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Sunken Empire

Page 14

by Brandy Slaven

"Really?" I ask with raised brows.

  He nods slowly as that infamous grin tilts his lips up. "Seriously. Now let's go tell Zanthus so he can cry about it."

  Shaking my head, I roll my eyes toward the ceiling with a smile but follow him out. "Why do you like pushing his buttons so much anyway?"

  "Oh," he starts, opening the main door and letting me lead us into the hallway, "don't let him fool you. My brother dishes out as much as he takes. Just wait, you'll see."

  The warning of just wait and see comes a lot sooner than I thought it would. Zephyr and I track down Zale and Zanthus to not too surprisingly find them in the study. The latter has a long thin sword on the table in front of him that he seems to be doing some sort of sharpening on. Not exactly sure why he deems it necessary since its shiny surface appears to be ready to slice through the toughest of hides.

  We've barely stepped foot into the room when Zanthus blurts, "Nice hair. You girls have a fun time?"

  Sitting at the head of the table, Zale glances up from the book his face is buried in and offers us a smile before glaring daggers at his offensive brother. For that he earns a kiss on the cheek. I'm truly not a smacking kind of person, but after seeing the other side of Zephyr, my defenses kick in, dealing a swift but soft blow to the back of Zanthus' head.

  "Leave him alone," I warn.

  He shakes his head but doesn't say anything else about it. Not like I give him the chance to anyway.

  "What are you planning to do with this thing?" I ask, reaching out to run a fingertip down the hilt. It seems to hum at my touch, but none of the others seem to notice.

  Zanthus huffs, "We've been too lax in training since being struck by the curse. It'll do us all well to undergo a refresher to get our bodies back into shape."

  If their bodies are out of shape, then I must look like a cream puff compared to them. Somehow, I'll manage to get in on this training. Saving that thought for later, I let my confusion lace my tone. "Why would you need a weapon like this underwater? Especially with your magic."

  Merrick lets himself into the room with a cart that smells heavenly. Two seconds ago, I was worried about not being in proper shape to fit in with my mates, and now, my stomach growls like it's ready to take a chunk out of the table in front of me if I let it. None of the Zs complain as he takes over an explanation. "Our realm is mostly water, so it's a smart assumption that the majority of our battles would be beneath the surface. However, since the five kingdoms came to be, there arose a demand for learning dry land skills. Our warriors are trained in both and prepared for any battle. As embarrassing as it is to admit to your highness, I doubt any of us would be in any kind of capacity to serve and protect the royal family. But no worries as we are correcting that now. By the time the curse is broken, your royal guard will be ready."

  My brows lift in surprise as I look to Zale. "These men trapped down here with you were your royal guard?"

  "Some of them," Merrick says while laying out a table full of food. "We're not sure how many more of them survived, but these males trapped here with us have proved their loyalty unequivocally. I'm sure the princes will agree to giving them the honor."

  All three of them nod their agreement. I've barely had time to adjust to things the way they are now. Just how different are they going to be when the curse is broken and we're on the surface again? Am I ready for the responsibilities that come with being mated to princes who are soon to be kings? Letting my eyes drift over them as they fill their plates and converse with each other, I realize that I don't have much of a choice anymore. I haven't since the day I fell off that cruise liner and Zanthus put that necklace around my neck. All of it pretty much sealed our fates and tied them all together. As if the fates themselves knew the opportunity to help the clans of this realm and their princes were going to be too tempting for me to pass on.

  "What are you thinking so hard on?" Zanthus asks, his posture rigid and food untouched as he stares at my face.

  I don't want to add to their list of crap to worry about, but I don't want to lie to them either. Answering truthfully, I reply, "I'm worried about how much things are going to change once we break this curse. I come from another realm and don't know the first lick about being royalty. I know nothing of your laws or how I'm supposed to act. And...that's if we aren't in full out war still once this bubble is broken."

  "You do understand that you weren't born a human, correct? This realm is as much your home as it is ours," Zephyr offers around the cup in his hand.

