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Disciplining Little Josey

Page 3

by Laveaux, Serafine

  Mr. Black laid a pen on the table, and with a start she realized he had already signed his agreement and was watching her, waiting. Looking away quickly, she pretended to be reading the papers before her, but her heart was pounding, and the way he watched her made her skin heat up. He was so good looking, this quiet man beside her, and if he wanted to help her and care for her, what was a bath? It had been a long time since anyone cared for her. Surely a little embarrassment was worth the reward?

  Her hand shaking, she reached for the pen and moved to sign, but suddenly his hand laid over hers and stopped her.

  “Be sure, Josey,” he said gently, his blue eyes searching hers carefully as she stared wordlessly back. “I promise to take good care of you, but know that you’re already in trouble for today and headed for punishment if you sign. Not the best start for us, but if you’re going to be my baby girl, you should know from the start. I don’t tolerate disobedience, no matter what the excuse might be.”

  Her heart went from pounding to galloping at the touch of his hand, but the most surprising reaction was the odd cramp between her thighs when he mentioned punishing her. Without a word, she pulled her hand away and added her signature to the paperwork.

  * * *

  Despite the outward appearance of being abandoned, the rooms inside the strip mall had been well appointed for various uses, and as Mr. Black led her down first one hall and then another, he pointed out several as they went. That one was the kitchen, in there was a game room with pool tables and arcade games, down that hall was a library. The one he took her to turned out to be a well-appointed gym, much like the one at her job, with several treadmills, numerous weight machines, free weights, a stair climber, and more. On the far wall sat a scale just like the one at her doctor’s office, and with growing dread, she realized he was taking her straight to it.

  “We need to get you weighed, Josey, so go ahead and take off your shoes and clothes.”

  I don’t tolerate disobedience. His words echoed in her head as she reluctantly pulled off her top and skirt, then pried one Ked at a time off with her toes. Before she could step onto the scale though, he caught her shoulder and pointed to her bra and panties.

  “You want me naked?” she whispered, her cheeks burning with shame as he nodded once and crossed his arms, waiting. Swallowing hard, she quickly stepped out of her pink panties and pulled the worn sports bra off, handing them to him as she stepped onto the scale.

  “Stand up straight, please, hands by your side, or it’ll make the reading off,” he ordered. Reluctantly she dropped her hands from her breasts and gave up trying to cross her thighs to shield her privates. He adjusted the counterweights, fidgeting them back and forth until finally the bar swung level. Satisfied, he ordered her to hop off and take a seat on one of the yoga balls while he recorded the number in a notebook that lay on a small table by the scale.

  She rolled a green ball out from the wall and sat on it miserably, the cool vinyl sticking unpleasantly to her bare flesh. When he finished writing, he came to sit on another ball beside her.

  “Your eating is getting out of control, Josey. The junk food, the lack of exercise—it’s going to make you sick, baby girl.” He patted her gently on the knee as he spoke, but his eyes told her he was very unhappy with her snacking earlier that day. “According to the scale there, you need to lose about thirty pounds, and I intend to see that you do. In the meantime, I need you to come over here and lie across my lap for your spanking.”

  My spanking? “Mr. Black?” she asked, her voice shaking.


  “Daddy,” she corrected. “You’re going to spank me?”

  “I’m going to spank you more if you don’t do as I say this minute.”

  He doesn’t tolerate disobedience, remember? Taking a deep breath, she stood and moved to kneel at his side, awkwardly leaning across his lap and cringing as she felt his hand come against her bottom to help adjust her into place. A mirrored wall reflected the sight of her everywhere her eyes landed, and tears of shame welled up as she saw her naked, chubby body draped across the lap of the most handsome cowboy she’d ever dreamed of. Suddenly, the reflection changed, and she watched as he began liberally applying his firm hand to her bottom cheeks in rapid succession.

