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Love like Yours Series Box Set: Books 1 - 4

Page 13

by Nicole S. Goodin

  Lawson threw an arm casually around my shoulders. Just like the other times he touched me, my skin tingled and my stomach fluttered. I looked up at him and found him smiling down at me. “I thought you might like this place.”

  I found myself grinning back at him like a fool. On the one hand, I was thrilled that he was so close to me, touching me. But on the other hand, the casual contact felt a lot like I was entering the friend zone.

  “Like it? Lawson it is perfect,” I replied. “I would love to have a home like this one day,” I added in a whisper so low he probably didn’t even hear. I watched as something passed over his facial features, but it was too quick for me to catch the meaning.

  “Let’s hit the slopes already. I’m dying to see if I still have it,” Quinn called from inside the pantry.

  Lawson turned my body towards his. “Are you ready, Ells? I’m gonna work you hard,” he said with a wink.

  I spat out a laugh at his blatant innuendo and decided to have a little fun. I stepped forward into him so I was just ever so slightly pressed up against his body. I bit down on my lip in what I hoped was a sexy way. “I’m counting on it, cowboy. God knows I like it hard.”

  28. Lawson

  Damn, Ellerslie.

  Here I was thinking I had the upper hand – she was in love with the house, I could tell by the gaga eyes she kept making at everything. She was so excited that I’d planned this all for her to experience. And hearing her talk about wanting a house like this one day... I’d be more than willing to give her whatever she wanted.

  I’d had the upper hand.

  Then all it took were a few whispered words and a brush of her body against mine... and bam – upper hand relinquished to Ellerslie Rush.

  I am so fucked.

  “It is a frightening thought, that in one fraction of a moment you can fall in the kind of love that takes a lifetime to get over.”

  - Beau Taplin

  29. Quinn

  “You little hussy,” I whispered to El as I pinched her ass – it was the first moment we’d had alone since we had left the house.

  “Ah! Bitch!” She swatted my hand away. “What’d I do?”

  I laughed again at what I’d witnessed in the kitchen – El didn’t know I’d seen, but that little boob brush had got my brother all screwed up. It was hilarious. He needed taking down a few pegs, and it seemed my best friend was going to be the one to do it.

  “I saw you pull that move in the kitchen. Lawson looked like he wanted to tap your sexy ass right then and there.”

  El laughed at my teasing. “What can I say?” She shrugged. “I learned from the best.” She winked at me and bumped her elbow against mine.

  She wasn’t wrong. She’d been watching me for years. I was a flirt and a bloody good one – I freaking loved it.

  A girl needs to have a little fun every now and then.

  I looked around the snowy slope and a burst of excitement shot through me. I really had missed being here. It had been way too long since I’d dusted off the skis and ripped up some fresh powder. I was good – I knew I was. I’d considered training and competing professionally, but I’d eventually decided that other parts of my life were more important. It was the best decision I ever made, it led me to my job, and that led me to El – the best friend I’d ever had. She was my person. The person I call when I have news, heartbreak, or when I need a shopping and ice cream fix. She’s always there, three in the morning, or the middle of the day.

  She’s always there.

  El was nervous, she was all twitchy and her eyes were constantly darting around, taking everything in.

  “So are you freaking out over the boarding? Or is it my brother that has you all tied up in knots?” I smirked.

  “I forget you see right through me,” Ellerslie grumbled. “I’m not sure. I mean, it’s totally the boarding. I’m gonna fall on my face, Q. But holy shit... I know he’s your brother, but God he is something else.” She sighed in a dreamy kind of way. “This whole weekend? Who does that for a person they barely know? I’m just so out of my league here.”

  “This isn’t like him, you know that, right? I haven’t seen him make an effort in a whole lot of years. He never, and I mean never, chases women. He just doesn’t give a crap. I think they see it as part of his charm, you know? Like they might be the one to change him.” I rolled my eyes.

  Stupid women.

