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A Knight's Temptation (Falling For A Knight Book 2)

Page 28

by Lana Williams


  She turned her head to see him lying beside her, his face pale.

  “Ilisa?” Alec whispered. He and Chanse knelt next to her, watching her with worried expressions.

  “Aye.” She touched both their hands, grateful they were safe, at least for the moment.

  She raised onto her elbows, anxious to check on Braden, ignoring how the murmur of conversation silenced as she did.

  He was so still. She touched his temple, taken aback at how chilled he felt. She wanted to shake him until he opened his eyes to look at her but knew that would do no good when the deep sleep of healing was upon him.

  “Does he breathe?” she asked, her voice coming out as little more than a rasp.

  He was on his side, making it impossible to see his chest move. She held her hand before his nose and mouth. Surely that was his breath she felt.

  “Aye,” Chanse answered, his voice low. “But he needs time.”

  As did she, but a glance beyond Alec and Chanse showed Graham and his men nearby. Everyone stared at her as though uncertain if she lived or had taken some other ghostly form.

  She felt weak, whether from her injury or the fear of losing Braden, she didn’t know. How could she have ever thought she couldn’t trust him? That he was anything like the knights who’d so eagerly killed the people of Berwick during the siege?

  Her gaze caught on Monroe, who lay dead just beyond Braden, his own knife sticking out of his chest. She quickly looked away but couldn’t deny she was relieved he no longer posed a threat.

  Most of Graham’s men had dismounted, some looking very unsettled as they waited for direction. The questioning looks they sent her and Braden said they had no idea what to make of the situation. They’d eased back as though uncertain what had happened.

  Rothton and Graham appeared to be arguing rather heatedly toward the back of the group, their voices low. Would they attempt to take Braden now that they knew of what he was capable?

  The battle might have ceased, but nothing had been resolved.

  Somehow, she had to find a way to save Braden. Life without him wouldn’t be worth living. She would never allow his precious gift to be manipulated like the bear displayed in the cage so long ago.

  How was she going to manage such a feat when they were outnumbered so significantly?

  Fighting wasn’t an option. What did that leave her?

  As she felt the weight of the stares, an unlikely idea came to her, one that would surely fail. She closed her eyes, wishing for a better one. For time to think of a true plan.

  But nay. Nothing.

  She opened her eyes, her gaze catching Chanse’s.

  “I have an idea,” she whispered to him and Alec. “A poor one.”

  “That’s more than I have,” Chanse said, his worried gaze sliding to Braden.

  “I agree,” Alec said.

  She nodded. “I’m going to tell Lord Graham the one thing he doesn’t want to hear.”

  Chanse frowned. “What would that be?”

  Alec took her hand. “Will it force them to free us?”

  “I don’t know,” Ilisa said, her gaze swinging from Alec to Chanse, praying that she could save them too.

  Stomach twisting with nerves, she leaned over to press a kiss on Braden’s temple then offered her hand to Chanse. “Alec, watch over Braden. With luck, we’ll all soon be leaving together.” Never mind that they’d encountered little luck of late.

  Chanse helped her rise, his brow wrinkled with concern. “How can I help?”

  “Now would be an excellent time to pray.” She glanced once more at Braden. “He shouldn’t have saved me. Do you think he’ll be all right?”

  “I hope so. But at the moment I’m even more worried about you.”

  Ilisa drew a breath, amazed that she could, wondering if she was making a terrible mistake. Yet as she glanced around at the now silent soldiers watching her, she knew she had to try something, else they’d all be dead.

  Placing a trembling hand to her throat, she stepped forward, marveling at what Braden had done. Again. He’d saved her twice. Could she manage to return the favor?

  The men eased back with each step she took forward. She well knew how superstitious the Scots were. The soldiers stared at her as though she were a spirit.

  “Lor—” Her voice cracked, so she tried again. “Lord Graham.” Her call was hardly more than a whisper, but she already had everyone’s attention. She kept her hand over her injury.