  “This is what happens to naughty little girls who disobey me,” he admonished her as he set her backside ablaze, never striking the same spot twice to ensure every inch was stinging and burning with equal intensity. Josey felt like a naughty little girl as she yelled and squealed, each wallop radiating throughout her body. Her parents hadn’t believed in spanking, and this was a hundred times worse than anything she’d ever imagined. Before long, the flush of pain on her bottom surpassed the flush of humiliation on her face, and even through the tears she could see the fiery red patches on her backside in the observant mirrors.

  Finally, he stayed his hand long enough to turn Josey’s head to face him.

  “Why did you eat all that when I told you exactly what you were allowed to have?”

  “Please, Mr. Black!” she wailed, and got an immediate swat on the backside.

  “What do little girls call their daddies?” he asked, one eyebrow arched high as if daring her to make the same mistake twice.

  “Please, Daddy!” she tried again. “Please, I’m sorry, I didn’t think it was real! I promise I won’t do it again!”

  “Answer my question, Josey, and I might decide you’ve had enough. And don’t say you don’t know why!” he warned, before she could even try. “I want honest reasons.”

  Josey sobbed miserably. Her backside stung horribly, and now her nose was stopped up from crying so hard. She didn’t want to answer this man who spanked her like an unruly brat, but she wanted him to spank her again even less.

  “Because it tasted so good,” she sniffled. “It all does. It’s sugary and salty, and it makes me feel better, and I can’t help myself.”

  “And why didn’t you go to the gym like I instructed?”

  That answer was harder to admit to, but the alternative was surely worse. “I didn’t want to,” she admitted tearfully. “I hate walking.”

  She flinched as he grasped her shoulders, but he only helped her to her feet. Guiding her to stand between his knees, he smiled warmly at her and held her shaking hands in his big, strong ones. Though she was naked and sore and humiliated beyond belief, she found herself smiling back at him through her tears.

  “Josey, you can’t disobey me simply because something tastes good, or because you’re sad and it makes you feel better, or just because you don’t like it. From now on, you are to follow my instructions completely, even if you don’t like them. Do you understand?”

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  “Yes what?” he prompted.

  “Yes, Daddy.”

  Next, he took her to the treadmill and guided her to step on the sides while he set up the program. When she saw him program it to gradually increase in speed, she protested that she would never be able to run so fast for so long and that the email had only said she needed to walk for fifteen minutes.

  “Well, you should have followed my instructions now, shouldn’t you?” he sternly reminded her. “Fifteen minutes of walking was for a good girl who ate like she was told, but you were quite naughty. Now you’ll have to do much more to burn off all that junk.”

  “But… but I can’t run. I’ll fall off the back.”

  “Don’t worry, baby girl,” he reassured her as he pressed the start button. “I think you’ll be surprised at just how well you can run with a little encouragement.”

  She surprised even herself for about ten minutes, but as the timer counted down from ten minutes to nine to eight-and-a-half, it became harder and harder to keep up. Helplessly, she felt herself falling back, the distance between her and the instrument panel steadily increasing until she feared she might slip off the rear of the belt. It was too much, too long, too fast, and she was about to beg once more, when suddenly he stood up
and moved behind her. In the mirror she saw something long and black in his hand, but before she could turn her head to see what it was, pain exploded across her already tender backside.

  “OW!” she shrieked, and suddenly it seemed as if wings had sprouted from her heels. Energy she didn’t know she possessed flooded into her veins, and her feet quickly stepped up the pace.

  The broad leather paddle in his hand connected smartly with her broad bottom every time her speed slackened, each smack harder than the last, each pushing her to run longer than she ever thought possible. Before she knew it, the counter’s impassive face had flicked its way down to three minutes, eighteen seconds.

  “Good girl, Josey!” he cheered, finally setting the paddle aside as she pounded and puffed along. “Just two more minutes!”

  Adding its encouragement, the belt slowed once more to two-and-a-half miles per hour, finally allowing her to slow to a winded walk for the remaining time. When it finally, mercifully came to a halt, she collapsed against the rails, gasping for air as her heart threatened to gallop clean out of her chest.