  “But he’s different since he met you.” I looked over and met her big blue eyes. “He’s obsessive with you. He just drinks it all in when you speak. I wouldn’t be surprised if he could remember everything you’ve ever said to him.” I nudged her arm lightly. “ And you’re not out of your league, El. I don’t think that would even be possible.” I wanted to tell her to stop being so bloody stupid, but the scared, insecure expression she wore stopped me from being too hard on her.

  Damn Baxter. That prick has a lot to answer for.

  El just nodded at me. “But, honey, he went through some shit a long time ago. I don’t know exactly what happened. He had a serious girlfriend – then she was just gone... he became the no-strings, zero-fucks-given version of himself. I’m starting to see the old Lawson back when you’re around. It’s kinda great, El. I just hope you know what you’re doing,” I told her.

  “I think I’m gonna fall in love with him... you know that, right?” El stared at the ground, only meeting my gaze as she finished speaking.

  God, please Lawson – don’t mess this up.

  I laughed lightly and tapped the end of Ellerslie’s nose. “Oh, sweetie... I think you already have.”

  30. Lawson

  I couldn’t take my eyes off her. I’d been waiting in this line for what felt like forever... but I don’t think I’d taken my eyes off her for longer than 30 seconds. She was all padded up in her snow gear, but somehow, she was still an absolute knockout.

  “You just gonna stare at my sister all day?” Reeve mock punched my shoulder.

  I laughed and kicked a patch of snow with my boot. “Yeah. I probably am.”

  He chuckled. “Well at least you’re honest,” he said with a smirk on his face. “But I gotta tell ya, man, you screw with her, and I’ll have to kill you. It took the last of my self-control not to finish off that pathetic excuse of a man she left in behind. He broke a part of her, and I won’t let anyone off the hook for that ever again.”

  Just the mention of Ellerslie being hurt made my blood boil. I had the urge to smack something – hard. I looked over at El and Quinn, they were deep in conversation, I would have given my right arm to know what they were talking about.


  The thought of her being hurt... it wasn’t an option.

  I focused on Reeve again. “Look, I’ll just be straight up – I’ve heard that you aren’t exactly known for settling down, and that’s your business. Just don’t let her get in too deep if you don’t plan on sticking around. I’ve seen the way she looks at you... I’m worried it’s heading for heartbreak for El.”

  He was right. I had gotten myself a reputation. The thing was, no woman had mattered to me in nearly ten years. Not until I stepped into an elevator and had my life turned upside down by a curvy blonde.

  “If I ever hurt her, you have my full permission to mess me up, man. That woman is something else. I don’t know where the hell my head’s at, but I do know that I’d never treat her the way that prick did. The thought of it makes me want to hunt him down and knock him out.”

  Reeve nodded – absorbing what I’d said. “I’m glad to hear that. You’re a good guy – but she’s my sister and I want her to be happy.”

  I clapped Reeve on the shoulder as we moved closer to the ticket counter. “I’m glad she has you and Q. She must have gone through a really shitty time.”

  Reeve’s eyes flashed with sadness. “She still is. Her self-worth is virtually nonexistent. I know she’s getting better, especially in the past few weeks, but I can see how much she doubts herself. I’m worried she’ll never be
brave enough to let herself love again.”

  I was fuming. I couldn’t think of anything to say, so I just shook my head and tried to contain my anger. I must have been doing a shitty job of it.

  “Calm down, man. I can practically see the steam coming out of your ears – don’t worry, I had a little fun with Baxter Dent before I had him sign the divorce papers. Trust me, he got the message loud and clear.”

  Baxter Dent.

  I was filing that name away for future reference, that was for damn sure.


  I squatted down in front of El. “You ready, Ells?” I gave her a huge smile for encouragement – it was fair to say I was pretty bloody excited about this.

  She crinkled her nose up at me and I had to catch my breath. “Ready as I’ll ever be.”

  “Alright, up we go.” I pulled her up to her feet so she was balancing on her snowboard. I couldn’t help the small snort that escaped as she clung onto my biceps for dear life.