  “Lady Cairstine.” Graham cast an odd expression toward the Earl of Rothton, before easing cautiously forward. Did he fear her?

  The earl remained where he was, seeming to have no intention of speaking with her. He should’ve been more careful what he wished for. Apparently, a healing knight was more than he wanted to deal with after all.

  “Are you...well?” Graham asked, keeping a measurable distance from her.

  “Better than I should be, don’t you think?” She raised a brow.

  “I apologize for the behavior of my steward.” He glanced at Monroe’s body with anger and disgust. “That,” he gestured toward her throat, only to realize he probably shouldn’t, “was not part of the plan.”

  His apology only angered her. She dropped her hand to reveal the still healing wound on her throat.

  The shock of seeing it had the lord taking a step back, eyes focused on the cut.

  “There’s something you don’t realize about the healing knight,” she said.

  “Oh? What might that be?”

  “He is not who you think he is.”

  Graham’s alarmed gaze fell on Braden as if expecting him to sprout horns. “Who is he?” he asked, almost reluctantly.

  “Sir Braden de Bremont, an English knight.” She paused, allowing her news to settle in his mind.

  Graham jerked back another step, his gaze shifting between her and Braden. “You lie.”

  “Surely having an English knight on your side, regardless of his power, would be of little use to you.” Oh, how she prayed it was true.

  The lord’s gaze swung to Chanse. “And you?”

  “His brother. Chanse de Bremont. Also of England.”

  “That makes it simple. You shall all die.” He raised his hand to gesture to his men.

  “I wouldn’t recommend that,” Ilisa said, trying desperately to still her trembling body.

  Graham’s eyes narrowed. “Why not?”

  “Sir Braden is a trusted adviser for King Edward of England.” She crossed her fingers in the folds of her kirtle to negate the lie.

  “Nay.” Graham slowly lowered his hand.

  “Incurring the king’s wrath will have him marching on Scotland, beginning with your holding.”

  From the look on his face, Ilisa guessed his thoughts were racing, weighing her words.

  “All know he has the ear of the king.” Would repeating it make him listen? What more could she say to convince him to leave them be?

  “No one will be the wiser if you’re all dead.” His lips formed into a thin line as determination filled him.

  Ilisa’s heart sank, taking with it her hope for a future with Braden. Her mouth dry, her mind blank, she realized she’d failed. All was lost.

  “I would.” The confidence of the voice had Ilisa turning to see Matthew stride to the front of the men. “I have no desire to see someone with a gift such as this be killed.” Matthew’s gaze held hers, his eyes wide with wonder. “’Tis a true miracle.”

  “I agree,” another soldier said as he came to stand beside Matthew.

  “And I.” Another joined them as several more did the same until the men all stood beside Matthew.

  “Lord Graham, surely you can see that a person with the power such as Sir...Braden should hold a special place in our lives, not used for political gain.” Matthew casually put his hand on the hilt of his sword, suggesting he was willing to fight for what he believed. And to protect Braden.

  Ilisa could only blink back tears as Chanse
placed a comforting hand on hers.

  “You did it,” he whispered.

  “I did?” Her legs shook so much so that she reached out to take Chanse’s arm to support her.

  Graham scowled at Matthew. “You are released from your duties, along with anyone else who chooses to side with you.” He glared at each of his men, but none of them moved.

  “Let us leave this place,” Rothton demanded as he mounted his horse. Only one of his men followed suit.

  “Blast you all,” Graham cursed them as he got on his horse as well, unwilling to take a stand without his men. “You’ll soon see what a terrible mistake you’ve made. Good riddance.” He turned his horse and galloped away, Rothton and three other men following. The rest remained with Matthew.

  “Braden did it.” Breathless with relief, Ilisa turned to Chanse. “We all did it.”

  He grinned, his smile so like Braden’s that it made her cry. “Come now,” he said. “The time for tears has passed. Now ’tis time for celebration.”

  Alec moved to stand beside them. “Can we return to Berwick before we celebrate? I’d feel safer there.”