  “I’m so proud of you, baby girl!” he praised her as he quickly helped her down from the treadmill. Josey didn’t know which to rub first—her sore bottom, her outraged bare feet, or her side, where a stitch threatened to make her cry once again. His declarations of pride in her ability to run while on the treadmill from hell did little to improve her mood.

  Yeah, yay for me, she thought angrily as she heaved and gasped and tried to comprehend what insanity she’d gotten herself into. She knew she needed to lose weight, but this was nuts. The fact that her boss had sent her here was beyond comprehension, and she blushed to think she would have to face the man at work the next day. She imagined walking into HR and telling them Mr. McDonnell sent her off to be stripped naked by a stranger, then spanked and forced to run on a treadmill while being paddled for slowing down. The idea might have brought a smile to her face if everything didn’t hurt so much.

  As she tried to come to grips with what had happened, he led her to a shower room and proceeded to bathe and shampoo her. Ordinarily, Josey would have died at the thought of a handsome man like him seeing her naked, let alone rubbing her all over and in her most intimate areas with soap, but the events of the evening had left her too mentally and physically exhausted to resist. Even when he told her to spread her cheeks or part her thighs so he could scrub her clean, she obeyed without argument. After everything else that had happened, it wasn’t like he was seeing anything new.

  Despite the humiliation, she was shocked to realize she was also enjoying it, particularly after her shower when he dried her off and wrapped her in a pretty pink towel, sat her down on a wooden bench beside the showers, and combed out her hair. No one had combed her hair since she was a small child, and she found herself smiling and closing her eyes with pleasure as his fingers worked their way through the wet tangles. Gently, he parted her hair and pulled it into twin ponytails high above her ears, each with a pink ribbon around it. Next, he had her take the towel off, and he rubbed her all over with the most wonderful smelling lotion ever. She giggled in spite of herself when he massaged it into her feet, and he smiled and wiggled her toes playfully until she thought he might start reciting “This little piggy went to market”. When he had her roll on her belly on the bench, she expected the embarrassment from before to return, but was surprised to find she only felt comfortable and warm.

  “Spread your cheeks for me, baby girl,” he instructed, and when she did he carefully rubbed a cool, soothing cream in between her cheeks, paying particularly close attention to her bottom hole as he massaged the cream into her skin. Last came the feather touch of a powder puff dusting lightly across her bottom, the scent of baby powder pleasantly filling the room. It was freaky weird, she knew, but she loved the feel of the puff as it patted its way across her backside, and as she inhaled the sweet smell of the powder, the misery of the treadmill and spanking from earlier seemed like a surreal dream that never really happened.

  Bathed and combed and powdered, she stood before him and allowed him to dress her, not in the clothing she arrived in but in lacy, white ankle socks, a pair of sparkly pink sneakers, a white tank top, and cuffed denim shorts. The shorts were exceptionally short and caused her some concern. She never wore shorts, not with her thighs, and tried to protest.

  “I can’t wear shorts, I’m too fat.”

  “Who says so?” he demanded, tickling her under the chin and making her giggle in spite of herself. “I think my baby girl looks beautiful in them, and I say she can wear them all week long if she likes!”

  Beautiful. No one had ever called her that except her mother, and mothers had to say such things whether they were true or not. Looking down at her full thighs emerging from the tiny shorts she couldn’t fathom why he’d say such a thing, but when she searched his eyes, she realized he meant it. He may have spanked her for eating cupcakes and chips and forced her onto a treadmill, but suddenly that seemed insignificant in the face of this new revelation.

  “Come on, baby girl,” he smiled, standing up and taking her hand. “Let’s eat.”