  Then I hear myself saying something that I didn't know was a fear until the words leave my mouth. "What if your people don't accept me? I may have been born here, but I was raised as a human. Plus, once it's known who my father is, they may turn on all of us. That's not fair to you or your clan to ask them to accept the daughter of one of your worst enemies."

  Zanthus' fury makes itself known in the palm that he slaps down on the table, but Zale holds his own up in the air to stop his brother’s rant.

  "It's respectable of you to consider our people before yourself. It's what a true leader would do. However, they are just that, our people. Not only will you be aiding in freeing them of the curse, but you are our mate. It's one thing for us to declare you queen of the kingdom as an outsider. You are our mate, Rubi. The only way that can be refuted is if we sever the bonds between us. If we are to rule the kingdom then you will be by our side," he says softly.

  He's right, of course, proving those worries to be null and void, but the last part makes me wonder, "Is there a way they can be broken? Our bonds, that is."

  They all turn to granite in their seats, even my playful mer across from me. Realizing how bad that probably sounded, I amend my question by adding, "Not that I want to or anything. I just didn't know something like that was possible."

  I fully expect Merrick to answer, but it seems he disappeared at some point during our conversation. It's Zanthus' now gruff voice that finally cuts through the quiet. "Yes, love. It's possible, though, neither party would likely make it out with their sanity."

  "Having second thoughts already, little siren?" Zephyr asks with a sly grin.

  There's a thump on the bottom of the table that makes me and the diningware jump in response as Zephyr winces and reaches down.

  "Keep your feet to yourself," Zanthus growls at him.

  Zephyr's lips are turned down in a frown as his hand works over a spot on his shin, "I thought that was her. Damn brother, why'd you have to kick me that hard?"

  Crumbling all of the serious walls down around us, I burst into a belly rolling laugh that has Zale joining in almost immediately and Zephyr not long after. Zanthus only huffs, but it's good enough for me. We eat the rest of our meal in companionable conversation with Zeph trying to regale us with stories of the trouble the three of them used to get into. He's cut off more than once by one of his brothers, but that only makes me want to pry harder. Eventually they concede and allow Zephyr to finish his tales leaving me in joyful tears more than once. It's nice learning things about my mates, but it's even better taking this moment to enjoy this thing building stronger between us. Who knows how many more of these chances we'll get in the not too distant future. They seem to feel the same. Especially after the subject switches over to me and more specifically why my best friend banned the truth or dare game.

  Lunch with the three of them and their reassurances is apparently what my confidence needed to hear. After we're finished, I let them know that I'd like to train in self-defense at some point. I half expect an argument demanding one of them always be there to protect me, but it doesn't come. They know the score as much as I do because this game we’re about to play is dangerous and could be deadly.

  Zanthus and Zephyr lead us out of the Keep, leaving Zale behind in the study at his request. He'd told us that he'd be joining us soon but wanted to research a couple more things. I'd pecked him on the cheek and wondered if he was always been like this or if the curse had changed him. I could imagine him as a small boy walki
ng around a palace with his nose stuck in a book. Tucking that question away to be reconsidered later, I file out of the main door with the other two Zs.

  The scene we come upon stops my feet in their tracks. Where all of the men I saw on my first day lazing about like cats in sunlight, they've now turned the space beneath the barrier into their own personal sparring sections. There are four of them just in my line of sight. In each circle of bystanders, two men clash together with the sharp sound of steel grinding against steel. Watching them makes my heart thump hard in my chest, even knowing they aren't actually trying to hurt each other. Another huge difference is that all of their torsos are now covered in what appears to be chain-link armor. I'm no expert, but I'm almost certain ancient chain-link doesn't flash a multitude of colors as different angles of light hit it.

  As we near one of the groups, I reach out to touch the flashy material. The male jumps underneath my hand and spins as Zephyr plasters himself against my back. A sword that I didn't even realize he had makes itself known flush against my leg.

  "Sorry," I mutter, holding my palms up to the male.