  Chanse laughed, ruffling her brother’s hair. “Indeed, we can.”

  Matthew joined them, looking with awe at Ilisa. “’Tis truly a miracle. What your husband can do.”

  “Aye.” She smiled through her tears. “We can’t thank you enough for your support, Matthew.” She looked over at the other men. “We thank you all.”

  “Allow us to provide you escort to Berwick.” Matthew turned to look at the band of men. “What say you? Shall we see them safely home?”

  The enthusiastic shouts made Ilisa cry more. She turned to look at Braden, realizing he’d opened his eyes. No doubt because of all the noise.

  She hurried to kneel beside him, holding her fingers against his cheek. “Braden?”

  He blinked, his gaze catching on her. “Ilisa. Ilisa, my love.”

  Then he slept once again, but he left a warmth in Ilisa’s heart to which she held tight.


  Braden woke, his mind still groggy. The narrow chamber in which he rested was unfamiliar, causing a wave of panic. He rose onto his elbow as memories flooded him. “Ilisa?”

  “I’m here.” She shifted into his range of vision to sit on the bedside. Her smile lit his heart and eased his worry. “All is well.”

  “Where are we?”

  “St. Mary’s.”

  “Chanse and Alec?”

  “Here as well. Everyone is fine. The sisters are taking good care of us. We’ve been anxiously waiting for you to wake.”

  He rubbed a hand over his eyes as images of what happened fluttered through his mind. With a gasp, he opened them to stare at Ilisa’s throat, relieved to find only a small mark there. “I didn’t know if I could save you.” His heart pounded at the memory of his fear as he’d held her throat, her life seeping from beneath his hands.

  “You did.” She lifted his hand to place it on her neck, her smile squeezing his heart. “See? I am well.”

  He ran the pad of his thumb over her soft skin, allowing his thoughts to settle. “How did you convince Graham to let us go?”

  “I told him you were English.”

  Braden chuckled. “I wish I’d seen that. Did he take it well?”

  “Not particularly.”

  Voices sounded from outside the door. “That would be Chanse, Matthew, and Alec. They’re anxious to see you.”

  “Matthew?” Braden couldn’t understand what the knight was doing at St. Mary’s. “Why is he here?”

  “’Tis rather a long story. I promise you’ll hear all the details but first, there’s something we must discuss.”

  Worry returned at the seriousness of her tone. “What is it?”

  “Our marriage. The prioress is anxious for us to annul it.”

  He searched her face for a hint of what she wanted. Those lovely eyes the color of a winter sea held warmth, but did he dare to guess what else lurked in their depths? Surely he hadn’t imagined her telling him that she loved him when they were alongside the road.

  Then again, none of that mattered. What he needed to do was tell her what was in his heart, to trust her with the truth.

  “Ilisa?” He placed his hand on her cheek. “I love you. Will you marry me? This time with no pretense between us? For now and forever.”

  Her lips parted on a gasp as she blinked back tears. “Oh. Aye. I love you too.”

  He sat up to take her in his arms and kiss her deeply, determined to show her his love. “You are a treasure beyond price,” he whispered at last.

  “I’m the lucky one to have found you. I’ve come to realize that it doesn’t matter where you’re from—England or Scotland. ’Tis the man you are that matters.” She leaned forward to kiss him. “And you are a very special man. I love you so much. With everything I have.”

  “I thought for a time you were put in my life to test me, a temptation I couldn’t resist.” He pressed kisses along her forehead, her temple, and her cheek. “But now I realize that while you might’ve been a temptation at first, you’re so much more. You’re the love of my life, and I’m so grateful to call you mine.”

  “Oh, Braden.”

  He eased back to look into her eyes. “Hilda was right. I felt a splang.”

  Ilisa chuckled. “A sparkle? As did I.”

  “’Tis much more than that.” He kissed her, long and slow, releasing the feelings he’d kept in check for so many days now. Passion simmered deep inside him, refusing to let go. Recent events reminded him that life was short and not to be taken for granted. “Ilisa?”