  * * *

  They had passed a kitchen earlier on the way to the gym, and now he led her back down the hall to it. Off to one side of the room sat a cozy little table and chairs, and on it sat several take-out bags. Mr. Black sat her at the table and proceeded to fix plates for each of them. For the first time, Josey realized how hungry she was, and her mouth watered at the sight of the chicken breast, fresh green beans, roasted beets, and small tossed salad he set before her. She longed for a bite or twenty of the crispy skin he pulled off of her portion, but knew better than to ask. After they were halfway through their plates, he set down his fork and began to speak.

  “From now on, Josey, you’ll be my little baby girl, and I’ll be your daddy. I’ll make arrangements with Mr. Green for you to meet me here several times a week, as well as on weekends.”

  “Will we ever go anywhere else?” she asked shyly. She liked what she’d seen of the complex so far, but was still trying to understand the nature of their relationship.

  “Someday,” he assured her, “when you’re ready. For now, every evening I’ll send you an email telling you what clothes to lay out for the next day, what your menu will be, and all the exercises I expect you to do.”

  At the mention of exercise, she once again saw herself reflected back in the hated mirrors of the fitness room, and hung her head in shame. Quickly he lifted her face back up with a finger under her chin.

  “You’re a very beautiful little girl, Josey,” he said reassuringly. “But you cannot carry so much weight. It will make you feel tired all the time, and if you gain more, it might make you sick someday. So I intend to help you get rid of it, okay?”

  He’s seen me at my worst and still calls me beautiful. The wonder of it made the pain in her backside seem to throb less and less.

  “I also want you to make a list of all your bills and the dates they are due by, so I can make sure you don’t forget them. Mr. Green has added my personal cell to your phone, so if you have trouble behaving or you’re sad or you need help, you call me, okay?” he asked, and she nodded gratefully. Weird and comforting and bizarre and wonderful, she thought. Her emotions were all over the chart trying to process everything that had happened, but one thing was for certain. With no friends and no one to come home to, loneliness had become a constant companion for her. Knowing she would finally have someone to talk to made her want to cry again.

  Fed and reassured, she followed him without question down another hallway until they reached what she immediately decided had to be the best room in the entire building. The theater room was similar to the one they had at work for meetings and presentations, but with reclining theater chairs instead of uncomfortable folding ones. And as she quickly popped the footrest out of hers, her new Daddy brought her a blanket and a pillow so she could snuggle in for a movie. They watched Matilda, which she had seen a dozen
times already but would happily watch a dozen more beside the man who insisted she call him Daddy. Occasionally during the movie he would reach over to stroke her hair or pat her arm, and when the credits began to roll, Josey felt so safe and comfortable she almost asked if they could watch it again.

  “Time to go, Josey,” he said as he stood up. “It’s nearly midnight and way past your bedtime.”

  He folded her blanket and put it and the pillow up, then took her hand and led her through the halls. When they reached Mr. Green’s office, they found him still sitting at his desk, shuffling through paperwork and looking monumentally bored.

  “And how did we do this evening?” he asked when they entered.

  “I’m proud of my little girl,” Mr. Black said, smiling warmly down at Josey. “She did her best on the treadmill, ate all of her vegetables, and we watched a movie.”

  “Wonderful!” Mr. Green beamed. “Then am I to believe we all understand one another, and Josey will mind her daddy from now on?”

  Josey looked up at Mr. Black, who smiled and nodded encouragingly. Taking a deep breath she decided to play along with the whole freaky scenario, no matter how strange or silly it might get.

  “Yes, sir, I’ll mind Daddy from now on.”

  A Disobedient Nibble

  For the remainder of the week, Josey was very good, following the instructions Mr. Black sent her every morning, even when she didn’t want to. On Wednesday someone ordered pizza, and she wanted a slice badly, but the still sore muscles of her calves and thighs convinced her it wasn’t worth having to run another twenty minutes on the treadmill from hell. That evening, she was glad she’d been strong, for Mr. Green’s driver came to pick her up after work, and her daddy was so pleased at how well she’d done all week that he let her have ice cream for dinner. It was over the ice cream that she finally asked what had been on her mind since she’d first met Mr. Green.


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