’t work anymore. You are jeopardizing this entire situation,” he said.

  “Sir, I believe I can address the issues with the software in time for the ransom to be sent.”

  “What are you talking about? How did you get the software and who’s messing with it?” Captain Ryan said this time, his voice rising loudly into the com link.

  The group looked at Aidan, waiting for his reply. Annie was startled by the shouting. Acey went over to comfort her.

  “Sir, I’d like to talk to you privately about that,” he said, looking around the room. “Can I come down now?”

  “Acey, can you please call Andrea and see if she can watch Annie?” Aidan asked.

  “Yes,” Acey replied. “And if she can’t, I’ll keep her with me. Now get out of here.”


  Stryker suspected Tim and Myra were up to something when the deadline came and went, and no credits were deposited into his account. The hunting cabin—his hideout— sat high on a hill with views of the surrounding area. It gave him ample warning of anyone approaching. He did not want to take any chances, so it was time to move.

  Hillary lay on the bed with her hands and feet shackled to the bedposts. Walking in, he removed the cuffs from the bed.

  “We’re going for a ride,” he said, beginning to cuff her hands behind her back.

  “Wait! I have to use the restroom,” she said.

  Pulling out his disruptor, he sat on the bed.

  “You have two minutes.”

ary locked the door behind her. There was a window, but it was too small for her to climb through. Opening the cabinet door as quietly as possible, she searched for anything she could use to her advantage and only found some cleaning supplies. She found a small pair of scissors, which she put into her back pocket.

  “Hurry up in there!” Stryker shouted.

  Hillary unlocked the door and came out.

  “Where are we going?” she asked, knowing he wouldn’t tell her.

  He didn’t answer. He re-cuffed Hillary and led her out to his land cruiser. Once they were both in, he sat there staring out the window.

  “You don’t have a clue where you’re going, do you?”

  “Shut up!” he said, starting the engine.

  The vehicle sped down the mountain road. It was almost time for the ransom to be transferred to his account. This will be over soon. I need a place to hide for a few more hours, he thought. Turning off the mountain road and into the small mining town, Stryker rented a motel room. It was well off the beaten path, and he took great pains to hide his vehicle. With his disruptor in her back, he led Hillary inside. Pulling out his computer, he established a secure link to his account and waited.


  Aidan was in Captain Ryan’s office in a flash. He felt terrible leaving Acey and the others without telling them what was going on. He didn’t have time to explain fully, and he wasn’t sure it was going to work. He pleaded with them to trust him, and they did so reluctantly. The Captain looked extremely agitated when Aidan walked in and made no bones about it.

  “Mr. Carter, why is it that you’re involved in this matter. I somehow get the idea you think you’re part of the Guard. What is it you so urgently want to talk to me about?” he said.

  Aidan knew this was not going to sit well with the captain, but this was their last chance to get those credits into Stryker’s account.


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