  "No, highness. My apologies," he replies, dropping to a kneel.

  Reaching out a hand to him automatically, I only get half a second to understand I've messed up.

  The male's eyes flash over my shoulder in fear then I'm yanked backwards a step, and Zanthus' silver sword is pressed against his throat.

  "Zanthus, stop!" I yell, fearing for the man's life more than embarrassment for myself when everyone's heads turn our way. A pin could be heard dropping in the silence that follows, but my only thought is to stop my mate from killing one of his people for a misunderstanding.

  Zephyr doesn't let me step out of his arms, but that doesn't stop the demand that I throw at my brutish mate, "Let him go. I was curious what the armor felt like and it startled all of us."

  Zanthus immediately drops his weapon and leans down to whisper something into the male's ear that has him paling even further. He gives a short nod of understanding that has Zanthus straightening again. Before I can get anymore words past my lips, I'm being half-dragged, half-pushed away from the scene.

  Once headed toward the other duelers, we're now making a path toward the little houses. We get there just as a tall male steps from his still adjusting his armor.

  He bows at the waist to us. "Your highnesses."

  "Excuse our rudeness, Wallace," Zanthus states, none of the venom present from before. "Would you mind if we borrowed your home for a few moments?"

  My head whips up in confusion. The same expression flickers on Wallace's face, but he doesn't hesitate to grant the princes access into his dwelling with a sidestep and hand flourish. "Of course."

  I follow Zanthus inside and barely give the door time to click shut before verbally pouncing on him. "What in the banana boat was that? Is that the way things work here? You kill people over a misunderstanding?"

  "Little Siren---" Zephyr starts, but I whirl back around to him, putting a finger in his chest.

  "And you," I all but growl, "you saw what happened. You were right there. Why didn't you stop him? He could've murdered that man in front of us for no reason."

  The sly grin drops from his lips as gold flares to life around his pupils. After the rush of adrenaline, I want him to take me in his arms and make me feel safe like he did in the Keep, but it's not him that reaches me first. I don't get moved very far. Zanthus gently grabs my upper arm and uses it to spin back his way before pressing our chests together and forcing me to step into Zephyr. I don't have time to protest, even if I wanted to, before his lips crash down on mine.

  A pathetic whimper makes its way out of my throat and it’s like throwing a dog a bone. His kiss becomes aggressive to the point that I can't think of anything other than him. Next thing I know, I'm wrapped around him like an octopus on its prey. With his hands securely fastened underneath my ass, the one now sneaking under the hem of my shirt to splay a palm across my stomach must belong to Zephyr. The extra set of lips brands the skin between my neck and shoulder too.

  Zephyr waits until Zanthus finally breaks away before tucking strands of hair behind my ear and telling me, "He had a weapon, little siren. Tensions are running high right now. You may not have noticed, but he raised it poised to attack, when you startled him. The only reason he was at my brother's blade was because he beat me to it."

  "Anyone who raises a weapon to the crown is committing treason and is subject to the penalty of death," Zanthus forces out while his hands clench tightly on my ass no doubt trying to form fists. "You will be their queen, and therefore his life was forfeit the moment he spun on you."

  I poke him in the chest, but a lot of good it does. I might as well be poking a brick wall, "Listen here, you brutish merman. It was an accident and completely my fault for startling him."

  "Other than my brothers, your mates...You. Will. Not. Touch. Another. Male," he bites out around each word.

  A part of me wants to do just that to see just how far I can push him until he snaps. Especially thinking I'm this weakling of a mate who sits around and takes orders. It's that flash of vivid blue in his eyes that stops me. Well, that and imagining another female around them. There's no way in this inky underwater haven that I want them putting their hands on another woman. I'd probably flip out too, even without the weapon issue.

  Conceding, I give him one word. "Fine."

  "Good choice, little siren," Zeph murmurs in my ear. He no doubt understood the conflict weighing heavy in my chest without me having to speak a word of it.

  However, I can't resist pushing his buttons at least a little. "Now, can we get back to the important matter at hand and train me?"