  “Aye,” she managed between kisses as her hands roamed over his chest.

  “We are husband and wife.”

  She drew back, her eyes dark with desire, her breath unsteady. “Indeed.”

  “I would make you my wife in every sense of the word. So nothing stands between us. With all the love in my heart.”

  “Oh, Braden, aye.” She kissed him, leaving him no doubt that she felt the same as he did.

  He pulled her tight against him and turned until she laid beside him on the narrow pallet. The length of her body pressed against his lit a fire within him that he couldn’t deny.

  “Soft and warm,” he murmured as he leaned over her to kiss her closed eyes, her cheeks, her neck. “Clever and gracious. So very beautiful. I couldn’t ask for a more perfect partner in my life.”

  Her breath came out on a tremor as her hands found their way beneath his tunic to lift it off his head and toss it aside. “Strong and handsome. Honorable and courageous. I couldn’t ask for a more perfect husband.”

  He smiled as he held her gaze. “I don’t know how I managed to sleep beside you each night without making you mine. It nearly drove me crazed.”

  “Thank goodness you’ve come to your senses.” She unlaced the top of her kirtle and shifted to remove it, leaving her clad in her thin chemise.

  As much as he wanted to prolong the sensations washing through him, he wanted to be one with her even more. He caressed the length of her over her chemise then lifted it. Before he could draw it over her head, she sat up to remove it, her eagerness adding to his own.

  His gaze swept over her. His heart thundered at the sight. “You’re even lovelier than I imagined.”

  “I had the privilege of seeing you at the creek. But I’m eager to repeat the experience.”

  “What can I do but oblige the lady’s request?” He shifted to remove his chausses and returned to kiss her once more.

  He ran his hands over her breasts, loving the way she arched as he did so. He continued lower to the narrowness of her waist, the flare of her hip, the softness of her curls, before exploring her intimately. The dampness there pleased him, adding to his building desire.

  “Braden, you make me feel...” Her breath came quickly and her eyes closed as he pleasured her. “Delightful.” Then her hands moved over him, from the breadth of his shoulders to the flatness of his belly,
exploring along the way.

  The firm touch of her soft fingers along his skin had him kissing her once again. She reached his manhood, and he jolted, interrupting their kiss. “Slowly, my sweet. You’ll have me undone before we’ve accomplished our goal.”

  “Then we’d have to start over. That sounds like a fine idea to me.” She took hold of him again, exploring his length until his body shuddered with need.

  “I love you, Ilisa,” he whispered. “I want you so badly.”

  “And I love you, Braden.” Her hips moved beneath his fingers. “Take me now, please.”

  The ache inside him made his movements jerky as he shifted, parting her legs with his to settle on top of her. He drew a deep breath, trying to slow the pace, but how could he when she made him feel so much?

  He frowned, reminding himself she was a virgin. “This might hurt, my sweet. Hold on to me.” The tip of his shaft found her center. Ordering his body not to thrust too quickly, he eased forward, wanting her to enjoy this moment. She was so tight. So hot.

  “More, Braden,” she ordered with a tilt of her hips.

  Light shone brightly behind his eyes as his body took over. He pushed into her softness then caught her cry with a kiss. With all the will he could muster, he held still for a long moment, allowing her body to adjust to his.

  But she wouldn’t stay put. Instead she moved those hips again as though seeking something further. “Ilisa?” He had to know she was well before he—


  His relief enormous, he eased back only to thrust into her. Then again. Deeper. More quickly each time, hoping he could hold on long enough for her to find her pleasure as well.

  Her soft cries had him reaching between their bodies to touch her center, her body soon convulsing beneath his.

  Before she’d finished, he found his own release, a wondrous thing with stars exploding behind his eyes. He’d never felt like this before. Nor had it lasted this long before or drained him so thoroughly.

  At last, he shifted to her side, drawing her into his arms to hold her tight, her head resting on his shoulder. His chest ached with the emotions filling him. He swallowed hard, unable to explain how much she meant to him.

  Instead he kissed her, hoping to show her.


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