  “Holy shit. There’s no way in hell I’m gonna stay upright on this thing.” She shrieked as I slid her slowly through the snow.

  The way she was clinging to me, looking at me as if she were relying on me to keep her safe... God... I don’t think I ever wanted her to learn. “C’mon, Ells, I know you’ll be fine once you get a feel for it. You might fall a couple times but it’s soft. I promise.”

  “You promise I’m not gonna die?”

  I huffed out a laugh and stroked a gloved finger across her cheekbone. “Do you think I’d ever put you in real danger, pretty girl?”

  She blushed and bit down on her lip as she searched my face. She shook her head. “Okay. I’ll try it.”

  I pried her hands off my arms and held one of her hands instead. “Lean back a little to slow down... yes, move your feet like that... turn on your toes... good... now the other way on your heels... that’s perfect, Ells.” I couldn’t believe how well she was doing. I was holding her hand still, but her technique wasn’t bad and she was moving her body exactly as I told her to.

  I wonder if she’d move her body the way I told her to in the bedroom...

  She practiced for a while longer with me holding onto her hand. “That’s really good. You want to try on your own?”

  “I’ll give it a go.” I pulled away to give her space, but she tugged me back into her. “You have to promise not to laugh at me.”

  “I promise.” I put my hand on my heart and grinned.

  She slowly began to maneuver her way down the small beginners’ slope. She was doing a lot better than I’d thought she would and I found myself grinning like a kid on Christmas as I watched her cautiously make her way down. A kid on skis wobbled past her, and she lost her focus watching him go past.


  I took off to pick her up from where she’d gone down. She’d fallen straight forward onto her face, and I was willing to bet she wasn’t going to be happy about it.

  “Ells! Are you okay?” I called as I got closer.

  Her whole body was shaking as I pulled her up.

  Holy shit, she’s crying.

  “El, honey, it’s okay.” I looked down at her face.

  She was laughing – uncontrollable, eye-watering laughter poured out of her. “Holy shit... that was... too funny,” she said in between laughs. “Can you help me go again?”

  Her response surprised me – but this girl was always surprising me. I’d do well to remember that Ellerslie Rush was not like any of the other women I’d spent my time with.

  “The best kiss is the one that has been exchanged a thousand times between the eyes before it reaches the lips.”

  - Author unknown

  31. Ellerslie

  This whole snowboarding thing wasn’t so bad.

  Lawson looked hot as hell flying down the slopes. I’d found myself just standing there, drooling over him... again. I’d decided that this man could make anything and everything look sexy.

  About two hours into his teaching, I’d realized I wasn’t actually too bad at snowboarding... about four hours in, I stopped falling all over him, given up grabbing onto his firm arms and shoulders, and showed him how much I had actually learned.

  “You can’t blame a girl.” I laughed at his gaping jaw. “You’ve just been so sweet and attentive. I couldn’t have you running off into the sunset now that I’m stable on my feet, could I?”

  He prowled towards me with a predatory gleam in his eye. “You mean to tell me... that for the past two hours you’ve been... messing with me?” He slipped his arm around my waist and pulled my body roughly against his. “You’ve been stealing touches... praise?” he growled in my ear. “Tell me, Ells, why would you do that?” I could hear the amusement in his voice – he was teasing me.

  “Maybe I like your touches,” I murmured.

  “Touches like this?” he taunted as he tickled the side of my stomach.

  Holy shit – I was the most ticklish person ever. I instinctively threw myself backwards to make him stop. Of course, I forgot that my feet were still firmly connected to my snowboard, and I fell straight backward, pissing myself laughing.

  It wasn’t until I was lying flat on the freezing, snowy ground that I realized I hadn’t really hit the ground. Lawson still had his arm wrapped firmly around me and had broken our fall with his other arm. The whole length of his body was pressed up against me, and feeling the weight of him on top of me was doing crazy things to my body.