  His scowl says a thousand things, but his lips as they slam down on mine, say something totally different. Unfortunately, his retribution is to let go and step back once my feet are on the floor. One glance at Zephyr has him moving away as well. Provoking my desire for them then retreating is enough of a punishment, leaving me cursing their sexy fish asses and fins. Not like I want to get it on here in a stranger's house or anything, but still, that's beside the point.

  Zanthus takes the lead back outside. The generous Wallace is nowhere in sight, but I wouldn't have hung around if I were him either. The angry waves had been rolling off my brutish mate like a storm. Best just to move yourself out of his way. Back in the artificial sun, none of the sparring has stopped. The clash of metal rings out around us as much as the exertion from the males wielding them.

  We make our way over to one of the groups closest to the barrier. Merrick is there to greet us from his spot on the sidelines. Once the other males take notice of the princes, they scoot around to clear the space and give them an unobstructed view inside the ring of bodies. Taking up a post between Zanthus and Merrick, leaving Zephyr to step against my back, I stand fixed in place in complete astonishment. The two mer males battling it out in front of us are polar opposites of each other yet neither seem to yield to the other. One is huge. Like I'm not a boulder, I'm a man huge. His shoulders are broad and dusted with a dark coating of hair. It almost matches the strands of color growing out of his head, though those are black as midnight. Bushy eyebrows risk smothering a set of hazel eyes and lead down into a broad nose. What's more distracting than anything is that he is the first of the mer to show any kind of preference toward heavy facial hair. His dark beard is chest length and adorned with glass beads at the bottom. Appearances aside, the way he moves with a sword is lithe and in complete contrast with his size.

  Both he and his opponent have as many beaded braids as Zanthus, if not more. The other fighter is light in every place the larger one is dark, and they both fight as though their lives depend on it. This mer has silver hair chopped short at his chin with eyes to match. He's built slightly smaller than my Zs, but still emits that golden glow of a tan with muscles to go with it.

  These two go their rounds until a voice calls out, "Draw."

  They both freeze and bow to eac
h other with a smile before turning to us with another. Zanthus nods, and they close the distance between us as two more fighters take their positions.

  Zanthus tosses out an introduction as soon as the males are within earshot, motioning towards the big dark one first. "Rubi, this is Caelan and Easton. Clansmen, meet your future queen."

  They bow deeply. Between their reception and Zanthus' purposely placed words, I blush harder than ever. I'm just glad Zephyr is at my back, so he can't bring attention to it. As the males rise, their curious eyes burn my skin, making it flush too. It doesn't last more than a few seconds before that possessive mate thing kicks in with Zanthus, and he lets out a high-pitched click of his tongue. My imagination tends to run wild sometimes, but there's no denying the extra space we acquire at that sound. It truly is almost comical.

  "Pleased to meet you," I tell them both before their gazes flit over to their demanding prince. Zanthus motions with his head, and our little party of five starts on a path back towards the Keep, leaving Merrick to his own devices.

  "Caelan was given the personal assignment of overseeing mine and my brother's training long ago," Zanthus tells me as we walk.

  "Is he older than you?" I ask curiously. My first guess would've put him at the same age as my mates.

  Zephyr snickers. "Oh, he's old alright."

  For the first time since meeting them, Caelan speaks, his voice deep enough that I expect the ground to rumble beneath our feet with it. "I'm not as ancient as they make me sound, highness."

  Peering over my shoulder, I get a brief view of pearly whites tucked beneath the swarm of dark facial hair and I can't help but to return his smile. Sweat still glistens on both of their skin, making them shine underneath the dome of light above us. Were I single, I'd be all over that like a fat kid on cheesecake, but now that I've felt the mating bond, it's easy to dismiss their attractiveness.

  Noticing he has my attention again, Zanthus continues, "My brothers and I think it's best to have these two train you. We're likely to be too soft considering you're our mate, or in scatterbrained's case over there, predictably easily distracted with other things."


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