  The look in his eyes put an immediate halt to my giggling.

  “I’m sorry I made you fall.” I bit down on my lip and I heard him groan deep in his throat.

  “Well I’m not, pretty girl.”

  Then he was kissing me. Firm but soft, passionate but tender – and I was kissing him back. I met his mouth with an urgency that had been building since the first moment we had locked eyes.

  He was everywhere – every inch of my body was covered in him, and I was on fire. His scent overtook my senses and his mouth possessed mine. He gently dragged my lip between his teeth and I moaned into his mouth.

  He pulled back slightly and broke our kiss. His warm breath fanned my face as he spoke. “You can’t make that noise, Ells... Jesus, a man only has so much self-control.”

  “I vote for less self-control,” I whispered. I moved my head forward an inch and sucked his lower lip into my mouth. I felt him dig his hand even deeper into my flesh and welcomed it – I couldn’t get close enough to him.

  He slipped his tongue into my mouth and stroked it lightly against mine. We broke apart only when we were both breathless and panting. Lawson rested his forehead against mine and looked deep into my eyes. I shuddered under his intense gaze.

  I’d heard people talk about moments where they felt as though they could see into another person’s soul. I’d always thought it was a load of shit. But hell... this was one of those moments. He looked right through me and saw exactly what I was. And although I didn’t know everything there was to know about this man, I saw everything I’d ever need to know right in that moment.

  I broke our connection with a husky mumbling. “Holy shit.”

  Lawson shook my body lightly with his laughter. “I can’t seem to get enough of you.”

  He probably would though. He might get bored just like Baxter did. He’d find someone more exciting and move right along. I just needed to think about the now – enjoy what was happening between us and worry about the rest when I had to.

  The problem was, I knew I was falling for him already.

  How could I not?

  I dropped my eyes to his lips, memorizing the details of his rough, sexy stubble, his soft lips and strong jaw. I knew I would never forget a single detail of him.

  “Hmm hmm,” Quinn cleared her throat. “What the hell are you two doing down there?”

  Just like that the spell was broken.

  “I came to see if Bambi here could stay on her feet yet, but maybe I should just leave you to it?” I heard her tease.

  I turned away
from Lawson and squinted against the bright sun. Quinn gave me a smirk that screamed ‘I told you so’ and winked at me. I managed a goofy grin in response.

  Lawson had made no move to get off me, and when I turned back I found his eyes were still completely focused on my face. I was starting to think that he hadn’t even noticed Quinn standing over us until he pressed a quick kiss to my lips and jumped to his feet – carefully pulling me up with him. He gave Quinn a massive smile as he slipped his arm around my waist again.

  “Well it’s about damn time,” Quinn said dryly.

  I just stood there grinning like a fool at my best friend. Lawson was looking at me with a similar look on his own face.

  “Oh, sweet Jesus, you two are so sweet it makes me sick.”

  Lawson chuckled at his sister. “Ells is doing really well. A lot better than I thought she would,” he joked and nudged me.

  “It’s not as bad as I thought, Q. I’m still pretty shitty at it, but I’m getting better. You should show me what you can do.”

  “Oh no, no, no. You aren’t getting away that easy. Everyone is up in the lodge waiting to grab something to eat.” She turned to her brother. “You go on up, Law, we’ll catch up.”

  Lawson gave her a look that wasn’t all that fond and reluctantly slid his arm from around me. “I’ll see you in a minute, pretty girl.” He grazed his knuckles down my cheek, and I shivered. “Don’t let her keep you too long,” he whispered against my ear.

  “Save me a seat,” I whispered back.


  “Alright, Quinn. I’m listening.”

  She wrapped her arms around me and squeezed me in a bear hug.

  “Holy shit, what are you squeezing me for?” I choked out.

  Quinn pulled back to look at me. “God, El. If you could have seen the two of you just now... it was like a movie. You both look like you just won the damn lottery. Goofy grins. Flushed cheeks. Hell, I’m swooning, girl.”


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